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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 8 KB, 238x212, Trollstein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3793695 No.3793695 [Reply] [Original]



>Just goes to show how fallible man is, and why man should be less brazen about his own understanding of the cosmos. Evolution proponents take note. Those who put absolute faith and belief in current scientific views take note.
>If particles are discovered that can travel faster than light beams and X rays for example, then these particles can be used to scan for a terminal life threatening disease and see back in time to when the illness started when it is easier to cure.
>This is how science is done. If experiments in the real world contradict the theory, the theory needs adjusting. Einstein would be delighted "A beautiful theory is destroyed by an ugly fact." Compare and contrast with climate change "scientists" who prefer computer modelling to observation, cherry pick and fiddle available data and try to bury anyone who contradicts them.
>The changing views of science compared to the UNCHANGING WORD OF GOD!!
>The idea that the speed of light is some kind of barrier is as silly as the speed of sound was before it was broken. Why would this speed have anything to do with time and space it is silly. Light is composed of particles that travel at their own speed like every other particle in this universe.

Einstein status:
Not told [ ]
Told [ ]
Dailytold.co.ul [X]

>> No.3793721
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>> No.3793728


>> No.3793734
File: 31 KB, 640x480, thebutton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill them all.

>> No.3793735

noope sorry
maybe in relativistic terms neutrinos do appear to travel faster than light
either way einstein is not wrong

>> No.3793745
File: 29 KB, 251x220, 1310665746617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aliens did it

>> No.3793746

You know what the worst part about all of this is?

Einstein died thinking he was right.

>> No.3793748

>Theory stands strong for an incredible ~100 years
>New discovery allows for alteration of that theory

>> No.3793755



>> No.3793758

>implying a theory's standing date = its validity

Everything we know is wrong.

>> No.3793751

>That feel when one of your favourite scientists is a fraud

>> No.3793768

explain yourself

>> No.3793772
File: 126 KB, 986x591, 1316292794341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw Einstein is writing epic on that blackboard.
Cannot be unseen.

>> No.3793781

>Everything we know is wrong.

Do you know that for certain?

>> No.3793783
File: 168 KB, 1093x797, 1270999546106.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theoretical physics has so much room for growth. The fact that this model worked for so long for such complex things is pretty good in my opinion.

The point is, it was only a matter of time before something came along (this isn't actually the first, obviously) that makes us say "Well, there's something more here and we need to re-analyse what we know." The sad part is, when it does happen, idiot Christians use it as an excuse to attack every scientific theory they don't hold in light. Sifting through those comments, some people are likening this to the inevitable discovery with the flaws of evolution. WHAT?

>> No.3793789

>relativistic terms neutrinos do appear to travel faster than light

I thought anything traveling at the speed of light will appear to do so from regardless of your frame of reference. How can this allow for a partical in relativistic terms to appear faster than the speed of light *scratches head*

>> No.3793790

16,000 repeated results certain.

>> No.3793799

>Everything we know is wrong.

Then that statement is wrong and everything we know is correct.

>> No.3793806

six sigma certain

>> No.3793809


how can you be so fucking late? i don't have a slowpoke picture slow enough for this shit

>> No.3793810

>daily mail

forever nope.jpg

>> No.3793807

No, your is also wrong so everything is wrong, again.

>> No.3793814
File: 22 KB, 394x493, 1274541879779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think this is a fantastic story to tell our children. It goes to show our morally bankrupt scientists can be. Relativity has been around for almost 50 years and NO ONE questions it. Why? Because a 'scientist' proposed it. Well this just goes to show that even scientists can be frauds, perpetuating their false ideas for their own gain. Bravo to the few who decided to stand against the masses and bring this travesty to light. Amen.

>> No.3793830

from >>3793728
>...supernova was discovered, optically, on February 24, 1987. About three hours earlier, 23 neutrinos were detected over a timespan of less than 13 seconds.
something to do with the nature of space itself, I think, is explainable through special relativity

>> No.3793831

If einstein was wrong how can we trust scientists that these "neutrinos" exist in the first place? Have YOU ever seen a neutrino?

>> No.3793834

The Daily Mail article was only just published. I just thought it would be good for a laugh.

>> No.3793842

/r/ing the original Trollstein comic. In fact does anyone have all of those bad science comics? Shit was cash.

>> No.3793859

10/10 would ulcer again

>> No.3793871


Have you ever "seen" light?
Maybe everything we know about sight is wrong too.

>> No.3793869

they do interact with matter.

>> No.3793876

Only one person in this thread greentexted
>daily mail

What happened /sci/?

>> No.3793881

i don't understand why that means anything
just because we have observed neutrinos traveling slower than the speed of light doesn't mean they can't also travel faster. Fail logic.

>> No.3793885

The Daily Mail is the most poisonous rag in England. It deserves to be hacked to death.

>> No.3793886

Implying Einstein and relativity didn't help us get to this point. Progression isn't based on one correct theory.

>> No.3793908

>`relativistic terms
>appear to travel faster than light

>> No.3794127

>implying it matters
>He's wrong anyway