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File: 36 KB, 675x375, UARS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3793652 No.3793652 [Reply] [Original]

>UARS crashes soon
>no thread about it on /sci/'s first page


NASA update at 01:30 AM GMT+2:
>As of 7 p.m. EDT on Sept. 23, 2011, the orbit of UARS was 90 miles by 95 miles (145 km by 150 km). Re-entry is expected between 11 p.m. Friday, Sept. 23, and 3 a.m., Sept. 24, Eastern Daylight Time (3 a.m. to 7 a.m. GMT). During that time period, the satellite will be passing over Canada, Africa and Australia, as well as vast areas of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. The risk to public safety is very remote.

Follow this glorious piece of space junk here:

>> No.3793689


>90 miles by 95 miles

Well then the tracking site must be off cause the lowest it has been in 95

>> No.3793698

Where is it supposed to hit?

>> No.3793714

If it hits my house I'm going to demand a job in return for damages. Fuck America and its unemployment rate.

>> No.3793753
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>mfw it hits N.Korea

>> No.3793760

if this shit hits me after all the times i've played the lottery im gonna be mighty dead

>> No.3793791

According to simulations, it's going to break into lots of pieces and 20-something of those will survive re-entry and reach the surface. No one knows exactly where they're supposed to hit. But some pieces can easily land on populated areas, though that's highly unlikely they say... We'll see.

>> No.3793823

If it hits Quebec, I'd be pretty happy.

>> No.3793851

I don't like its curve.. looks like it's heading for Europe. Let's hope it goes through Africa instead.

>> No.3793882


Right now it looks like it will pass just west of Spain and go down through Africa, but it still has a while to go. Read the greentext in the OP

>> No.3793887

Please for the love of all that is good in this world. Hit the 4chan server banks.

>> No.3794075

I don't quite understand how they can not know where it's going to come down.
Isn't it just some simple complex math to calculate it's trajectory and rate of decent.

I can understand not really knowing where the pieces are going to end up because they can't accurately predict how it will break up.

Everything I've been hearing about it just says it will enter the atmosphere somewhere between the arctic and antarctic circles.

>> No.3794089


Chaos. The smallest difference in orientation of the pieces as they enter the atmosphere can make an enormous difference in their landing position.

>> No.3794091

That's why you should put self-destruct device on the shit you throw in space

>> No.3794112

I'm still hoping the mass of it comes down over California. I want to see the pretty light.

>> No.3794152

Yeah, millions of tiny little pieces of metal flying around the planet at 11,000m/s, genius.

>> No.3794156

Using stellarium, it looks like it will be east of washington state on the next pass, and then over washington directly if it makes it until 11:20PM, I doubt it will last that long though.

>> No.3794170


they would never get to the surface

>> No.3794181

Where is it at now?

>> No.3794188

It's 0m above NYC.

>> No.3794196

Trolls will be trolls :/

>> No.3794207

It's passing Australia. Haven't started its descent yet and it's heading for North America.

>> No.3794235

Cool, any estimate where it might land in the US, it would be cool to watch it..

>> No.3794251

>Cancel space program
>Now looking forward to trash falling from the sky

>> No.3794257

Hell yeah..

>> No.3794262
File: 57 KB, 837x337, UARS_2302PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3794270


>> No.3794292

Altitude is dropping. 94-95 miles now. Is it crashing right into 'murrika?

>> No.3794317

any body know the rate of descent?


at what level the piece should begin to fall off?

>> No.3794331
File: 335 KB, 1280x800, Picture 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like murrica is out of the way..

>> No.3794341

>@mikewren Resetting counter to the next perigee (predicted re-entry)

They say if it makes it past perigee (closest approach in orbit) then it will make it around again. So it looks to me like it will fall somewhere in the Pacific or Canada

>> No.3794344
File: 36 KB, 500x318, history858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw it is already known that none of UARS will fall in the US, heads up Europe and Middle East

>> No.3794349
File: 45 KB, 600x480, Space-Debris-Threats-No-Longer-Ignorable-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how much debris is around earth right now, a lot of it is because china blew up a satellite in orbit.

Space debris is already a HUGE problem for the planet right now and something we are going to have to fix within our lifetime.

>> No.3794360

>No chance of #UARS landing in UK now

>> No.3794368

Yes, that's sort of the problem.

>> No.3794373


>> No.3794405

>@NASA: It's possible that #UARS is down by now. (Everybody OK out there?) We're waiting for confirmation from US Strategic Command.

>> No.3794414
File: 335 KB, 1280x800, Picture 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entering africa, blakc people about to be trippin bawlls

>> No.3794429

>satellite goes down in africa
>africans praise their new god

>> No.3794434


>Computed from orbital elements determined 6.4 hours ago

>> No.3794444

Seen "The Gods Must Be Crazy"?

>> No.3794469

>satellite stops in south africa
>hovers over johannesburg
>district 9

>> No.3794488

It'll crash into the ocean and will be the most boring news of the day.

>> No.3794494


There are unconfirmed reports that it crashed in Canada already

>> No.3794493
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>that feel when Earth looks really cute with a ring around it.
if we can shovel the debris towards the equator orbit will it mash itself together (and stay that way)?


>> No.3794509

sause? (inb4 link to your imagination)

>> No.3794510

Just went down in the Southern Ocean

>> No.3794513


>> No.3794515

I hope it hits a whale because

1. I want to see what the aftermath of a satellite hitting a whale would look like,

and 2. fuck whales

>> No.3794516


>@mycatthesquee: People north of Edmonton AB Canada saying they saw something "like fireworks" and 3 lights falling at10:20 pm MDT #UARS

>@BASEDDRAG: Getting a UNCONFIRMED report saying that #UARS may have gone down in Northern Quebec.

>> No.3794517

Are you Japanese?

>> No.3794521
File: 222 KB, 1127x514, eee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Hava Nagila.

>> No.3794526


can we shoot a magnet in space? it will attract all the debries

>> No.3794531
File: 49 KB, 390x310, 1308237169331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3794532

I'm American. My blood runs red, white, and blue, nigger.

>> No.3794537

I'm confused, is it down or what?
Where is it?
Where will it probably land?

>> No.3794547


It may be down, they are waiting for confirmation

>> No.3794549
File: 2 KB, 650x363, ohsaycanyousee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My blood runs red, white and blue as well.

Pic related, it's my flag.

>> No.3794550

How did this happen? What sent it out of orbit?

>> No.3794556


That's not the correct word for what this thing is about to do.

Imagine a fat person trying to do a backflip.
Wont land it.

>> No.3794557

I can confirm that it has crashed

>> No.3794560

I can also confirm this, but refuse to do so.

>> No.3794574

I can't get the tracking info anymore. The server must be overloaded.


>> No.3794591

>website is down

This must mean the satellite is also down.

>> No.3794599


Still working for me

>> No.3794601
File: 405 KB, 896x625, UARS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confirmation that it crashed in Africa

pic related

>> No.3794604

NASA is really falling apart

>> No.3794612

>implying its daytime in africa

>> No.3794618


>> No.3794660


>implying that it isn't morning already.

>> No.3794679

No sighting here in Melbourne, Australia. Rather cloudy day, though.

>> No.3794682

that's a pretty nice and urbanized African city, lat-long?

>> No.3794692



>> No.3794702

Main St., Kenya, Africa

>> No.3794711


>> No.3794721

Satellites in space dont look like that
Satellites that have broken apart in the the atmosphere dont look like that.
The ground near a crashed satellite doesn't loo like that.
The public response to a crashing satellite wouldn't look like that.

But you know, could be real.

>> No.3794726

CONFIRMED - East Coast Australia!

>> No.3794731
File: 122 KB, 479x339, breakingnews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ahh news here are reporting it spotted off the eastern coast of Ausfalia. Screencap of news.

>> No.3794736

UARS_Reentry UARS Reentry
Sightings and possible footage of debris over East coast Australia.
2 minutes ago

>> No.3794741
File: 18 KB, 477x341, down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3794745


That's footage of MIR breaking up

>> No.3794765

I didn't see it in Sydney with my 10-30x50 binoculars ... clouds might have had something to do with it though... ended up watching birds instead

>> No.3794774

THANK YOUUUUU!!! I watched it a long time ago and forgot it's name, was looking forward to see it again. Nice!!

>> No.3794779

>Satellite ascends .5 km.

Welp, nasa was wrong, its time for it to go back into space

>> No.3794789

Now it went up another 2 km. Anyone have an explination

>> No.3794797
File: 37 KB, 670x496, 1296747676589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask yourself this. How and why does an object orbit a much larger object?

>> No.3794798

Why is it gaining alttitude?

>> No.3794799

In an ellipse?

>> No.3794800


Elliptical orbit, dawg.

It's going to lose more than it gains averaged over time until it gets dragged down to Earth.

>> No.3794818

UARS_Reentry UARS Reentry
RT @SpaceTrails: Confirmed debris falling over okotoks, Alberta. Canada.#UARS

>> No.3794819

Exactly. When an object is in orbit, we will assume it orbits earth, it's in a state of perpetual freefall, where its velocity that is tangent to the earth is fast enough that it falls to the curvature of earth. In the case of this satellite, its orbit is highly parabolic at its extremes forming an ellipse, as such once it passed a certain point it will actually gain altitude. Eventually it will become too parabolic to maintain orbit and fall into earth.

tl;dr: play kerbel space program

>> No.3794824

It's going to crash into eden park during the france vs New zealand game in two and a half hours and kill the entire french team

>> No.3794835

Just stop.

>> No.3794838

heres hoping

>> No.3794844

France will surrender to N.Z. after said event

>> No.3794860


Calgary here: looking south with binoculars (10x42) I saw something that could have been a debris trail, or could have been a reflection or something else. Light pollution is pretty bad.

>> No.3794878
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I can't wait

>> No.3794927

I saw a Russian rocket booster re-enter in 2003 or 2004.
It was a spectacular sight, like someone throwing huge campfire through the sky.
I wish I could have seen this one

>> No.3795042

The satellite began to tumble, which changed the ballistic number so much that predicting the fall became wildly inaccurate.

Current reports out of a Sydney newspaper claim that debris falls have been seen from Canada to Africa, which I assume means the fall path also occurred over the Atlantic.

>> No.3795085
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No happy festival fireworks

>> No.3795153


Wakka <3333333333

>> No.3795205

I hope it doesn't hit the US, they would whine for another 100 years, mourning the 5 white trash faggots who were at a crack party at the time together.

>> No.3795211


It came down near Okotoks in Alberta.

>> No.3795242
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>> No.3795269


Someone saw it.

>> No.3795284

not the point, we're still tracking it and it's nowhere near Canada yet

>> No.3795312


So, who are we and what are you tracking?

>> No.3795331


>> No.3795336
File: 6 KB, 187x269, nph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At last report, the satellite crashed safely into Neil Patrick Harris' forehead, having been drawn by the gravitational pull of his gigantic dome. No one was hurt.

>> No.3795338

Where it might LAND -- in the US?
Considering you were just told it was going over Canada?

>> No.3795418


>Update #15
Sat, 24 Sep 2011 05:46:42 PM GMT+1000

>NASA’s decommissioned Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite fell back to Earth between 11:23 p.m. EDT Friday, Sept. 23 and 1:09 a.m. EDT Sept. 24. The Joint Space Operations Center at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California said the satellite penetrated the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean. The precise re-entry time and location are not yet known with certainty.

>> No.3795566

going over japan