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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3823757 No.3823757 [Reply] [Original]

Biogenesis General?

The thread from yesterday seemed to be pretty good. Anybody have any tips on how to tweak it so it's not so biased toward sedentary photosynthetic organisms? If I decrease the probability of green to 25 from 30, it seems to help a bit, but I still end up with relatively impenetrable colonies because they've evolved defenses that easily kill off the predators.

>> No.3823758


>25 to 30


>> No.3823761


Read it again

>> No.3823777

so far all I can do is increase the cost of blue and gray

Cyan is only good for a world without blue/gray coverage, as it allows predators, who want cyan to go find more to eat. For a plant, why have cyan when you could have yellow?

>> No.3823791
File: 27 KB, 512x384, 1307829614508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3823807

EK! Tell me you're going to download this.

>> No.3823808

how can i get the fps higher? I have a good computer that only runs it at like 20.

It seems green needs to have a higher cost, but ive found just leaving it for like 2-3 hours will sometimes produce predators that nearly wipe out the vegetation.

>> No.3823815

I plan to, just when i have more time to properly experiment with it.

>> No.3823816
File: 18 KB, 656x415, pic-related.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, back to basics.

>> No.3823818

Server to play on?

>> No.3823821

Only way is to keep the number of organisms and the size of your world down.

>> No.3823827

Hey EK can you post some camshots for me to jack it off to?

>> No.3823833
File: 239 KB, 1366x768, bior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what to do now, maybe lets get some networking on? To mix up enviroments?

>> No.3823846

Increase the cost of blue.

>> No.3823847


Click on world, then parameters, then decrease your time per frame value.


I don't think it's an issue of his computer not being able to handle, I think it was him merely not knowing how to change it.

>> No.3823861

>>3823847 here

I have mine set to 1 ms, so it's running at 1000 fps.

Question: Do changes in cost take effect immediately or do you have to start fresh?

>> No.3823871

just get rid of blue and grey sticks I guess, the organism will have to compete in order to resist carnivores

>> No.3823873
File: 71 KB, 635x653, ftgtg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Done, so far I have not been able to generate any cool predators, just these.. sticks

>> No.3823882

why every organism has just 4 genes even when you can add however many you like?

>> No.3823883
File: 9 KB, 666x481, primordial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Primordial soup stage, some of the algaes have evolved flagella and are more likely to reproduce because there is more surrounding space. Still waiting for a cambrian explosion...

>> No.3823890
File: 65 KB, 726x623, cambrian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thing are kicking off now, venus fly traps have evolved, this will probably be the general layout for many units of time to come

>> No.3823897
File: 60 KB, 796x799, cambrian2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now we have islands of parasite plants surrounded by strands of fast breeding fast moving bacteria, these bacteria move around randomly eating carcasses and breeding as much as possibly, most die but only a few need to find food for the species to continue, their first offspring is another parasite plant

an interesting form of symbiosis, the plants provide energy, the bacteria spreads their seeds

>> No.3823912

i left the game to stew for an hour
first the predators died out because of armored plants evolving early
then because the armor was costly they shed it over the next few generations so the population was entirely undefended plants
then i introduced a simple predator
10 minutes later there are now no plants and the predators are dieing out because none of them have a green segment :D
TL;DR invasive species kill everything

>> No.3824010


>as it allows predators, who want cyan to go find more to eat

Part of the problem is that movement is random, no AI. So movement adds no evolutionary benefit. An armored plant has it's food needs assured, whereas most predators bounce around like retards for a couple minutes and then starve to death. The predators are more entertaining to watch, but they are clearly inferior to the plants.

>> No.3824025

Darwinism at its best. Also irony.

I did something similar. Made a very nice self sufficient bugger (mass of 893.6 full grown), takes him about 3 years to reproduce, but i dont think he can really be killed. No reds on him, green yellow cyan and white. Oh, and blue for shielding.

Made another one with reds on it, in the inner prongs. Should be interesting to see who survives. Logic would say the one with red, but who knows.

>> No.3824047


this lmao

>> No.3824053


>So movement adds no evolutionary benefit

It does, otherwise solely predatory organisms would have 0% chance of survival, it's just integrated poorly and is in severe need of improvement.

>> No.3824058


My guess is that a detector gene will be in the next update. More detector genes mean the predator organism should orient its feeders/killers more accurately and find targets from further away.

>> No.3824074


>It does, otherwise solely predatory organisms would have 0% chance of survival

Pay attention: There are NO predatory organisms in this simulation. There are plants that sit still and get their energy from the sun, and there are plants that move at random and get their energy from bumping into others. The ones with a steady food source always out perform the ones with random food source.

>> No.3824091

Nonsense. Plenty of us can attest to world-wide extinctions at the hands of highly-mobile predators. I'd like to see you make a non-blue, non-gray species that can withstand them in the long term.

> there are no predators
Don't be ridiculous. What else is a predator but one that consumes others for its energy?

>> No.3824120


>Don't be ridiculous. What else is a predator but one that consumes others for its energy?

A predator is a hunter. A predator moves toward it's prey to kill it, not because it's left rear leg fired at random. A predator thinks about how to use it's strength against it's prey's weak area (I need to hit my red spike against that opening in his blue armor, and avoid that gray spike that will kill me instantly.) In this sim, 'predators' are just as likely to die from contact with their non moving opponent, as two non moving opponents who are bumped into each other by a third party are.

This is not the definition of predation.

>> No.3824143
File: 252 KB, 1366x768, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is going on here guys? I left it open for 30 min and fet this

>> No.3824151

So you are completely incapable of using the word "predator" in this context because real predators have eyes, and there isn't even a gene for eyes?

Well I guess we shouldn't call the rest "plants" because real plants use photosynthesis, not numbers on a computer.

>> No.3824160

I like to tweak the red cost from .2 to .5
keep green cost from 0 to .02
blue 1
cyan 0
white 2
gray 3
yellow 0

and if you change the metablolism of chemorganotrophic to 2.0 (or higher i guess)
you can increase the red cost and make really voracious predators. Decreasing the green energy divisor (to 475-450) can make a lot more small plants sprout for the reds to eat.

this setup starts to get grey, so you have to tweak that too. fucking awesome though.

>> No.3824184

dude. you talk about bacteria. they cant think so complicated. the best they can do is move towards food, but thats it.

>> No.3824198


>> No.3824219


>So you are completely incapable of using the word "predator" in this context because real predators have eyes, and there isn't even a gene for eyes?

Is that what you're arguing about? I thought we were talking about why the default settings always lead to a bunch of plants. I answered that question. But now that you mention it, I think it would be more apt to refer to them as 'retards' until such time as they add AI to the sim.

>> No.3824246
File: 9 KB, 469x329, derp-biogenesis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> retards

>> No.3824265

i think grays make no sense
there's no such thing as a death touch

>> No.3824281

Man I love it when there's a farm of greens and then a mutation pops out and fucks everyone up

>> No.3824285
File: 34 KB, 736x402, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Create world

>> No.3824288


>Plenty of us can attest to world-wide extinctions at the hands of highly-mobile predators. I'd like to see you make a non-blue, non-gray species that can withstand them in the long term.

Oh, and I'd like to see you take a predator you're really proud of and replace his cyan bits with green bits, then let them face off. I'd bet money your motionless predators will out perform the ones flying around at random.

>> No.3824316


only because predation is flawed as fuck due to the lack of a tracking mechanism

>> No.3824325

not if you tax green and give red more efficient metabolism.

>> No.3824341

It depends on when they're introduced. There obviously has to be a threshhold population before a predator can be supported.

I will turn the mutation rate wayyyyy down, and accept this challenge. As soon as CO2 stabilizes and is used up from three seeds, I will introduce the predator at three sites. Caveat: the green form of the predator cannot survive, (which should tell you something) so I extended the cyan->green segment to 18.

>> No.3824343
File: 80 KB, 492x559, costacopulous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3824344 port 8888 try me

>> No.3824393


Cool. I'm glad this has moved beyond an argument and into a test. Could you post the genetic codes of your two combatants so that others can verify your results?

>> No.3824396

You are right. My predator bred here at work is not making it. I tried five times. I will try when I get home, where I have many more predators from multiplayer.

Cool experiment.

>> No.3824411

forgot pic

>> No.3824413


Who did you intend on responding to?

>> No.3824415
File: 91 KB, 1601x1181, pic-related.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> can't sage for correction and noko to stay here
goddamn everything

>> No.3824438


Oops, to Marion at >>3824396


Feel free to tweek the conditions and try different scenarios, but my hypothesis is that when predators collide with non movers, they are only slightly more likely to kill than be killed, like 55:45 (some bullet or dart shapes may be 75:25.) But, they are far more likely to spin around in circles or run off to the corners and starve to death than the plants are, which is always 100:0 in the plants favor.

>> No.3824466

Watching the interaction between the two individuals was very enlightening. Thank you /sci/.

>> No.3824479

>colony of green-yellow
>suddenly red mutates
>they're eating each other
I bet this is what being god feels like

>> No.3824485

I've seen mobile predators mutate into immobile ones and thrive before, but not as often as I've seen entire non-blue plants wiped the fuck out by some predators. I think your reasoning seems valid but something is off. Last night I had a very hearty plant species that survived three waves of attacks from a strong predator, I thought I finally won out, but when I woke up everything was dead. Too bad I was asleep to miss it.

Mostly I've found that mutation favors the predator more than the prey in the absence of complete blue wheels. Within ten minutes I've seen predator shapes change to match the plants, if they can find enough to eat in the first place.

But, I've always started with certain kinds of plants. I've never just took a predator and turned it into a plant before. This. Changes. <span class="math">Everything[/spoiler].

>> No.3824505

It's /sci/, the thread isn't going anywhere brah.

>> No.3824515

I see the issue now.

The immobile predator with green is strong against the mobile predator without it. But the immobile predator with green is weak against non-predator mutations of itself (no red). If the base predator species is introduced at that time they flourish.

Also, it is true that there's a good chance that flourish will peter out as there's not enough plants and too much inter-species killing. But online, there's a constant influx of shit from other portals, so the chances of them coming back is very good unless whoever you're connected to is doing exactly what you do, and not deliberately pasting the predator into your world.

>> No.3824545

I'm noticing that turning mutations down too low tends to make things pretty boring. Predators can't survive, because they either kill everything and have no food, or they aren't effective enough and just die out. With a bit of mutation, there are weak to feed on and predators can stick around in the long term.

Also, putting a cost of 1 on blue really helps make it not so overpowered. It protects from stray gray hits, but a dedicated little bugger flying into it repeatedly still kills it.

>> No.3824719

did someone ever got less than 500 CO2? the life expectancy of my world is 30 and the lowest it got is 525,1.
it was in a period where no predatory were active, for around 300 time units. there were around 5 mass extinctions, where the CO2 got up to 1000, and then back to 500-600. this game is fucking awesome.

>> No.3824771

That's probably an effective limit. How much green can pull from the environment is a function of how much there is in the environment.

From the manual
> Green: they obtain energy from the Sun and the carbon dioxide and release oxygen. The quantity of energy obtained depends on the amount of carbon dioxide present at the environment and on the segment's length. The oxygen amount released is the same as the carbon dioxide absorbed.

>> No.3824821

I come over to the computer, plop down some of the razor-style predators I have pictured above, they flourish but then die out. Again and again. However, I had to step away from the computer for a long time. During this time plants mutated away from being able to withstand predators, they're barely holding on, whereas before there was never a moment of concern the plants would survive.

>> No.3824840
File: 144 KB, 1366x768, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These seem to be doing pretty well on their own. I'm going to throw in some plants to see how they do.

>> No.3824860

Nice, post a pic of their construction if they hold up in the face of competition.

>> No.3824877
File: 48 KB, 1600x734, pic-related.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This last injection has caused a radical shift in plant development.

>> No.3824885
File: 110 B, 14x17, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd bet money your motionless predators will out perform the ones flying around at random.

I've seen these little buggers around for the last 500 time units. They haven't died out, they haven't overhunted, and despite having an 8% mutation rate, they don't just change and go away. They are predators, and they are successful.

>> No.3824902
File: 250 KB, 1366x768, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I might have to resort to blue-guarded plants. They're decimating anything I put in. These are the most effective motile predators I've seen by quite a large margin.

Picture related- their genes if you want to try them out.

>> No.3824946

>Picture related- their genes if you want to try them out.

That is waaay too much to try to input manually. You're aware you can export the genes as a text xml file, right?

>> No.3824955

No gray is surprising.

>> No.3825033


The formatting wasn't kept and I'm not sure if it matters, but...

text- upload(dot )com/read. php?id=148144&c=1242502

If that fails, I guess I can put the .bgg on megaupload.

>> No.3825050

Just open it up in notepad and paste it here, the formatting doesn't matter.

>> No.3825069


That was the first thing I tried, actually. It was too long for the comment section, so I put it on text-upload.

>> No.3825076
File: 17 KB, 514x570, biogenisis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3825094

Hahaha, fucking 4chan.

>> No.3825134

Are the default parameters fine or should I be using custom ones?

>> No.3825136

I lowered the CO2 to give them a bit of breathing room and now it's tending toward ones with larger, forward-facing red claws.

>> No.3825152

Infector genes need to be buffed.

>> No.3825156

Depends on if you want everything to be a wheel with blue on the outside and green and yellow spokes or not.

>> No.3825159

Blue should not be immune to white.

>> No.3825200

Blue should only heavily decrease the chances of negative events due to contact and have a slightly reduced default cost because of it because in nature, no armor is perfect.

>> No.3825213

Horay, my world of red-spiked green wheels finally has some predators. Now how long will it last...

>> No.3825223

I just made a new world, removed everything and made a single unit green organism with minimum size. Time to see how the game's parameters will go without any outside interference.

>> No.3825265
File: 119 KB, 788x711, outbreak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expected outcome.

>> No.3825384

I'd accept that. Time to hack the source.

>> No.3825418

It's not perfect, it only protects the parts it covers, and it's not that likely to cover everything.

>> No.3825436

You clearly haven't seen armored plants. They're basically a circle of blue around a system of green. Once one comes around, it becomes dominant, assuming there's predators.

>> No.3825446
File: 51 KB, 655x414, What is this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What have I done?

>> No.3825447
File: 442 B, 54x53, Immo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not true. I've had several worlds turn into nothing but little predatory flies and what i call "immortal" plants that are spirals surrounded in blue with their cores as far from the edges as possible. The flies only feed off the mutated immortal offspring.

>> No.3825639

bump and

Symbiosis. pic related.

>> No.3825643
File: 97 KB, 1024x768, symbiosis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck forgot the pic

>> No.3826134

It is not mentioned in the docs, but, FYI for everyone:

RED hits blue:
If blue has a cost, and the creature cannot afford it because it lacks the energy, then red successfully takes energy from blue. It's not just that blue has a cost, which may kill it; blue has a cost, and may fail to shield from red. Of course, this only matters if the cost is high enough that there's useful energy left over.

WHITE hits blue:
If blue has a cost, the blue organism pays that cost and that's that. If blue is free, the blue organism *IS* *INFECTED*.

GRAY hits blue:
similar to red, except instadeath.ki

>> No.3826223
File: 39 KB, 1036x585, faggotorganisms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel OP. Although I recently started a world where photosynthetic organisms were just getting devoured and didn't have enough time to evolve their blue membranes.

>> No.3826309
File: 500 B, 64x64, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have that now. Pic related

>> No.3826321
File: 54 KB, 896x613, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess that the screenshot feature selects one organism only. Here it is.

The predators ran out of prey which is why they are low. In a bit, they will ransack the producers. Will post if I am still on.

>> No.3826359
File: 54 KB, 1050x573, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me.

So a bunch of these 1 line assholes came up and have displaced my favorite predator. They are much more direct in their movement. They will go on direction and stick to it. They focus on either feeding off others or infect them with their DNA. Once they start the reproduction cycle, they are dispered.

>> No.3826369

Marvelous, in under 50 time units, my favorite predator developed blue segments on the outside to defend against the one line assholes. My favorite predator is now making a comeback. The producers are still getting screwed, but for some reason, the reproduction cost is so low that they are able to just hold on. Until then, it is a predator vs predator showdown.

>> No.3826397
File: 322 B, 36x36, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me again, a race of pure predators has developed and is also flourishing. The last of my favorite predators has died, and the only hope for the species is the 27 organisms that it infected. Very impressive considering there are only 169 organisms in my world right now.

Pic related, it is a variant of the pure predator species.

>> No.3826448
File: 62 KB, 1013x635, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My last post in a while since nobody seems interested in my findings. My favorite predator's infected organisms were killed before they reproduced. It is now extinct.

The race of pure predators has become some sort of monstrosity. They have effectively fended against the one line assholes because of the superior shape.

The producers have completely avoided blues because the one line predators were small enough to bypass those defenses. As defense, they have replaced the blue segments with grey segments. What dies does is that even if a one liner infects a producer, the other producers can destroy the offspring while the original producer destroys the one liner predator.

Pic related, explains what I mean.

>> No.3826470

I'm reading, just not much to say.

Been working some more on breeding non-cyan version of predators, got some great white/green things out of it by continuous pressure from the base predator.

>> No.3826490


Seriously, fuck the one line predators... several of my entire worlds have been annihilated by flying v's

>> No.3826492
File: 118 KB, 1280x800, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is me again, decided to post with trip code.

The predators have all been wiped out. The gray segment defense was clearly proven as superior against the blue segment defense.

CO2 levels have dropped dramatically after the the new proliferation of producers.

My favorite producer was somehow able to live on inside the DNA of its victims. Apparently one or two of the infected organisms did not die. The last remaining one has now infected two producers. It seems the cycle I just described will repeat again since my favorite predator was the originator of the Pure predator race and one line assholes.

>> No.3826529
File: 78 KB, 1189x628, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrible news. My favorite predator has reproduced the one line predators once again.

The selected predator is the predator I keep calling my favorite predator. I might call it the Inuyasha paradigm. I will post its genes if anybody is interested. It seems very capable at surviving mass extinctions, of course it only survived one.

>> No.3826539

Yes, this time the Inuyasha paradigm has completely reproduced the one liner assholes.

It has become extinct; therefore, the new name is now the Retard paradigm for creating a being that it can no longer challenge.

>> No.3826543

yeah post a pic or the source

>> No.3826545

Hm, I would like a link please.

>> No.3826558 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 383x313, omgwtfrudoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Running the sim on slow

>> No.3826570
File: 134 KB, 1280x800, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the sequence of the Retard paradigm.

I should probably mention that I am using default settings, yet I have produced a vastly different world that most of you.

Out of the 3 mass extinctions, the retard paradigm has consistently produced one liner predators and somehow fooled me into believing that it is instrinct.

>> No.3826590
File: 12 KB, 648x411, pic-related.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> implying my shitty laptop from five years ago can manage that

Will try it out. Try pic related.

>> No.3826598

link to the program?

>> No.3826608


>> No.3826609

You need java, which makes me disappointed since it would run so much better on C++: http://biogenesis.sourceforge.net/

The retard paradigm has evolved into a new shape. It is much more circular. The spokes have become more integrated.

>> No.3826618


Thanks mates, I appreciate it.

>> No.3826632

Astonishing events. My CO2 level reached 200. Massive extinction just happened. The retard paradigm has been extinct for at least 1 minute while running the game at 100 fps.

I am considering spawning it again.

>> No.3826630 [DELETED] 

where download

>> No.3826635


>> No.3826643

If you download hamachi there are some of us in the room
/sci/ battles
password: biology

>> No.3826741

Which one of you do i connect to, and on what port

>> No.3826747

I have come to the conclusion that any world will 100% produce one line predators. One line predators do no need a precursor predator, and the chance of that happening seems to be very high. After the raid of online predators, species of producers with green, yellow, and either grey or blue will survive. The grey and blue are quickly bred out and replaced with white.

Red and cyan seem to be the naturally selected against segments.

>> No.3826751

what the fuck?

did this board become the biology major hangout?

fuck you guys, go back to

>> No.3826756

Red is favored against, yellow is favored for, white/grey are favorable aswell, and any blue/green organism (blue outer, green inner) will survive to 30.

>> No.3826778

I am physics/computer science double major. I just found this application of programming very interesting.

>> No.3826779
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>> No.3826783

oh, sorry, we're using port 8888

>> No.3826787

Tried to connect. Kinda confused on how. I used the managing port thing, but it didnt work?

>> No.3826789

Did you design those yourself?

Right now, all I am doing is letting it naturally happen.

I will do a world soon designed for genetic engineering of these organisms.

>> No.3826800

I disagree about blue outer green inner. In the very competitive environments, I have seen that the blue organisms cannot keep up with the respiration costs.

Also, in a very highly hostile environment, blues will only fair well if the enemy predators cannot consistently attack the blues. Blues only do well in a hostile environment if the population is low.

Grey and white are only beneficial in a short run.

>> No.3826815

Not sure if anybody noticed, but there is a glitch where if a predator with a red segment comes to an organism at a certain angle and velocity, the attacked organism just completely disappears, does not die or scatter. The attacked organism could be at very low age and high energy. It is very peculiar. The attacking red segment length does not seem to matter.

That and the fact that predators have no sensing capabilities might be the reason that predators do not do well in the long-run.

>> No.3826821
File: 390 B, 38x39, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very peculiar specimen. It seems to be doing very well. It somehow completely destroyed an entire green/grey producer species.

>> No.3826825
File: 396 B, 37x36, 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a variant that will soon die out since it cannot reproduce effectively.

>> No.3826829

Think that's mine, its damn close to.

>> No.3826834

everything I've designed on purpose fails

shit's getting real on my screen now, pic related

>> No.3826836

wut... the /sci/ battles network is full

>> No.3826843

Experimenting with default values for a while, it seems that the cost for white should be increased to at least 1.2 or 1.3. Cost for grey should be around 1.5 - 2.0.

I experiment on my world. I have not mingled with your experiments. I think this has great potential for experimentation.

>> No.3826847
File: 50 KB, 1278x614, pic-related.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3826852
File: 496 B, 46x46, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is exactly why I think grey should have a higher cost.

Green's probability should be decreased to around 26 or 28.

Do not mess around with mutation rate. It is already volatile enough as it is.

>> No.3826854

I seem something in the upper right corner that is extremely close to the retard paradigm. It seems to be doing very very well.

>> No.3826855

Yeah a lot of us turned up gray's cost. I think mine is at 7.

>> No.3826859

I forgot to mention. Your designs involve triangles heavily. I would suggest more spokes and circular designs. The seem to work in my all natural simulation.

>> No.3826861

oh yeah those are crazy good killers, I introduce them on purpose to test my plants

>> No.3826873
File: 656 B, 81x77, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not realize that the retard paradigm had such potential.

Your gray cost is extremely high. It makes it naturally selected against pretty heavily.

Here is a design that I found that is working extremely well. The blue protects some parts. The gray makes it so that anything that enters will be killed. One line parasites and one line predators have failed heavily.

>> No.3826887

I usually set the blue cost high because I think it is kind of boring when the blue wheels show up. I'm trying to breed plants that are hearty without needing blue.

>> No.3826896
File: 185 KB, 1280x800, 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one more the recent super plants I have seen. It is 2 generations below the one I just posted. It is excellent, but I can see that if a parasite hits the gray just right, then it is fucked.

I have my blue cost at around 2, and it still does extremely well even in a 500 CO2 environment. It eliminates the other plants quickly.

>> No.3826908

I don't like grey genes, they essentially make red and white obsolete and they are the most interesting.

>> No.3826920

Gray genes serve a different purpose. They are just absolute defense or absolute destruction. White is absolute reproduction. Red is absolute survival. Green is independent survival. Yellow is assertive reproduction.

>> No.3826923

I've found white very beneficial in the face of a lot of predation. Twice last night, some plants avoided extinction because they infected one of the predators, then came back to flourish.

>> No.3826936

Optimal cost for blue found around 3.2. I found this through mathematical calculations. This assumes around a 2:1 produce to predator ratio, which I found is quite common.

>> No.3826945

4.5 works decent enough for 3:1 or higher.

>> No.3826950


>> No.3826953

The cost ratio of blue:white: grey is 2:1:3.5

>> No.3826955
File: 79 KB, 612x634, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy with the hilarious cyan only creature. Standard settings. White fucked all over the population, but is now getting shit together.

>> No.3826957

Yes, I was basing it on that.

>> No.3826968

Since the predator population is so volatile because of bad design, the ratios should be consistently changed to match the population. Somebody could contact the coder of this project.

>> No.3826979

At a certain point all the predators die off because they touch some plant with a grey prong sticking out of it, it's a bit excessive.

>> No.3826981

has anyone else done deliverate events to there world after certain amount of time has passed for example a MASSIVE increase in the co2 levels or giving energy to a certain organism results can be interesting

>> No.3826988

>a MASSIVE increase in the co2 levels
suddenly 2fps

>> No.3826989

I did that just now. Disastrous mass extinction.

Only one organism survived. I was quite worried that I would have to reload an earlier save.

>> No.3826998

I don't understand the red and blue squares....am I actually connected to another person's world?

>> No.3827003
File: 83 KB, 617x637, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some times, the CO2 spikes happen on their own. Damn yellow spawning like rabbits.

>> No.3827005

I'll give 100$ to whoever can make the first multi-cellular organism.

>> No.3827006
File: 13 KB, 513x238, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea, i am def worried right now.

>> No.3827015

I tried so hard. I had quite a few that got hung up on each others' protrusions, but you can't place an organism in another's box.

>> No.3827022

I just introduce predators to clean up. If plants die, fuck 'em, too weak.

>> No.3827025

The situation has turned drastic. I have tried increasing CO2 levels to ensure survival. All the current producers have gone completely green. Nothing else at all. It has been like this for 100 time units.

>> No.3827073

can somone explain to me the parameters primarily organisms and metabolism for example : segment upkeep cost devisor defualt setting is 5000 wht does that 5000 equal

>> No.3827082

I've had a few armored plants show up, and they always die out. They don't live long enough to successfully reproduce. Life expectancy is set at 25. So far the filter feeding plants seem to be the most successful.

>> No.3827086

the website explains all those settings

>> No.3827087

I recommend spinny on the main site. It is an amazing creature.

>> No.3827103
File: 35 KB, 1081x631, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small fast predators thriving right now.

>> No.3827111

Thrived too much, caused another mass extinction.

gg, guys

>> No.3827124

I called them one line assholes. I have a nice story about them above.

>> No.3827117 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 387x500, bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not setting co2 to 1000000
>not setting life expectancy to 10

>> No.3827129


>not setting mutation rate to 1%

>> No.3827137

An interesting pure predator that I found:

<genetic_code symmetry="3" mirror="no" disperse="yes"><gene length="18.0" theta="0.3490658503988659" color="green"/><gene length="18.0" theta="3.4033920413889422" color="yellow"/><gene length="18.0" theta="5.305800926062761" color="cyan"/><gene length="18.0" theta="5.515240436302081" color="red"/><gene length="18.0" theta="5.1487212933832724" color="red"/><gene length="18.0" theta="5.3930673886624785" color="red"/></genetic_code><genetic_code symmetry="3" mirror="no" disperse="yes"><gene length="18.0" theta="0.3490658503988659" color="green"/><gene length="18.0" theta="3.4033920413889422" color="yellow"/><gene length="18.0" theta="5.305800926062761" color="cyan"/><gene length="18.0" theta="5.515240436302081" color="red"/><gene length="18.0" theta="5.1487212933832724" color="red"/><gene length="18.0" theta="5.3930673886624785" color="red"/></genetic_code>

>> No.3827165
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>> No.3827186 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 1157x937, um.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there no one in /sci/ battle or am I doing it wrong?

>> No.3827188

if the portals appear, you're connected to someone

>> No.3827216
File: 124 KB, 1157x937, um.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there no one in /sci/ battle or am I doing it wrong?
How do I connect to /sci/ battle. Why can't I see the server where the portal leads?

>> No.3827239
File: 236 KB, 1020x618, bunkersandbusters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright /sci/ I've found a neat equalibrium.

Start a new worth with 25,000 CO2
Make red cost .2, but give it a metabolism of 2
Give green a metabolism of 475

Spawn a creature with these genes
:15, 2 green
:2.6, 0 green
:2.0, 0 yellow
:18,253 blue

Now wait.

And wait.

Eventually very small red/cyan creatures will spawn. They find ways to penetrate the blue "bunkers" (as i call them) and eat them. Some how everything stabalizes, and every other creature dies off.

>> No.3827339
File: 64 KB, 773x547, boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i designed that predator with my hands, i added more cyan because on grey contact the higher velocity one wins. and the design just works.

and its only weakness is itself and mutation

>> No.3827355
File: 155 KB, 1262x652, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit, game over.

Gonna cook up a predator for kicks.

>> No.3828093

that will take way to long to reproduce with that many genes. Maybe replace the gray with white?

>> No.3828101

can anyone else connect to /sci/ battle?
I cannot.

>> No.3828124

is there a way to tweak the segment upkeep cost divisor to discourage small/encourage big organisms?
im gonna try but my experiments usually fuck up my ecosystems.

>> No.3828135

this program needs directed motion on the cyan segments and sensory organs to respond to environment

and a way to form physical barriers

also blue segments are to powerful

>> No.3828154

Hey, can anyone else change the energy lost by dead organisms?
I keep trying to change it, but it just reverts as soon as I leave the preferences screen.

>> No.3828159
File: 147 KB, 432x320, 2345667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know of a way to change the energy lost by dead organism parameter everytime i try to change it it defaults back to it original value.

>> No.3828161


dead mind

>> No.3828164

Is there any segment that actually does respiration? I have a lot of O2 in my atmosphere and very little CO2.

>> No.3828201

I'm going to be that guy. Can I get the name of this program? Is it free?

>> No.3828211

FUUUUUU this is really annoying me that biogenesis can't change the energy released at death. If the corpses didn't expire so quickly, predators could have a much higher population in the world.

>> No.3828213

And yes, it is free.

>> No.3828214

Red, when it attacks, releases some small amount of CO2. Otherwise critters have to die

>> No.3828339

What purpose does oxygen serve in this game?

>> No.3828346

None, other than to know what the total CO2 was at some point in the game (CO2 + O2).

>> No.3828511
File: 145 KB, 1024x768, pred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have designed an ecosystem with large predators that is also pretty stable.
I designed the predator, and they are on about 30 generations now and going strong. I had to weed out most gray by upping the costs on that and green. also I made the red metabolism .9 and raised the segment upkeep divisor.

>> No.3828530

Both at home and at work I have succeeded in striking a balance between predators and plants, though I turned off blue completely to achieve it. Most plants have settled on a x4 or x8 symmetry without disperse children---I believe this latter adaptation is to provide corpse shields which allow the plants to continue existing in the face of strong predators. (Which are small Vs and sticks.)

I haven't seen a large predator since Monday.

>> No.3828537
File: 164 KB, 1024x768, pred1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

up to almost 40 generations...

>> No.3828546

i think they are developing more round bodies. pretty sure this keeps them out of the corners.

>> No.3828578
File: 110 KB, 1024x768, pred2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is getting bizarre.
there are a bunch of seperate 'species' i guess of the original predator. most are at around 50 generations and the original is still doing the best.
but THIS offshoot ( in the pic) made it to 112 generations somehow. im confused.

>> No.3828596

I just realized something.
I can test the 'butterfly effect' in this game
-make a world with set parameters, set initial conditions and organisms.
-let it run for a set amount of time, screenshot.
-go back to save, and fuck with shit. see what changes.

I also realized something else.
this is the third day in a row where I got out of class, went right home and smoked and played this game.

>> No.3828604

Ridiculously addictive.

>> No.3828656
File: 108 KB, 640x824, before after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the change over 75 generations.