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3792939 No.3792939 [Reply] [Original]

How much fast food it too much?

For the past five weeks I have been going to McDonald's once a week. I work late on Friday's and it's the closest thing. Sometimes I only get a burger, sometimes it's a meal w/ dessert and then some.

My exercise is minimal. Short walks bi-daily and some weights every 2-3 days.

Am I at a risk of developing long term health problems and gaining weight from fast food once a week? What is OK? Bi-weekly? Monthly?

>> No.3792976

Generally the amount of food is more important than the quality of food for the purposes of gaining or losing weight. As fast food is fairly energy dense, it is easy to overeat.

I would be more concerned about lacking important vitamins or minerals, that might not be present in your diet.

>> No.3792973


>> No.3793019

Most of my meals are OK. I snack largely on fruit and have light cereals (wheet biscuits, cornflakes, rice bubbles) for breakfast. But my dinner's vary. Vegetables and meat is moderately common along with stir fry's, homemade pizza, scrambled eggs/omelettes, but plenty of frozen shit like party pies crop up.

Should I be worried about the fast food if it's only once a week? Definitely cutting back a bit though.

>> No.3793034

i ate mcdonalds, jack in the box, taco bell etc ALL week long when i was in college. i am 6'3" 175 lbs. just play some pickup basketball once a week and you'll be fine. also after quitting soda i lost 20 lbs. it's the 40g of sugar per can. cut out that sugar and get a bit of exercise and you're fine.

>> No.3793063

I can safely say I never at THAT much junk food but yeah I ate a lot and I'm pretty thin too. No muscle and a bit of fat on the belly but when people always call me thin.

Also about the soft drink. I've heard it's worse than the fastfood itself because people drink so much of it without realising that it's going to make you a chub lord. My friend was telling me how his mother cut 'bad foods' out of her diet but still continued to go through two bottles of soft drink a day.

>> No.3793085


haha pretty much the same for me. i am pretty skinny with a bit of chub left over on my belly from college.

but not as much as when i graduated. i was about ~200-205 lbs in december. decided to quit drinking soda with sugar and i lost 25-30 lbs like that. 6'3" 205 still looks pretty slim but now i look even more skinny >_< still drink soda but not as much, and it's always coke zero or diet coke or something like that =\

>> No.3793096

What is fast food?

-high in calories
-high in sodium
-high in protein
-high in fat
-high in cholesterol

As long as you exercise enough to break up all that cholesterol before it blocks your arteries, there's absolutely nothing wrong with fast food.

It's a huge source of what your body needs: fat, calories, protein, etc.

>> No.3793098

>coke zero or diet coke

Fuck that shit. I'd rather go WITHOUT.

>> No.3793114

>As long as you exercise enough to break up all that cholesterol before it blocks your arteries

I recommend going for a twenty minute run after the meal if you have time. It will do the job

>> No.3793125
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>twenty minutes
>enough to prevent the body destroying effects of mcdonalds

>> No.3793129


that's what i thought at first man. i hated diet/low calorie stuff. but i was determined to eliminate sugar-heavy items from my diet and now i'm used to coke zero, etc. in fact when i drink sugary soda it tastes way too sweet for me now.

>> No.3793167


This. The health effects of fastfoods are mildly exaggerated.

Don't get me wrong, they're still bad for you. But once a week? Sure, there are better choices and you shouldn't get more then a burger or two, but as long as you're not some lard ass who eats it three times a week and has a huge plate of crap for breakfast and sits around watching TV all day you will be fine.

As long as:
-You get occasional exercise
-You have a healthy breakfast/lunch

You can still probably have shit for dinner AND fast food once a week and never gain a noticeable amount of weight or develop any major heart problems (unless you're unlucky).

If you get your advice from /fit/ or a health program, they'll act as though one burger is going to destroy a weeks worth of effort. Just keep in mind that:
1. These are people trying to LOSE weight, not just keep it off.
2. They're trying to become athletes, not just stay healthy and thin.

It's a different game if you're just worried about a little tummy and looking bad for the ladies. You'll be a-ok op. Go eat your Mcdonalds.

>> No.3793181


Of all the bad chemicals/ preservatives used by fast food joints, high fructose corn syrup is probably among the worst thing for your body. Don't drink soda.

>I recommend going for a twenty minute run while you eat the meal. It will do the job.

That image makes me laugh. Stuffing a giant big mac down your face while wheezing and gasping for air.

>> No.3793183

You'll be surprised how quickly you can adapt to a taste.

There was as time when I didn't like water. I would only drink milk or juices. I just couldn't stand water. After a day of drinking it it's all I wanted.

>> No.3793192

>That image makes me laugh. Stuffing a giant big mac down your face while wheezing and gasping for air.

I didn't mean immediately after.

>> No.3793203
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Fit thinks eating a jelly bean will give you diabetes and cause you to gain 10 kilos.

>> No.3793220
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Nah bro. I don't let that crap get into my body. Shit's a temple yo.


>this is how I imagine most /fit/ users actually talk

>> No.3793229

Coke Zero fucking rocks, its barely any different in taste between regular. Diet Coke tastes like...like.... pepsi though. Skip that.

>> No.3793234

Still funny though. Not samefag.

>> No.3793241
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Vanilla Coke > Pepsi > Coke > Coke Lemon > Cherry Coke > Diet/Zero/Sugarfree

Wait, what was this thread about?

>> No.3793249

OP I eat fast food once a day (I have to with the way my schedule sits... its either fast food or starve for half the day).

If you eat the right stuff its not that big of a deal.

The real culprit is in the soda.

I never drank soda when I was younger (sheltered), but once I started drinking soda with my fast food I gained 35 pounds in a year. After 18 years of weighing 145 or less, I shot up to 180 in 12 months.

I didn't really pinpoint it until recently, actually. I started cutting back on the fast food, but my weight didnt really change/or went up.

Once I stopped drinking soda about a year ago (it started to fuck with my teeth) I shed most of that weight.

I'm back down to 153 now (6 foot) and I still eat junk food err'day.

Feels good man.

>> No.3793265

OP here.

I had no idea soda was this fucking bad. Cutting this shit right out of my diet. I don't even like it and usually just drink it because it comes with the meals.

20 minutes is small time, I can do that.

>> No.3793299


You can still drink soda, but it has to be diet.

Juices are bad too, in some ways they're bigger offenders than soda.

Nobody thinks twice about pounding a big ass glass of OJ in the morning (hurr durr vitamin C dawg), but it has almost as much sugar as sodey.

Milk. Water. Oats. Squats.

>> No.3793318

Don't forget juice bro. So much sugar in store bought juice.

If you WANT to drink it than dilute it first and keep it to a glass a day.

Or better yet squeeze it yourself. Much healthier.

>> No.3793331
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>> No.3793359

Basically had this guy's experience in reverse. I used to drink a ton of soda, then I stopped cold. Lost about 50 pounds. I also stopped eating junk food and other shit food very often. 130ish and 5'10 now. Highest was about 185.

>> No.3793370
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>> No.3793380

diet soda is shit too, look up what aspartame is metabolized to in the body and shit brix

>> No.3793388


yup. and for OP, here is more soda bullshit: friend of mine was pretty chunky a couple years ago, maybe 5'8" 235+. he stopped drinking soda and lost over 40 lbs. stopped eating too and lost even more weight, haha. but really, the massive amount of sugar in pop is your main enemy!

>> No.3793390

Heres a good /sci/ related video as to why sugary shit is fucking bad:


>> No.3793396

it isn't.
just remember that 8 fl. oz. (standard soda can) is about as much as you can drink a day without exercise and not gain weight.

>> No.3793398
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>dilute it first

What the fuck is wrong with you people? What's next, you going to recommend he drink nonfat milk? Yuck.

>> No.3793430

Ideally: Any amount is too much. Low quality ingredients, recipes designed purely for taste and not nutritional content, too much fat, too much salt, too much bad carbs, etc etc etc.

Realistically: So long as you are consuming a proper amount of calories on a weekly basis and otherwise consuming healthy foods, it really doesn't matter that much.

>> No.3793436

>Most Americans Say They Eat Well, But They Don't


I'd bet my life all of you eat like shit.

>> No.3793475

No, non fat milk is actually worse than drinking 2% due to the process they use to eliminate the fat.
Also, whatever happened to 1% milk? I don't see it around any more.

>> No.3793484

Senior year of high school I had mcdonalds literally 5 times a week since I had early release and I never went a pound over 110. Must just be you, OP.

>> No.3793492

You don't see semi skinned about the place?

>> No.3793554
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If juice is bad than so is fruit.

>> No.3793570

I'm not an american and my parents run a grocery. Free fruit and vegetables. I eat that shit all day erry day

>> No.3793579

Sure your skinny. But your heart is probably unhealthy

>> No.3793596
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Stay the FUCK away from KFC.

>> No.3793606

diet soda is far worse than soda with real sugar.

stupid fuck.

go back to /fit/ where you can have a retarded circle jerk.

>> No.3793616


Fruit isn't great for you. It's okay in limited quantities and most of the nutritional aspect of fruit is from the pulp or the skin. Fruits are still very high in sugar, and depending upon amount of consumption can be unhealthy.


>> No.3793617

Juice is bad because it is pumped with preservatives than they put in flavoring.

Also, soda makes you gain wait because it has sodium, which retains water. No sodium = no water weight, drop it quickly.

>> No.3793620


>> No.3793628

Not quite.
Many store bought juices contain added sugar to compensate for the fact that they're watered down.

Also, many of the nutrients in fruits are in the skins.
You generally do not juice the skin with the fruits.

Also, also, you don't get anywhere near the same amount of fiber that you do from eating a whole fruit.

The only juice that may be worth it is pomegranate because those fuckers are so obnoxiously hard to eat.

>> No.3793639

Fructose doesn't act like a refined sugar in your dietary system, it behaves more like a complex one.

See: Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load

>> No.3793653

so let me get this straight.

fruit is bad for you.
juice is bad for you.

what the fuck am I supposed to eat and drink? raw vegetables?

fuck this shit. i don't care if i wind up like OP or even fatter. i'm eating what i want when i want.

>> No.3793668

You should rarely drink anything except water, maybe some tea and black coffee.

Fruit is fine for you. see

>> No.3793669

Your heart isn't going to be unhealthy if all of the fat from meals goes to the rest of your body so that you can live.

>> No.3793683


I know all about GI, but pounding grapes all day isn't "healthy." People have a warped perception about fruits because they're fruits and have long been bundled with veggies. "Eat your fruits and vegetables, kids." Like I said, fruits are not great, they're okay for you as long as you don't go overboard (and if you eat them at the correct times).

>> No.3793715

As opposed to a food that is ok for you to go overboard on?

Fruit is fine. Eat one at every meal if you so please. I will welcome the day with open arms when the worst part of peoples diets is that they eat too much fruit.

>> No.3793718


Fruits aren't bad for you as long as you're not eating too much. A banana and an apple a day is fine. What should you be eating? Whole wheat (bread and pasta), baked chicken, tuna, nuts, natural peanut butter, OATZ, veggies, brown rice, and steak are all good and good for you.

And drink water you fucking pussy.

>> No.3793722

your main concerns should be getting enough essential vitamins and minerals, and getting enough fibre.

take a quality multivitamin regularly if you don't believe your food intake is varied enough to satisfy your nutritional requirements. eat more fiber if you aren't getting enough.

as someone said above, the quantity of food you eat has far more to do with your weight than anything else, including exercise.

>> No.3793730

Dude, you would have to eat such a large quantity of fruit before it becomes unhealthy that it's fucking insane.

Eat 3 servings a day and you won't come near that level.

>> No.3793731


Complex carbs and lean proteins...

>> No.3793754

I would honestly argue that the worst thing about eating fast food is the high sodium content - especially when ordering meals with fries.

All that sodium causes an increased retention of water in your body, and that really does a number on your cardiovascular system over a long period of time.

>> No.3793769

See the label on your food that says "Calories"? You can use that to figure out how much food you can eat without turning into a fat fuck.

>> No.3793800

Great, just make sure you have a good health provider

>> No.3793829
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Eating food is so complex these days.

I just want to grow a vegetable patch and live off that shit. But I'm sure someone is going to tell me that that is unhealthy too.

>> No.3793839
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>That feel when you don't really like many vegetables and you have no idea what you should eat to compensate

>> No.3793857
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So. I've been thinking on going on an icypole only diet for a week. Thoughts?

>> No.3793879

you only don't like them because your taste-buds have become accustomed to shit.

Go have protein shakes with flax oil and fish oil for a month. After that, if you just eat healthy shit and nothing processed, you'll be wolfing down broccoli.

>> No.3795109

You'll over sugarfi yourself.

>> No.3795116

>protein shakes
>not delicious