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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3812728 No.3812728 [Reply] [Original]

>watching news
>news id saying about being able to see a super novae tonight
>news says to make sure not to miss it as it only happens every 4000 years
>facebook lights up with "zomg guys we gots to see this only happens once every 4000 years"

How the flying fuck does that even make any sense.

Anyway stupid shit/funny shit science related general.

>> No.3812734

Trying to make a point, I over exaggerated abit by saying if a jet could go round earth in an hour.

friend says.

>dude are you stupid not even light can get round the planet in an hour

>> No.3812754


>> No.3812755


So how many times can light go around the Earth in 1 hour

>> No.3812770

> it only happens every 4000 years
> How the flying fuck does that even make any sense.

for your sake I hope you're trolling and not that stupid.

>> No.3812773

Who supernova'ed? As in, which star?

>> No.3812774

In one second light could travel round the earth 7.48 times so in a minute thats 488.8 in an hour thats 26,928 times

>> No.3812781

Wait, how the fuck can we predict supernovae?

Did we detect a wave of neutrinos coming from some star?

>> No.3812785

> implying we can predict Supernova explosions to the exact time and day.

0/10 OP.

>> No.3812815

about 27000 times

>> No.3812822


Even if we could, the part where they happen only once every 4000 years makes even little sense

>> No.3812825


its roughly every 4000 years that they are visible from Earth.

why is your brain so shit?

>> No.3812833


It's been ongoing for weeks now, look towards the Big Dipper.

Supernovae last awhile. It just looks like a shiny star at night.

>> No.3812843


But that's not even true.


In the past 1000 years we've had THREE hit negative magnitude.

>> No.3812845


It's not visible with the naked eye, though. You'd need binoculars at least and a telescope at best.

Don't know why people react so much. They seem to think it would be a bright flare that outshines the moon, which IS a once-in-4000 years event, but this is not it.

>> No.3812874

i think it was betelgeuse

>> No.3812882

betelgeuse will just burn up its fuel supply and won't go supernova

>> No.3812884

Your complete lack of knowledge about the subject is showing. How embarrasing.

>> No.3812885
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We have a few predicted that will be visible within the next 100 years.

Super novae do not appear visible roughly every 4000 years

>> No.3812886


You are on /sci/ and think that?

Why visit /sci/ with no knowledge of science

>> No.3812891

>Why visit /sci/ with no knowledge of science
that's everyone on /sci/

>> No.3812896
File: 39 KB, 450x268, wter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok I quit /sci/ I figured some people on here had atleast a slight knowledge of astronomy but this thread has confirmed for me people are either stupid or just trolls.

Super novae do not happen every 4000 years, super novae visible from earth do not happen once every 4000 years.

Fuck you all

>> No.3812927


Not just visible, I said outshines the (full) moon. That's far, far, far rarer.