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3831376 No.3831376 [Reply] [Original]

Quantum immortality is based on the Multiverse-interpretation of Quantum-physics. Theory is that whatever can happen will happen because the Universe is constantly branching into all possible alternative states on the Quantum level, so EVERY state-transition possible on the lowest level of existence (quantum foam) will immediately create a parallel reality. This will have implications on the macro-level naturally. So let's consider this experiment:
1) Take a revolver with six bullets, well oiled and in excellent working condition
2) Play Russian Roulette
3) Have fun hearing the clicking noise cuz it will fail 100% of the time
What happens in such cases ? According to Quantum Immortality, this depends on the observer.
To an observer other than you, you will die in 99.9999999 of cases. It's not 100% because there is always a chance that you have a lucky escape due to malfunction of the weapon or you just blow a quarter of you brain out so you can live as a vegetable from then on. But you will be dead in most cases.
To you, it's quite different. The one option where you really die can't happen because it's part of the set of universes you can no longer observe as you are no longer part of it as a sentient being. But you can observe one of the universes you continue to live in, so you automatically land in one of these. No death, though invalidity is more likely than having a malfunctioning weapon. It's impossible for you NOT to exists, thought it's perfectly normal for other people to die from your perspective.

>> No.3831402

this is the most retarded thing ive ever heard.

>> No.3831403

I read a short story based on that theory.

It ended with the protagonist - now the only surviving human - being eaten by a race of transgalactic earwigs so that his consciousness would form part of a vast cloud spanning the universe.

I think there's a lesson in that for all of us.

>> No.3831408


>> No.3831410

get eaten by space bugs and you become God


>> No.3831411

I don't believe in Everett's interpretation of QM. It shows the limit of human understanding of quantum phenomena, ie if you don't understand the logic of quantum interactions then explain it using a superposition of classical worlds.

Retarded. Not /sci/ence.

>> No.3831415

I read that too, pretty good.
Anyway, it has some criticisms which I'm sure you can look up. For example, there may well not be any possible survivor outcome of an event.

>> No.3831552


>> No.3831592

<span class="math"> 2^{2}[/spoiler] is easy to calculate.

>> No.3832196

I have SO much luck on "my" world that I think is possible to a certain degree.
Like, once 2 guys robbed me, one tried to hit me with a glass bottle but the bottle bounced off me because of my Headphones, I was harmless but without psp =(

You may really end up in the Best world for you, but in some cases, like the earth exploding, you will die on all universes. Being Sci, you know that simply you cease to exist on all universes.

>> No.3832213


>not understanding quantum theory

>> No.3832216

If I'm about to be hit by a bus, no part of the quantum foam is going to stop that bus annihilating me or pluck a bullet out of midair. That is not how QM works

>> No.3832222


>Have fun hearing the clicking noise cuz it will fail 100% of the time

Explication for this?

>What happens in such cases According to Quantum Immortality, this depends on the observer.


>To an observer other than you, you will die in 99.9999999 of cases

Explication for this?

>To you, it's quite different. The one option where you really die can't happen because it's part of the set of universes you can no longer observe as you are no longer part of it as a sentient being But you can observe one of the universes you continue to live in, so you automatically land in one of these

>die can't happen because it's part of the set of universes you can no longer observe
>observe one of the universes you continue to live in

Blatant Solipsism.

Any and All "research" and "theoretical" endeavors that have the word "Quantum" in them, are merely Solipsistic cult rituals disguised with a fancy name.

>> No.3832235

Are you willing to test this theory on yourself sir? I would suggest a .357mag hollow point.

>> No.3832441


Only he would know the result of the test though, almost 100% of the time. Hence test does not falsifiably test the hypothesis and is therefore not really a test...

>> No.3832766

OP should do this and then, on his world, he can be famous and brag about inmortality.
Everyone could on his own world.

>> No.3832804
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This is not true, and wouldn't work. There is no such thing as quantum immortality.

Yes, at every quantum juncture, all possibilities are followed. That doesn't mean that every world that you can conceive of is possible. It may be that all possibilities lead to your death.

Think of it like a formal system. You start with axioms, and create every possible statement. That doesn't mean you generate every statement. You explore a subset of all possible arrangements of symbols. In fact, most arrangements of symbols are not well-formed, followed by well-formed statements that can't be produced by the system, followed by producible statements.

The universe is no different. There is a starting state - or even an ensemble. Then the laws of physics are applied at each instant, and every quantum possibility followed. Run for 13.5 billion years, and you have explored only a tiny, tiny piece of the space of all possible universes. 99.99999+% of conceivable states will not be realized.

As a final example, consider garden-of-eden states in the game of Life. No prior state logically leads to them. In the real world, quantum alternatives will never lead to garden-of-eden states.

tl;dr quantum immortality is stupid and anyone that believes in it is a fool.