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File: 23 KB, 250x356, marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3813037 No.3813037 [Reply] [Original]

Karl Marx was right

we are seeing the self destruction of capitalism

deal with it

>> No.3813045

What? I don't see the apocalypse, what are you getting at?

>> No.3813056

Solution is to tinker with the it more

>> No.3813065

I'm okay with this.
People should share wealth and profits for the good of the society as a whole anyways.

As soon as we move away from this whole 'Me me me me I I I " bullshit, and start helping each other, the sooner we can stop worrying about basic shit and advance our civilization further.

>> No.3813075

Actually, from what I can tell, capitalism is doing better than it has for decades.

If anything, we are witnessing the collapse of socialism. The government has spent itself into bankruptcy on entitlement programs, and the poor still still suffer as much as ever.

People are losing faith in centralized authority and collectivism. They are returning more and more to the belief that they can only trust themselves. Seems like a win for us capitalists to me.

>> No.3813086

Exactly, our long term goals should be to merge into one consciousness. In order to improve the efficacy of the being that comes after we should encourage everyone to partake collectively

>> No.3813087

>The government has spent itself into bankruptcy on bailouts


>> No.3813091

Getting rid of luxuries would improve output. Getting rid of competition wouldn't.

>> No.3813092
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lol an austrian economics believer. don't buy into the false dichotomy dude. just because stimulus & gov programs are failing doesn't mean everything would be great if the government just dissolved all social programs and regulations. the result of that would be wide spread poverty & economic depression and eventually violent revolution. just like marx said.

>> No.3813095


>People are losing faith in centralized authority and collectivism

That's a contradiction.

We are moving away from centralised decision making. But it's because we moving towards a more democratic collective form of politics

>> No.3813109

Hell no. The middle class is dissapearing still. The more the wealth pools at the top the more socialist the world will become.

>> No.3813111 [DELETED] 

if karl marx was right, how can it then be, that evolution proofed him wrong?

check and mate commies

>> No.3813116

Can't tell if trolling or meta-arguing.

>> No.3813121

>complaining about wealth gap

Here's how capitalism works:
Both poor and rich get richer. Except that rich get a lot more richer, so the poor end up looking badly when compared to the extremely rich. But that doesn't make their situation any worse. Compare that to socialist systems where the wealth gap is a lot smaller, but everyone is poorer. It's far, far, far better to be a poor person in a capitalist country than a poor person in a socialist country. The entire idea of wealth gap being something that makes capitalism inherently negative is retarded.

>> No.3813127

Wait, you're not American are you?

Because getting to choose between two nearly identical political parties is far from democratic. This country is becoming increasingly undemocratic, and moving away from an emphasis on the collective good.

>> No.3813133

The wealth gap is irrelevant. The poor are better off than at any previous point in history.

When you have a flat-screen TV, high speed internet, a car, a cell phone, etc. you have no right to bitch about inequality. A hundred years ago, someone in your position would be lucky to eat on a daily basis, let alone have access to free time and luxury goods.

>> No.3813135

The strength of democracy isn't choice. The strength of democracy is the belief in choice. So long as everyone can influence the government in some way the release valve of social unrest remains.

And political parties have the policies they do because WE want it that way. They do what they do because that is the best way to get votes. The government isn't doing anything wrong, it's us... and there is nothing we can do to stop ourselves because large numbers of people don't make make decisions. Large numbers of people are more a force of nature than a consciousness entity.

>> No.3813138



>> No.3813143 [DELETED] 

both actually

thats the reason why darwin evolution was forbidden in the USSR

>> No.3813142

Why do I care about Greece? They're government has been in default on its debts for 50 of the last 100 years, and hasn't had a prolonged period of peace... ever.

>> No.3813144

>the wealth gap is irrelevant
It is always relevant. There will always be unrest when there is a large gap. In the future, the poor may be living as the super rich do today, but if the super rich of the future are immortal and living in palaces of diamond then there will be unrest.

>The poor are better off than at any previous point in history.
No. Don't imply the poor are fine when there are a billion people starving.

>> No.3813161

Let's try technocracy.

>> No.3813170


You could break a palace of diamond with an aluminum baseball bat.

>> No.3813171

>form of government
>economic policies
Hey guys, let's try making a GUI interface to track all the bananas.

>> No.3813176

There is truth in what you say, welfare programs are simply sedatives which keep the beast that is the populous from arousing.

>> No.3813182
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>broken w/ aluminum baseball bat
What drugs are you on?

>> No.3813187

Total wealth is a result of technological level that is applied. Distribution of that wealth is economics.

So to argue that Ca is 'overall richer' while Co is 'overall poorer' remains to be seen. That's also ignoring that rich and poor have different meanings in Ca or Co.

>> No.3813217

Distribution is everything. Infrastructure improves production, and when billions of people lack the money to give themselves proper education and infrastructure then production is being held back.

It's like a factory where one fork lift is given gold rims before 9 other fork lifts are even given spark plugs.

>> No.3813231
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>> No.3813234


The harder something is, the harder it is to cut, the easier it is to break.

Diamond is more brittle than a dry twig.

>> No.3813238
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>Diamond is more brittle than a dry twig.
LMAO! Keep 'em coming. I love it, no lie.

>> No.3813241

>No. Don't imply the poor are fine when there are a billion people starving.

None are starving in capitalist countries.

>> No.3813247
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Capitalism will be transcended by the technologies it helped come to fruition.

We're all on the cusp of the second Renaissance.

>> No.3813248

Bar of steel vs bar of soap, I think not.

>> No.3813249 [DELETED] 

Forgot my trip

>> No.3813252

>implying rich nations become socialisms and THEN become poor
Socialism is a reaction to poverty, not the cause.

>> No.3813255


Capitalism works exactly like it should. The people at the top remain there and everyone else is an economic slave working for the people at the top. Some live better than others, but in the end everybody is working for the same small group of people.

>> No.3813263

The beginning stage of every civilization is poverty. capitalism inherited poverty and transformed the western civilization, communist countries tried to do it the other way, and failed.

>> No.3813271

>implying communism wasn't a reaction to capitalism
Do the words proletariat and bourgeoisie mean anything to you?

>> No.3813275

For the record everyone, I'm a pro-socialism capitalist. I often argue for both sides. :P

>> No.3813294



>> No.3813302
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> defines socialism
> calls it capitalism

>> No.3813307


There is only poverty in socialism. Well, in practice, theory, and truth.


Nothing you said is an argument for socialism.


There is indeed anger by those that refuse to be in demand. You know, like factory workers, shitty teachers, public employees, etc.

>> No.3813308


all i see is fascism everywhere... or worse.

>> No.3813311

Capitalism is self destructing later than socialism did.

Free market 1 Communism 0

>> No.3813313


Fascism and mixed economy welfare states describe every country in the world right now, yes.

>> No.3813317

Death to Leftists of every sort.

>> No.3813319


where do you see a free market?

>> No.3813320

Even the left-handed?

>> No.3813326


if you are a social conservative, fuck you very much, too

>> No.3813327

>implying communism has ever been implemented.

>> No.3813328

>There is only poverty in socialism. Well, in practice, theory, and truth.
This is not a response because I don't believe your post warrants a response. This post is simply to tell you that your post doesn't warrant a response.

>> No.3813334
File: 11 KB, 287x175, goldmansachs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karl Marx was a dimwitted jackass. If he's so smart how come he didn't see the rise of these guys and their utter domination of the world?

>> No.3813339

No true Scotsman?

>> No.3813344

Of course, they're evil.

>> No.3813351


I am well aware you cannot debate.


>> No.3813364


>> No.3813371

Google "falling rate of profits". It's the self-destruction of capitalist hypothesis which was accepted by both Adam Smith and Karl Marx, and which was elaborated by Karl Marx to a great extent. He used it to explain the capitalist crisis as well. There are some useful equations which explain it well as well.

>> No.3813380

The beauty of spontaneously created systems is its ability to be spontaneously destroyed.

>> No.3813431


> I am well aware you cannot debate.

What part is hard for you to understand?

>> No.3813443 [DELETED] 

>political science
Fuck off.

>> No.3813466 [DELETED] 

I'm the guy who brought socialism to this board. No one knew what socialism really was here, and they believed it from it's misconceptions.

The OP is one of the fruits which keeps on giving - he now makes almost the identical types of threads as I do.

I named my first socialistic threads on /sci/ "POLITICAL SCIENCE" or "SOCIAL SCIENCE", and listed arguments against capitalism, and explained what socialism is, and how many types of socialism there are. I also explained that there are lots of types of socialism, ranging from slow Soviet central planning to fast real-time decentralized planning sensitive to the consumer demand. I also explained that socialism can even be free-market based, with no government ownership in the means of production at all (Ricardian socialism - Google it. I don't really like it, though, since it's unstable and crisis-ridden like capitalism, since it's market based.).

>> No.3813473 [DELETED] 


I agree, except this is not even "science". Saged and reported.

>> No.3813513


Would be more reasonable to sage cause liberty posted

>> No.3813557

So samefaggy.

>> No.3813575
File: 28 KB, 447x447, 1244509474080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> sage thread where somebody supports socialism

My plan is working perfectly.

>> No.3813580
File: 127 KB, 1024x682, the_big_bang_3_ad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Political Science isn't a Real Science

>> No.3813591

moar of the girl

>> No.3813596

Am I the only one who actually wants a crisis to happen because it's exciting?

>> No.3813610


No, /k/ wants the whole SHTF inna woods thing too.

captcha is : nearcum, guess they're excited too.

>> No.3813612

It's not a girl. It has a penis.

>> No.3813620

I want one to happen so that it wakes everybody up.
The bailout kept the pitchforks and torches from hitting the streets, I want an economic disaster so massive it sends the western world back to the stone age.

>> No.3813635

Same here. Lenin referred to those as revolutionary situations. He, as well as some people before him, got their party in the position of power during the Russian Revolution by waiting for the right time.

>> No.3813659
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karl marx dabbled in trading stocks

true story, look it up

>> No.3813665 [DELETED] 

If politics was really science, this world would be a better place.

sage for no science.

>> No.3813668

OP is right. How many banks operate in your neighborhood? How many hardware stores that aren't part of the same chain? How many grocery stores? What's that? Ginormous corporate duopolies everywhere you look? Damned right. And they're buying and selling legislators from both major parties. The competition that conservatives get weepy-eyed over is finished. We have our winners. And they fucking own you and run this country like the mob.

>> No.3813674 [DELETED] 

Political science != using /sci/ to discuss politics.


>> No.3813680


Do you think his inability to invest smartly led to his hate of investing?

>> No.3813684

Marx said that less and less companies will be able to pay for the increasing capital costs and production costs, and that it will lead to the market being more and more monopolized.

>> No.3813690
File: 214 KB, 453x501, reaction994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be american billionaire capitalists
>holy shit karl marx is right! we better do something about this
>put out propaganda & persecute people who are even suspected of communist sympathies
>put an embargo on cuba fucking up their economy & then claim that communism is to blame for their problems
>soviet union collapses & cia operatives have successfully killed the democratic movements towards communism in south america and abroad
>dial back propaganda
>unpropagandized generation can think clearly and knows...
>karl marx was still right

>> No.3813702


i think he was relatively successful and thought of it as depriving the enemy of its wealth

>> No.3813703

Falling rate of profit, competition and production output increase is the reason why capitalism is destroying itself.

We already see the falling rate of profit manifesting so much that most of the commodity markets are already hugely monopolized.

>> No.3813707
File: 76 KB, 889x311, missionaccomplished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever dude

>> No.3813716


Karl Marx:

The need of a constantly expanding market for its products chases the bourgeoisie over the entire surface of the globe. It must nestle everywhere, settle everywhere, establish connexions everywhere.

The bourgeoisie has through its exploitation of the world market given a cosmopolitan character to production and consumption in every country. To the great chagrin of Reactionists, it has drawn from under the feet of industry the national ground on which it stood. All old-established national industries have been destroyed or are daily being destroyed. They are dislodged by new industries, whose introduction becomes a life and death question for all civilised nations, by industries that no longer work up indigenous raw material, but raw material drawn from the remotest zones; industries whose products are consumed, not only at home, but in every quarter of the globe. In place of the old wants, satisfied by the production of the country, we find new wants, requiring for their satisfaction the products of distant lands and climes. In place of the old local and national seclusion and self-sufficiency, we have intercourse in every direction, universal inter-dependence of nations. And as in material, so also in intellectual production. The intellectual creations of individual nations become common property. National one-sidedness and narrow-mindedness become more and more impossible, and from the numerous national and local literatures, there arises a world literature.

>> No.3813719

The bourgeoisie keeps more and more doing away with the scattered state of the population, of the means of production, and of property. It has agglomerated population, centralised the means of production, and has concentrated property in a few hands. The necessary consequence of this was political centralisation. Independent, or but loosely connected provinces, with separate interests, laws, governments, and systems of taxation, became lumped together into one nation, with one government, one code of laws, one national class-interest, one frontier, and one customs-tariff.

>> No.3813724
File: 5 KB, 225x225, headfulloffuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism IS anarchy in a secluded medium.

It parallels anarchy in that if you have More, you have Power. This system gives power to Average men whose intentions are molded by capitalistic society driving them gain more using what they already have by exercising their power over the weaker peoples.

Not only does this inequality promote MORE inequality, but it also degrades society. The brittle laws that keep our civilization from being totally anarchic are being contorted and "loop-holed" by bought politicians.

Capitalism has promoted a new face of anarchy.

>> No.3813725

It is always painful to read economy threads on /sci/. So many dumb commie kids sprouting the same nonsense again and again.

I am doing myself a favor and staying out of this one.

>> No.3813728

The Communist Manifesto cartoon:

>> No.3813732

It's funny to see some dumb 15 year old gun-obsessed American kids defending capitalism because it's "WHAT AMURRICA IS".

>> No.3813784


America has been Merchantilist since at least 1829

>> No.3813796

0/10. Too obviously posting from Nebraska.

>> No.3814114

he did. he predicted that capitalism will be dominated by monopolies, which is exactly what GS is.

>> No.3814170

That's just not logical, generally accepted accounting principles are not implicit elements of capitalism, they can change to adapt to a stagnant economy if necessary.

>> No.3814172

>people quoting communists
>think if shtf they could implement it
>implying anyone would let teenagers and arts professors lead a revolution

>> No.3814183

this is exactly the reason communism always ends in dictatorships

>> No.3814185
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>unpropagandized generation can think clearly and knows...
>karl marx was still right

>> No.3814197

There is a reason the Scandinavian countries are getting more neoliberal again.
Sweden is a free market succes not a socialist.

>> No.3814237
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>We just spent our first semester at college. Our professors opened our eyes. The government is using its corporate ties to make you sell magazines so they can get rich.

>> No.3814252

OP payed money for his Karl Marx book.

>> No.3814263

OP's parents paid for a faulty condom in soviet union.

>> No.3814275

OP is typing his bullshit on a network of computer systems provided to him through a capitalist system.

>> No.3814282


you mean Arpanet?

Thank you. ----Al Gore.

>> No.3814290

I know right, and the funny thing is capitalism does this with people's consent, while the state has to monopolize everything so there are no alternatives or use force to make people use their services.

I realize the state is a necessary evil in some cases, this doesn't mean that it is necessary in every case. That's a continuum fallacy right there.

>> No.3814296

OP is sitting on a chair provided to him through a capitalist system.

>> No.3814309

OP births brown children into a porcelain bowl provided to him through a capitalist system and drowns them in water in the same way.

>> No.3814324

fuck all of you i am sitting in the woods using a computer i constructed myself from raw materials and connecting to the internet using a satellite signaling device i also constructed and stealing verizons network

>> No.3814328

>implying if russia was capitalist & the united states was communist then the united states would have collapsed & the USSR would have prospered

lol at parroting your dads dinner speeches (that he read in a corporate propaganda newspaper) about how communism doesn't work. think for yourselves. africa is capitalist. hows that working out? ya fucking niggers.

>> No.3814332

Reagan was a funny guy.

But he wasn't a capitalist.far from it.

>> No.3814336

Did you distribute those raw materials equally amongst all of human kind? Because if not you're a traitor to your cause.

>> No.3814339

Depends which part.
Also it's hard to compete with rich american farmers that get subsidies and are protected by tarrifs.

>> No.3814346

Your dad does dinner speeches? Your family sound rich, how about practising what you preach and distributing some of that wealth to your "fellow" proles.

>> No.3814353

Especially when you are 16 and have 5 kids and 1 acre of farmland and a donkey.

>> No.3814362

>16 and have 5 kids and 1 acre of farmland and a donkey

A: Should have kept it in his pants
B: An acre is loads of land

>> No.3814414 [DELETED] 
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Historically political liberalization is synonymous with wealth, the only reason ancient Greece had democracy was because it was the premier mediterannean trade center.

People get confused when they see capitalists buying minerals and oil and shit from evil African dictators, they don't realize that this economic activity is a lifeline for millions of Africans who would otherwise be facing the most decrepid poverty and oppression. The dictator does spend some of that money on weapons and palaces, but he also spends some of it on roads, ports, dams, investments in light industry, sanitation and electricity, he knows that he needs a skilled educated and peaceful labor force in order to keep his palaces and gunships, eventually the country will develop economically and the dictator will stand down like Suharto, or if not get beat down like Gaddafi. Either way it's for the greater good.

Maybe we should try to better use our economic ties to speed up liberalization or ease the transition, I don't know. I'm just stating facts, call me a gun toting hick or whatever, I care not.

>> No.3814450

What I don't like about capitalism is that it doesn't favour quality.
What I dislike about socialism is that it slows development due to lack of competition.

>> No.3814535


Ronald Reagan.. Used to work for General Electric., telling people that GE could do their work better without all all that Government Interference. And of course, General Electric was making a shitload of money off Government Contracts at the time.