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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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>> No.3827397

at least someone is pushing space exploration forward

fuck the US

>> No.3827399

I take it the fact the Chinese claim to be communist, Americunts are going to use it to further their argument that "science and atheism is evil," no?

>> No.3827401
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I for one welcome our new East Wind Space City overlords.

>> No.3827406

Or maybe just maybe this will trigger a second space race that will jolt us out of this depression and into the stars.

>> No.3827409

It's barely a recession right now... But yes, this might.

>> No.3827415

Yeah, but we're allied with the PRC now. They're our main inventory, and we're their main income.