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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3813125 No.3813125 [Reply] [Original]

What's engineering? Yeah, I've wiki'd but ..eh.

Just looking at a uni here and the different programmes
>Computer science
>Information technology

How on Earth are these in any way related?

>> No.3813134

If you're looking to get into a profession with a lot of future success, pharmaceuticals or geriatrics are the answer.

>> No.3813136

A scientist is somone who does somthing for the first time, an engineer is somone who does somthing for the second time, and a mechanic is somone who does somthing for the third time.

>> No.3813137

Engineering is a systematic method of problem solving. That's why it applies to so many fields.

>> No.3813149

So it's basically just the person who puts whatever the scientists find out to use? Or put it to use in a more efficient way?

>> No.3813159

Pretty much, but the vast majority of engineers don't design anything. They write or oversee processes involving technology.

>> No.3813162

>So it's basically just the person who puts whatever the scientists find out to use

>> No.3813163

Sort of. Although experienced engineer will also consider "external" factor such as local law & regulation, material pricing, etc.

>> No.3813164

>loads of stuff to choose from
>no idea wat do
That's the boat I'm in ,OP.

I've got A in English and CC in Bio and History respectively

>> No.3813284

Engineering is the child out of wedlock between science and art. Don't confuse it with the real lovechild of Science and Art - Architecture

>> No.3813303

>loads of stuff to choose from
>no idea wat do

Same shit here. Interested in chemistry, biochem, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals; all four are very similar so I'm not sure wat do.

>> No.3813304

>interested in chemistry
How is this possible?

>> No.3813305

How is it not possible?

>> No.3813348


Homosexual studies, taught by homosexuals, for homosexuals.


>> No.3813354

the true beauty of science fleshes itself out once you study math and physics/chemistry. sure, engineers know all about solving their differential equations and simulations/modeling, but that stuff is like a local artist's gallery compared to the exquisite, rich museum stored in the deep ends of math.

Managing a business or IT network is satisfying on a small level, like solving a sudoku puzzle (the money is the main reason, a different kind of satisfaction). Science, on the other hand, has this atmosphere that resembles a religion, minus all the mindless followers who don't work on rational arguments.

>> No.3813462

wait what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.3813487


Nothing, really. He likes science, so he claims it's somehow more valuable or satisfying.

Scientists discover the nature of reality. Engineers make use of that knowledge. Science is worth dick without application. Engineering is worth dick without base knowledge.

>> No.3813506

An engineer is what you called an inventor as a kid.

>> No.3813511


even electrical engineers?

>> No.3813522
File: 198 KB, 552x414, not-sure-if-troll-or-just-retarded.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats not at all the difference between engineering and science

>> No.3813524

Possibility of sex when you get your degree

>> No.3813528

>pick one

>> No.3813552

>architecture without science

Enjoy your hut.

>> No.3813569

>understood his post
Pick one

>> No.3813573

You have no idea what architects actually do, do you?

What you're thinking of is called a structural engineer.

>> No.3813584

Really? Architects don't use science? Then why the fuck do they study structures, physics, geometry etc? If your architecture program doesn't include those subjects, it's shit tier.

>> No.3813593

gotta do something for 4 years.

just learn autocad, it's the only thing you'll ever need to know as an architect

>> No.3813600
File: 2 KB, 107x126, iserio11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and what do you know about structures, child? do you even know beam theory?

>> No.3813603


the same reason doctors have to learn calculus, to make sure they aren't idiots..

they'll never really use it while practicing medicine

>> No.3813621
File: 72 KB, 640x480, 1297249776778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying architects aren't idiots

>> No.3813656

let me guess you're a science student who's butthurt cuz Archs are getting all the pussy , I feel for you son

>> No.3813683

>implying that anyone with a brain selects their major for the amount of pussy they can pull

>> No.3813713

What's a media engineer? never heard of it

>> No.3813758

Over the past decade digital technology and computing have revolutionised the music and entertainment industries. Our Media Engineering degrees were developed in response to a clear industry demand for graduate engineers with the skills to develop digital technologies for audiovisual content production and delivery.