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File: 46 KB, 319x320, racism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3797240 No.3797240 [Reply] [Original]

Prove to me racism is inherently wrong.

If you have lots of money its ok to go buy expensive things, and as such are flaunting in the face of those who cannot afford it. If you are attractive its almost required that you make sure that everyone knows it.

In the same way, whites, statistically, commit less crimes, have safer neighborhoods, higher IQs, make more money, have the better countries. Tell me why is this not ok to flaunt, but having slightly more money than someone else is.

>> No.3797247

Sound legit.
I agree with OP.

>> No.3797249

>In the same way, whites, statistically, commit less crimes, have safer neighborhoods, higher IQs, make more money

>conflating correlation with causation
>be a dumb 14year old

watch yourself

>> No.3797257


I really think that somewhere along the lines our culture started beating it into our brains that racism is not ok, but failed to give us a reason why or alteast a good one.

>> No.3797264

just because you are human doesn't mean you are superior to a lion or to a dolphin. it just means your evolution is quite different. same goes between races i our own specie. no one is superior, just different socioeconomic factors and environment and different evolution.

fucking racist scum.

>> No.3797270 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 238x220, jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our culture started beating it into our brains

I think you have been brainwashed by pic related.

>> No.3797269


Alright you have a point. What, then, causes white neighborhoods to have these stats?

>> No.3797274

> if I live around whites, I'll be better off; I don't live around whites, therefore I'll be worse off
racists confirmed for denying the antecedent

> if blacks are dumber than whites, they'll score lower on IQ tests; blacks score lower on IQ tests, therefore they're dumber than whites
racists confirmed for affirming the consequent

fallacies, fallacies everywhere

>> No.3797280


If we consider nature survival of the fittest humans are defiantly better than any other animal out there in terms of survival.

Now if we call best survival in the Human world those most likely to have their basic needs always met, whites have it there. How did whites get these better socioeconomic situations? How did whites get the better environments?

>> No.3797291

Let's turn it around.
All your friends have more money than you do, and they flaunt it, rub your face in the fact that you're poor and they're rich, make fun of you, and they do this every time you see them. How does that make you feel? What does it make you want to do?

>> No.3797295

>If you are attractive its almost required that you make sure that everyone knows it.

Uh, no, it's not.

But honestly, even if that were true, you can't equate that with race. Do you realize how vague and huge the white race (or any race) is? How you have absolutely no control whatsoever over it? It's a stupid thing to be proud of, and putting so much emphasis on it just shows that you have nothing else to be proud of.

>> No.3797298

economics. higher income, lower crime and/or lower convictions for crime.

>> No.3797301


family income level, level of education of parents and grandparents, number of siblings, values they hold, culture they are submersed in...

it's a self-repeating cycle, the poor get poorer, the rich get richer, the criminals get more criminally, and the smart get smarter...

environment and income level probably are the most important

you think black people from wealthy families in affluent neighborhoods are gonna go around stealing bicycles cause their skin is black? makes no sense bro...ppl steal when they are poor and when their values are skewed

>> No.3797304


It's pointless judging person by any group they belong to, since we are all individuals, the statistics of a group tell you precisely nothing about any individual from that group

>> No.3797305

nope. read some studies about the subject before you talk about things you don't know a thing about

>> No.3797307

i dont mean to sound racist myself, but whites aquired better environments and socioeconomic positions by lying and stealing it from other races(in most cases). this might to you be a sign of intelligence, but it doesnt mean whites are in any way superior. just that they sought advantages that most had not thought of or had no reason to think of.

>> No.3797311


>Prove to me racism is inherently wrong.

Can you prove that it is inherently right?
I can just appeal to common knowledge but that wont work for you, right?
Then you have to conform to your own standard and prove your positions first.

>If you have lots of money its ok to go buy expensive things, and as such are flaunting in the face of those who cannot afford it

>its ok to go buy expensive things

Prove it.

>as such are flaunting in the face of those who cannot afford it

Prove it.

>If you are attractive its almost required that you make sure that everyone knows it.

Prove it.

>In the same way, whites, statistically, commit less crimes, have safer neighborhoods, higher IQs, make more money, have the better countries

Prove it.

>Tell me why is this not ok to flaunt, but having slightly more money than someone else is.

Because you work to earn that money and because that money is paid/converted into any necessity for you.
Flaunt in entirely unrelated to your survival.

>> No.3797313

>implying "equality" studies don't manipulate this exact same fallacy

Taking extraneous variables into account as much as possible, the result is the same - although, obviously, less significant. Welcome to sociology/psychology: every other study you come across will use correlational techniques.

>> No.3797320


Prove that you exist.

>> No.3797324

>the poor get poorer, the rich get richer,

This is what retards actually believe, people actually believe wealth is something inherent and not something created, they believe it is a zero sum game.

>> No.3797325

>implying you should hate a group of people because they are poor and less educated than you

this is what republicans actually believe

>> No.3797326


>implying one's ability to work is earned

>> No.3797328


no they believe it because that is what the data suggests, the income disparity in north america is getting larger and larger, the rich own more than ever and more people are living near the poverty line

it has nothing to do with life being a "zero sum game"...it's just how it is so far.

>> No.3797332

It is not good methodology to base your judgement on only the obvious physical traits rather than the relevant traits, even when these two are known to be correlated.

>> No.3797335

Racism is inherently right, your body is one of the most xenophobic creations ever conceived in can differentiate between two fatty acids which are chemical identical based on the fact that one comes from your own body and the other from another body. Also selfish gene theory, racism is inherent, without it we would scarcely evolve.

>> No.3797336



>> No.3797339


durrr facts I hate them durrr

>> No.3797340

Since the dawn of history the Negro has owned the continent of Africa rich beyond the poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a White man showed him its light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never built a harness, cart or sled.

A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber, he never carved a block, sawed a foot of lumber or built a house save of broken sticks and mud.

With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for 4,000 years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizons calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed of a sail. He lived as his fathers lived - stole his food, worked his wife, sold his children, ate his brother, content to drink, sing, to dance, and sport as the ape.

>> No.3797341


Here's the thing, OP; what most people call racism isn't really that bad. If, statistically, whites are more intelligent than blacks, then it isn't immoral to make the statement that whites are more intelligent... it only becomes immoral when you become prejudiced e.g. saying "whites are more intelligent than blacks. You are black and I am white; hence I am more intelligent than you."

>> No.3797342


And how is finding a niche that no other creature had thought of before and exploiting it to its maximum extent not what puts you on the top of the food chain.

>> No.3797344

Except it isn't unless you cherry pick.

>> No.3797353

>how did whites get all the good shit

This sounds like it could be the subject of a book. Let me check my library.

Why, yes, here we go.

Guns, Germs and Steel, by Jared Diamond.

Hmm, it says here that we (white folk) had the better climate, domesticated animals, climate and fewer crawly bugs to infect us to death, plus we didn't have to hack through impenetrable jungle to get to the rivers, etc blah blah blah.

Africans got shit humidity, drought all time and bugs bugs bugs. Also no cows, horses, or draught animals.

Could be wrong though.

>> No.3797358

Shows graph where everyone is getting wealthier, implies that the poor are getting poorer. What you really want is the rich to be poorer even if that means the poorer will be poorer.

>> No.3797361

*shit humidity and/or drought

>> No.3797363

>the entire universe conspired against the black man

>> No.3797364


Hmmm but how did the white folk get the better climate? How did the whites domesticate their animals hmmm. Its almost like the whites didn't just sit around in the plague infested hell hole... hmmm

>> No.3797372

>Everyone getting wealthier

>doesn't understand how to interpret percentiles
>doesn't understand how to interpret differences in growth
>failed every class in kindergarten


>> No.3797378

White people (while they were still black) left Africa after several near extinction events apparently, in waves and they became white after living in their new homelands because evolution.

Therefore, divergence and then the germs and the guns, etc ,

>> No.3797379

>docile animals

Stopped reading there, you're full of shit.

>> No.3797381

Organism evolve according to their environment, claim environment is to blame for black people failing forever, imply evolution of intelligence had nothing to do with it.


>> No.3797384


That is a good point.

If you took Europe from 10,000 bc to 2,000 bc, and measured it against the progress from 2,000 bc to 1,000 ad, or from 1,000 ad to 2,000 ad, it would seem incredibly slow.

So really, when we say that the Africans, or whoever, is so far behind, you have to look at the starting position, you have to look at the conditions of the track, and you have to take into account that we Europeans hardly got anywhere until the last few moments of the race.

Really, all you can say is that the Africans are one step behind. And given the environment, it's not surprising.

And, of course, once one group gets that far ahead, it ruins the race for everyone. If China had kept at it in the Ming Dynasty and ended up conquering Europe, we'd be saying the same thing about a Europe that just had five hundred years of colonial practices inflicted on it.

>> No.3797388

>right and wrong

Saged and reported. Take your shit elsewhere or contribute something interesting.

>> No.3797391

it is a zero sum system. we do not have infinite resources. the rich own more and more of the planet's resources.

>> No.3797398


Yes the whites ancestors decided "hey maybe i shouldn't just sit around in my own filth and die of thirst. MAYBE i should get the hell out!" Also modern day cows are decent from water buffalos

>> No.3797399

>implies poor are getting poorer
>shows graph where they are wealthier
>assumes percentiles and disparities mean anything when everyone is wealthier
>wants everyone to be poorer so their percentiles are more similar

>> No.3797402


Except that income disparity is a better indicator of social unrest than any kind of objective wealth assessment.

So really, the rich getting richer faster than the poor is a cause for concern. That is, if we are interested in living in a stable society.

>> No.3797403

water buffaloes come from India

>> No.3797404

>hating people less fortunate than you

good job whiteys

>> No.3797406

>Telling people Racism is bad
>On 4chan

Good luck with that.

>> No.3797415


Good job missing the entire thread. Why are they less fortunate than me?

>> No.3797416

No it isn't we aren't anywhere near suing up resources and even if we did that wouldn't mean the rich control them because they would simply run out, collectively the poor own far more than the rich that is because the poor traded money for whatever the rich made. Now the poor have a load of goods and the rich a load of money.

>> No.3797419


That doesn't seem right. They weren't getting out to any kind of better situation. They were just going to be starving and sick in another place. And given that it is tough to tame a new land, they were even MORE starving and sick.

The people who stayed were those invested in the local society. The failures who couldn't leave, and the successful people who didn't want to. I'd be surprised if anything but an average sampling actually ended up driving early human migration.

>> No.3797424

>Be black
>Dad is a business owner, mom is a lawyer
>Live in an upper class neighborhood that has plenty other black people
>Make straight A's, 134 IQ
>Currently in college working to become a surgeon

>> No.3797426

>this thread
>we've had it many times today

>> No.3797429


Congratulations you just discovered what the dollar really means.

>> No.3797430

Racism != Racial discrimination.

Anyway be careful if you tell someone you are a racist, because you will instantly become a horrible person.

What a stupid world we live in...

>> No.3797433

>white people do shit, invent shit, in general self actualize
>blacks live in poverty and squalor for eons before the white man and after the white man
>blame white for the problems of blacks
>claim white created poverty for blacks
>just the opposite white created wealth above and beyond that of blacks
>now claim poverty is relative to white standards

>> No.3797436


In one sense, it is zero sum.

But in another, we have barely even divvied out a fraction of the pie, and we always get better at making each piece of pie go further. So for the foreseeable future, it is nothing like a zero sum game.

>> No.3797454


So what your saying is white ancestors actually moved to a place that was worse off than Africa and somehow STILL managed to do better than those living in Africa?

>> No.3797455
File: 413 KB, 2282x1397, Infograf_how long will it last.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if this pic helps, but we are headed towards zero for many strategic natural resources

>> No.3797467

I think colonization proved that Africa isn't some impermeable environment that beat everyone into starvation. There is no reason why Africa cannot be wealthier than it is now.

>> No.3797472


Can you honestly not tell the difference between short-term and long-term?

>> No.3797473

Won't matter, alternatives are found or we recycle.

>> No.3797474

Jared Diamond header here

Best guess is that when our ancestors arrived in Mesopotamia it was a garden spot, so not sure what that other poster is thinking, other than being obstinate

>> No.3797485


Think about those diagrams is it assumes we know where all the natural sources of the material are. We thought we were going to be out of oil many times now, but we keep finding more and more.

>> No.3797486

>white girlfriend

>> No.3797487

Yeah, right.

And what magical thinking leads you to believe that the present crop of Republican Luddites is going to help develop alternate resources?


>> No.3797493

Fuck the oil. Oil is bad for you. We need thorium fusion or something else before we all choke to death goddamit

>> No.3797496


On Earth. These resources are really quite abundant if we just go get them.

But really, zero-sum? Has it just become zero-sum lately? Because it should be obvious that the global economy has grown constantly at least since we have records. Was it zero-sum when the average person a hundred years ago had far less than the average person today? Where did that extra stuff come from, from whom was it taken?

>> No.3797497


Like what long-term Africa was the evolution place of modern man, and just by shear length of time should have the upper-hand? Or short term of the random droughts that hit Africa and Europe, and Europe still comes out on top. Or the worst plague in human history, the black death, barley hit Africa wipped out 1/3 of europe, and the renaissance came shortly after that. No no i cant at all

>> No.3797499

You assume only the government can create alternatives, this was never true.

If anything it is the leftist who are Luddites they oppose any sort of technological advancement that automates anything because people lose jobs.

>> No.3797503


Oil wasn't the point. The point was we keep finding new sources for said resource.

>> No.3797522

I refuse to purse this further but the fact is your statement is bullshit. The discoveries do not match the consumption now or projected.

the chart is not a favicon for zero-sum. The accompanying blurb said SOME resources are approaching zero. And FUCK OIL.

>> No.3797525


Yes, Mesopotamia was uniquely suitable. But it was not more suitable than the Africa they were leaving.

You see, for the first few generations at least, they had to learn new ways to deal with the new environment. This was not simple. Heck, developing the Old West took more than a few generations of hard graft, and that was with an industrial East pumping settlers and modern equipment out that way.

My point is, the argument that only the stupid, lazy people stayed in Africa is groundless. Diamond gives some very compelling reasons why Africa might be behind, and Eurasia might be ahead, that have nothing to do with race.

>> No.3797528


Europeans started off with an advantage. Going into Africa with advanced technology and lots of supplies would make them better off than locals who in comparison had the bare minimum. Even then there was plenty of struggling. Where's the domesticated Zebras? Oh right, it can't be done, to even get close you have to crossbreed them with already domesticated species.

>> No.3797533

No nonononno Oil is Always the Point!

>> No.3797538

>But it was not more suitable than the Africa they were leaving.

The African migrants didn't just hop on a bus and daytrip up to Iraq. The walked over a course of several thousand years. Who the fuck knows what was in their heads?

>> No.3797547

As oil prices rise more people will find alternative appealing, all people have a vested interest in cheap energy. This is why I never took the Nikola Tesla ionosphere energy crap being shot down by evil capitalists seriously. Capitalists want cheap energy same as everyone else.

>> No.3797554


At the least, we can't say exactly what kind of people would have tended to make the trip outwards.

>> No.3797560

>Gun Germs and Steal

I chortled

>> No.3797561


>> No.3797562

"The driving force of human history is immigration." - Toynbee

What are the reasons to immigrate for a primitive people? Weather, food, drought, politics, follow the herds, to see the elephant on the other side of the hill

>> No.3797568

Fuck YourTubes

If I can't see words on paper or a monitor, it's bullshit

>> No.3797569


Africans were in equilibrium with their environment, with a set of animals that had evolved to cope with humans and were unsuitable for domestication, with a geography that was unsuitable for the spread of domesticates.

Eurasia had more potential domesticates and an easier spread of domesticate.

Up until 1500, Europe was something of a backwater there. If a scholar in 1500 were making the assessment, he's be thinking about why they were incapable of reaching the level of sophistication and prosperity as the Chinese and Indians. Of course, we know now that this assessment would be premature.

>> No.3797579

>whites, statistically, commit less crimes

stopped reading there

>> No.3797583

But wouldn't that imply that blacks would've had harder time surviving and thus they'd have to invent thing to survive better and then become the slavers and colonists and have the best countries and shit?

>> No.3797612

Reread this guys post>>3797569

Africans felt no need. The natives of Borneo, Java, Tasmania, Australia, all divergnet form original Africans, felt no need to invent more than the absolute minimum to survive. In the case of the Borneo folk, their culture actually devolved over the spanof several thousand years, which is one thing that happens to isolated cultures and no outside force to impel them to do jack shit.

Northerners had to contend with the fucking Ice Age, 2 of them.

>> No.3797629

everything rots in the jungle, amirite?

don't answer that. of course I'm right.

>> No.3797652
File: 17 KB, 250x250, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of look like George Costanza, but I dont feel better about myself because of all the weight he lost.

Just because some guy who looks like you has high IQ or makes a lot of money doesnt mean you should be proud. Explain to me how it is any different than the Costanza thing.


>Being an edgy teenager "hurr durr niggers"

I seriously hope you guys dont do this.

>> No.3797671

So it's down to Europeans being "lucky" enough that they got to endure through 2 ice ages?

>> No.3797695

The lucky ones survived because the recessive gene for high intelligence became dominant because environmental pressure. In the case of the NE Asians, their ancestors actually immigrated up into the ice when it was at its peak. The smart ones lived, the dumb ones died. Ditto for their Caucasian cousins to the west, who waited out the ice for one big period anyway.

>> No.3797708

Hey, notice how most of our major technological advancements are fueled either by survival or war?

Europeans had a shit ton of survival to do and after they were done with that they decided to fight a shit ton of wars with each other.

>> No.3797718

yes, you're starting to get the picture
GUNS germs and steel, by which Diamond implies WAR

>> No.3797730


>be edgy hippster
>hurr durr he doesn't believe the same thing i do
>must be a teenager
i seriously hope you don't do this... oh wait

>> No.3797771

Everybody wants to give whites all this credit for being smart and building civilizations and piss on the blacks because *they* just sat around eating mangos that were basically falling on their heads, but the fact of the matter is that given the chance, people don't exert themselves unless absolutely necessary.

Take the case of the Greeks, who used slaves to wipe their asses, couldn't be bothered to do it themselves. Some guy invents a steam engine, and the other Philosophers take a look at it and say, so what? Now it takes two thousands years until Fulton. Or the "smart" Chinese who burned man-carrying kites, and their world sailing junks, and the Japanese who locked their kingdom away from the barbarians.

Whites aren't necessarily any brighter or better or worse than anybody else. They do what they do that is appropriate for their environment, which included a fuckton of technologically-driven warfare.

>> No.3797799

The Human Genome Project is still running, and they really don't have a big enough sample, but when they do, I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that western whites have an overdose of the berserker killer gene.

>> No.3797810


And? We generally don't kill our neighbors... just other people we think aren't the same mindset as us.

>> No.3797813

> whites, statistically, commit less crimes, have safer neighborhoods, higher IQs, make more money, have the better countries.

not BECAUSE they are white.

>> No.3797814

and nothing. I'm just scratchin my ass here.

>> No.3797822


uhhh i have just as much proof its because they are white as you have that its not a correlation.

>> No.3797836

which is no proof at all. so don't live your life according to a fiction

>> No.3797841

As a group, whites have historically confined their major looting and raping to the other guy's stuff, especially if the other guy lives in the southern hemisphere

>> No.3797849


right whites rape other peoples stuff, but historically they go outside their home to go rape and pillage. Blacks, on the other hand, fuck up their own country by raping and pillaging within the confines.

>> No.3797885

I take it you live in South Africa

sucks to be you

>> No.3797888


>> No.3797889

You are an edgy teenager as are most stormfags. Some teenagers become marxists, some become objectivists, you became a white nationalist.

You will either outgrow it once you start actually accomplishing things of worth, or you will cling to it as you live a failure of a life in your moms basement.

One day you look back at yourself and wonder how you could have been such a jackass.

>> No.3797902


You mean historically they go within arbitrary lines drawn by European invaders to do their pillaging because of little to no sense of national identity. They're NOT attacking people they perceive as being part of their community. Nationalism developed because of a need for people to seek collective protection in warring nations and from empires which sought expanded territory and thought that by making people see themselves at part of that nation they would be less likely to rebel.

The premise for your point is wrong. The argument is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.3797928


Wth are you talking about black "warlords" would sell their own people into slavery long before europe ever came in and "drew lines"

>> No.3797996

Western civilization as given is a product of Greek civilization, which was almost entirely slave-based.

And, no, the Greeks weren't black, although they had both white and black slaves,.

>> No.3798013


I somehow think the germans may disagree with that statement about europe being greek... Scandinavia too.

But ethier way the Greeks didn't use their own people as slaves they went and found other civilizations to get slaves from.

>> No.3798268

They did indeed use their own people as slaves, and German civilization is a progression on the Greek, as any German philosopher will tell you.

Don't get sidetracked with modern German fascist paganism and the like. They were conquered by the Romans after all, who modeled their civilization on the Greeks. The modern Renaissance began in Italy, which is full of "Romans."

I repeat, Western civilization is a a product of the Golden Age of Greece, which was lousy with slaves of all colors, nationalities and sexes.

>> No.3798296
File: 138 KB, 615x599, 5345345645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wont prove to you anything. I will just show you this.....

>> No.3798328

who are you showing this graph to at this late date of this thread, like it hasn't been posted thirty times in the last thirty days.

We've already traced the immigration out of Africa in this thread and we understand that the lazy shiftless Negros stayed home with the mangos and bananas and jungle rot and thus suffered no environmental pressure to become Brainiacs..

>> No.3798336


I agree with you kind sir, now if you can just come off your high horse we can speak like gentlemen.

>> No.3798344

too right, and I apologize. My only excuse is that I've been posting in like 5 threads simultaneously and I have become abrupt. Sorry, I'll try to cool my jets.

>> No.3798349


Civility exists on 4chan. Proof positive.

>> No.3798355

I might add that Heidegger's Being and Time is in part a refutation of Plato, so the Germans were definitely feeling the influence of the ancient Greek philosophers...

>> No.3798647


i am somewhat confused here
and exactly what is a 'non european caucasoid' ???

hyberborea, atlantis, eden?