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3813871 No.3813871 [Reply] [Original]

If I'm looking for a novel gene (uncharacterized in a particular organism), and someone has already done the work for me (>9000 ESTs on ncbi), how do I search for homologous regions on model organisms (that have known function), to try and characterize the one I'm looking for?

In other words: Huge EST database for this organism, how do I analyze it, barring BLASTing every one individually?

>> No.3813912


>> No.3813960
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>> No.3814010

Well sorry man. I'm sad to see this die, since it's actual science, but I don't know how to help you. I've done work in this field, but only briefly, and I don't know how to help you find matches. Sorry.

>> No.3814078
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>> No.3814813
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>> No.3814849
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My face when someone asks an actual scientific question on /sci/

>> No.3815281
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>> No.3815335

What is wrong with Blast, OP? Ensembl will blow your mind. Use the right parameters. It might take you a week or so. Blasting against a translated database (tblastn/tblastx) may lead faster to result. There is some specialized blast output page for cross-species results, I forgot the name.

You also could do a hybridization screen on a phage library.

Or just do RT-PCR on your organism of interest, maybe with degenerated primers.

>> No.3815353

you work with c. elegans OP?

>> No.3815360

Well, I'm trying to use c. elegans as a resource since so much is known about it.

So, if I have 500+ pages of ESTs from my organism, how do I look for c. elegans homologs is my question, is there a tool for that?

Say I want to look for hypothetical elegans gene TES-1; how do I search through my organisms ESTs for homology?

>> No.3815386

so, you got 500 ESTs from a strange organism (which name you don't reveal?), and you want to identify those ESTs who have a close relative in elegans?

>> No.3815392

Yep. but not 500, over 12,000.

>> No.3815401

write some biopython script that uses blast.

>> No.3815405

To be more particular, I know of a family of genes that I would very much like to try and modify, if they exist in my organism. However, very little genetic work has been done on this thing, so not a lot is known about it (except this paper that started work, and got all these ESTs from different stages of the life cycle).

>> No.3815412

usually those annotations are somehow automatically done by the people working at ncbi. they use hiddenmarkov and shit to do genpept hierarchy trees and so.

>> No.3815425

It's somehow possible to put all those ESTs into a custom database searchable by NCBI blast. This would be how you could search with the sequence of e.g. Wnt or Hox against your organism's 12.000 ESTs.

>> No.3815449

That would be exactly what I'm trying to do. I have about 40 genes that I'd need to do it with (these genes knocked out with silencing RNAs give me the phenotype I'm looking for).

>> No.3815477

If I wanted to do this kind of shit, I'd ask the NCBI helpdesk to assemble this novel organism's EST blast database from my data. I'm sure they would do this assembly for you or provide you with the info necessary.


>> No.3816107

Excellent, thanks anon.

>> No.3816122


>these genes knocked out with silencing RNAs give me the phenotype I'm looking for

Without going to much into it (don't want to breach any contracts) what phenotype are you looking at?

>> No.3816139

tra related.

>> No.3816158

you should take a bioinformatic course bro.

That organsism that you have...
do you have its genome?
or you just want to find the THAT GENE (cds or part of the gene i dunno) with some experiments?

>> No.3816228
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