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3792483 No.3792483 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a stem cell researcher anything
>at lab on a Friday night
>doin' experiments
>drinking beer
>getting kinda drunk

>> No.3792498

Why did you open a new thread?
You already made one today.

>> No.3792497

What specifically, about stem cells, are you researching?

>> No.3792580

directed differentiation to oligodendrocytes and direct reprogramming from fibroblasts to oligodendrocytes

basically cell specification and maintenance of cell identity.

because this is 4chan and I do what I want

>> No.3792613

can we turn stem cells into gametes yet?

>> No.3792615

>direct reprogramming from fibroblasts to oligodendrocytes
So what shared cell layer do they arise from during embryonic development?
How are you stimulating their differentiation?

>> No.3792668


not that I know of. They've done it with mouse stem cells partially to sperm. I could find the reference but I don't want to.

They don't come from the same germ layer oligos come from the neuroectoderm and fibroblasts come from the mesoderm. And I won't give away all my details but I transfect them with mRNA repeatedly to force them to do what I want. Sometimes in science no means yes

>> No.3792676

>because this is 4chan and I do what I want

fuck off

>> No.3792684

must be lonely if you still need us

op confirmed for pathetic lonely faggot trying to convince himself he's happy

>> No.3792697


not really that lonely.

Have a fiance and lots of friends. I just have lots of work to do tonight with many incubation periods. And the dept had a happy hour today so there is extra beer around. And who am I to refuse free beer?

>> No.3792698

So are you waiting around for a PCR right now or something? Or just procrastinating/getting distracted?

>> No.3792710

if you're not lonely. wtf you doin here

>> No.3792718


passaging cells and immunocytochemistry. I have a ton of backed up work from this week because I'm on the graduate student counsel and today we had a recruiting event to try and get more new students into the dept cause like 18 have graduated this year and I've been spearheading it. My fiance went to visit her parents and my sister/her friends so I have the opportunity to stay late and get caught up.

>> No.3792781

please see

>> No.3792791

how much math do you know?
how much math do you actually use in your research?

>> No.3792888

I took up to diff eq in undergrad
I don't use that much math currently as I'm mostly doing wet work(bench work).

I will use more once I start doing computational stuff and programming I suppose

>> No.3793035


What type of software do you use in your research? Specific programs? Aids of that sort?

>> No.3793056

we mostly use pipelines that are written by other people in the field. Probably nothing you've heard of. And of course we use stuff to look at like plasmids and analyze sequencing runs

>> No.3793070

Are cancer stem cells unique to certain forms of cancer or are they all the same thing? For example if a drug selectively destroys cancer stem cells in the breast, will it also destroy cancer stem cells in the brain (assuming permeability is not an issue).

>> No.3793121


How do you record your findings?

Has there been any "oh shit I did not expect that to happen" moment?

>> No.3793160

well whether cancer stem cells even exist or not is somewhat debated (I think they do). And I don't know of any research that has shown they are or are not the same in all cases, but I would bet they are similar but not identical.


electronic lab notebook backed up on a RAID array server in my boss' office. Yes there have been.

>> No.3793204
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>we had a recruiting event to try and get more new students into the dept cause like 18 have graduated this year

Where you at, brah? I'm qualified.

>> No.3793208

Pretty sure they're proven. We had a visiting researcher from MIT come last year and show off some drugs that selectively target CSC's. That's why I ask.

The only problem was that their drug would very likely breakdown in vivo.

>> No.3793246

There are still people out there that aren't convinced. I think they're real, but not everyone does.