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[ERROR] No.3790946 [Reply] [Original]


You guys realize this is telepathy, correct?

We are creating telepathy.

We, humans, are creating (yes, creating) telepathy.

Other species...are you even trying?

>> No.3790961

No, we are creating a stronger police state.

Tracking down criminals and interrogations will be the prime use for this.

>> No.3790989

This heralds the end of all traditional visual art, and the beginning of an age where anyone and everyone direct movies without a cast or crew.

This heralds the beginning of thought crime, and the end of plausible deniability.

This heralds the end of trust-based relationships, and the beginning of boyfriends and girlfriends routing through your brain-cache for mental uploads of yourself having sex with other people.

This heralds the beginning of mind-scan exams in high schools and universities, and the end of pen-and-paper tests.

This is the future, for better and for worse.

>> No.3790997

first the speed of light is broken, and now this? what a week, holy shit

>> No.3791012
File: 24 KB, 461x403, giorgioatsoukalos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even gonna say it, but you know it's true.

>> No.3791033

To be fair, lie detectors are not admissible in criminal court. This wouldn't be either.

Now, if we keep sliding down the path along which we've been going... I fear for my descendants.

>> No.3791044

>go to sleep wearing a Sony Dreamcam around your head
>all dreams are filtered by the Department of Homeland Security for possible terrorist associations

>> No.3791047
File: 75 KB, 559x480, 1313293412847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have to move forward and innovation like this is what is needed, but on a side note it is kind of scary. The world is not going to be a simple as it once use to be and our children our going to refer to our time of youth as "the medieval days." Jobs interviews will use intrusive technology like this. They will not force it upon you, but if you don't use it, they just won't hire you. The gubament will read your thoughts and realize how much of a foreveralone you really are.

>> No.3791059

your descendents won't matter in a world of perfect human communication any more than an individual liver cell matters in your body.

>> No.3791071

I would do nothing but think of a giant dick all night.

>> No.3791076

That sounds really fucking terrifying to you and me, but I doubt it will phase our descendents.

>> No.3791079

I'm just glad I'll be dead.

>> No.3791080

>Eventually, this process will allow you to record and reconstruct your own dreams on a computer screen.

I am going to make the hottest fucking porno EVER solely for me

>> No.3791084

I'm not terrified at all. This is what all of our technology has been building towards since the beginnings of our history.

individuals suck, I have no problem replacing them with a hive.

>> No.3791097

Enjoy going to prison for dreaming of kiddy porn.

>> No.3791106

Well, it scares me to an extent.

Individual initiative, the right to rebel or resist, and indeed the ABILITY to rebel or resist are fundamental parts of the human condition.

I could be comfortable with something like this being used for a "demarchist" political system.

>> No.3791112

we had a thread about it 15 minutes ago

>compilation of youtube videos to match brain's reaction
underage or just dumb?

>> No.3791130

>stupid waste of flesh who can't read an article

>> No.3791139

>you live on our land?
>well now you need to view ads while you sleep!

Yup, sure am looking forward to it.

>> No.3791169

you're assuming humans are worth preserving despite great evidence of our impending collapse.

Also, as an oldfag I can tell you that nobody in the 70's or 80's would dream that freedom loving individuals would CHOOSE to carry devices at all times that track their location, and VOLUNTEER to place pictures of what they're doing and location information on a central registry for the public, governments and corporations to track- but that's exactly what we have done.

we're choosing this, we want it.

>> No.3791180
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 1307521777829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It won't be as bad as you're imagining it will be, it never is.

It will be fucking awesome, new shit always is, unless you're a coward.

Let us roll with it, bros. Let us roll side by side.

>> No.3791182

This could be step 1 in making a virtual reality game console, it might be closer than we think.

>> No.3791189


They can only read visual thoughts, not implant them.

>> No.3791196

Oh god it's Futurama.

>> No.3791209

That will be the first thing they start looking into after this takes off, I assure you.

>> No.3791222

absolutely- the implications for gaming and education are obvious.

>> No.3791213


>> No.3791243

Pornography will be the prime use of this.

>> No.3791248

Why is the assumption made by many that the government/random people can see this?

If it's some device then it probably won't be automatically connected to the internet or some other source (people would have a shit fit over that). I imagine it would be like a computer, you can (and probably will), but don't have to connect it to the internet/other sources.

>> No.3791259
File: 117 KB, 752x500, 3datface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>causes cancer
>>cure cancer
Not a problem.

if devices like this become commercially feasible, industry will rape cancer no matter how much the medical industry wants to keep it around.

>> No.3791268


>If it's some device then it probably won't be automatically connected to the internet

It's 2011.
Every device is connected to the internet now.
When they field this in a decade or so you can bet your ass everything is going to be connected to the internet even more.

>> No.3791271


>> No.3791293

It's the predominant piece of software installed in our brains. Our prime directive. Everything is done to please our genitals. God gave them to us as motivational tools.

>> No.3791345


Think of all the different thoughts you can have. There's an infinite number and all must cause brain activity that differs in some sort of way.

There's a huge difference between reading activity which differs in insanely subtle ways and being able to actually stimulate that activity.

Don't worry. Even if they do somehow manage to find a way to do that there will be many ways for you to protect yourself, believe me.

>> No.3791346

cell phones and internet access weren't necessary to do business 20 years ago. Now you can't really make money in the US without them, and some major consumers (the federal government for example) won't do business with you at all unless you have them.

I'm not judging that development, just saying that useful technologies quickly become necessary technologies. If society adopts this, it will be shared, and you will be forced to share in it or be left behind socially and financially.

>> No.3791366

The Amish get along just fine.

>> No.3791407

yes, but many of them have cell phones and all of them have internet access... just not in their homes. Most government communications are handled online now, and the Amish often need to communicate with the government.

also they're isolated, both socially and financially from the rest of society. That's my point- not that you can't be happy with that isolation, just that you will be isolated.

>> No.3791415

I don't think people should freak out. Nobody wants the world to see their thoughts because pretty much everyone has sick thoughts. Everyone knows this and therefore nobody will really push for it.

Politicians are probably way more afraid of such technology than they are eager to implement it. Surely many of them realize that there would probably even be a push for it to be mandatory for those taking office, should its use become widespread.

Either way, the bottom line is we reached this point in time after many events and technological advancements that made people freak out in this exact same fucking way. Everything's fine now and it will most likely continue to be fine in the future.

>> No.3791427

And thus evidence of The Quickening came to light.

>> No.3791459

I want the reverse so that I can just insert knowledge into my brain.

>> No.3791466

Mind-mining valuable information will become a popular criminal enterprise soon after such retrieval technologies become widely available. Government too will look into using it for military and other purposes - telepathy is an interrogator's wet dream.

You'll need some sort of protection even if you don't use any of these technologies. For the poorer and more frugal, this'll just mean constant vigilance... for the wealthy, I'm sure there'll be all the manner of glorified tin hats.

>> No.3791561

I'd push for it to be mandatory for politicians even if it didn't become widespread. Considering their position, they shouldn't exactly have anything to hide. (And I mean important things concerning their roles.)

>> No.3791652

>This heralds the beginning of thought crime, and the end of plausible deniability.



>> No.3791685


That's pre-crime, man. Thought crime is 1984.

>> No.3791709

Guys I'd like a question answered. Why are lie detectors not permitted in courts?

>> No.3791723

Not reliable enough for legal purposes. Sort of like how UPS tells you to shove your bathroom scale up your ass when shipping packages.

>> No.3791739
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The singularity is near.

I might live long enough to be augmented.

>> No.3791741

Polygraphs? They can be fooled pretty easy. Also they can falsely accuse someone of lying if the guy is simply really nervous while taking the test, so understandably, such an inaccurate device should not be used for deciding sentences.