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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 41 KB, 740x232, neutrinos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3802383 No.3802383 [Reply] [Original]

FUCK I hate this comic.

I visited it because I knew, I just knew it would have something on the Neutrino find, and be another example of the pretentious 'artist' illustrating how stupid and gullible non-science people are.

If you like xkcancerd, please kill yourself.

>> No.3802396

Why don't you create a better comic then?

>> No.3802401


>if you criticise something then why don't you do better

please stop with this stupid line.

>> No.3802406

Jesus christ, butthurt much, OP?

>> No.3802409


This isn't really a comic so much as a blog in stick-figure format, with an ignorant, doe-eyed sidekick thrown in to make the writer feel better about himself.

>> No.3802408

b-b-b-but non science people are retards tho right?

I mean, you for example...

>> No.3802416
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Challenge accepted

>> No.3802417

I imagine he is the kind of guy who allows himself to get exhilarated by things only accessible to his level of greatness.

>> No.3802429


>> No.3802453

That comic is nothing but a bunch of lame programming language "jokes".

>> No.3802456
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>> No.3802492


>> No.3802617


Why? Did your GPS stop working?

>> No.3802629

OP bet $200 that it's new fancy physics with a real scientist.
Now butthurt for realizing he's a stereotypic tool.

>> No.3802631
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spoiler: relativity is right because gravitational lensing exists. But it's also not the final story since it doesn't explain quantum phenomena.

>> No.3802642
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>> No.3802652
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do you want some pointers?

>> No.3802653

yeah it's quite obvious that he's a prick

>> No.3802661
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>> No.3802663
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smbc > xkcd

>> No.3802665

i understand how some find the guy annoying and borderline pretentious. however, he's largely right. major news outlets around the world have been having headlines like "SCIENTISTS BAFFLED" "EINSTEIN WAS WRONG" "TIME TRAVEL POSSIBLE".
It's really fucking annoying, because almost always the result gets debunked and you get shit about scientists lying, making stuff up, how science is not dependable and it's really fucking annoying.

BTW, how's that arsenic bacteria doing?

>> No.3802671


Exactly. If you like this comic your sense of humour has not matured yet.

>> No.3802675


If i ever met the faggot that writes xk i would punch him square in the mouth.
Fucking pretentious gallyvanting dandy.

>> No.3802678

I concur, noble leader.

>> No.3802679

You'll understand when you mature out of being too edgy and insecure to enjoy a joke.

>> No.3802686

Just because he's right, doesn't mean he's funny or witty in any way.

Oh look. It's that mischievous black hat guy. I like this character because you always know he's going to piss people off LOL

>> No.3802695

You'll understand when you move out of your basement, interact with others, and begin to understand the thought processes of people who write this kind of shit.

>> No.3802704

xkcd is funny on occasion but smbc is better

the hate from this thread reeks of that xkcdsucks blog which is the most retarded thing I've ever read. not least because of the irony that guy who wrote it only did so in the hope that he would gain the same level of popularity from piggy backing off the thing he apparently despises.

if you don't like it. don't read it. there's no need to tell other what they should like

>> No.3802711


>> No.3802718

>thought processes of people who write this kind of shit.

in other words, it's called being intelligent

>> No.3802721

That's a shared blog and the posts are generally funny and witty. Something XKCD lacks.

>that guy who wrote it only did so in the hope that he would gain the same level of popularity from piggy backing off the thing he apparently despises.

false assumption. You don't belong in /sci/

>> No.3802723

Man, you take alot of biases to sustain that kind of hate, huh?

>> No.3802730

8/10 I raged hard even though I knew this had to be a troll post.

>> No.3802739

My University lecturer has a PhD in Astrophysics and Sc. D in Geomorphology and I know for a fact he browses xckd.

>> No.3802745

That's because he's a middle aged man who has led a dull life and is trying to show he's down with the kids.

>> No.3802752

I wasn't stating as fact, it was the feeling i get from the tone of the writings. You must be an aspie.
also it's not genuinely funny, it's incoherent nitpicking from aspergers kids liek you

Randall is smarter than you

>> No.3802753

This Anon can't has a PhD in Astrophysics or Sc. D in Geomorphology and I know for a fact he hates xkcd.

That's because he's a little kid who has led a dull life and is trying to show he's down with the middle-aged man.

>> No.3802754

>That's because he's a middle aged man who has led a dull life and is trying to show he's down with the kids.
False assumption you don't belong on /sci/

>> No.3802756

this is OP, thank you anon for posting this so I don't have to.

>> No.3802759

You didn't even get the point of the picture, once again showing your intellectual immaturity. You are the one getting angry because other find humour in a comic. Not us. You. You are the child in the picture.

>> No.3802757

Fucking this, I've been raging like a bleeding cunt in a sandbox since the news broke out and kept getting repeated and speculated upon. Why can't EVERYONE see that it's retarded given what we know about supernovaes and their neutrinos? Too much wishful thinking involved...

XKCD isn't funny, it's supposed to be "clever" but it's not funny.

Also this http://johncostella.webs.com/neutrino-blunder.pdf

>> No.3802758
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>> No.3802762

ITT: Butthurt faggots defending the only common link they have with hipsters

>> No.3802761
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>> No.3802764
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>> No.3802770

there we have it. you hate xkcd because you think it's just some kid trying to be cool. Nice straw man fallacy, bro

>> No.3802771

It's the hipsters that hate xkcd for making science fun.

>> No.3802775
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>> No.3802781
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>> No.3802786

>Hate something
>Seek it out
>Hate it more for acting as predicted
>Complain about it

>> No.3802803

XKCD comics improved


>> No.3802815


I hate it because it's a shitty comic.
I hate it because it makes hipsters think they're smart.
I hate it because it makes science majors think they're hipsters.
I hate it because the comic is basically the artists own mental masturbation which everyone seems to be licking the pre-cum of.
I hate it because occasionally you get comics like the 'Neutrino' example which is a massive load of cum shot out from Randy and every hipster wannabee scientist and scientist wannabee hipster is going to cop a big load in the face. Then they are going to post this shit everywhere in universities, social networks with a smug cum dripping grin on their faces.

tldr: I hate xkcd because it's cancer

>> No.3802823

>more like no-eyed

>> No.3802828


>> No.3802832
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>> No.3802833
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>> No.3802839
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>> No.3802841


Let's see what's in the news today:
-Saudi women only now get the right to vote
-19 people die in a plane crash
-The Libyans are still fighting a brutal battle for their freedom
All while you get upset over someone making witty remarks about a scientific subject and possibly feeling smug about it.

I find it deliciously ironic that you label those who disagree with you as 'immature'.

>> No.3802843

Well, I don't know about you but where I live? Hipsters are all about the science, and it's all thanks to XKCD. This wouldn't be such a bad thing if it made them intellectually curious, but so far the affect seems to be a lot of pretentiousness.

>> No.3802844
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SOME Shedsce

>> No.3802848
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>> No.3802850

aye. Thanks to me you have now found out information about today you never would have. You can finish beating off to your own comment now, don't mind this thread.

>> No.3802853

Oh shit, I just realized this is sfw board. I was never here.

>> No.3802854

yeah you hate that science is mainstream - popular with people you like and people you dislike.

you're an idiot

>> No.3802861

The important thing is you found a way to feel superior.

>> No.3802867

hipster =|= science hipster

A lot of people here are unfortunately the latter. They absolutely loathe anyone who tries to popularize science, since they can't enjoy the underground world of science anymore if it becomes popular.

>> No.3802878

So they're like people who hate Ubuntu for popularising Linux?

>> No.3802888

somebody, explain to me the "gps example" that validates SR

>> No.3802921

No, the important thing is you found a way to feel superior by ripping off the same line from an xkcancerd comic

>> No.3802922

Yeah. You can see them in every thread about documentaries, DeGrasse, Sagan, Kaku, Cox or anything else to the same vein.

>> No.3802949

Yes but those guys (with the exception of maybe Kaku) actually do things to popularize science. Last time I watched Cosmos, I don't recall Sagan saying "But we should not venture out into space...it would be a vast waste of resources for humunz. I had often argued against the moon landing, for it would provide our civilization with no progress whatsoever. Of course... I was right."

>> No.3802993
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I didn't mean that they are the hipsters. I realize I formed my sentence a bit misleadingly.

I meant hipsters show up to post hate in ever thread about documentaries, DeGrasse, Sagan, Kaku, Cox or anything else to the same vein.

Usually the same people will then post in other threads about how they hate the fact that most people aren't scientific enough.

The hypocrisy makes me want to puke.

>> No.3803019

another dogmatic 'scientist' believing whatever his mommy teacher told him just cause mommy says so. if entanglement doesn't clue you in to the fact that modern physics has enormous holes, then you're just as bad as any deist(who aren't necessary wrong by the way), who blindly accepts precepts.

>> No.3803029

Yarn can be entagled too, doesn't make it magical.
Stop watching conspiracy/mysticism documentaries and learn some real shit and you might stop making an ass out of yourself.

>> No.3803031

No I understood your post. I was trying to make the point that XKCD haters like myself hate on XKCD because they promote bigotry.


inb4 I'm a bigot for hating on xkcd, whatever go back to reading it but srsly guys....shit's cancer

good night /sci/

>> No.3803066

On the one hand, I don't see any reason not to be excited about something just because I wouldn't bet on it. On the other hand, it seem like everyone else who didn't like this comic is a giant ball of pulsing cancerous testicles.

>> No.3803126


I don't get that article, the idea gets complicated in the middle. I suppose it's because I'm not sure what exactly the graphs describe, and in what setting it is. And because English is not my first language. Help would be appreciated though.

>> No.3803150

y u mad though?

>> No.3803267

I'm a physicist and I like it. I know many others who do as well. U mad haters? U so mad.

>> No.3803286
File: 588 KB, 600x450, amazing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, the only thing I dislike more than XKCD is the haters.

Its a fucking webcomic, sometimes its funny, sometimes its not. Stop sperging.

>> No.3803303

Jesus Christ, and I though /co/ was bad. Thanks for making me appreciate what I have, /sci/.