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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 27 KB, 250x309, Mugabe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3795889 No.3795889 [Reply] [Original]

Lets say for a Negros are less intelligent on average to other races, how does that justify hating all of them?

>> No.3795895

Because they picked on me in high school.

So did white kids but that's okay because they're white.

>> No.3795896

I'm insecure, and it helps me sleep at night.

>> No.3795899

because crimes

>> No.3795901

I have a really small dick and I hear they have big ones. Well, except for the women, but I hate all women because they won't fuck me.

>> No.3795905

It doesn't. Hate is an emotional response.

>> No.3796255

I don't hate them. i just think other races should not breed with black people because it degrades the quality of the races.

>> No.3796265

Only if the offspring end up breeding with the superior race. Most of the time, black mixes are encouraged to become de facto blacks (such as Obama). When this happens, it actually increases the IQ of the black population, not decrease the IQ of the alternate population.

Of course, this only works if the culture encourages mullatoes to breed with blacks.

>> No.3796266
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it doesn't

>> No.3796278

Yeah, that's right. But I think that culture is changing now.
Intelligence is too precious to be wasted like that.

>> No.3796280

I don't hate them. In fact I wish them kind and responsible owners, so that the nightmare of their freedom can be ended soon.

>> No.3796299

I wouldn'y hate them if they lived in Africa.

>> No.3796420


what kind of shithole do you live in that you even SEE black people, except at a distance?

>> No.3796426

fucking Paris,man

>> No.3796446

People with lower intelligence at best are annoying, and tolerable. At worst they are criminals and douchebags.
Anyone see the video of the 20-30 black kid who raided a gas station shop. I think they took it off the interwebz cuz i can't find it anymore.

>> No.3796470

Because they have big dicks and I want one too.

>> No.3796475
File: 46 KB, 303x309, gin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate them because they can never into glorious ginger master race.

>> No.3796512

It's more than just low intelligence. They have different ethnic interests, higher crime rates, use welfare programs at a higher rate, and generally leech off the productive White people. It doesn't necessary justify hate, but they are good reasons to not have them in your country.

>> No.3796529

Plenty of somalis I've seen have been gingers. It fits them disturbingly well.

>> No.3796531

Threads like this come close to depressing me at times. No matter what my degree is, how I speak, how I dress, how I behave, and how I think, I will always be looked down upon by people who think the way anons do on this board.

>> No.3796544


Being highly intelligent means you are more dangerous.

Imagine if a person who could make bombs or poison suddenly wanted to commit crimes. Or someone in investment banking thought to himself, lets screw people over.

They could cause way more damage than some black people with shitty education robbing some petrol station.

The only difference between stupid criminals and smart criminals is that smart criminals do more damage and less likely to get caught.

>> No.3796545

a few blacks are smart too. But in Gaussian distribution, they are less intelligent. You may be one of the outliers..

>> No.3796549
File: 21 KB, 317x267, hurkhurk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being butthurt over what anons think.

Look around. 4chan is the short bus of the internet. Why would anyone come here for opinions? Come here only for the rich trolling opportunities. These people are here for your amusement, not your enlightenment.

>> No.3796550

>go to africa

>fix africa

>take all african americans back to africa

>america white

>africa black

And their is your solution

>> No.3796551

keep telling yourself that.

>> No.3796552

Finally a race thread that is not ruined by some spamming libtards.

>> No.3796560


>implying that people hate niggers because they are stupid.

people hate negros because they are a big part of why our society is all fucked up, and they make it harder for other races to thrive.

they are like leeches

not to overgeneralize, but just look at the numbers.

>1 in 9 black men are locked up right now.
>they take up 39.8% of all of the governmental assistance money, yet are only 14% of the population.

i am not racist, but niggers do some fucked up shit.

>> No.3796567

>dat feel when i live in australia and seeing a black person is rare.

>dat feel when i don't understand racism

>i go to america

i am now racist

>> No.3796571

you are racist. Like most people.

>> No.3796572

you took the words right out of my mouth. >>3789840

>> No.3796576

I hate niggers, not black people. I love black people who contribute to society

>> No.3796583


>> No.3796584

Smaller the dick, bigger the brain.

'Ey brotha?

>> No.3796585

People have a warped definition of what it means to be racist. Racism is defined as a belief that some race is genetically inferior AND that racial discrimination is justified. While lots of people believe in the former, not many believe in the latter.

>> No.3796593

The aboriginal situation is so much different to america. also the aboriginal population is so small you only see them out in the desert.

>> No.3796597

im really not racism is defined as the implication that all of one race is superior to all of another race.

there are some useful niggers out there, that contribute to society and dont make it hard for others to thrive, but a majority dont.

tl;dr: not ALL nigs suck just a majority

>> No.3796610

since this is /sci/ and not /int/, can someone please provide info?

>> No.3796632

I don't hate the race, I hate the ignorant, do-nothing, whining, poor meism culture.

>> No.3796639

No, we can't.

>> No.3796660

/sci/ -Stormfront

>> No.3796675

>check em

Also this is not a nazi circle jerk, im just trying to figure out where the true hate for the black man comes from. Lots of people hate niggers but cant admit it.

>> No.3796695


>I project my personal racial hangups on lots of people and use news reports of personal issues being conflagrated into racial ones by people outside of the conflict to justify this to myself.


>> No.3796701


>> No.3796711

you wish, nigg

>> No.3796734

People hate Negroes because of their nature. Most people wouldn't mind them terribly if they were unintelligent but docile. There are plenty of mentally retarded employees working semi-normal jobs and leading semi-normal lives, without committing any crime.

The problem is, blacks are unintelligent *and* extremely aggressive. You would know this if you ever interacted with them much. They have ridiculously high rates of sociopathy. It's not a coincidence that blacks are the most likely race to end up in prison in every single country you go to. Why do poor Asians and whites of equivalent poverty not end up in prison as much as blacks, if the "poverty" argument is true?

If you want to know why people universally despise blacks, it is a combination of (1) extremely high crime rates, (2) aggression, casual violence, general disorder, (3) very low IQs, which leads to poor job performance and consequently poverty.

>> No.3796749

TL;DR: It has exactly nothing to do with skin color.

>> No.3796767

When the tsunami hit Japan, they all banded together to help each other out, and protected each other's property with minimal looting.

When Katrina hit New Orleans, blacks began raping and looting everything in sight.

Raping. Seriously.

>> No.3796780

It's sad, really. To be honest, I wish we could limit their population growth for the greater good of man. Less blacks -> less murder and rape -> better society.

"Our rulers and media executives will try to turn the story of Hurricane Katrina into yet another morality tale of downtrodden blacks and heartless whites... . [But m]any whites will realize — some for the first time — that we have Africa in our midst, that utterly alien Africa of road-side corpses, cruelty, and anarchy that they thought could never wash up on our shores."

— Jared Taylor (Yale graduate), American Renaissance, 2005

>> No.3796782

yeah, nothing to do with thier skin. Race is more than skin colour.

>> No.3796787

same as British riots this summer

>> No.3797057


Just thought I'd throw this into the mix

Robert Mugabe has blue eyes, the pic is right there look, opinions?

>> No.3797752

> No matter what my degree is, how I speak, how I dress, how I behave, and how I think, I will always be looked down upon by people who think the way anons do on this board.

No, we look down on you since you are constantly embroiled in your own, narcissistic racial consciousness. That's the big BIG problem with Black culture, in that it is EXTREMELY racist due to that obsession with racial identity alone. (And then there's the supporting hatred of Whites, that ALWAYS underlies Black culture.)

Stop paying attention to race. There will always be people who look at your skin color and mutter "/\/igger" under their breath. So what? There are always people who look at ME and mutter "White trash" under THEIR breath, and I don't spend every waking moment obsessing about it. Just put racial identity aside and GET ON WITH REAL LIVING.

>> No.3797756


That was pretty much American culture in action, though.

>> No.3797779

If you hate stupid people, then you would naturally hate a higher percentage of Blacks that of other races.

However, you would logically have to like intelligent Blacks, and not fear their genes entering your gene pool.

Afterall, they're intelligence is due directly to their DNA, like any other intelligent person or people, right?

Therefore, smart Black people wtend to have smart babies, right?

If you say "no", then you don't really give a shit about genes, or heredity--you just hate people because of their appearance.

>> No.3797805

If you hate stupid people, then you would naturally hate a higher *percentage* of Blacks than of other races.

However, you would logically have no intrinsic problem intelligent Blacks, and would have no argument against their genes entering your gene pool.

Afterall, their intelligence is due directly to their DNA, like any other intelligent person or people, right?

Therefore, smart Black people will tend to have smart babies, right?

If you say "no", then you don't really give a shit about genes, or heredity--you are conflating the genetic fitness of individuals with population genetics, and don't understand what an 'average' means--or you just hate people because of their appearance.

>> No.3797839

I'm only afraid around blacks because if I live in a black majority area my home will likely be broken into. If I pass a group of black youth on the street it is likely they will accost/mug/kill me. There are good blacks, but at the same time the person most likely to commit a crime against me is black. Forgive the racism, but it is logical.

>> No.3797854
File: 38 KB, 594x396, Hailee+Steinfeld+68th+Annual+Golden+Globe+wY6nQd_TRr-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Sir, have identified the core issue that keeps Blacks as the 'other' in our society, and I think directly contributes to the prevalence of anti-social behavior among Blacks in America.

I'm part black--though it's not apparent enough in my appearance to be viewed as such by others.

I'm lucky enough to not be forever conditioned to consider my EVERY SINGLE social interaction in the context of my ethnic heritage.

I understand that it's hard for Black to "get over it", but there's really no other choice. You look different, but most Whites (any anyone else for that matter) are MORE than willing to accept you if they feel you are non-ethnic--the way MOST Americans view themselves.

Blacks: you're not special. This is the one thing you have complete and total control to change. Everyone else's ethnic identities have been watered down. Time to take off the dashikis and join the rest of society.

>> No.3797858


If you hate violent people, you would hate a (far) higher percentage of black people. However, there are violent whites as well.

So it would be logical to avoid black people passing by to minimize the risks of being robbed or even killed.

>> No.3797872
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< This thread summed up.

>> No.3797875

Yes, but if you don't also have the common sense to tell the difference between a normal Black guy bringing his kids to the movies, and a punk teenager looking for trouble, your might be on the low end of the intelligence bell curve yourself.

>> No.3797877

>Therefore, smart Black people will tend to have smart babies, right?

Regression to a mean of 85 hits pretty hard on the offspring of smart black parents.


p. 29

>> No.3797886

They smell

>> No.3797892

>So it would be logical to avoid black people passing by to minimize

Except you can't say that absolutely. A lot of different factors come into play when we rationalise in the heat of the moment. Real you should take into account the person's clothing, and how they behave, whether they're drunk or yelling.
hating or avoiding one ethnic group *solely* because statistically they have a higher propensity for violence isn't logical.
hating or avoiding, a certain types within this group is logical. For instance, if I see a person who is a white scummy junkie/drunk chav I'll be inclined to avoid them, while if I see that it's a man in a sharp tailor made suit, I'll walk past no bother

>> No.3797913

There's too many factors too assume it's predominantly genetic at this stage.

>> No.3797918

>Regression to a mean of 85 hits pretty hard on the offspring of smart black parents.

But why would this happen? The only explanation is that it's environmental.

>> No.3797922

you are talking about blacks raiding stores?

>> No.3797940

I don't object to the evidence, only the way people ignore the undesired implications of both general explanations for lower IQs among Blacks.

This is how you play tennis without the net:

>Blacks have 'stupid genes'
>Smart Black people pass on 'stupid genes' too
>Still, intelligence is genetically determinant
>Pre-natal conditions, socialization, nutrition, etc. are negligible

Either it's primarily a genetic problem, or it's primarily a social/environmental problem.

Both have their remedies, but many people are happy calling it a "Black" problem, which has no expository value, and gets us nowhere.

>> No.3797943

>There's too many factors too assume it's predominantly genetic at this stage.
Hello? Are you from a long time ago or are you just pursuing a liberal arts degree?




>> No.3797949

Section 9: Mean Race–IQ Differences and Regression to the Mean

Regression toward the mean provides still another method of testing if the
group differences are genetic. Regression toward the mean is seen, on average,
when individuals with high IQ scores mate and their children show lower scores
than their parents. This is because the parents pass on some, but not all, of their
genes to their offspring. The converse happens for low IQ parents; they have
children with somewhat higher IQs. Although parents pass on a random half of
their genes to their offspring, they cannot pass on the particular combinations of
genes that cause their own exceptionality. This is analogous to rolling a pair of
dice and having them come up two 6s or two 1s. The odds are that on the next
roll, you will get some value that is not quite as high (or as low). Physical and
psychological traits involving dominant and recessive genes show some regression
effect. Genetic theory predicts the magnitude of the regression effect to be
smaller the closer the degree of kinship between the individuals being compared
(e.g., identical twin  full-sibling or parent– child  half-sibling). Culture-only
theory makes no systematic or quantitative predictions.

>> No.3797952

>regression to the mean
but that's not how genes work...

>> No.3797961

Gee, I know this is the internet, but threads like this still get me at times.

Please keep in mind not ALL blacks aren't unintelligent idiotic criminals. There are still some of us that actually have good education and contribute to society.

>> No.3797963

Did you flunk your quantitative genetics 101?


Just read the source given previously (and ignore most of rushtons "work").

>> No.3797977

>but that's not how genes work...
But it absolutely is (on multigene quantitative traits)


>> No.3797982
File: 22 KB, 645x773, 1314144516024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel. Going your whole life being looked down upon sucks.

>> No.3797984

For any trait, scores should move toward the average for that population. So
in the United States, genetic theory predicts that the children of Black parents of
IQ 115 will regress toward the Black IQ average of 85, whereas children of White
parents of IQ 115 will regress toward the White IQ average of 100. Similarly,
children of Black parents of IQ 70 should move up toward the Black IQ average
of 85, whereas children of White parents of IQ 70 should move up toward the
White IQ average of 100. This hypothesis has been tested and the predictions
confirmed. Regression would explain why Black children born to high IQ,
wealthy Black parents have test scores 2 to 4 points lower than do White children
born to low IQ, poor White parents (Jensen, 1998b, p. 358). High IQ Black
parents do not pass on the full measure of their genetic advantage to their children,
even though they gave them a good upbringing and good schools, often better than
their own. (The same, of course, applies to high IQ White parents.) Culture-only
theory cannot predict these results but must argue that cultural factors somehow
imitate the effect theoretically predicted by genetic theory, which have also been
demonstrated in studies of physical traits and in animals.

>> No.3797987

white is better. join tea party.

>> No.3797988
File: 31 KB, 500x461, i_hug_that_feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know man. I can't even go on fucking /int/ to discuss politics without seeing those stupid "HURR DURR BLACKS ARE DIRTY SUBHUMAN MONKEYS" threads. Shit's annoying/

>> No.3797995

Jensen (1973, pp. 107–119) tested the regression predictions with data from
siblings (900 White sibling pairs and 500 Black sibling pairs). These provide an
even better test than parent– offspring comparisons because siblings share very
similar environments. Black and White children matched for IQ had siblings who
had regressed approximately halfway to their respective population means rather
than to the mean of the combined population. For example, when Black children
and White children were matched with IQs of 120, the siblings of Black children
averaged close to 100, whereas the siblings of White children averaged close to
110. A reverse effect was found with children matched at the lower end of the IQ
scale. When Black children and White children are matched for IQs of 70, the
siblings of the Black children averaged about 78, whereas the siblings of the
White children averaged about 85. The regression line showed no significant
departure from linearity throughout the range of IQ from 50 to 150, as predicted
by genetic theory but not by culture-only theory.

>> No.3797998

If you eliminate all the Jews of Europe
there won't be more Jews in 100 years
to return the population to the mean.

...Just as an example.

Blacks are already self-selecting for social status, intelligence, socio-economics, etc. It just so happens that the majority of Blacks will remain in the great future underclass--but not all of them.

>> No.3798007

Simple. Humans dislike people that look different.

>> No.3798026

> raping
That was just a rumor.

>> No.3798038

I wasn't arguing that selection (/fertility differentials) for Intelligence can't raise group IQ. That would be pretty stupid because human intelligence obviously developed by selection. Regression just slows it down - towards both ways.

>> No.3798042

doesn't matter--
we'll all have designer babies in 100 years, and all of this shit will be in the past.

...hell, there might not even BE black people if the social conditions favoring European genetics don't change.

Biophysics and systems biology are going to change the race(s) in ways that'll make discussions like this seem laughable.

>> No.3798049
File: 126 KB, 333x278, Designer baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.3798173


Thanks. You say it fairly well, whereas I'm far more of a complete ass when I express these views.

Like Jews, Blacks are embroiled in a self-defeating culture in the long-term, based on the allure of short-term gains. The long-term losses are people avoiding Blacks in general, and the short-term gains are Liberal and media attention.

Like Jews with their Holocaust, Blacks keep harping on Slavery. Both want to dig deep into the cultural fabric by using those tragedies, to obtain special treatment, as you allude.

>> No.3798197

I hate dumb people of any race. Smart black man is fine with me as a smart white man to me.

Your argument was invalid as soon as you said negro.

>> No.3798211
File: 19 KB, 510x383, 17281-valentine2_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very true.

>> No.3798231
File: 74 KB, 662x635, 1308250682669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define smart?

>> No.3798244

One or more standard deviations above the mean intelligence of the entire human population.

>> No.3798255

That tech is still quite far away from being reality for all I know. Sounds like the fusion reactor thingy ("who cares about [insert energy problem]? this will solve all our problems anyways") to me so I'll think about its implications when it's a little closer to reality.

>> No.3798258

Because jews hate everyone for being dumb, so it must be ok for us whites to hate dem der colored fellas

>> No.3798284


>> No.3798299

>One or more standard deviations above the mean intelligence of the entire human population.

Ok that's ~105 on US standardizations (global mean IQ is around 90 according to Lynn).

In racial terms: 50% of north east asians, 37% of whites and 10% of african-americans.

>> No.3798313

1800's: Century of Chemistry
1900's: Century of Physics
2000's: Century of Biology

We're much closer to the society-altering advances in biological manipulation than we are in fusion, anti-matter, or any of the other admittedly cool physics being worked on, in part because the current fad is too heavily angled towards the the superstring hypothesis (it's NOT a theory).

>> No.3798316

I will watch but tbh I'm very sceptically about the current state on complex traits like height and Intelligence.

>> No.3798338

perhaps we should curve it to the mean of all countries that rank decently on the human development index.

It's always going to be a somewhat subjective measurement, but we can help objectify it by connecting it to a minimal acceptable standard of societal health.

What would that look like?

>> No.3798350

Complex traits will take longer, for sure, but the rate of progress is extreme if you only think back a mere decade, let alone two.

It will go even faster if more of the best and brightest would consider biophysics careers. It seems that astrophysics, and quantum mechanics still draw the majority of super-brains.

>> No.3798351
File: 96 KB, 800x406, 800px-OECD_member_states_map.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perhaps we should curve it to the mean of all countries that rank decently on the human development index.

How about OECD members? The mean of those is probably something around 95 (too lazy to do the math) so we'll get to 110 as smart-cutoff.

>> No.3798352
File: 4 KB, 169x154, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i haz sauce on that one?

>> No.3798372


While on the physics side, we're still debating thorium reactors.

For instance, we'll probably have bacteria-farmed butane before we have thorium plants.

>> No.3798379


>> No.3798380

ExxonMobile is already squeezing oil out of bacteria in San Diego.

>> No.3798412

I'm willing to call 110+ "smart".
It's probably smart enough be at least somewhat autonomously creative, while still having the capacity to appreciate the motivations of others, and the social contract.

>> No.3798421
File: 73 KB, 480x593, Albinos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whites, LOL.

>> No.3798433

Ok that's 37% of NEA, 25% of whites and 5% of african-americans by a primitive estimate (ignoring deviation differences and the possibility of "fat tails").

>> No.3798442
File: 20 KB, 300x400, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't hate me, do you?

>> No.3798455

and we'll say 'average' intelligence is WITHIN +/- 1 standard deviation of the mean.

I don't like to use the mean to denote average intelligence because it only denotes a point, rather than a range.

So what % of humans would that get us up to?

>> No.3798506

Let's breed for high IQ, because it's not like outside factors change how a gene expresses itself or anything like that.

>> No.3798528

Okay, assume black people are less intelligent on average. I hate dumb people. Therefore, I hate a higher percentage of black people.
I don't see what the problem is.

>> No.3798530

68%, give or take

>> No.3798547

>Why do people hate blacks?

Read this, and try to find an example of a statistic given that is not true:

>> No.3798549

people hate them as a result of the lies and the policies established because of that lie. do people hate chimpanzees? no, because theyre in nature doing their thing and they dont affect us. the same as it would be with negros if it wasnt for liberals forcing us to live with them and pretend theyre human.

your argument is fallacious and propaganda, OP