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File: 133 KB, 499x333, bag183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3790630 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone ever get called cocky because they think the "hard" course is generally easy and have no trouble doing the work? Or "cocky" because they forewent an average course because they wanted to do/learn something useful?

What is the proper response?

>> No.3790641

I get called cocky because I don't complain and mope about a class being too difficult or a professor being a bitch, I'm usually too busy studying to complain. So people assume the class is easy for me.

>> No.3790674


Are you me? People think I'm some kind of ass when I don't complain about the coursework or the teacher and I get good grades. HELLO!!!! I'm studying and doing my homework while you piss and moan! And people wonder why I hate them...

>> No.3790703
File: 98 KB, 400x293, watcha gon do bout it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the proper response?
Yea, I am cocky.

>> No.3790704

And you get called cocky?

What's your response?

>> No.3790716

I think you guys are being quite cocky right now...

>> No.3790727

I'm in the same situation OP. Just ask, "how am I being cocky?" That usually shuts them up.

>> No.3790734


They tell me I'm arrogant and I tell them that working hard instead of whining about working hard =/= arrogance. Furthermore, I tell them I don't really care what they think of me and that I'll keep doing what I'm doing. Nothing pisses people off more than knowing that you truly don't give a shit about them or what they think of you because that means they can't get to you.

>> No.3790830
File: 144 KB, 433x500, stick572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.3790883


Haha I love that pic so much. Gets me every time!