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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 209 KB, 585x319, SingPict1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3804982 No.3804982 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ I need help with a speech I have to give on Transhumanism. I can't figure out a way to connect my audience to this concept. I love the idea of upgrading myself and swapping out parts of me to live longer but "naturalists" might be tuned off to this notion. So how can I build a connection and open peoples minds to this idea? Thanks so much. I have most of the technical points laid out in my speech I just can't build the connection. Thanks again.

>> No.3805008

Show us what you already have.

>> No.3805017

To capture the audience's attention, begin the speech by something mind-blowing and possibly shocking, and keep doing that throughout the speech. Do not let the details (boring parts for the audience) go on for too long. An example to start with would be to name some crazy examples of what would be possible with transhumanism.

>> No.3805028
File: 45 KB, 400x300, 1302922771353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, try not to sound too religious. And please don't be like the SingInst "Give us money so we can save the world from evil AI" crowd.

This may help:

>> No.3805054


Here is my outline.

General purpose: To inform.

Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the advancements in technology that could lead to transhumanism. (The point at which humans interface with technology.)

Central idea: Scientists have made great strides in robot and cybernetic research over the past 10 years. These advancements will reshape our society and our personal lives in several ways.

Main points:
1. What is Transhumansim?
2. What are the technological developments that make transhumanism possible?
3. What are the future implications of transhumanism? What will humanity look like with new advancements in robotics and cybernetic science?


Sounds like a good idea.


Ahh you mean the singularity people. Well it is possible an AI might kill us all if unchecked. We are not at that level yet even the most advance computer can only simulate five neurons at a time. Which is still amazing though.

>> No.3805062

It would be nice if the talk could focus on human enhancement rather than AI.

>> No.3805066

show em that guy that ran with the 200m sprinters in the world games.

The one without legs

Oh, and let the Deus Ex HR Sarfi Industries trailer run in the background!

Focus on the medical applications first, then find a good way to go to "humanities need to ascend".

>> No.3805074
File: 23 KB, 180x254, 276039_1205351405_515426272_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This speech with this music:


>> No.3805089


Well thats what the main focus is. Less about AI and more about the next stage of human evolution.


We have a natural drive to better ourselves good thought. We can use no visual aids in this speech as much as I would love to make a nod to Deus Ex I can't.

>> No.3805095
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>> No.3805097


That is awesome!

>> No.3805130
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>> No.3805136

Maybe try something along the lines of technology is natural because we are too? Dunno what the audience will be like, but I've never liked calling it "artificial" when it's natural elements that have made it. We're made of the same stuff as dirt, metal, etc. so why not transform it and ourselves to our benefit?

>> No.3805150


Actually, this is a good advice, never though about it. Avoid artificial, use synthetic or prosthetic. Think of it as Carl Sagan, the reason he was so good is because he found the right words.

>> No.3805155
File: 296 KB, 700x525, 1290124533469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only thing that is artificial is a distinction between natural and artificial.

A few quotes to inspire you OP:

>When man took to his bed the Computer, there was great rejoicing, and great fear too, for their children were almost like gods. The mainbrains bestrode the galaxy at will, and changed its very face. The Silicon God, The Solid State Entity, Al Squared, Enth Generation - their names are many. And there were the Carked and Symbionts, whose daughters were the Neurosingers, Warrior-Poets, the Neurologicians and the Pilots of the Order of Mystic Mathematicians.

>I was given to understand that She manipulated whole sciences and thought systems as I might string words into a sentence. But Her 'sentences' were as huge and profound as the utterances of the universe itself.

>I learned much about the Entity's sense of Herself. Each moon- brain, it seemed, was at once an island of consciousness and a part of the greater whole. And each moon could subdivide and compartmentalise at need into smaller and smaller units, trillions of units of intelligence gathering and shifting like clouds of sand.

>The universe is a womb for the genesis of gods.

>What's beautiful is that a creator can be astonished by his own creations.

>> No.3805172


Thank you all. Such good ideas. Wow such powerful quotes.

>> No.3805179


Jesus fucking balls-to-the-wall christ I teared up. We live in a great time my friends.

>> No.3805187
File: 20 KB, 890x371, 1301381024793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And one final thing:

>'There are three requisites for growth without bound, and only three: the will to remake oneself; the genius to survive; and the strength to suffer.'

And pic related.

>> No.3805195

I'd also mix in some buddhist philosophy as well.

>> No.3805199



>> No.3805200

We certainly do.


Another great quote. Fantastic!

>> No.3805205

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>> No.3805212
File: 39 KB, 496x384, saganglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I've got to test this out. Sorry about your trip Coffee Bro.

>> No.3805214

Why not ask /lit/?

Here goes:

Connect the audience with the abstract concept of human inequality. You need to point out that transhumanism is a great equalizer. You need to emphasize the revolutions in health that this could bring, giving limbs and organs to wounded veterans and whatnot. You need to stay away from impersonal and technical terms, except where warranted. People want to know that they will still be people, even if they are "augmented." The naturalists need to know that they will never be forced to augment themselves. Don't talk about religion; religion is deeply rooted and innately human. There will always be religion, and religion will be there to stand in your way when they feel that the holy creation that is the human body is being treated improperly. Religion, though you may not believe this, is there to preserve the natural and the human.

Other tips: Make eye contact, look like you're having fun. No one wants to watch a robot talking about humans attaching machines to themselves.

>> No.3805225

Personally I feel I like this tripcode of #syntagma

>> No.3805219


>> No.3805224


In addition to what I've said here, I'd also recommend focusing on the near future possibilities as opposed to the distant future. I imagine the public views trans-humanism like it does sci-fi: wild speculation loosely based on modern science. While I certainly think amazing things are possible, your audience may not. Make it more real for them by focusing on current prosthetic technologies and only extrapolate lightly, maybe just touch on distant possibilities at the end. If you build a reasonable timeline for the technology you're likely to get more positive acceptance (in my opinion).

>> No.3805229

>breaking an insecure trip
Please teach me your master hax

>> No.3805234
File: 8 KB, 116x115, sci-trolling4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people care enough to impersonate me

>> No.3805237


Thank you sir.


Thank you again.

>> No.3805239
File: 19 KB, 215x240, But my Father was the ashes..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw we run your name into the ground.

>> No.3805243


It has happened a billion times before, sadly it always happens when I'm having the most fun in this board. Anyways, does anyone actually like the word I chose? I thought it sounded pretty good...

>> No.3805254

Brilliant word. Who taught it to you?

>> No.3805258


The Internet.

>> No.3805264

My fathers mothers sisters cousin. Because she went to a technical college to learn about biology.

>> No.3805266


>> No.3805267
File: 8 KB, 250x250, saganblueback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like it, and it's especially awesome that it roughly spelled 'physics'

>> No.3805273

>Inurdaes's tripcode uses Chinese chars!

>> No.3805276

I don't believe you.

You I believe.

>> No.3805271


Yeah, I may have to change it. If I do I'll, I dunno, post it on the About page of the blog or something.

>> No.3805292
File: 28 KB, 400x294, 1260696314256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't.

>> No.3805307


>> No.3805318
File: 11 KB, 250x250, sponge635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asking for help on your transhumanism speech

>> No.3805386


>> No.3805442


Well I got the help I needed. I never asked for trolling.

>> No.3805466


Hugh Herr describes the astonishing strides engineers are making in the development of “Human 2.0.” He starts with himself -- a victim of frostbite during a 1982 mountain climbing accident. After losing both feet below the knee, Herr headed for the machine shop, and realized he didn’t have to accept the version of his body provided by nature. So he cobbled together a pair of prostheses perfect for climbing (which made him over 7 feet tall), followed by other foot-ankle replacements made lightweight and responsive through carbon composite materials and computers. These designs are better than his originals, suggests Herr. “What’s fun about having part of your body artificial is that you can upgrade. It’s depressing to me, too bad that you folks have biological limbs.”

Never used a trip before, had to try it out.

>> No.3805482


Why are people trolling Colonel Coffee? He is very helpful.

>> No.3805496

Some men just want to watch some men that want to make the world learn, burn.

>> No.3805509

The least they could do would be to get that whore aeris' trip off /x/ then mes him around.

>> No.3805519

I would prefer they focus all attention on EK, Liberty and Teacup.

>> No.3805843

Just try to focus on the medical and therapy aspect maybe ask the audience if they know people who are disabled, have ALS or need a new limb. If you dehumanize too much it will turn people away.