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3830998 No.3830998 [Reply] [Original]

breakdown of congress
215 Lawyer
189 Businessmen
12 M.D.s
3 nurses
2 dentists
2 veterinarians
1 psychologist
1 psychiatrist
1 optometrist
1 pharmacist
5 sheriffs
4 police officers
2 state troopers
2 probation officers
1 FBI agent
1 border patrol agent
4 chemists
3 physicists
1 biologist
1 biomedical engineer
6 ordained ministers
5 certified public accountants.


>> No.3831016

breakdown of op:

1 faggot.

>> No.3831017

>1 biologist

I am now convinced there is no hope for American politics.

>> No.3831019


>215 Lawyers

wfwf hatsood

>> No.3831024
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What does it matter what profession they have when all they are is puppets that don't have any opinion on anything and just listen to what the lobbyists whisper into their ear?

They're all corrupt. They're actors.

And they're actually convinced the middle and lower class citizens to think that corporate tax cuts for the super-rich who already have billions upon billions of dollars by promoting it like crazy on their corporate propaganda channels like FOX is somehow "good" and "patriotic".

I'm not saying that this is just a problem in America, but it just started to get really funny if you observe the US from an outside perspective. I watched the entire Republican debate and instead of raging about the inconceivable amount of stupidity of both what came out of those idiots mouths and the crowd's cheering after every "FUCK YEAH MURRKA" instead of answered the question, I just started thinking whenever I hear about America fuck something up AGAIN because half the population are brain-dead morons: "Oh look what those crazy, crazy yanks are up to again. Oh boy".

oh yeah and RON PAUL 2012

>> No.3831035

he is right about the debating culture in our schools. I hate it when teachers give you a side and tell you to argue that position. then swap everyone round and tell them to argue that position.

It should be: you read the evidence and argue whatever perspective you think think is best!

>> No.3831036

lol when i was a kid i just assumed they all read political science and trained as politicians and thats why they couldnt get things done

>> No.3831039



schools should teach rational thinking and part of that is learning how each side of an argument conceptualizes its position. Making students debate both sides of an issue gives them better insight into the human mind and will make approaching subjects from two sides habitual.\

You childish faggot

>> No.3831052

Learning to judge the evidence is more important than teaching kids how to manipulate debate to focus on weaker points while neglecting strong arguments.

>> No.3831059

> better insight into the human mind

LOL No it doesn't!!!

have you even participated in these bullshit debates???

it doesn't matter how much you tell them to adopt their opponents position, they won't. or only half heartedly, or formally., they are still very much in one camp and all that happens is they struggle to argue for the otherside. chance are kids have already got an opinion. theres no use fighting that directly. the point is to get them to analyse it from their own perspective, taking on different challenges from other, not by adopting someone else's which they will never be able to argue if they don't believe it.

>> No.3831074


bullshit again, learning and understanding a position is about integrating information from sources around almost all of which is from other people

Positions which one can't even take a logical position on to begin with because how and the hell can you logically prove your preference is more logical than mine?

That's what many issues come down to opinion.

>> No.3831088

be fair

if you're responsible for legislature you probably should know a thing or two about law
30-50% lawyers seems pretty reasonable to me
wouldn't hurt to replace a few of those "businessmen" though

>> No.3831110

>Not a single Economist

What the flying fuck. With all those businessmen, no wonder the US' congress is shit.

>> No.3831121

No, it really shouldn't. The hallmark of good debate is the ability to see why another person might both be reasonable and hold a different position. Being compelled to play the devil's advocate is good practice for that.

>> No.3831120


Yeah what the hell?

>> No.3831124

> lawyers
> on a body that makes laws
you don't say

>> No.3831127

>oh yeah and RON PAUL 2012

Ya blew it.

>> No.3831128

> economist
> law
There's enough policy wonks in Washington already.

>> No.3831130
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>> No.3831132


>people talented/intelligent enough to run businesses are a problem

>lawyers that contribute nothing are ok

Do me a favor plot a graph representing american prosperity as compared to the ratio of businessmen to lawyers in American politics over time and get back to me.

>> No.3831135


Define prosperity and I will give it a shot.


>> No.3831138


Since when are Lawyers any good at evaluating the economic consequences of a law? There's more to it than just writing an xbox-hueg document.

>> No.3831150


let's say the difference between HDI like factors in America as compared to the global average for the time period being evaluated.

>> No.3831157


I cant find a source of HDI over time.

Also, I havent checked, but it might be difficult to find some data about lawyers in congress over time too.

I think it might be better do graph percentage increase in GDP per capita over time.

>> No.3831159
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Enjoy your capitalism murrikkkans

>> No.3831165
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The role of congress is to make laws. Shouldn't they be mostly lawyers?

>> No.3831164


>GDP per capita

If you'd really want to use that, at least go for Real GDP per capita. But even better, don't pick a variable that doesn't represent citizen's wellbeing (given the US' extreme income inequality). HDI is more adequate. Try the World Bank or the UNESCO; they may have the data for it.

And last, but not least: Correlation != causation

>> No.3831170

Where do you live that doesn't have capitalism?

>> No.3831174

Typical american thinks the whole world is his country.

>> No.3831177


>> No.3831182

That doesn't really answer the question. But you're probably some euro who thinks because he has "free" healthcare his country is somehow better than America and isn't capitalist.

>> No.3831186


I thought real GDP would be better immediately after posting that.

Then I thought maybe CPI would be better, since GDP per capita doesnt necassarily represent what the normal people face, its just an average.

>> No.3831187
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Keep trying.

>> No.3831192

Well it's true for the most part, even though I'm American.

>> No.3831198

>No America
>No Euro

Shit tier 3rd world shit hole then.

>enjoy your capitalism

Yea we will, enjoy your mud hut.

>> No.3831200

Still doesn't answer the question, but I see you're obviously a socialist lunatic of a liberal, so you're probably just plain retarded from the start. It's because of fucks like you that nobody takes us seriously anymore.

>> No.3831204


CPI? That doesn't really help, if you don't know how incomes change. A country could face high inflation, but have even higher nominal income growth, thus making people better off.
It's also the FED's job to keep inflation in check, so it's not entirely relevant in the case at hand.

Maybe a first-difference model with HDI and lawyers (and a few control variables) would be the best, though the low variance in the explanatory variable would lead to high standard errors..

>> No.3831210


Ive got a french professor who thinks Europe is more capitalistic than America.

I think the source of confusion is in Europe they tax more, and they stereotypically regulate markets more.

Capitalism is defined as private ownership of production, and that is certainly true in europe. In fact, regulating a market doesnt make it less capitalistic. You could view european law as just setting boundaries in which capitalism occupies. For instance, in Germany their healthcare system is very functional, and its functional not because the government does anything but simply because the government set rules like "You cant deny someone healthcare."

The UK's healthcare system however, is probably a great example of not-capitalism, as doctors are all state employees and everything is run by the government.

>> No.3831212


>Hong Kong
>South Korea
>3rd World

pick one.

>> No.3831221

>but all those places are capitalist

>> No.3831231


Wasn't the point. You said any country outside of North-America and Europe is a 3rd world shithole.

>> No.3831257

Ahaha, you're getting all buttmad because capitalism is shit and you know it.

>> No.3831262

What would you suggest as an alternative, oh wise angsty teenager?

>> No.3831267

>oh wise angsty teenager?

Can't even talk to you if you're going to be a dick.

>> No.3831275

Needs more engineers and scientists.

>> No.3831285

So you have no alternative then. Ok

>Can't even talk to you if you're going to be a dick.
>Ahaha, you're getting all buttmad because capitalism is shit and you know it.


>> No.3831290

people that decry capitalism are usually morons.

so nothing of value was lost.

>> No.3831302

Lawyers and Businessmen have one thing in common, they have a superiority complex.
Lawyers feel superior by pressing legal buttons and Businessmen by having lots of cash.
Their roles are interchangeable, lawyers and businessmen are really one thing.

They dont know how to benefit society.
The democratic system is such that enables these types of professions in high political ranks.

>> No.3831317

It's horrifying how many lawyers are in the government

>> No.3831330

I would much rather there were a 100 less lawyers and 50 less businessmen at the very least. Then fill the gaps with scientists and engineers.

>> No.3831404

what is a businessman anyway?

if we talking about the classical fairytale entrepreneur type businessman, then there probably can't be enough of them anywhere

if we talking about people who had some kind of junior executive position in a already well established corporation for a year or two without any measurable or even negative success, and then lived on commissions and advisory fees they literally did nothing for, then we're talking about scum

>> No.3831612


100 accountants would be better.