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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3822931 No.3822931 [Reply] [Original]

>Grey matter strongly linked with intellect
>Peer reviewed

>men found to have a massive amount more of said grey matter than women
>Everyone starts describing intelligence in men and women as 'different'

tl;dr Men are more intelligent than women and science is left wing and fluctuates like the weather in an English summer.

pic unrelate

>> No.3822933

As far as I understand Einstens brain is below average when it comes to size but his cerebral cortex is unusually large.

>> No.3822935

a third "my group is better than your group" topic

>> No.3822938

>implying I was talking about size

>implying one group of humans cant be better than another

>> No.3822947

I am studying neuroscience and OP is right. There is strong evidence to show that men are smarter than women.

We also have evidence to suggest women are more prone to lie than men are. Pathological liars tend to have more white matter in the brain, as do women. Of course we still need to do a LOT of research, but the signs are pretty clear in my eyes...

>> No.3822964
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>> No.3822965
File: 49 KB, 331x319, 1315534372641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you guys need scientific reaseach to figure that out?

have you ever tried to debate/talk with a woman?

>> No.3822966

Typical - when someones argument is starting to show it's shallowness they usually reduction ad absurdum it up.

>> No.3822967


>> No.3822969


>> No.3822974

Just because there is a link between gray matter and intelligence, and men have more gray matter than women, doesn't mean that men are smarter than women.
The density of both liquid and solid water depends on temperature; the warmer water (or ice) gets the lower it's density. Ice has a lower density than liquid water, but it is not warmer than liquid water. See?
Tl;dr link between gray matter and intelligence needn't be independent of gender.

>> No.3822979

I was told that i shouldn't resort too much to logic and give room for feelings.

>> No.3823006


I'm sorry but there's no reason to compare water density to brain composition.

If you disagree with their findings, dispute them. Don't just be butthurt.

>> No.3823033

who is man in OP's pic? looks familiar

>> No.3823046

None of the studies proved that men were smarter than women. If you think that they do, you must be retarded.

>> No.3823160

Apart from the 5 links op gave in his post.

>> No.3823183



>> No.3823193


I think it's a known fact that men are more intellectual and women are more emotional. Of course that doesn't mean women can't into logic or that men can't into crying.

>> No.3823200

we call them fags and dykes and they are mentally ill.

>> No.3823206

There is no reason to infer anything about the difference in intelligence between men and women, just like there is nothing to be inferred about the density of water given only the physical state.
It is an analogy. If you don't understand a simple analogy, this isn't the place for you.

>> No.3823213

This is just one piece of evidence. Women are less intelligent/rational then men are. They use their emotions instead of actually thinking.

>> No.3823221

>accuses women of being irrational and rationalizing their emotions
>contrives irrational arguments to justify his feeling of superiority over women

>> No.3823227

Women are socialists and vote for demoncrats, ergo, they are less intelligent.

>> No.3823231

ITT: socially inept geeks who aren't getting any pussy

>> No.3823255
File: 46 KB, 268x265, 1315084244556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So first they find that grey matter is related to general intelligence. Then, a year later, they find that men have more grey matter, but don#t conclude they are more intelligent, but that a single neuroanatomical structure isn't related to intelligence. That's because they don't even question their premise of "essentially" equal intelligence.
Of course essential means men scoring 3-5 points higher on IQ-tests.
Therefore OP is right, science is left-wing biased.

>> No.3823266



The blatant irony of these threads is amazing.

>> No.3823274


A 3-5 point difference in IQ is essentially the same. That's not enough to actually notice.

>> No.3823283

Why are there more females than men in college then?


>> No.3823289

It is half a standard deviation.

Social engineering.

>> No.3823291


Because women are more responsible and better organized, traits well-rewarded by public education.

>> No.3823293

>It is half a standard deviation.

What? No it isn't. SD is 15 or 16.

>> No.3823298
File: 50 KB, 319x216, unfortunately it's true.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any possible way to make yourself feel superior, right fella?

It's cute. You're cute.

>> No.3823423

ITT: Butthurt cumdumpsters resorting to personal insults because their logic shows it's flaws

>> No.3823426

> it's

>> No.3823443


there are no women on /sci/ you little beta faggot.

>> No.3823474

There might be social science students here. Haven't seen one though.

>> No.3823487

Correlation does not imply causation. Absolute gray matter volume is not an absolute determinant of intelligence. If that were the case we'd be out-smarted by whales and elephants. If you take into account brain size relative to the body (encephalization quotient) you end up with a better proxy, but the picture still isn't complete.

Because guess what? There is no single neural correlate of intelligence.