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3827724 No.3827724 [Reply] [Original]

why are most smart people butt ugly?

>> No.3827730

South Park told me that it's because pretty people don't have to work hard to get respect, and that ugly people have to work hard to overcome their ugliness.

>> No.3827734

dammit which episode is that from again. that scene is epic.

>> No.3827746

The contrast is fooling you. It's not that the ugly ones are so smart, but the pretty ones are SO! FUCKING! DUMB!

>> No.3827747

They aren't, there were statistics about this posted here not so long ago, I no longer have the links but basically the opposite of what you said is true

>> No.3827748

The List.

>> No.3827762 [DELETED] 
File: 279 KB, 2132x2263, 1297844401619 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could be that attractive people have an easier time finding a date and people to spend time with, which results in less time spent thinking and learning. People who are unattractive probably have poor social skills (people treat you different based on looks regardless), so they have more time to themselves.

>> No.3827763

but thats wrong because

inb4 retards that don't get it.

I only have one thing to say to that. what now bitches, what you got say about biology now?

>> No.3827766

Actually op it's quite the opposite.

Intelligent people have been shown to be more attractive than stupid and average people, by a wide margin. There are attractive dumbasses, but attractive intelligent people are more common.

>> No.3827765 [DELETED] 


>> No.3827786 [DELETED] 

>that feel when you're ugly, dumb, and poor

>> No.3827790


You're not discussing intelligence, you're discussing self-education.

A nerdy kid with average intelligence is more likely to appear intelligent to his peers because he's more likely to hyper focus on something than the equally intelligent, but socially adapted kids.

Keep in mind I don't mean to say that all nerds are not intelligent, but if you were a nerd you HAD to have fucking noticed that not all your nerd friends were all that smart, even if they tried hard to make that appearance.

>> No.3827794

okay then why are all of us ugly asocial shits?

>> No.3827797

That's not 54, that's at least 84.

>> No.3827795 [DELETED] 

You fail to understand that intelligence is a result of education, but what that education is happens to be the prime variable here.

>> No.3827801

no. wrong. my boys tell him why he's wrong.

and btw, stop projecting. no amount of education is gonna make you smart.

>> No.3827798 [DELETED] 

Because prefer to be around those who are at least normal looking.

>> No.3827802 [DELETED] 

That's not true, most intellectuals happen to be attractive. But I can see why you'd think ugly people are smart, looking at /sci/ and all.

>> No.3827809
File: 278 KB, 400x426, TRYINGTOTHINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ correlates with height, good health, symmetry, etc, which all strongly correlate with attractiveness

so, indirectly, IQ correlates with attractiveness, making OP wrong

but, being very attractive definitely makes it easier to be dumber. I think if I weren't so attractive I might have a chip on my shoulder, something to prove, and would work to make myself out to be even smarter than I am.

Instead I'm just confident and learn for my own sake, a lot of less attractive people would learn for the sake of bitter overcompensation.

>> No.3827812
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ITT: Denial

>> No.3827816
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>> No.3827814 [DELETED] 

Now you're just inferring unobstructedly and incorrect and misunderstood argument with both an argumentum ad populum, argumentum ad verecundiam, and primacy effects.

>> No.3827818
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ITT: ugly people that make themselves feel better by telling themselves all good looking people are stupid

>> No.3827819
File: 15 KB, 230x248, wiles-sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can split my exact sequence any time.

>> No.3827817 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 3021x1839, bug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no amount of education is gonna make you smart
you're american, aren't you?

>> No.3827823
File: 38 KB, 245x271, hahmmfancy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>confusing smart and learned

seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.3827826
File: 5 KB, 200x267, wolfram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I not *already* pregnant with his baby?

>> No.3827829

>no amount of education is gonna make you smart.

My God, man. What kind of shithole are you living right now?

>> No.3827831
File: 18 KB, 266x326, Bohr_Niels_7..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing gets me hot more than eyebags I can store my makeup in.

>> No.3827832

Seriously though, why are we all hideous virgins?

>> No.3827838
File: 74 KB, 500x500, tumblr_l3fzq8yFWz1qa9armo1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying Costanza is ugly

>> No.3827847

It would seem logical that attractive people are in fact, generally smarter than ugly people. Smart people tend to be more successful, and thus have a greater ability to breed with a more attractive mate. The offspring are then smart and attractive, and thus have an even greater likelihood of becoming successful. The cycle continues, which would produce a positive correlation between attractiveness and intelligence.

>> No.3827850


>> No.3827852

FUN FACT: this guy got in trouble because he cheated on his wife with his nurse at some point in his life.

>> No.3827869

IQ might correlate with looks, but actual academic achievement doesn't.

Would you have spent as much time in HS studying math if regular sex was an option?

>> No.3827871
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>> No.3827899

Actually tests showed that good looking people are MORE intelligent on average.
Ugly people compensate with trying to appear intelligent, learning more, working hard, and to be a successful scientist is 95% hard work.

That is almost common sense.

It all comes down to the way we interpret 'intelligence', i mean its very hypocritical to say that IQ doesnt measure intelligence and at the same time say that "guy x is smarter than y".
"IQ tests sux lul".

Its like saying that subjective opinion is better than standardized tests to measure anything.
Its like saying subjectivity is more objective than objectivity.

IQ may not be the best indicator of intelligence but sure personal opinion is not a better one.

Intelligence is mainly problem solving capacity, not reciting things you learned or talking fast or having good memory or having wider vocabulary, sure all of them can be influenced by intelligence, but its not the criteria to rank intelligence with.

>> No.3827902

I'm fucking sexy

>> No.3827914

This, except I already said most of this

oh, and except his definition of intelligence. There's a difference between smart and learned, and I'm not sure where intelligent fits in.

>> No.3827953

Am the guy you are quoting.

The brain is a pattern recognizing organ, the more educated you are the better you can recognize patterns, because you are more trained to do so and you have more knowledge to work with, you can process information with ease and arrive to conclusions faster and better than a person with no education, assuming they both have the same genetic intelligence.

Everyone has different genetic intellectual capacity, might be tiny difference or noticeable.
In a society like the today's western, almost everyone can get a proper education, in these societies genetics matter more because almost everything else is equal.

While in the previous centuries a person with higher genetic intelligence would appear dumber than a rich person with less genetic intelligence.

What i wanna say that intelligence is not some kind of fixed thing you can fit stuff into.
Education is not 'knowledge' that you throw on your 'intelligence' to process, its an intelligence enhancer.