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3815678 No.3815678 [Reply] [Original]


If you had a chance to change the world, what would you do?

>> No.3815682

abolish government, all decisions are made by a global artificial intelligence that cannot be compromised.

>> No.3815691


feed the poor and starve the rich

>> No.3815697

Abolish standardized currency.

Everyone works for the greater good and are rewarded proportionally to their efforts.

For example, burger flippers would be given the bare necessities of shelter and food. Meanwhile, a scientist or teacher would be given luxuries for as long as they worked. (There would be some kind of retirement system)

>> No.3815698
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Same as


>> No.3815708
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tax the fuck out of corporations
end loopholes
cut down useless subsidies
provide subsidies to underdogs
strict regulation on everything
consumer protection everywhere

politicians and lobbyists who support wars have to participate in them, front line stuff

If the president declares war, he has to lead the army on the ground, the vice president will then take over tactical stuff.

Tax frivolous shit, jewelry, luxuries, junk food

subsidies educational shit, science, healthy food

promote intellectualism, ridicule ignorance

ridicule patriotism and fanaticism

veto everything israel does.

>> No.3815713

>veto everything israel does.


>> No.3815737

>veto everything israel does.

Made me laugh, thanks.

>> No.3815744

All US Military spending goes directly into my back pocket

>> No.3815752

ITT: staggering naivete

>> No.3816320

Put an AI in charge of a large industrial city. If it does well enough, it will lead by example.

>> No.3816329

Create a standard world wide currency that isn't the U.S. dollar.

>> No.3816336

What if it gets ahead by genocide? And not even the good genocide like eugenics, the bad genocide like uganda.

>> No.3816496

Legalize and unionize the growing and selling of marijuana, opium, and shrooms.

Legalize and unionize Prostitution: make sure all those girls are clean and having protected sex.

Progressive tax: the rich pay more then the poor.

Tax the fucking Churches.

Essentially turn Prisons into work, rehabilation, and education centres for prisoners. You will work off your debt to society by farming, producing goods, cleaning the cities, and so on.

Abolish the death penalty.

Legalize "The right to die." I think people should be allowed to off themselves if it's appropriate.

Get rid of the fucking gun registry.

Build a humongous fucking bullet train that connects to every canadian province.

Put into circulation a world currency accepted in North America; including Mexico. On a personal note I'd like it to have 1$ 2$ and 5$ coins.

Encourage government and privately run space exploration and nuclear energy.

Tax cuts given out by a lotterey and by Merit.

>> No.3816544


Then the programmers fucked up like a silly nilly.I'd prefer the AI focus on financial decisions and civil engineering, and avoid making judgments based on genetics, which would be deferred to medical experts.