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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3780037 [Reply] [Original]

this is how I feel about /sci/

>> No.3780082
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>> No.3780111

who can get mad at you babby

>> No.3780116

sup, y'all

>> No.3780123

Did someone say "names and tripcodes?"

>> No.3780145


Shut the fuck up Rose, you're still a fat whore and you exemplify all of the problems people have with namefags.

>> No.3780158
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>> No.3780159

you do realise the person using that tripcode and name is a man right?

>> No.3780161

what? no i'm not.

>> No.3780167

obvious you are, just stop it. you can fool these pathetic virgins but not me. you are male.

>> No.3780209

Don't take this as anything more than an observation EK, but you are a pretty sucky tripfag. You troll more than you contribute to discussion.

>> No.3780217

She just responds to *anyone* that responds to her, I've never really noticed her trolling. The problem is she's like what happens when you take Liberty and remove all opinions.

>> No.3780222

She contributes more than the fags hating on her.

>> No.3780225


Liberty is funnier. But EK is nicer.

>> No.3780230

its a guy

are you really that blind?

you are getting the shit trolled out of you

>> No.3780240


>> No.3780245

Trolling on /sci/?

>> No.3780247


I think I don't care.

let me check...

Nope.. Don't give a shit.

>> No.3780249



>> No.3780252

how does one troll

>> No.3780259

cool, whatever floats your boat

just thought id let you know though

most likely some gay guy who likes to pretend he is female online for the attention

>> No.3780263


I like to use a Bassmaster with an electric engine and a spincasting reel.

>> No.3780267

Is it wrong that this thread gets replies?

>> No.3780272

Please make some troll threads again.

>> No.3780271


>> No.3780280

Biology is a science

>> No.3780282


I just assume everyone on here is socially incompetent and has trouble making or find friends in the Real World. I really don't make mental images of anybody.

>> No.3780286




>> No.3780292

I fit your description.

>> No.3780297


>> No.3780301


how do you explain her facebook profile?

>> No.3780308
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>> No.3780312

No Im a foreveralone

>> No.3780318

That's the troll.

>> No.3780322

Testing like a motherfucker

>> No.3780320

I already said that facebook profile isn't mine. so me and him agree on that point.

>> No.3780327

has he ever posted an update on that facebook page with a message completely directed at /sci/?

even then its not hard to set up a fake facebook page

>> No.3780329

Why don't you stop replying?

>> No.3780333


Ah! But you might be lying to confuse us!

I think you are a Jewish college guy from Long Island.

>> No.3780337

Economics is a science

>> No.3780341

I am science

>> No.3780340

I think moot should introduce facebook integration to this place

>suddenly all posts are good
>no more trolling racism and hate speech

one can dream though

>> No.3780346

>no moar free speech

>> No.3780343

why don't you eat a dick?

And harriet is also lying? Even she said you had the wrong profile.

>> No.3780342

Everyone agrees.

>> No.3780351

>implying I didn't eat a dick today

>> No.3780356

Psychology is a science

>> No.3780358

Sure, why not?

>> No.3780363

Hair dressing is a science. It uses chemicals for reactions to get a desired effect. Also Geometry and math.

>> No.3780364


except trolling and cyberbullying isn't free speech

what does anonymity on the internet lead to?

People being asshole, a whole load of shitposting and cancer

I can't WAIT for the times when everything you do on the internet is tied to your real name and address

>> No.3780376

>what does anonymity on the internet lead to?

A statement is judged based only on the content and not on the person who posted it.
You are free to ignore shitposters.

(Yes, I know you're trying to troll)

>> No.3780384



>> No.3780385

Fucking EVERYTHING is science, except for biology.

>> No.3780389
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>hard science

>> No.3780391


whenever I see a Watson thread or something really hateful it makes me wonder why the hell can't that person be held accountable for what they do?

it's actually illegal to say these things and as such that isn't free speech at all

and by the way I'm not trolling as I'm not 13

>> No.3780392

Only I am science
I am the true embodiment of it!

>> No.3780393

Biology is the purest science.

Try to study physics without biological organisms to study it.

>> No.3780394

I have to fap now. Gonna troll back in an hour.

>> No.3780398

Religion is the purest science.

Try to study nature without faith.

>> No.3780408

>typical tripfag thread disguised as an EK lure thread.

Everyone that didn't sage is retarded.

>> No.3780409

whenever I see a thread criticizing our government for the war in Iraq it makes me wonder why the hell can't that person be held accountable for what they do?

it's actually illegal to say these things and as such that isn't free speech at all

>> No.3780422


you don't know the meanings of any of those words.

>> No.3780425


lol u have been troll'd so hard XD

>> No.3780433
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>> No.3780449
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>> No.3780451


you don't know the meaning of any of those words

>> No.3780457


Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.

0,99999 its not equal 1.

>> No.3780458


you don't know the meaning of the word "meaning"

>> No.3780465


you don't know the meaning of the word "word"

>> No.3780462


you don't know the proper use of the word 'know'

>> No.3780461


you dont know the meaning of the word "dont".

>> No.3780471


you don't know the meaning of any of those words

>> No.3780473

This is a certified /sci/ quality thread.
It contains no inane trolling garbage.

>> No.3780478


I don't know how to read!

>> No.3780483


you dont know the meaning of the word " Ruppelstinski"

>> No.3780566

what's a tripcode?

>> No.3780578
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This pic explains it. With your dubs you should be able to see it.

>> No.3780590
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>> No.3780598

Damn aether, why wont you die.