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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 80 KB, 829x981, Fair Enviornment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3815341 No.3815341 [Reply] [Original]

Biogenesis, /sci/.

Get it here:

So this is what my enviornment turned into. Life expectancy 10, mutation 0.02%, and the pictured settings. I started with just a single fairly neat looking entirely green organism.

I think this is a really good demonstration of evolutionary pressures. At one point it developed the ability to move and kill other organisms, and then the species must have evolved a way to defend itself against itself. This is due to mutation and mutation only, since the green stationary organism would have survived and flourished if it hadn't mutated, but once it developed one grey offspring, of course the grey ones took over.

>> No.3815364
File: 81 KB, 1584x991, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biogenesis cannot into multithreading, sadly my 5000x5000 map has started to lag now everything has evolved into more complex organisms.
Still biodiverse as fuck, but might make a smaller map next time.

>> No.3815372

BTW if anyone wants to introduce some havoc into my environment: Port 6881

To connect, just click manage connections and enter that information. It opens two portals, one that dumps some of your creatures to me, and one that dumps some of my creatures to you.

>> No.3815382
File: 98 KB, 824x978, AIDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now my enviornment has AIDS.

>> No.3815396
File: 44 KB, 798x842, AIDS bounce back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HA! My enviornment beat the AIDS. The population of plants was reduced, but the ones that survived had a strong blue shell, and they mutated a white/blue shell, and are once again dominating the enviornment.

>> No.3815397


Oh, man. I didn't realise I'd spammed so many.

>> No.3815402

enjoy the locusts (if my connection works)

>> No.3815406

Come at me bro, I beat the AIDS needles!

>> No.3815409
File: 22 KB, 386x318, genes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys have your parameters set to? pic related.

>> No.3815413
File: 44 KB, 804x809, Ninja Stars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone just send me a bunch of shuriken?

>> No.3815414

Do you really want to make an organism have to use 15 energy every time something touches its shield?

>> No.3815417


>> No.3815420

Yes, blue covered plants are OP as fuck otherwise.

>> No.3815424


>> No.3815427
File: 52 KB, 816x828, Killer christmas ornaments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I've kind of got an infestation of killer christmas ornaments from someone else.

>> No.3815440

You closed it after I sent some in
Hopefully they do well!

>> No.3815444

he spiny plants are mine lol.
Also even with a cost of 15 i still have colonies of blue plants in my world (the 5kx5k one), they're just not the dominate, unbeatable plague they were before.

>> No.3815445
File: 47 KB, 819x833, Invasive species fight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two members of the original population yet live, while the invaders battle it out for supremacy.

>> No.3815448

I didn't close it, it only keeps them open for a few second. I'd host a combat server and stream it for you guys if it kept them open forever.

>> No.3815450

aw ye
Those 5 sided ones with grey tipped spikes are mine

>> No.3815453

Me and my friend did it with hamachi and had it open for forever
We were always breeding crazy shit and putting a couple into the other person's portal

>> No.3815458

They stay open until it loses connection, i've kept a connection open with a friend for like an hour, i guess we just live far apart or something.

>> No.3815461
File: 32 KB, 815x840, Bad News Bears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what the fuck now.

I think both contenders died off due to some new threat while I wasn't looking.

>> No.3815465

Nobody else is able to connect for any longer, and last thread nobody else could keep a connection up either.

>> No.3815467

sent some critters through, but then it disconnected.

>> No.3815475

Some of you guys should get Hamachi
Like I said before me and my friends used it and it works great
I'll setup a room of people say they'll join

if you get it get unmanaged

>> No.3815478

those plants are the dominate plant in my large map, where there are hundreds of little bug things swarming around, some must have snuck through.

>> No.3815481

I've used Hamachi before, I'm game.

>> No.3815485

what room name?

>> No.3815496


Room name:
/sci/ battles


I guess just connect to whoever's ip and we'll have big multiroom ecosystems

>> No.3815502

Also, I use the default 8888 port

>> No.3815512

sending aids in every direction

>> No.3815520

aww who's gray goddamn stars are those lol

>> No.3815521


Might be mine. Are they doing well?

>> No.3815523

Oh god your portal is spamming me

>> No.3815533

someone's death gliders just destroyed everything.

>> No.3815537


Post a picture, please. I want to see this.

>> No.3815541

lmao, they're the apex predator in my world

>> No.3815548
File: 33 KB, 1341x579, god damn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazi circles, nazi circles everywhere

But yeah it seems to have trouble maintaining connection even with you guys over hamachi, not sure what the issue is

>> No.3815554


>> No.3815555
File: 15 KB, 1270x588, pic-related.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3815563


Thank you, sir/madam.

>> No.3815566

Why everyone so pretty? i only get weird stringy things.

>> No.3815568

d'aww someone copied my babies.

>> No.3815572

blue ball faggots lol

>> No.3815577
File: 84 KB, 1257x573, pic-related.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3815606

this shit is fun

>> No.3815616
File: 164 B, 22x23, glider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fear the death gliders!

>> No.3815905
File: 66 KB, 1480x1005, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ecosystem is fairly stable now

>> No.3815994
File: 26 KB, 1271x630, pic-related.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3815995
File: 105 KB, 1680x1002, sup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3816023

if by stable you mean boring and filled with plants.

>> No.3816073
File: 60 KB, 1480x1026, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the 200 bugs are also plants

>> No.3816080

>implying the blue and gray parts aren't terribly OP

>> No.3816083
File: 151 KB, 500x376, awsome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I started with just a single fairly neat looking entirely green organism."

This is the heart (yes, I said heart) of the problem OP.
Biology, the science of the Godz, is never " neat looking"
It is the Church of Chaos.It is the love of maddness.
Neat? no, it is cum-all-over-yur-Mom sloppy.

Embrace the function born from dysfunction. This is how meaningless molecules fall in love.
God speed faggot.

>> No.3816096

>implying implications
both blue and grey have high costs associated with them, they've simply developed an efficient (and necessary) method of using grey - both plants and bugs.
Otherwise yes, they are OP.

>> No.3816328


Even with a low probability and a high cost both gray and blue eventually show up and become prolific.

Plus, leaving them out entirely is silly.

>> No.3816450
File: 9 KB, 290x217, 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> wake up to go to the bathroom
> have to check
> mfw

>> No.3816454
File: 91 KB, 1271x572, pic-related.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3816657

Not quite, while predator organisms almost always have grey parts (just common sense really), by now, a large number of the plants have evolved past grey thorns. I've also had almost no blue at all in this world, due to the sheer number of predators as well as the cost.

>> No.3816695

I try to connect but the boxes dont even show up, whats up?

>> No.3816783

connecting is really dodgy, hamachi makes it work better, but some people i simply can't connect with, most people i can't connect with for very long.

>> No.3816873
File: 25 KB, 898x605, predator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these things are kickin my ass ever since they evolved out of nowhere

>> No.3816928
File: 117 KB, 964x659, bleh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plants with blue cell walls = master race

I'm pretty sure adult plants are invincible, there is also a species of small red and cyan sticks that can fit through the gaps and eat the dead or mutated plants, kind of like how bacteria are always waiting around to decompose something. Neat.

>> No.3816940

After two solid days of evolution, I think my creatures have pretty much maxed out their evolution. There are two main species, plants and animals. The plants are green surrounded by blue, and the animals are basically just fast-moving stomachs. They have an opening that can "ingest" a plant, and a sort of stomach cavity that has red around it, which just repeatedly bangs around on the blue armor of the plants until it finally breaks them down.

I've waited and waited and generation after generation is pretty much the same at this point. I don't really see how it could go much further, because there isn't really any reason for them to evolve beyond this. They're perfect eating/reproduction machines. There's no option in the game for moving parts, etc, so I'm pretty much bored with it at this point.

Still, a very cool game and I hope it continues to improve.

>> No.3816953

Is it... 'correct' to call stationary all-green organisms 'plants' and roving ones 'animals'?

Because it seems to me I either only get one or the other after about half an hour.

>> No.3816958

Nah, a well evolved eater can eat through the blue armor, see this: >>3816928
But it does take a pretty evolved animal to do it.

>> No.3816964

Nah, it's just a kind of slang, I guess. The moving creatures often have green segments, too, so it's hard to distinguish.

>> No.3816993

Woops, meant to say:
see this: >>3816940

>> No.3817028

What value do you guys set the mutation rate to?

>> No.3817049

Any chance you could show your armor piercer? Or did you already?

>> No.3817051

set the energy cost of blue up high, mines is 13, i still get a few blue shelled plants, but not many, they're no longer the dominant species.

>> No.3818693

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE genetic_code [
<!ELEMENT genetic_code (gene+)>
<!ATTLIST genetic_code symmetry (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST genetic_code mirror (yes|no) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST genetic_code disperse (yes|no) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST gene color (red|green|blue|cyan|yellow|gray|white) #REQUIRED>
<genetic_code symmetry="2" mirror="yes" disperse="yes">
<gene length="2.0" theta="5.742133239061344" color="red" />
<gene length="15.0" theta="5.323254218582705" color="red" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="1.1519173063162575" color="green" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="1.239183768915974" color="green" />
<gene length="15.0" theta="0.0" color="red" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="0.0" color="red" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="0.0" color="cyan" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="0.0" color="green" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="1.2217304763960306" color="blue" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="0.0" color="cyan" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="0.0" color="blue" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="0.0" color="cyan" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="2.5307274153917776" color="blue" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="0.0" color="blue" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="5.532693728822025" color="gray" />

>> No.3818731


This, also are mostly green stationary things with some red carnivorous plants?

>> No.3818757

I don't even have the game on my PC any more... They came in a lot of different varieties, but similar to the pic.

1) Red mouth/stomach, big enough to contain an entire plant
2) Some combination of green/yellow body
3) Two cyans pointing "forward" but not quite parallel

Sometimes they would have a blue shield around the body, but it didn't seem to be a huge advantage. some of them also occasionally had white mixed in there, but it never seemed to last for many generations.

The orientation of the cyan is pretty important. They need to be at about 90 degrees to each other. If the angle is too big, the creature won't move forward effectively. If the angle is too small, it won't turn to face its food.

Also, I turn the probability of gray down very low, as mentioned earlier. These creatures showed up on their own when the time reached something like 2000. I think that amounted to something like 300 generations.

>> No.3818760
File: 2 KB, 143x216, animal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.3818919


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE genetic_code [
<!ELEMENT genetic_code (gene+)>
<!ATTLIST genetic_code symmetry (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST genetic_code mirror (yes|no) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST genetic_code disperse (yes|no) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST gene color (red|green|blue|cyan|yellow|gray|white) #REQUIRED>
<genetic_code symmetry="2" mirror="yes" disperse="yes">
<gene length="2.0" theta="5.742133239061344" color="red" />
<gene length="15.0" theta="5.323254218582705" color="red" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="1.1519173063162575" color="green" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="1.239183768915974" color="green" />
<gene length="15.0" theta="0.0" color="red" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="0.0" color="red" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="0.7330382858376184" color="cyan" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="0.0" color="green" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="0.0" color="blue" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="0.0" color="cyan" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="0.0" color="red" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="0.0" color="cyan" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="2.5307274153917776" color="red" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="0.0" color="red" />
<gene length="5.0" theta="5.532693728822025" color="gray" />

>> No.3818925

>play intelligently designed game
>claim as proof of evolution

>> No.3818957

It shows that given some arbitrary set of rules (like chemistry for the real world), nature can produce complexity and the other hallmarks of evolution.

>> No.3818959

That was to

>> No.3818972
File: 69 KB, 1600x861, pic-related.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been tweaking parameters all day. Decreased the segment cost (raised it from 5000 to 7500) hoping more complicated creatures would appear, but complicated predators are still driving everything to blue.

Also pic related

>> No.3818984

>play intelligently designed game
>use as proof of random evolution
>add "nature" to mix

>> No.3818996

Also I've found that this is a good "seed" plant to test predators:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE genetic_code [
<!ELEMENT genetic_code (gene+)>
<!ATTLIST genetic_code symmetry (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST genetic_code mirror (yes|no) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST genetic_code disperse (yes|no) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST gene color (red|green|blue|cyan|yellow|gray|white) #REQUIRED>
<genetic_code symmetry="6" mirror="yes" disperse="no">
<gene length="2.0" theta="0.8261818413238113" color="yellow" />
<gene length="18.0" theta="0.0" color="green" />
<gene length="18.0" theta="3.782243058106026" color="green" />
<gene length="17.1" theta="0.0" color="white" />

>> No.3819001

what's more complicated, your computer code or DNA?

get back to me when it's your computer code, k?

>> No.3819006


>> No.3819111

i agree. you are clueless. you and your "waifu"

>> No.3819198

It's clear you're just stirring up shit, I just have to wonder why.

>> No.3819335

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE genetic_code [
<!ELEMENT genetic_code (gene+)>
<!ATTLIST genetic_code symmetry (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST genetic_code mirror (yes|no) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST genetic_code disperse (yes|no) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST gene color (red|green|blue|cyan|yellow|gray|white) #REQUIRED>
<genetic_code symmetry="6" mirror="no" disperse="yes">
<gene length="15.8" theta="0.0" color="yellow" />
<gene length="14.6" theta="2.076941809873252" color="green" />
<gene length="18.0" theta="0.15707963267948966" color="green" />
<gene length="18.0" theta="3.6477381366681487" color="green" />
<gene length="18.0" theta="2.4958208303518914" color="green" />
<gene length="17.400000000000002" theta="1.0471975511965976" color="blue" />
<gene length="18.0" theta="0.6457718232379019" color="gray" />

>> No.3821400
File: 12 KB, 648x411, pic-related.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glider with yellow

>> No.3821406
File: 26 KB, 1324x522, green and red erry day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping this shit hell yeah mother fuckers

>> No.3821774
File: 65 KB, 1276x611, pic-related.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glider survival! Fluke...or perfection?

>> No.3821800 port 8888
Feel the terror.

>> No.3821867

join >>3815496 hamachi group, more reliable connections

>> No.3821869

tried but can't get a connection

>> No.3821894

There's no Linux client for Hamachi that I can see.

Derp, I'm Stuuuuupid.

>> No.3821911

enjoy the gliders

>> No.3821918

enjoy you're gliders

>> No.3821924


>> No.3821947


I had some clever creatures show up similar to the red limbed ones in your picture.

They were cross shaped and had eight limbs, the inside of each limb was red and would face the opposite one. The creature would funnel small creatures into one of it's mouths, and when the prey tried to bounce out they got devoured.

Sadly it was too complicated and only survived a few generations before simpler plant-like creatures took over.

>> No.3821957

That pattern seems pretty common, I've had it evolve twice. Right now I'm working on some unexpectedly efficient shape that survives glider attacks, it's going ok. survived two heavy waves.

>> No.3821963


Could you post an image of the gliders? I don't think I've had any show up as of yet.

>> No.3821978
File: 12 KB, 648x411, pic-related.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a variation that seemed to do ok tonight, basically something on this theme with or without yellow

>> No.3822026


Okay, thank you. I've made some, let's see how they do.

>> No.3822030


Welp, in the time it took me to write that sentence they had destroyed everything.

>> No.3822066

haha, they are crazy

>> No.3822094
File: 260 B, 41x23, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, now I've just got a bunch of freaky frog things.

>> No.3822109
File: 344 KB, 1366x768, biogenesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is a monster, he's spreading everywhere and zooming around and killing shit

>> No.3822118

seems like sometimes he gets too eager and strays into the pile of deadly carnivorous plants

>> No.3822130

One of these plants.... 24 victims, and it just sits there with a blue shield in a spiral and teeth right underneath it.. anything that gets close gets sucked in and shredded...only vulnerable spots are inside the opposite side of where it spins

>> No.3822199
File: 33 KB, 650x409, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this particular organism killed 488 others on its own...

>> No.3822226

hard to keep numbers up with portals open

>> No.3822252
File: 34 KB, 958x569, naazii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a revoltion for the purity of the alife ppl

>> No.3822315


that guy is just fucking up my world

>> No.3823131

anybody here anymore, I wanna introduce new species to my enviroment. It's been simulating all wark day

>> No.3823419

yes tell me

and the only thing that i can get to live forver is a blue ball with a green interior

>> No.3823433

Woke up to extinction this morning. Survived two waves of gliders, but apparently at some point in the night something went to shit. Maybe I should try a larger world with less CO2.

>> No.3823486
File: 327 KB, 1361x727, CANCER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3823521

too much oxygen what do

>> No.3823653

anyone up for a fight?