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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3789775 [Reply] [Original]

Alright. I know some of you guys spent years studying this stuff and I can understand a reaction like "stfu, get a book and read it yourself", but I'm not a scientist. I graduated in a completely different thing and my job is about people and not science (I'm a lawyer). Still, this thing fascinates me and I would love to understand it a bit better, even if only from the common man point of view and as far as I can get my brain to handle.

If any of you is willing to lend a hand, it will be very appreaciated :)

So, let's start with a simple explanation of this E=mc2 thing, can we? :)

Thanks to everyone who will take part in this.

>> No.3789784

The energy of something (E) is equal to the product of its mass (m) and the speed of light squared (c^2).

>> No.3789789

Listen, you fucking retard. Science isn't about truth or education, it's about looking down on people who know less than you and pitying them. So fuck off you mouth breathing piece subhuman sack of shit.

>> No.3789790


*the potential energy built up in something

>> No.3789791

Energy (E) is made of photons. These photons decay from inside the electrons, that are "tied" to the protons, that make mass (m). They decay as fast as light goes, because they carry light inside them too, so you multiply it by lots of light (c^2).

>> No.3789794


And what would that mean?

Say, I have a burger. How come it has "energy", for starters?

>> No.3789798


in classical classical mechanics you only work with a difference of energy, so you can add a constant to it, so we chose that constant as 0. in relativity the absolute energy is used and we determined that the constant is mc^2.

>> No.3789801


Because that's probably just what matter is, congealed and particle-ized energy.

>> No.3789803

The light from the burger becomes energy. That's why you digest things.

>> No.3789804

The significance of that observation is that any form of energy affects gravitational fields.

So nuclear and chemical bonds, momentum, etc. all affect gravitaional mass.

Also, the fact that c is so great means that nuclear energy is extremely compact. Particle-antiparticle annihilation is even more powerful.

>> No.3789806


>> No.3789807

The kinetic energy of an object is:
<span class="math">T = (\gamma - 1)mc^2[/spoiler]

Which reduces to 1/2*m*v^2 for speeds much below c.

Einstein didn't like the -1. He proposed that objects might have some rest energy (because you can do that--it's changes in energy that matter, so you can add or drop a constant whenever you want), and called it
<span class="math">E_0 = mc^2[/spoiler]

That way, the total energy of an object would be
<span class="math">E = \gamma mc^2[/spoiler]

His entire motivation for doing this was because "it looked nicer".

>> No.3789811

The basic, albiet simplistic, principle is that mass IS energy and vice versa. E=mc^2 is basically the potential energy that mass represents.

>> No.3789814

Yes, and light becomes energy.

>> No.3789818


Please ignore teacup, he is worse than Liberty.

If he's not actually Liberty, that is.

>> No.3789820

>implying light isn't already energy
>implying elctromagnetic waves aren't energy

>> No.3789823
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This Teacup guy.... Don't read his posts OP.
>mfw his posts

>> No.3789825

>His entire motivation for doing this was because "it looked nicer".
yes, if you completely ignore that <span class="math"> T = (\gamma - 1)mc^2[/spoiler] is just arbitrary and <span class="math">E = \gamma mc^2[/spoiler] is derived from the equations of motion.

>> No.3789830

I'm not worse than or equal to Liberty.

Alright wise guys, explain why light doesn't become energy then.

>> No.3789840

light goes REALLY fast, so there is A LOT of energy in everything.

so 300,000 km per second * 300,000 km per second = 90,000,000,000 km p/s

so if something weighs 1 gram, there is 90,000,000,000 joules per gram of that substance.

a joule is about the amount of energy released from dropping a textbook on the floor from chest height.

i hope this kind of puts this is perspective for you.

>> No.3789843

you crack me up, even though you're queer as a three dollar bill

>> No.3789846

so, in other words, if you had the faith of a mustard seed, you could command a mountain to cast itself into the sea, and it would do so?

>> No.3789847

...You obviously never studied science beyong year 8 and never read any of our posts either. Light is already a form of energy. It doesn't need to become energy. Fucking hell, why are you a tripfag on a SCIENCE AND MATHS board when you don't understand basic science.


>> No.3789853


light doesnt become energy because light is energy.

photons homie

>> No.3789867


Please ignore teacup, he is worse than or equal to Liberty.

>> No.3789873

I guess I'm flatered.

That's bullshit. The textbook obviously weights more than 1 gram.

How can light be energy and light at the same time? The TV would kill me with its light if that was the case.

Again, how can that be?

>> No.3789875



>if you had the faith

as there is no plausible way of releasing this potential energy built up in anything, its not going to happen.

they say atom bombs release like 1/234780983309486 of the energy that they potentially could.

>> No.3789880


>as there is no plausible way of releasing this potential energy


>> No.3789882

>Instead of helping him let's call him names xd

Then how do you know that the formula is right?

>> No.3789886

>light is a form of energy
and you say others havent studied physics

energy is a constant of motion, like momentum. some thing cant be a form of energy anymore than something can be a form of momentum, or angular momentum, or charge. its just something that is conserved in motion.

>> No.3789898

Please ignore teacup, he is worse than or equal to Liberty.

>> No.3789897


And this, my friends, is an example of someone who doesn't understand what energy is, and makes up things on the spot to pretend he is smart.

>> No.3789903

>and light becomes energy


>> No.3789910


youre an idiot

samefag here


i was merely putting in perspective how much energy a joule is. there was no coorelation between my two points


light = photon = energy

not me, but in regards to your response to >>3789847 you are CLEARLY uneducated in this subject and you should leave this thread. you are implying that energy is a somehow harmful substance.

>> No.3789915

If you don't want to have an intelligent discussion and prefer to spout bullshit and insults, then so be it. I'm out of this thread.

>> No.3789916

>teacup going anonymous
>agreeing and disagreeing with himself at the same time


>> No.3789917

and what is energy? please share your knowledge with us as I want to email all the textbook authors and tell them they are wrong.

>> No.3789920

>Taking the moral high ground after being proven wrong

Tripfags have no dignity

>> No.3789927


Capacity to do work.

>> No.3789925

>only correct post in troll thread
>call him wrong

at least you are fitting in with the other posts.

>> No.3789923

>Implying I type that badly
>Implying my english isn't suprior to yours

I'm not the one insulting others here.

>> No.3789929

you'll only understand it if it's relative.

>> No.3789941


um, im not teacup

maybe i wrote it confusing.

lemme try again
youre an idiot

samefag here

i was merely putting in perspective how much energy a joule is. there was no coorelation between my two points

light = photon = energy

not me, but in regards to your response to >>3789847 you are CLEARLY uneducated in this subject and you should leave this thread. you are implying that energy is a somehow harmful substance.

>> No.3789945

>Capacity to do work.
didnt realize you are still in primary school, sorry.

no one has used that definition if over 100 years, because its wrong.

>> No.3789946

You were wrong when you said light becomes energy. And you're stubborn about it. That's being a contrarian without reason (the synonym would be troll)

>> No.3789948
File: 32 KB, 500x383, Texans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was sitting in class today when I realized something...

Photons are the carrier particles of the electromagnetic force.

Every bit of your body is being held together by light.

Thought you should know.

>> No.3789955

don't sound so surprised, yes your comment was confusing since you forgot some vital links telling us what you were samefagging from

fucking, admit your faults, /sci/

>> No.3789956

"You are all sons of the light and sons of the day." -Thessalonians 5:5

>> No.3789958

that is kinda cool, but the people in this tread probably wont believe you, as they are retarded

>> No.3789959

interesting observation

>> No.3789963

light is only a tiny part of the EM force. so our bodies are held together with light (among other things ----this parts crucial)

>> No.3789969

by God,

how did the ancients know?

>> No.3789974

>light is only a tiny part of the EM force
wat, seriously, this thread is getting ridiculous.

>> No.3789971

That refers to being born of a star. but its ambiguous enough that it could also mean you're not nocturnal

>> No.3789976


<span class="math">A[/spoiler] carrier. Electrons are too.

As are protons.. and everything that carries an electromagnetic charge.

>> No.3789979

You probably heard that in all chemical reactions, mass is conserved, right? That includes when you eat something, when you burn something and so on. Solid can become liquid, the atoms can rearrange themselves to form new molecules, but the overall mass is always the same.

Well in some cases this is wrong: in a nuclear reactor, an atomic bomb or a star. In these cases, at some point, the protons and neutrons that are in the atoms rearrange themselves but a very small part of them is "destroyed". The overall mass decreases. In exchange you get energy: that energy is E=mc², m being the mass destroyed and c² is a constant. In case you haven't figured it out, it's a lot of energy (think of atomic bombs).

c² happens to be the speed of light squared but the reason why is much more complicated.

>> No.3789981

>>implying the metals in your body weren't forged in the heart of a dying star
A star died so that you could live.

>> No.3789982
File: 40 KB, 391x267, Screen Shot 2011-09-23 at 07.35.43 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3789983

This. It's the absolute minimum energy of an object, at rest.
Energy as a physics term, if you haven't done minimal reading to understand the concept of energy it will have little significance to you.
Energy is in joules.

If you take all the nuclear material in a say a nuclear bomb, and it's 100% efficient, the resulting explosion will have the energy equal to the mass of the nuclear material * C^2
Conversely, if a matter replicator in star treck ever existed, to create matter, it would require at least E/C^2 to produce that same amount of mass. Mind you that's a bare minimum of energy required to be put into the process, not including the process itself. As well as the explosion producing more energy due to the process to set it off.

The entire statement basically says this much energy equals this much mass, and this much mass is equivalent to this much energy.

>> No.3789986

Matter is energy

Energy of the matter = Matter x the speed of light squared

E = mc^2

>> No.3789987

it means that if you apply work onto an object, either by pushing it, throwing it or heating it, this object will become heavier. It also means that if a body loses mass, this mass has been released as energy, either as heat or as an explosion.

>> No.3789990

That's what I said.

>> No.3789993

>Well in some cases this is wrong
you mean in all cases, other than that. excellent explanation. (chemical reaction also take a tine bit of mass, as do anything that produces energy)

>> No.3790005

what you wrote

>> No.3790012

i didnt know we were using laymen definitions, so I can use theory to mean a guess too right? light is generally used to mean the EM spectrum in physics.

>> No.3790034

yes but it's wrong to say you're held together solely or predominantly by photons. Just making sure.

>> No.3790040
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>> No.3790048

no, because photons are NECESSARY for electrons to be attracted to the nucleus. So you're wrong.

>> No.3790054

>chemical reaction also take a tine bit of mass, as do anything that produces energy
No they don't. Chemical reactions can release or absorb energy due to differences of electrochemical potentials. It has nothing to do with differences of mass.

>> No.3790070

That... photons are the carrier of the electromagnetic force. The electromagnetic force holds electrons in orbit around the nucleus. The valence electrons form covalent bonds with other atoms, becoming molecules.

>> No.3790081
File: 68 KB, 439x479, 1313954421644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see this thread
>oh cool, finally E=mc^2 gets explained
>see teapot posting

>> No.3790096

E=mc2 is the equation that can tell you how much energy one can gain out of a specific amount of mass.

>> No.3790100


So how does this work in reality? How do photons make electrons attracted to protons?

>> No.3790101

and how do they form covalent bonds< by exchanging photons.

>> No.3790112

for example, an atom bomb used about a kilogram of mass in each. but the amount of mass actually released as energy (the nuclear explosion) is less than a gram. You can use the equation E=mc2 to find out how much mass it took for the nuclear explosion, essentially.

>> No.3790118

no this shit again, if you break a chemical bond that releases energy, the 2 atoms will weigh less than the molecule it was, same if you make a bond that takes energy, the molecule will be heavier. the chemical potential energy makes the molecule have more mass.

>> No.3790129

the electron will send a virtual photon out to the proton, and thus they attract one another.

>> No.3790132

>>quantum mechanics
choose one