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[ERROR] No.3787939 [Reply] [Original]


As a European, it has just become funny how pants-on-head retarded USA politicians are. If I were American, I'd just cry at how sad this is. But from an outside perspective this shit is just funny.

(most of the following statements are actually quotes)

>Europe is a socialist regime that doesn't work at all! It's a broken socialist system, we want to stay capitalist because that's how AMERICA has become the nation all others envy!

>audience claps

>Obama is an evil socialist! He wants to tax the "job providers" and give people Obamacare! That's communism!

>audience claps

>Clean energy is the biggest waste of money ever! Subsidizing it would do nothing! The last time the government subsidized a solar program, the corporation went bankrupt! It's like throwing money down the drain! Natural resources will provide sufficient energy for the future!

>audience claps

>*Makes joke about correcting president Obama's name to "former" president Obama": Obamacare is horrible, we should never allow socialism in AMERICA!

>audience claps

>If you are unemployed, you should not receive money off the hard working tax-payers, you should only be able to receive any benefits if you are in a corporate-training program!

>audience claps

>We can't increase taxes on millionaires and billionaires! It's the worst time to increase taxes, we need to CUT taxes on the wealthy and corporations so the "economy gets rolling again"! Wall street approves of this!

>audience claps

>> No.3787942

>The environmental protection agency is out of control! They want to tax DUST! They're crazy! Stop this madness, we need to get rid of the EPA immediately so the economy can work again!

>audience claps

>The department of education costs way too much money! We need to cut spending on education dramatically! Parents should be able to choose if and where their kids should go to school because that's what schools should do: Serve their customers, which are the parents which want their child educated.

>audience claps

And I'm merely 40 minutes in. This is just fucking hilarious, I need to get my popcorn.

>> No.3787946

Yeah, Greece worked

>> No.3787956

Ron Paul 2012

>> No.3787965


Can you please attach names to quotes?

>> No.3787979


Ron Paul is a pig disgusting creationist.

>> No.3787990

It's not the social policies that have lead to economic problems in Eurozone. It's mostly due to € as a common currency without common fiscal policy. That and the deflation of the housing bubble, mostly caused globally by USA.

But yeah, GOP is just pandering to its audience. Also they've gone off the deep end completely.

In 20 years there'll be no science developed in USA. It'll degenerate into a feudalistic theocracy.

>> No.3788028

I'm all for America going all in and electing a Republican president. Within a mandate's time, it will serve as an example of bad policies across the board for European states.

>> No.3788066

The main/only reason I vote republican is because I am wealthy.

>> No.3788086

Suck a dick.

Every single candidate for president is a Christfag. Even Obama.

>> No.3788103

We had a Republican president. Every Republican still thinks he's awesome.

Fuck Bush. Fuck politics. Fuck America.

>> No.3788105

If it ever gets that bad, I'm fleeing to Germany.

I'd rather see my beloved nation redeemed by a return to its founding values and the mix of science, technology, and entrepreneurship that made us great. Also, we should focus on making our nation a more livable place. We have such a massive GDP, we could have something approaching a Scandinavian standard of living and a German/French style high speed rail system.

It's possible, but it also requires better government. Medicare, medicaid, and state programs (taken as a lump sum) average out to the highest per capita spending on healthcare of any nation on Earth. We still can't manage a decent system with more money than anyone on Earth. Clearly, something is wrong with our government. It needs to be fixed before we move forward with any plans. Fix the leaky ship, then sail it to new frontiers of greatness.

>> No.3788118

At least 2 of the candidates are Mormon, not Christian

>> No.3788136

thats why america is a shithole.

>> No.3788143


It's not "socialism" that caused Greece's disaster (it's a capitalist system therefore if an ideology caused the disaster it is capitalism). It's a number of varying factors, as one other anon said the single currency with no common fiscal policy, dire government spending (Greek people expect to retire early and have a nice juicy state pension for example) in many areas combined with excessive borrowing.

Also, the global credit crunch which was started in America (like all good worldwide economic disasters), which is apparently the only "true capitalist" country. HUURRR but your system is better.

>> No.3788155

It makes you wonder how the fuck America is a world power when it's politicians are so downright retarded.

>> No.3788168

We get by on left over prosperity from the Clinton years, new deal and Kennedy administration

>> No.3788197

The difference is Obama doesn't act like one.

>> No.3788200

Not only that.

It's a series of Keynesian bubbles that are propped up by the government through expansion of the money supply, deficit spending, and low interest rates. The problem is that recovery from each burst bubble means more of the aforementioned things from governments to accelerate the recovery. The recovery itself turns into a bubble and... another pop.

The answer to true growth that's tangible and has staying power is to break these cycles. Our most lasting economic growth
comes mostly from private sector accomplishments. These Republicans tout the private sector and free market, but they're just as much guilty of the central planning they accuse Obama of doing. They're not doing communist style planning, they're doing Keynesian planning.

I will admit that some economic growth, like the computer revolution, came from government R&D. That said, they didn't come from government tinkering with money supplies and tax rates while spending like drunken sailors.

>> No.3788205

Massive natural resources helped jump start the USA as a great power.

But this eagerness for idiocy and unsustainability is not going to be sustainable...

>> No.3788225
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>a christfag


>> No.3788226

As a Canadian, I can understand the pain America is going through with their shitty leadership, but fortunately for us, Harper will never be as stupid as your republicans.

>> No.3788230

Dude. I'm European as well, and tbh... most of those quotes make perfectly good sense. Except for the part about Murrica being capitalist. Its a fascistic regime the like of which the world has never seen before. And btw, big corporations by this point ARE a part of government, they are no longer free market businesses. They have the power of the state at their beck and call, and a huge impact on policy makers. As to the rest... well, parents should be able to choose, andparasitism should not be subsidized.
capcha : (some strange jewish script) very Dem
ohh internets...

>> No.3788233

>It's a series of Keynesian bubbles that are propped up by the government through expansion of the money supply, deficit spending, and low interest rates.

just like in 1888 and 1929, amirite? Market fundamentalists not knowing something as basic as the definition of an economic cycle, what else is new.

>> No.3788236
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I feel bad for you amerikans sometimes. This shit is just painful

>> No.3788243
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>> No.3788245

I doubt very much Ron Paul believes men rode dinosaurs. Or that genesis is to be taken literally.

The man is a very critical thinker.
If he believes in a divine architect, like almost every president to ever take office (freemason belief system) than that would not be cause for alarm.

>> No.3788272
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If Ron Paul ran the country we'd be more like neutral Switzerland instead of a global military-industrial complex.

The only reason he declares himself Republican is so he can get into the nationally televized debates.


>> No.3788273

Yes dude, it is a word.

>> No.3788295


how is comparing poor people to parasites not inherently proto-fascist?

you're trolling

>> No.3788304


Sneaking into a party just to get air time, I want him running my country

>> No.3788305

I second that!

>> No.3788306

I should have expanded, but it's unfair to call someone a market fundamentalist when those "busts" weren't addressed.

The government, as it exists now, under-regulates and acts as an enabler for the current behavior of large business entities. This must stop.
As far as the market itself running away with itself, it's certainly possible. It's what happens when you under-regulate.

The trick is finding a proper balance. Step one is ending the government's enabling and collusion with bad business behavior. Step two is finding sane and effective regulations to place on these businesses.

I freely admit that the private sector has fucked up, and badly, when it's been allowed to run free. The government's involvement (as an enabler) in this nonsense also doesn't help.

Now apologize for calling me a market fundamentalist. You had a valid point, I addressed it, and the label applied was inaccurate.

>> No.3788307

As a president, you can believe in evolution just fine and get away with it. Ron Paul said evolution is a lie, and there is no reason to lie about something like that.

>> No.3788313

"Too much capitalism does not mean too many capitalists, but too few capitalists."
-G. K. Chesterton, spinning in his grave.

Automatically fragmenting large corporations whenever they reach a certain size would keep things smooth and flexible. Instead we regulate in favour for super-corporations that can simply lets it's massive corporate gravity crush and absorb all competition, bribe the shit out of everyone and generally behave like giant assholes, using their massive inertia to keep things rolling their way and if some billions chip off and end up in the few owners pockets, nobody notices. And if things start to crack up the goverment comes in and wastes the taxpayers(that have been getting steamrolled all the while) resources as a glue to keep it rolling too.

What's happening now of course is that they're near the coast, and their inertia prevents them from changing course, meaning that they'll roll into the sea even if the goverment tries to pile money as barriers.

>> No.3788318

But not if you are calling poor people parasitves, you fink!

>> No.3788321
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>audience applauds

>9-11 happened because of US military bases occupying the Arabian peninsula and not giving fair treatment to Palestine, most suicide attacks are a result of occupation not religion

>audience boos


>> No.3788323

That doesn't make them all creationists.

John Huntsman, a Republican candidate, publicly stated several times he believes in evolution. Of course, being a republican, this means he'll never make it out of the primaries.

>> No.3788331

I'm surprised Ron Paul hasn't lost his shit in a debate yet. I'm waiting for him to just go all out and beat the shit out of Perry or Bachman

>> No.3788343
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>not being a patriot and voting for Rawn Pawl


>> No.3788350

Paul/Kucinich 2012

>> No.3788353

Hmmm, maybe he has to be on certain points to be republican.
You know, lie for the greater good.
Sneaky devil.

>> No.3788359

>Michelle Bachman


>> No.3788366

Dude, you got it all wrong. Poor people working to improve their conditions and create wealth for themselves and their families are a-okay in my book. Fuck, I'm one of them, and I have to run the fucking state gauntlet of regulations and payments and minimal wage requirements all the fucking time. (I can't get work, because no one will hire a college dropout with no experience for minimal wage, so I can't get experience. Comprende? I AM however, working to improve my qualifications) Poor people whose only work consists of securing welfare checks and social aid, and fucking unions throttling entrepreneurship and voluntary interaction between workers and employers are NOT a-okay. They are parasites.

>> No.3788370

>voting for ron paul
>not a racist xenophobic scum bag who is scared to lose his job to jose

pick 1

>> No.3788379
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>> No.3788382

Actually the Great Depression was made worse by the Fed trying to manipulate the economy. Even a lot Keynesian economists agree with that. While I'm not a economist, I don't know of any economic school of thought that thinks booms and busts do not happen outside of Government manipulation. Rather, they think trying to control or intervene in the economy makes those booms and busts worse.

>> No.3788402

>>Clean energy is the biggest waste of money ever! Subsidizing it would do nothing!

Look up the cost of artificially creating these so called green jobs.



>> No.3788404

I believe he said "there are strong arguments in both directions and I believe the creator you know created us."
>>3788200 low interest

I hate low interest rates. The lower they go the less likely someone is willing to lend to me.
I have no idea why they keep lowering to boast the economy. Feom my point of view it is doing the opposite.

If simeone could explain?

>> No.3788405


He's probably just on extra-high alert for trolls and "market fundamentalists" because both of them do exist. He's right to point out errors but likely shouldn't have jumped on the omitted examples so aggressively.

Either way, he's added to the discussion and can be forgiven being a little over-aggressive in an economics/politics thread.

>> No.3788419

Canadian here. God, please don't let these fucktards get power. I don't need a war when they decide to annex Canada because they think we're a socialist country conspiring to destroy them.

>> No.3788440



>> No.3788462

Seconded. And you guys now WHY they always make it worse? Because a governments only priority is protecting its voting base. They do it by protecting their voters, and more importantly, their sponsors and lobbyists, workplaces and incomes. They do this in turn, by propping businesses that would and SHOULD fail during a bust, those same businesses that created the boom in the first place (a boom being excessive allocation of resources to a particular field due to wrong estimates of demand and return). In this way, they simply draw out the agony, with no hope whatsoever of averting the inevitable clusterfuck.

>> No.3788477

I wish Australian Politics was this exciting

>> No.3788509


Paul/Kucinich supporters are truly a miracle of stupidity. It's one thing to support Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich individually, but at least they have well-defined political philosophies that a person could plausibly support. But they support DIFFERENT political philosophies. When a person supports a cross-party crazy ticket they aren't supporting libertarianism or social democracy, they are simply blindly raging against the status quo.

I know you're trolling, I just wanted to point this out.

Reported because /sci/ is not /news/.

>> No.3788510

Be thankful they're boring.

American politics are exciting in the same way that a zoo with a chimpanzee exhibit wherein the chimps have AK-47's is exciting. It's exciting because there is a very real element of danger that comes from creatures of such little understanding and mental capacity wielding such magnificent power.

>> No.3788511

Booms and busts made worse by government? lol
If anything the policies of european government made the busts much better for most people compared the U.S.

Also fuck those retarded American politicians who pander to the lowest common denominator. Stewart/Colbert for 2012 is my hope.

>> No.3788558

>Actually the Great Depression was made worse by the Fed trying to manipulate the economy.

You're saying New Deal was a mistake? Several millions of Americans were able to survive solely because of it.

>and fucking unions throttling entrepreneurship and voluntary interaction between workers and employers are NOT a-okay

Those poor innovators cannot revolutionize the world because of syndicated wage. How dare those parasites demand job security, holiday and health insurance coverage! Don't the workers know they're not vital to the economy?

>> No.3788596

ya those stupid workers and politicians are impeding me from hiring their little girls to work for 8 cents a day.

How dare they negotiate for better wages? don't they know property owners interest always should come first. Have they not read Ayn Rand,Mises, or Rothbard?

>> No.3788653
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Im not too excited about Perry or Romney but that said being a eurofag started this thread , i have to go there.Enjoy your riots and out of control left wing parties yurope.Ill be smirking over here in the states saying"I TOLD YALL SO!"

>> No.3788664

Except that you are wrong, you moron. What they are REALLY after is job security- at the expense of other people. What they do is create barriers for competition, so that young people just entering the job market cannot undercut them and take their places. They are creating a cozy place for themselves- and the price is unemployment among the youth, and workplaces transferring to Asia. In short, they are using guns of the state to keep as many people out as they can. "Job security" is a codeword for "fucking over those who had the misfortune to come after us".

>> No.3788714

Is this the one with the gay soldier, where the republican actually said something smart?

"sex shouldn't be an issue, keep it to yourself whether you are homosexual or heterosexual"

>> No.3788721

Lol, agreed. And I'm even the asshole that was the first to talk about free markets, though in relation to government monetary policy, not labor policy of any kind.

Unions are demonized by the Right, but we forget their historical importance.
Partially true in some cases, though largely not.

In the wake of the "great recession" there was suddenly this glut of workers willing to take jobs. Why hire a recent graduate when there's a huge number of experienced workers who'll work for the same wages and benefits?
The shameful part is that our workers are so replaceable. What does it say about the US, our educational system, and our society in general, when most given workers can be easily replaced by far cheaper foreign labor?

Why aren't we best? Why isn't human capital worth the extra costs?

>> No.3788723

>out of control left wing parties

Actually it's the right wing that's becoming ominously powerful in Europe

>implying that just because you can't see visible signs of unrest doesn't mean that there is nothing wrong

>> No.3788753

They are NOT negotiating. They are making demands and using violence to get what they want. But I see this is pointless. Just one more thing. You know what happened when a politician in 1996 promised to stop imports from sweat shops in Asia? 20 000 kids were laid off, and most of them became prostitutes. Kids work not because evil corporations make them work, but because they have to work in ANY CAPACITY to sustain themselves. So your argument about 8 yo girls in America working for 8 cents is retarded, there is more than enough wealth generated, and there would be far too much competition among employers for this to happen.

>> No.3788806

>>3788664 THIS.
Most jobs that are in danger of earning less than minimum wage are not jobs that you should have for anymore than 5 years. They are entry level positions. If you find yourself putting the lid on peanut containers for too long, you should seriously re-evaluate your career path.

>> No.3788814

Wut? You talking about Santorum? I think that was probably the most retarded ass backwards thing I've ever heard.

"Removing (social policy) DADT, is social experimentation, we don't need to be injecting social policies into the military....insert excess verbage/incredulous look on his face"

Seriously, his argument was FOR keeping social policies out of the military, when arguing for KEEPING a social policy there.


>> No.3788827

>Clean energy is the biggest waste of money ever!
true story bro

>> No.3788840

So when you begin working toward a career and start in an entry level job and you realise you've been in it for too long, what do you do - do you leave it when your only hope is to get ANOTHER entry level job paid below minimum wage?

>> No.3788858

>Ill be smirking over here in the states saying"I TOLD YALL SO!"

Feel free to do so. Some things to consider though.
>When the US stumbled in 2008, it carried over very strongly to europe and the rest of the world.
>Europe is a stronger economic force than the US.
>Europe stumbles, what happens to america with it's already rusty economy?

>> No.3788867

>Kids work not because evil corporations make them work, but because they have to work in ANY CAPACITY to sustain themselves

and why don't the kids of capitalist work? oh thats right cause daddy makes enough money of the work of other little kids so that little timmy can get an education and keep his place in high society while the other kids have to work in sweatshop instead of going to school. Oh and why aren't these kids in school in the first place? cause they're governments are to weak and small to provide them with schools,rights and communist bullshit like that.

>> No.3788893

If I work flipping patties for 5 years and don't end up as at least "Assistant Patty Flipping Supervisor", either I'm mentally handicapped or doing something very wrong. If my manager is an asshole, then yes, I can quit and work somewhere else with 5 years of experience and start out in a position with a little more upwards mobility.

>> No.3788896

I've really come to understand why America is so detested worldwide.

>> No.3788939

middle class american here
got a job when i turned 16
have held one since
so has everyone else in my family
so has most of the people i know

honestly that's how things are done in america. you spend 2 years living at home, going to school and working a job to try and get the things you want, then you're off on your own with little safety net from your parents.

>> No.3788970

Lol, no you cretin. It reminds me of a book I once read "The memoirs of a Red Army officer". Said officer, upon witnessing for the first time the miracle and splendor of a bathtub, exclaimed furiously:
"How many workers must have bled their life away at factories for this bourgeois swine to take a bath!"

See what I mean? 3 people can now feed more than a 100. A hundred years ago, 70 people worked to feed 30. Are you beginning to grasp with your tiny little socialist mind the idea of leveraged productivity? THE ONLY REASON FOR PRODUCTION TO GO OVERSEAS IS STATE REGULATION! Rage/all of my hate.

>> No.3789010
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I fear it also

>> No.3789020

And they get paid the same as when one person could feed another, the rest of the 97 shares go to the guy that employed them, lying on a beach like a bloating corpse and reciving blowjobs while sipping champagne.

He used to have to pay 7 shares in taxes, now he instead take those shares and give them to a politician who ensures he won't have to pay them as taxes.

Upon being asked if something in the system is broken he responds with some canned phrase like "wealth will trickle down" that he actually works actively to prevent.

>> No.3789029
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Adam Smith said "The liberal reward of labour, as it encourages the propagation, so it increases the industry of the common people. The wages of labour are the encouragement of industry, which, like every other human quality, improves in proportion to the encouragement it receives. A plentiful subsistence increases the bodily strength of the labourer, and the comfortable hope of bettering his condition, and of ending his days perhaps in ease and plenty, animates him to exert that strength to the utmost. Where wages are high, accordingly, we shall always find the workmen more active, diligent, and expeditious, than where they are low; "

>mfw even adam smith understood the importance of high wages

>> No.3789045

>3 people can now feed more than a 100

lol I'm sure you mean 3 very rich people could feed more than 100

>> No.3789047
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>We can't increase taxes on millionaires and billionaires! It's the worst time to increase taxes, we need to CUT taxes on the wealthy and corporations so the "economy gets rolling again"! Wall street approves of this!

>Wall street approves of this!


>> No.3789054

> Actually it's the right wing that's becoming ominously powerful in Europe

Which is completely easy to empathize with after working with completely incompetent people who are employed purely because it's a "nice society" and because of "solidarity" which is a codeword for incompetent faggots leeching off of 20% of population that is really good.

Of course american's decision not to tax top 1% is retarded. But europe has retarded "no man left behind" policy (actually "no woman left behind" since they get all the "do nothing-can't get fired" goverment jobs) which assures survival of complete faggots and relative prosperity of average (and by average I mean dumb) anti-intellectual fucks. That's how greece happened. Govt. jobs had 100% pay increase in 10 years. In my county it's same pay in govt. or private sector, difference being that in govt sector you need to be at your workplace 40 hours a week and actually work 5 hours a week. And in private sector you work your ass off for same payment. Who's gonna actually produce anything. Fuck this europe shit. Fuck lazy cunts just leeching off productive people, fuck average joe spending money on stupid shit and saving 0, fuck their attitude of "I finished school, I don't need to learn anything ever again", fuck yurop bailouts of lazy greek cunts. 80% of population is just white-skinned niggers.

>> No.3789077

Well, of course he pays the politician. And of course this is wrong. Thats why I'm an anarcho- capitalist. :D


Ever heard of Henry Ford and his business philosophy? Read up. What I'm saying is, using violence to increase your paycheck is an asshole move, and counterproductive to everyone. Wages do increase without government intervention, as they did prior to FED in America, prior to social security and all this bullcrap. In fact one could argue that they increase MORE, and faster, when there is no government intervention. Prior to 1950 a worker could buy his own house after two years, that is if he was the only one in the family working. Not to mention the 99% fall in the buying power of your dollar and most other currencies, the fact that poverty was decreasing worldwide by 1% a year prior to widespread state intervention in economics, etc, and so on. Anyway, I'm off. Discussing with socialists makes me angry, and I don't like to be angry.

>> No.3789091
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>question about specific issue
>answer: 'bad thing is bad, i'll fix it'
>crowd erupts into applause
>they didn't actually say anything

never change, republicans.
except please change. now.

>> No.3789093

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't unregulated capitalism naturally tend towards financial inequality as some groups and individuals accumulate wealth more efficiently than others?

>> No.3789128

Yes. It also leads to (mostly) natural economic growth that isn't artificially propped up. The wealth does pool into a few hands, but real wealth is also created.

The answer? Trust busting.

It turns out that Teddy Roosevelt was right all along, go figure.

>> No.3789132

Oh you spoiled little shit that is NOT how it works, certainly not these days and certainly not historically.

The reason family is so treasured is the extended safety net it creates. These days more people are depending on it with the extended unemployment and difficulty breaking into markets. Do you really think that somehow everybody just got lazy in the last decade?

>> No.3789147

John Lennon once said, "In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make." He is completely right in this regard. He would be even more right if he replaced the word "love" with "wealth". So, yes. Those who generate the most wealth WOULD be the most financially prosperous since they also provide the most wealth for the populace.

>> No.3789239 [DELETED] 

>Discussing with socialists makes me angry, and I don't like to be angry

it makes you angry cause you're an angsty little teen who wants his all the time. I just like you. I read Ayn Rand, Smith, Say etc (I bet you don't even know who Say is).I even had procapitalist bumper stickers. I eventually got a real job and saw the true inner workings of capitalism. I now love my fellow working man and despise all that is capitalism.

>> No.3789245

>says the angsty teen with the saturday job at wallmart

>> No.3789249

>Discussing with socialists makes me angry, and I don't like to be angry

it makes you angry cause you're an angsty little teen who wants his way all the time. I was just like you. I read Ayn Rand, Smith, Say etc (I bet you don't even know who Say is).I even had procapitalist bumper stickers. I eventually got a real job and saw the true inner workings of capitalism. I now love my fellow working man and despise all that is capitalism.

>> No.3789256

>says the angsty teen with the saturday job at wallmart

>> No.3789274
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>"i love capitalism" says the angtsy little faggot who lives off his parents

blue collar master race reporting in

>> No.3789285

> Those who generate the most wealth
Banks, creating money out of thin air/debt and moving money in and out of financial instruments.

>since they also provide the most wealth for the populace.
Give people loans they can never pay back, taking money from them for a decade, then deciding to take their house and everything else.

Sure is providing wealth here.

>> No.3789286

and what is your blue collar job you communist shit stain

>> No.3789310

you mad? I'm a pipefitter apprentice but you wouldn't know shit about that you little school boy.

>> No.3789334

Lol, you're an apprentice in a job that would take a month or two to learn by heart, but have to be an apprentice for a year or two because of unions :D. Yep, you represent everything wrong in this world.

>> No.3789341

> has never done any work in his life

>> No.3789344

probably underage
>but you wouldn't know shit about that you little school boy
confirmed for under age

And before you continue with your "baww there are people with more money than me, they should give it my self entitled ass" rhetoric, consider that I'm a certified plant mechanic and coded welder. Hardly a rich mans job.

>> No.3789350

>you're an apprentice in a job that would take a month or two to learn by heart

lol wow kid, you're truly showing your age here. Just stop posting, please.

>> No.3789393

Lolz, I love you guys, I really do :D. So much stupidity just has to be endearing. And yes, you could learn this stupid pipefitting in a few months, you idiot.

>> No.3789401

>certified plant mechanic and coded welder

I love when they send my foreman welders/workers who love to talk about all theircerts. By the end of the day he's making calls to have these faggots removed from his job site by asap. Newsflash, passing a shitty test doesn't mean you're actually fit for the job. Also what weld test did you pass?

>> No.3789417

Alright, having read the wiki entry I admit that it prolly would take longer than a few months. But you're still an moron.

>> No.3789422

We went from, "LOL, look at these retarded republicans" ( a statement which anyone with half a brain can agree with) to people just plain insulting each other, looking like the same goddamn idiots that this thread started with.

Grow up.

>> No.3789424

>being lectured by an apprentice plumber on /sci/
This is new.

>> No.3789440

>implying any employer would ever let you start pipefitting in months

nope pipefitters often have to learn to read drawings,make isos,bevel pipe,building codes,valves types,bolts sizes, etc.

A fucking kid like you wouldn't make it since they don't need some one who can tell them what the derivative of tan(x) is.

Also the minimum age to work in the oil field is 18 unless you live in a shitty third world country with no regulations.

>> No.3789450

>The department of education costs way too much money! We need to cut spending on education dramatically! Parents should be able to choose if and where their kids should go to school because that's what schools should do: Serve their customers, which are the parents which want their child educated.

Most of those quotes are just shitslinging at anything remotley left-wing, but this is just pants on head retarded, enjoy your birth determing your life even more Republicans.

>> No.3789605


Well states do control most of what is in the books anyway now.

Some federal educational mandates are fucking stupid though.

>No child left behind.
Forced kids through that couldn't function at the level they were at and wouldn't be able to perform in the future.
>Hiring and firing teachers based on "Merit".
So yeah what makes a "good" or "bad" teacher?

>> No.3789608


Can someone answer this interest rate question

>> No.3789802

well first, it's the federal rate that lowers it. Banks aren't lowering their profit margins.
So for every dollar earned on interest from banks lending, a certain percentage has to go to the fed. The fed is basically lowering their rate so banks will lend because people can handle smaller payments.

>> No.3789815

If you have low interest rates and borrow money, you have to worry less about the interest you need to pay on the loan and are able to spend more money.

>> No.3789889

the fed has been paranoid about inflation for decades and has acted in tremendously harmful ways to prevent it; i.e., issue bonds, print money, buy bonds, rinse and repeat. i think they think they can just default on those specific bonds that the US gov't owns without major consequences. doubt they're correct in that; we have now added political risk to American investments, and that is a bad thing for investment.

if you undid everything the fed did to keep inflation at bay, you would notice we are currently experiencing higher than normal inflation, likely in the 10-11% range. so your salary is stagnant, your buying power diminished, the capital requirements at your bank tightened, and you perceive a lack of supply of available dollars to borrow.

>> No.3789892

well, are you??? o.O

>> No.3789899

It's funny because when I was younger I was definitely a republican (due to parroting what my parents always said) and I ended up registering as a Republican when I was 18. The thing is, I've never voted for a republican candidate because I hate them now...

One of the only republican's i have any scrap of respect for is probably Paul though. He at least goes against the grain of the dogmatic conservative establishment, and I can understand some of his points. He is quite a dinosaur on plenty of other issues though.

Maybe I'll vote for him in the Primaries though... just to end up voting for Obama in the general election.

>> No.3789912
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>American politics on either side
>not pants on head retarded

>> No.3789926

>>implying Merikuh wasn't on the brink of major deflation less than three years ago.

>> No.3789932

>democrats calling themselves liberal
>republicans siding with libertarians and calling themselves conservatives

Fuck American politics At least the rest of the country is better than most of Europe

>> No.3789935

Interest rates are actually low because there is so much money available to be loaned. China has been pegging the yuan to the USD by buying shit tons of dollars with the yuan. Rather than letting it sit, they're loaning it back to us (sometimes even as low as 0% because they haev SO much cash to get rid of).

>> No.3789939

>implying mormons aren't christians

>> No.3789943

What does act like a christfag have to do with stabilizing a country?

>> No.3789949

not a chance; housing prices were a big part of that basket, and they were artificially inflated due to gov't backed securities by at least 50%

that's a big egg in that basket

>> No.3789950

>Mormon, not Christian
Omae wa mo shindeiru.

>> No.3789953

doesn't act like one because he can't act like one because he isn't one of us.

he's one of you

>> No.3789965

>implying Mormons are monotheists

>> No.3789966

Nothing. People just hate Christianity. Any other religion is fine.

>> No.3789991

Just so we're clear, you do realize that we NEED the US dollar to devalue right?

>> No.3789992

The only thing that makes me feel better about America's politics is that if the global economy goes into another depression again (which it very well could) and there's no social safety nets in place anymore in America anymore the wealth disparity between the top 0.5% of the country and the rest of the country are going to hit crisis levels. Historically any time you get that kind of combination you get a nice little bloody revolt (see: French Revolution, rise of Nazi party).

>> No.3790002

Exciting times ahead then!

>> No.3790021

Ok Karl Marx haha.
I don't think it'll happen but meh (at least the bloody revolt part, depression is probably going to happen).

>> No.3790025

oh god i watched it for 10 minutes it was awful

>illegal immigration wat do??
>build a wall! *clapping*
>build a BIGGER wall *more clapping*
>stop giving them free college
>Perry- are you a terrorist? why in the hell would we do that?

Stop giving gays preferential treatment, reinstate DADT!!! (roaring applause)

>> No.3790031

/sci/, what is your solution to illegal immigration?

>> No.3790046

Give a $50000 fine to anyone who hires an illegal immigrant per worker.
something along that line.
>protip: no one actually wants to limit illegal immigration or food prices will go up

>> No.3790055

Per worker?

>> No.3790057

I don't think there are enough farms to keep a continuous stream of food pickers picking but that is just me. I'd be willing to bet we could severely limit the amount of immigrants and keep prices low.

>> No.3790071

of course. you wouldn't hire illegals if that was the case would you?
you could be right. the price thing is just my guess. i can't figure out why else they haven't made a law like this, unless either A: they don't want to limit immigration or B: it'd be unpopular

>> No.3790090

I could be wrong too. Was just weighting in but I think its because it'd be unpopular. Thinking about the Arizona law and how much shit it got.

>> No.3790130


>protip: no one actually wants to limit illegal immigration or food prices will go up



I've already made systems that make immigrant field workers obsolete.

>> No.3790154

If you're curious the current penalty is
There are civil and criminal penalties for hiring illegal aliens. Sec. 274A of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) and 8 U.S.C. 1324a, makes it unlawful for any person knowingly to hire, recruit or refer for a fee any alien not authorized to work. An employer that violates these laws can face penalties of:

· $250 to $2,000 fine for each unauthorized individual;

· $2,000 to $5,000 for each employee if the employer has previously been in violation; or

· $3,000 to $10,000 for each individual if the employer was subject to more than one cease and desist order.

>> No.3790167

>Parents should be able to choose if and where their kids should go to school
Parents do have that right. They can homeschool them or move them to various other schools.
They shouldn't be touching the department of education whose job it is to keep public schools in proper standing for producing members of society who have the potential to properly function today.

>> No.3790172
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i dont trust those candiens one bit

captcha: arrayea asked

>> No.3790200

I thought you republicans love free markets? why you trying to stop employers to hire who ever they want?

>> No.3790221

Immigration is a bigger social issue than economical in my opinion.

>> No.3790232

End this bullshit Drug War and get rid of the big money/corruption/mass murder going on in Mexico. We're funding it all. You want to make the US less appealing to immigrants? You have to get rid of this shit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Zetas_Cartel

Go ahead and just read the introduction, and see how recently this is all happening. I don't blame illegals one bit for fleeing that hell, I wouldn't raise my family down there, and I certainly wouldn't wait it out 2 years for a green card.

>> No.3790247

>Immigration is a bigger social issue than economical in my opinion

racist confirmed, seriously

>> No.3790261

Whatever happened to the Eisenhower Republicans? I'd even be okay with Nixon Republicans. Reagan and the Bush dynasty ruined everything. Even the Democrats are getting dragged to the right.

>> No.3790266

>You want to make the US less appealing to immigrants? You have to get rid of this shit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Zetas_Cartel

No, we just nuke the entire USA/Mexico border. That will stop it, including the underground tunnels.

>> No.3790283


>> No.3790306

I guess you're going to say that the Library of Congress is racist for listing illegal immigration on a list for US social issues huh?
Thanks for your contribution.

>> No.3790353

Idiotic opinion.

>> No.3790354
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Right on brother

We need a president who actually gives a fuck about the middle class.

>> No.3790849

>Lets tax the poor I mean "broaden tax base" these people make anything from 1$ ; who cares if the sales tax is an unfair burden on the poor who pay most of it. Who cares these people live in poverty.

These POOR PEOPLE OWN A REFRIGERATOR!!!!! THEY ALSO OWN A TV. Poor people? More like Rich people.

>> No.3791070

>A new report says 81 per cent of new jobs in Texas were taken by newly-arrived immigrant workers, both legal and illegal
>About 40 per cent of the new jobs were taken by illegal immigrants, with 40 per cent taken by legal ones, according to the study.
either no one is enforcing those penalties or they aren't strict enough

>> No.3791102


>> No.3791165


>implying those are the jobs that most americans want to work with.

It's no different than moral slavery. Illegal immigration is a win/win situation from virtually every standpoint, save the "DEY TOOK OUR JERBS AND DEY KIDS LERNIN IN OUR SKOOLS" murikkkan conservatism.

>> No.3791207

so... should we just give all immigrants legal status or what?
how do you know Americans didn't want those jobs?
how much are the illegals being paid?
Is it wrong to enforce a border?

>> No.3791250

itt: europeans trying to understand big-boy politics. woah, slow down there tiger! first off, not everyone in the world is as narrow-minded as you european socialists are. if you can even comprehend that, then you might realize that americans care about completely different than what you think are important. running the entire world is a hard job, it's a lot more complicated than just giving away free baguettes to poor muslim immigrants.

>> No.3791253

"I predict the USA will be overrun by christfags in the year 2011" --Tesla, 1933

>> No.3791356

>how do you know Americans didn't want those jobs?

I would work in the fields as a nice little extra job BUT would the farmers be able to pay me a decent wage?

>> No.3791376

>These POOR PEOPLE OWN A REFRIGERATOR!!!!! THEY ALSO OWN A TV. Poor people? More like Rich people.

More like barely above the poverty level but not anywhere near middle class.