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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 8 KB, 645x773, feeeeeeeeeeeeel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3830107 No.3830107 [Reply] [Original]

>That feel when this website is an unstable piece of shit
>That feel when my feel threads get autosaged

>That feel when I was born too early, I'll never be able to write holophoner symphonies for my girlfriend while she is studying abroad on Mars

>> No.3830110

fuck dude... i love that episode of futurama.. so sad

>> No.3830111
File: 47 KB, 500x416, Unsuccessful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3830113
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>Those feels.

I have no strong feelings one way or the other.

>> No.3830116

>that feel when your roommate never leaves the dorm room so you can't ever fap

>> No.3830121

>inb4 1hr long server crash

>> No.3830139

>That feel when I was born too early, I'll never be able to write holophoner symphonies for my girlfriend while she is studying abroad on Mars
You should be glad, for you're living the Golden Age of Mankind. After 2050, which is the beginning of the post peak oil age, human civilization will rapidly decline because of overpopulation, dwindling resources, environmental pollution, natural disasters, and social instability.

>> No.3830143

>that feel when i was born too late to explore the world

>that feel when i was born to early to explore the galaxy

>> No.3830159
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You may, however, write hydroaccoustic echo ballads for your genetically engineered mer-waifu. :3

>> No.3830164

moot tiene problema

>> No.3830167


>> No.3830172

get your shit together 4chan...shit

>> No.3830184

>that feel when my only purpose on this planet is to procreate and i can't even get that right

>> No.3830187

>that feel not even your plants love you anymore and they rather die than spend another day in your presence

>> No.3830193

>that feel when you try to not be aspie for once around your cute lab partner
>that feel when you can tell she is starting to like you too
>that feel when you were wrong and she has a boyfriend

>> No.3830215

>that feel when /sci/ is the only board without santa hats
>that feel when moot doesn't love us

>> No.3830221

>That feel when science & math have only brought me a lifetime of loneliness

>> No.3830224

>that feel when you will never be able to ride in a space elevator with your grandkids for their first time as they gasp in awe at the vastness of our galaxy

>> No.3830228

>>>>>We All Know That Feel Bro . avi

>> No.3830234

>that feel when you were born too early you will never die making a living as an asteroid miner

>> No.3830235

>That feel when science & math have only brought me a lifetime of loneliness

Yeah, because we are talking with robots here, right???

Using your logic talking with person on the phone is loniness?
Talking with someone on other room.....

>> No.3830250

>that feel when you were born too early and won't live to tell your grandbabies about how you were born on a little blue dot called earth

>> No.3830255

>implying space colonization and exploration could take off in as little as two generations, no matter the time period

>> No.3830256


you are not alone

we are here

we are all interacting, one way or another

people just changed the channel from sender to receiver

but now there are many more people and much more information

you are not alone

>> No.3830258
File: 78 KB, 990x637, goodbyeearth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3830267

>that feel when you were born too early, you will never live to be the first virgin over 200 years old

>> No.3830268
File: 31 KB, 600x392, lol u so silly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3830273


i teared

>> No.3830280

;_; i want that feel

>> No.3830282


....so much feel, why cant i hold all these feels

>> No.3830289

all of my feel

>> No.3830293

>that feel when you roommate is from china and has greasy hair that he scratches every 5 seconds and you were the first person to introduce him to deodorant

>> No.3830296


>> No.3830304
File: 19 KB, 480x663, tears-pf-joy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that feel...will i ever have that feel?

>> No.3830310

>That feel when the human race is doomed

>> No.3830311

because of the oil, right?

>> No.3830314

Yes, in your dreams or through hallucinogenic drugs.

>> No.3830316

we all deserve this feel

>> No.3830321
File: 7 KB, 316x202, sad_frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3830331


Way, way too deep.

>That feel when you say something, and people say "Can you repeat that in a simpler way?"

>That feel that you within 200 years, no one on this planet will remember who you are, and that your name will not go down in the history books (If the human race fucking manages to retain it's civilization for 200 years, which seems increasingly less likely as time goes on)

>> No.3830338

i'd love a wallpaper of this

>> No.3830339

No, not that, but all resources in general that we take for granted today. Probably the most valuable will be water. Fresh, drinkable water will become as valuable as oil in the future.

>> No.3830347


that feel, that feel

im going to blow this up into a poster and put it on my office wall

>> No.3830351

share it with the rest of us :)

>> No.3830352

>That feel that asteroid mining will never be used in your lifetime to create space stations the size of a football stadium, because we spend our money on religion (and wars based on religion)

>> No.3830356

so many feels... i don't want to be aware of these feels

>> No.3830357

>money used for religious purposes couldve solved cancer
>money used for religious purposes couldve solved world hunger
>money used for religious purposes couldve voted for palin

>> No.3830365


this. suddenly after seeing the image of the older human holding a new born human, looking at earth, and the title of the picture being "goodbye earth," I feel like my life is so desolate and inhibited.
>that feel when you have a lump in your throat after looking at that picture
>that feel when the only people who you are aware of having that same feel are on an imageboard called /sci/
>that feel when you cant show this to an IRL friend and discuss it

>that feel

>> No.3830367
File: 16 KB, 368x398, mfwlemmy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bro, that is fucking beautiful. You have made my night.

>> No.3830376

that feel when we were born just a couple decades too early, and huge discoveries will lead to large life-extension only after we all die.

>> No.3830378


>that feel when i know those feels

>> No.3830380

it's sad that the internet is the only place where i can share my feels.. oh well

>> No.3830387

that feel when everyone on this website is so fucking lonely and you empathize with them, and have a solution, but they'll never accept it because they don't want to confront their own histories and insecurities which have to do with their parents.


>> No.3830388


imo, off-world mining and living will be what finally ends our species' obsession with religion. At least with earth religions, anyway. I am sure some nitwit will found the cult of the Martian Overmind or some other bullshit like that.

>> No.3830394


>i know that feel bro . jpeg

>> No.3830396

and on social services provided by government. can't forget that.

>> No.3830397

yeah i agree...

>> No.3830403

you have a lot of mean feels, bro

>> No.3830408

sometimes man. but i work through it by reminding myself why people have these problems. but god damn i wish i knew what the 30 second, ultimate technique was to help people process trauma.

>> No.3830415

what's wrong bro?

>> No.3830417

I think the opposite. Space colonization and mining will actually enhance and strengthen religion. The spreading of religion has always been associated with conquest and expansion.

>> No.3830424


That is true as well.

Imagine what we would have if we put ever cent used to:

Deliver mail (Mail is pointless IMO, fedex and UPS can take care of all packages that have to deliver to your door)
Keep the ATF running
Keep everything except basic military to defend the country running
Get rid of medicare
Get rid of social security, give everyone their money back
Have a 10% flat tax that EVERY MOTHERFUCKER pays. Everyone.
And every single other retarded government funded job. Get rid of them all, put it all towards space and developing efficient means of creating energy that doesn't rely on dead dinosaurs.

Mars would be terraformed by 2100.

>> No.3830429
File: 5 KB, 259x194, mfw16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>suddenly after seeing the image of the older human holding a new born human

Does it worry anyone else that this guy might be an alien?

>> No.3830433

Wish granted

>> No.3830434

Religion will definitely find a way to adapt.
Christianity adapts to everything.
Look at modern protestants,
"believe in god, do whatever you want"
read it somewhere and that's it, that really is what they do.
And if you can use ur book to justify it, all the more power to ya.

>> No.3830441



>> No.3830444

i think religion will always be around, sorta like how there's still flat-earth theorists around. it'll just be looked at as a sort of joke by 99.999% of the population.

but this is a long way away. about 100 years or so for america, i'm guessing.

>> No.3830449

scratch that. it'll be more than 100 years for 99.9999% of the population to view it in that light.

i just mean the majority will see it that way.

>> No.3830453


Well, maybe some rational people somewhere will found a planet-colony for the advancement of society without religion. *takes comfort in false hopes*

>> No.3830454


Yup. Especially at the current rate, 100 years ago there wasn't even a measurable rate of atheists, it was less than 1%. now, it's at least 5-10% I would assume.

>> No.3830455


>> No.3830466

>sorta like how there's still flat-earth theorists around

I think you meant
>sorta like how there's still water-headed fuckwits around

>> No.3830472

>that feel when i've spent so many years on this website... so many terrible years

>> No.3830483

>That feel when you were a kid, and your "friends" always ditched you because you were too smart and they didn't understand half the shit that you talked about.

>> No.3830484


>that feel

>> No.3830488

>that feel...

>> No.3830492


god damn it.

Made me tear up. The memories....

>> No.3830497

>That feel when people talk about advances in civilization and it makes you want to go play Civ4

>> No.3830501

that feel mind lol

>> No.3830506

>that feel when you were in honors classes in elementary school and were made fun of for it

>that feel when you look at the world and can't stop thinking, you see everything for what it really is, meanwhile there are thousands of people within your immediate vicinity who have no clue

>> No.3830512
File: 6 KB, 200x113, we all know tha feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

>> No.3830513

I am way older then you and I dont mind having been born when I was born. I actually like pubic hair on women and bought shares of apple in the early 80's, and got to see Zappa live whenever he hit town.

Plus I think that my childhood and teenage years would have been boring as hell if there had been an internet for me to get addicted to.

I have seen many great discoveries in my lifetime. Some of them are common place to you but blew my mind at the time.

You will likely see many great discoveries in your lifetime too.

If you want to experience what it would probably be like to live in a mars colony, simply open up a closet, walk inside of it and live there.

>> No.3830519


Oh god

Is everyone else on /sci/ like this? Sometimes, I just can't get to sleep. All I think about is how the world works, how I can improve the world, etc. And yet, I know 99.9% of people never even think about anything like that at all. It will be the downfall of society, mark my words.

>> No.3830520

Since conceptions of atheism vary, determining how many atheists exist in the world today is no easy task.[17] According to one estimate, about 2.3% of the world's population are atheists, while a further 11.9% are nonreligious.[18] According to another, rates of self-reported atheism are among the highest in Western nations, again to varying degrees: United States (4%), Italy (7%), Spain (11%), Great Britain (17%), Germany (20%), and France (32%).[19]
Praise god!

>> No.3830522

Yep that feel

>> No.3830523


we should meet IRL bro, you think like me and i know of no one IRL who agrees with me

>> No.3830539

>we should meet IRL bro

Did anyone else just hear "Why don't you have a seat over there" in their mind?

>> No.3830541

the sky calls to us, if we do not destroy ourselves, we will one day...venture to the stars. a still more glorious dawn awaits, not a sunrise, but a galaxy rise, a morning filled with 400 billion suns

>> No.3830544


>implying this board is not filled with like minded university students

if we were on /b/ then i would agree with you, but /sci/?


>> No.3830551

aspergers, apsergers everywhere!
nobody liked you when u were a kid cuz you were weird
-space-outer master race

>> No.3830556

>implying the "suns" would all rise at the same time
nice poetic shit, brother

>> No.3830564
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>> No.3830567

Oh yeah man, I know what you mean. I simply want to get off this rock at least once during my shitty life. You also had some kick-ass music bands back in 80's, so I'm a little jelly. P.S. I don't mind pubic hair on women and 60's torpedo tits.

>> No.3830569


You dare contradict the Sagan!

>> No.3830578

nice one bro

>> No.3830580
File: 30 KB, 500x422, mootnew..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3830585


>> No.3830594

> the sky calls to us, if we do not destroy ourselves

>> No.3830595

>that feel when even that feel guy is going to a party
>that feel when you will never be invited to one

>> No.3830598


Get out of /sci/ right now.

>> No.3830608


>> No.3830625
File: 74 KB, 769x639, fu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3830626

>That feel when you realize that the earth is just as insignificant in the universe at the current moment, compared to 10,000 years ago.

>That feel when the human race will go extinct no matter what anyone does in the end, unless we can find a way to get out of this universe to escape the heat death/the big crunch.

>> No.3830635


Is it even known for sure that there are other universes? Does the math support it?

>> No.3830637

>that feel when if there was a button in front of me that could make all humans on earth disappear including me, i would press it

>> No.3830640


rofl i made that op like a year ago

>> No.3830648

OP here, read these, feel better:

>> No.3830651


That's funny, because I just made it after posting >>3830569

>> No.3830659

>That feel when nearly 20 years after Carl Sagan's death, we still have not waded any farther out into the cosmic ocean

>> No.3830664
File: 72 KB, 769x639, Carl-Sagan-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the image I made it from just now.

>> No.3830678

it's really quite depressing

>> No.3830684


Sadly, we won't, until it becomes profitable for some mineral company or the like. There's just not enough of a financial reason.

Protip, /sci/: If you want to propel man to the stars, figure out a way to make corporations take interest in exploiting the resources of the solar system. Corporate greed will send us farther than rocket fuel ever has.

>> No.3830685

>that feel when you go into your yard at 23:09 and look up at the stars, wondering if somewhere, someone is looking at the stars wondering the same thing

>that feel when you realize you cannot answer this

>> No.3830690

i'm quite familiar with this feel

>> No.3830697



>> No.3830704

>that feel is the worst feel i could ever feel

>> No.3830727
File: 18 KB, 500x500, mfw24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3830738

>that feel when i save all my studying and homework for sunday every week and regret it every time

>> No.3830750
File: 240 KB, 1600x1200, 1316741007416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


study right now then, i am already preparing for next week. studying and taking a 10 minute break every hour to browse /sci/ and drink water

>> No.3830758

i think i'll just spend all day tomorrow studying

>> No.3830787

feels good man

>> No.3830789
File: 71 KB, 1624x460, dubs7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3830798
File: 40 KB, 450x340, your_opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you're a free loader and don't pay shit for this service.

>> No.3830804


>> No.3830878

>that feel when we probably don't live in a simulation, and the reality you experiment isn't going to have an ending like vanilla sky

>> No.3830905
File: 531 KB, 1600x1062, 1315156458959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3830908

>that feel when I was born in a water moon. Some people, especially its inhabitants, called it a planet, but as it was only a little over two hundred kilometres in diameter 'moon' seems the more accurate term. The moon was made entirely of water, by which I mean it was a globe that not only had no land, but no rock either, a sphere with no solid core at all, just liquid water, all the way down to the very centre of the globe. If it had been much bigger the moon would have had a core of ice, for water, though supposedly incompressible, is not entirely so, and will change under extremes of pressure to become ice. (If you are used to living on a planet where ice floats on the surface of water, this seems odd and even wrong, but nevertheless it is the case.) This moon was not quite of a size for an ice core to form, and therefore one could, if one was sufficiently hardy, and adequately proof against the water pressure, make one's way down, through the increasing weight of water above, to the very centre of the moon. Where a strange thing happened. For here, at the very centre of this watery globe, there seemed to be no gravity. There was colossal pressure, certainly, pressing in from every side, but one was in effect weightless (on the outside of a planet, moon or other body, watery or not, one is always being pulled toward its centre; once at its centre one is being pulled equally in all directions), and indeed the pressure around one was, for the same reason, not quite as great as one might have expected it to be, given the mass of water that the moon was made up from.

>> No.3830980


>one one one

>> No.3830988


>> No.3830989 [DELETED] 


It was more to with the amount it was used.

Mix up them pronouns.

>> No.3831009
File: 241 KB, 772x772, Terraformed_Mars_by_Fluffyvito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The technology:

The will:

>> No.3831013
File: 46 KB, 560x365, elon_musk_falcon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The time (and one of the main kicks in the ass to get it started):

The economic benefits:
>At 1997 prices, a relatively small metallic asteroid with a diameter of 1 mile contains more than $20 trillion US dollars worth of industrial and precious metals.
>As of May 2010, 7,075 near-Earth asteroids are known,[14] ranging in size up to ~32 kilometers (1036 Ganymed).[16] The number of near-Earth asteroids over one kilometer in diameter is estimated to be 500 - 1,000.

>> No.3831044

I so fucking hope that all the new space countries (Japan, china, india etc) rise up. Eventually USA & Russia will be presented with a choice to be the ones to colonize Mars and gain 'control' over it, or cease to have power as one of other countries will be the ones to do it.

I give it 30 years.

>> No.3831060


The rumbling of the floor now felt akin to getting a gentle massage. It didn’t keep me awake, and it didn’t feel out of place. It was something I expected every time I went to sleep. Seven Earth days in, we were already 54,432,000,000 m or 54,432,000 km away from Earth. Every second, we traveled 90km. This was the pinnacle of human engineering at the time, a marvel among marvels, an engineering feat. It would take us 14.78 Earth weeks to reach Europa at this speed; it was about 500 million miles away. I remember when we just left Earth, everyone was crowded on the observation floor, the top deck of the ship with windows all around the atrium. Five minutes before the ship’s drive core would be activated, there was complete and utter silence as everyone gazed at Earth, some people would never see Earth again, others had the chance to return in the future. This here was the first group of humans, leaving their homestead planet Earth, and heading towards a new world. A world that had been prepared for us by our robots we designed to travel to Europa and construct living bubbles as we called them. Some of these bubbles were to be used for food production, some for living space and others for scientific research. It was found by one of our early probes back in 2019 that Europa indeed contained life, albeit microbes in the water, but still, it was there. We were to live in our bubbles on Europa until the researchers who were coming along with us would deem them safe to come in contact with. Before we could utilize the water on Europa, we had to make sure the microbes in the water were of no danger to us.