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File: 17 KB, 300x225, usa-troy-davis-300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3779803 [Reply] [Original]

"Troy Davis executed in Georgia amid innocence protest"


So let me get this straight. No DNA evidence, no murder weapon, no physical evidence of any kind, 7 out of the 9 eye witness testimonies have been recanted, and he gets the death penalty? LOL, America.

>> No.3779808

>kill 76 people
>21 years

>> No.3779810

yes, if you're a black man in the south, a bunch of people can say you did something and get you arrested with no proof. If that something is killing a police officer, you die, no questions asked. This isn't news.

>> No.3779811
File: 27 KB, 405x304, 110707_casey_anthony2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

balance is restored

>> No.3779812

Don't kid yourself. Brevik will never go free.

>> No.3779813

sweden has a maximum term limit, LOL

>> No.3779814

He was obviously guilty of being a black man in Georgia. Automatic death penalty.

>> No.3779816

Jury was black, witnesses were black. He used the same weapon in another shooting case.

They only recanted because they didn't want to be responsible for his execution.

>> No.3779819

Breivik is in Norway, though

>> No.3779821

I don't give a fuck about Troy Davis. What I AM slightly disturbed by is the fact that the supreme court knows there was no non-anicdotal evidence against him yet they still chose to kill him.

>> No.3779823

Good thing he's not being tried in Sweden then.

>> No.3779826

There were 34 witnesses and 9 testified.

>> No.3779828
File: 2 KB, 126x122, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Meanwhile in the US state of Texas another death row inmate, Lawrence Russell Brewer, was executed on Wednesday evening - in a very different case.

>In 1998, white supremacist gang member Brewer, 44, dragged a black man chained to the back of a pick-up truck along a road until he died."

>> No.3779830
File: 14 KB, 493x402, wha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> He used the same weapon in another shooting case.

>> No.3779831


>> No.3779842

That article says they're considering changing the law in his case. Prosecutors are considering charging him with crimes against humanity under a 2008 law.

>> No.3779846

No, 34 witnesses testified.

>> No.3779870

such is life in america

>> No.3779882


It's 30 years for "crimes against humanity". Even after the 30 years is up, if the doctors don't feel he's ready for release, he wont go.

>> No.3779890

>tells a lie 34 times


>> No.3779897

The death penalty doesn't belong to a nation that dares to call itself "civilized".

>> No.3779902 [DELETED] 

>claim to be christians
>decide to kill people for any reason at all, innocent or not


>> No.3779901


>> No.3779907

Being a darkie in a redneck shithole: Punishable by death.

>> No.3779908

Ideas are infectious, citizen.
The only way to stop a bad idea, is to kill the carrier.
The idea that you can avoid the ultimate consequence for the ultimate crime must be contained, before the cancer that is anarchy can have time to crystallize around it.

>> No.3779911

The south is mostly black.

>> No.3779912

You talk as if killing people guilty of manslaughter isn't required by Christian law.
Open a Bible sometimes, it's got interesting stuff.

>> No.3779913

The bible says "an eye for an eye" atheistfag

>> No.3779916

Hes black so hes innocent.

>> No.3779924

no he's black, so he's guilty. get it right.

>> No.3779925

You both got it wrong.

He's black, so he gets free money.

>> No.3779929

the bible says a lot of things.

>"But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." - big JC

>> No.3779930

Well yeah. The whole point is to make evil people feel like assholes by being not-evil when they are.

>> No.3779932

"do not resist an evil person"

So if we see someone doing evil, we should not resist killing them. Thank you for proving my point correct.

>> No.3779933

>bitch about the bible
>advocate what the bible says

>> No.3779937

>So if we see someone doing evil, we should not resist killing them. Thank you for proving my point correct.

What? Do you even understand english?

>> No.3779941
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>> No.3779943

>implying humor is parabolic and not logarithmic

>> No.3779944
File: 87 KB, 1280x800, bibledoublethink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cant just add extra words into the quote to create your own meaning!

The bible is such a clusterfuck of mis-matched opinions that all of us are bound to agree with some parts of it. pic related.

>> No.3779947

>you cant just add extra words into the quote to create your own meaning!

If it's God's will, I can do whatever I want. Read the OT sometime, sweety.

>> No.3779949

I'm out. see you on Minecraft.

>> No.3779950

why do you retards not realize there is a difference between the kike testament and the new testament.

>> No.3779958
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 1289417261462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buttfrustrated christfag detected?
jesus still condones the OT
>"I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished."

'the law' being gods law, as in, that of the OT.

>> No.3779959

Nope. There were casings of the kind used in the shooting in his neighbourhood
Yes, but not under oath/in a court of law. No witnesses were willing to testify again.

>> No.3779960

A case in which the victim said he did not and wouldn't have committed the crime, and in which the weapon was not linked to him.

>> No.3779965
File: 71 KB, 421x505, happycat[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People using 5:18 after I brought it up yesterday

>> No.3779971
File: 1.12 MB, 1415x2000, Tuldarpwnage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coincidence, hun.
I remember this quote from somewhere else. possibly this massive anti-religion poster:

>> No.3779973

turn the other cheek is a rule for individuals

Eye or an eye was a rule for the governmental powers.

And if you ever learn the oral teachings, it explains that it does not mean a literal eye for an eye, but that the punisgment should be equal to the crime.

>> No.3779976

yeh, it is on that poster (bottom middle)
OOC, do you have an archive-link for where you used 5:18 yesterday?

>> No.3779985

And Noah went out of Elam, and I have put sackcloth upon Sidon. Issachar is your sacks carry it came up, an everlasting hills: They went in them, I go down upon the flocks be bound in after its kind, two sons, Shem, and the camels; and beast, throughout all night, roast with him, the Hittite answered and upon his father laid his eyes, and thou shalt not who married his kingdom was in the land of thee, if thou hast stolen away the abomination of Jehovah, dasheth in the Egyptians heard, they are departed hence; for they strove with him, and sent me fruitful and entreat for the righteous within the sons of his two daughters. I will be she called the South. And they said, Give me here. And Abraham and the tent in Egypt, for the God saw Ephraim's head, who hath therefore keep it; and they may prove them, that I will go. Get thee for they bowed his rank and I am I. And the house, till thou made me in the keeper of this that Jehovah said unto him, and was evening and he said, Lord, who hath supplanted me away from off the seven days shall speak in the waters swarmed, after he turned himself passed through the earth is in the season cometh forth his daughter of Abraham. And the midst of the God made the city, and thirty years, and on him, and he hath blessed Pharaoh, saying, Joseph's sake; and unto Abraham, And let them into the face of Jehovah said unto Pharaoh, and one of Jehovah, the son were nine hundred thirty years, and his sons of the ark, and also called his name of famine was a prince and unto him according unto him, Get thee again to the neck of Aaron, and delivered were two daughters of Rehoboth by you. Not so, my bones, and Uzal, and Put, and into his hand under the token unto the good of cattle. And Jacob went their father's hand, and daughters: and the children of the Emim in the woman, Ye are spies. And Israel said unto him, Because there is a dream.

I Corinthians 11:6

>> No.3779989

I don't, sorry. I wasn't asking for credit or anything, just being pleasantly surprised I wasn't the only person aware of it.

>> No.3780002

i know the fucking bible far too well, considering i'm atheist.

>> No.3780006

I didn't quote it for the dogma, but that it brings up a good point

>> No.3780038

He's black, what more evidence do you need?
If he isn't guilty for this he's guilty for something else that's for sure.

>> No.3780043

>Nope. There were casings of the kind used in the shooting in his neighbourhood

So someone in his neighbourhood has the bullets found at the shooting, and that is your physical evidence that HE did it? Give me a break.

>> No.3780061

Yes. Eye witness testimony plus murder weapon coming from his neighborhood. Just use your head a little, try and put two and two together, and you'll get it.

>> No.3780066


Eyewitness testimony? What eyewitness testimony?

>> No.3780071

a lot of the eyewitness testimony was retracted later.

>> No.3780072

The 34 eye witnesses that testified in court. Do you know anything about the case or are you just running your mouth?

>> No.3780084

what I found interesting about troy davis was the cold calculation that went into his two murders that evening. He shoots one dude in the face and walks off like nothing's happening. gets into altercation with a bum, security guy shows up, he shoots him in the face as well. security cop has a vest on, so troy lifts his arm, places the gun in his armpit just above the vest, and fires a round through his heart. now that whole shooting him in the unprotected face and armpit thing is some serious business. it's not the actions of rage or a moment of fear, it's the cold, deliberate murder of a policeman.

I'm sure he's repented, and convinced himself he never did it, but I'm kinda glad he's gone.

>> No.3780093

>eyewitness testimony

Are you serious dude?
Eyewitnesses will be completely invalid as court evidence in as little as 5 years at the rate that experimentation is showing that it's completely unreliable and you can get anyone to think what you want them to think they saw.

>> No.3780105

there were two possible suspects to the two murders that evening, troy davis and one of his friends. of the two, troy was the only one present at both murder scenes, a fact he acknowledged.

two murders with the same weapon, troy was the only one at both places that evening.

yeah, he's innocent.

>> No.3780110

Right. Because 34 people who all saw the exact same thing are obviously wrong.

>> No.3780113

>two murders with the same weapon

Ah yes. The same weapon that apparently nobody can find. Sure is physical evidence in here.

>> No.3780118 [DELETED] 

Nigger lover.

>> No.3780127


This really has nothing to do with math or science. Hell, look at the court proceedings, clearly they wanted as little scientific evidence as possible.

>> No.3780131

It doesn't matter if we don't have the murder weapon to prove it was the same weapon. Troy was black. He could only afford one gun. Therefore, it was the same gun.

>> No.3780133

>implying we need the weapon to match up distinctive marks on two different rounds.

>> No.3780143

They've done tests where entire restaurants full of people all claimed to see one guy as guilty when in fact he was not, all because they had one person who was in on the test mislead the other "eyewitnesses".
Suggestion is powerful shit bro.

>> No.3780147

Are we certain that he performed this other crime?

>> No.3780149

Right, so you're suggesting that one guy was misleading the other eye witnesses? That's pretty retarded of you.

>> No.3780150

he admitted to being present at both crime scenes, and didn't dispute the fact that no other person was present at both crime scenes.

he never admitted to commiting both crimes, but in the US being present at a murder without reporting it is enough to get you fried.

>> No.3780153

>implying the ballistic evidence wasn't exposes as flawed years ago

Keep reading up on wiki, though. I'm sure it'll make you an expert on the case.

>> No.3780156

there are no experts here.

>> No.3780170

>In California the current sytem costs $137 million per year; it would cost $11.5 million for a system without the death penalty.
srsly guys, no one cares about how much it's costing to kill people instead of just giving them life in prison?

>> No.3780185

the merits of the individual case are not the same as the merits of the death penalty in general. And yes, clearly most americans currently support spending the extra money to kill murderers.

>> No.3780188

Calm your shit down, son.
In the experiment they had someone intentionally mislead people to think the wrong guy was guilty simply by power of suggestion. If I remember correctly, they had the inside guy give his purposely false testimony to the police first while within earshot of everyone else and the majority of people went along with it.

It's not saying that every group of eyewitnesses are purposely misled by someone just that if one person happens to see something wrong, doesnt see the whole story, or has a personal bias against one party one single person can SEVERELY impact the accuracy of the whole.

>> No.3780191

As an American, I don't care how much it costs. Murderers deserve to die. End of story.

>> No.3780195

I agree that murderers deserve to die. I do not agree it is within the government's proper powers to kill murderers.

>> No.3780196

and a bullet through the head/guillotine would cost almost nothing per case

but lets keep using lethal injection because that never goes wrong

>> No.3780205

who cares if it goes wrong? Most murder victims aren't executed in such a neat and comfortable fashion. Even if it takes all day and 30 tries, it's no big deal.

>> No.3780210

lol, right, and bullets to the head and guillotines also never go wrong, right?

>> No.3780211

because lethal injection is fucking expensive compared to hanging/bullet

>> No.3780219

the costs of execution have almost nothing to do with the method.

we don't execute that many murderers, and the main expense of doing so comes from the court time involved.

>> No.3780246

>As an American, I don't care how much it costs. Murderers deserve to die. End of story.

>> No.3780255
File: 847 KB, 1224x1584, flyer1_crime_v4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

34 witnesses testified, and 7 of them recanted. the motherfucker had 20 years of appeals, and assholes think that just because he is black, he must be the victim of a 'racist' justice system. unfortunately, there is overwhelming evidence that prosecution of crime is not affected by race, and the disparities in jail populations are caused by higher rates of crime by certain populations.

99.99999% of the people protesting knew jack shit about the case, and just protested to show how much more enlightened and tolerant they were than those damn racists in the south.

pic related- everyone knows facts be racis'

>> No.3780269

so move. Not tryin to be mean, I plan on moving out of the US eventually. Not because of this issue, but for a number of other reasons- primarily lack of comprehensive health care coverage. But yeah, the US is going down anyways, might as well bail.

>> No.3780270

>Adopt eye for an eye
>Be stuck in 14th century
>One nation under God

Must suck if your a secular liberalist and be living in America. How come they dont move to the civilized world?

>> No.3780284

atheism grew at about the same rate that fundamentalist christianity shrunk over the last decade in the US.

it's wrong to think some or even most atheists in the US don't support the death penalty in certain cases.

notice how nobody's crying that we executed that dude in Texas that dragged a black guy to death behind his truck. Some people don't need to live, troy davis was apparantly one of those people.

>> No.3780285
File: 32 KB, 460x276, london Student-protests-A-demons-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, where the fuck are you going to go?

how is that lax, 'civilized' justice system working out for you chaps across the pond?

>> No.3780290

$$$$. also kinda sucks to leave all your friends. i finally found some good ones.
but when i get a job, i plan on moving out of this shithole. (hopefully other shitholes of the world aren't so bad)

>> No.3780296

>notice how nobody's crying that we executed that dude in Texas that dragged a black guy to death behind his truck. Some people don't need to live, troy davis was apparantly one of those people.

this x 1000. both the white guy who dragged the black guy to death and the black cop killer deserve the same treatment.

>> No.3780300 [DELETED] 

If you support the death penalty you are nothing but a barbarian though

And not one of those cool barbarians who you see in movies and games, no I mean those niggers who came raping and pillaging.

>> No.3780310

>can't tell the difference between social justice and malicious murder

>> No.3780316 [DELETED] 

>Post image of niggers in london rioting
>Expect me to be offended

I live in Sweden, not in USAs satelite colony know as Britain

>> No.3780321

>cant tell the difference between social justice and cold industrial torture that pinnacles in the death of another human being

Stay classy

>> No.3780365
File: 5 KB, 159x240, fingerryanlt3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really.

There were mitigating circumstances in the dragging death you are referring to. The "victim" had raped his assailant in prison and the dragging was a revenge killing.

>> No.3780370

that wasn't a particularly persuasive argument.

kinda like the other liberal (I use the term affectionately, I am one) argument- christian=retard.

clearly not all who support the death penalty are barbarians just as not all christians are retards.

Justice is revenge, we practice it to protect society, not for the sake of the criminal. A significant number of criminals can't be reformed, and keeping them in a cage is cruel. Perhaps more cruel than killing them.

but keep going with your stereotypes and generalizations if that works for you.

>> No.3780378

>cold industrial torture

>implying i was remarking about anything other than execution
>implying you don't make up other people's opinions

>> No.3780382

Until you guys over there abolish the death penalty Ill generalize you all thank you very much. It feels good to be morally superiour.

>> No.3780383

The problem is that they havent met the proper criteria for the death penalty.

For the death penalty you have to be +100% sure that they did it. Now we have conflicting witness testimonies and evidence that the courts refuse to even hear.

Just downgrading him to life without parole would be good enough.

>> No.3780395

If I was you I'd go after our inadequate education, absurd wealth disparity, gullibility of the electorate and general lack of ability to plan ahead, but whatever.

>> No.3780397 [DELETED] 

I was you idiot. You prolly think I meant Guantanamo or something? No, I mean that people sit for 20 fucking years waking up with the sense that theyre going to die and there is nothing they can do about it. That is torture.

Why not put them to the needle right away? Say 6 months? No cos you niggers over there are scared shitless that you'll execute someone by mistake.. oh you just wait til that day when there is no shadow of a doubt that you've killed another man who was innocent. On that day, every american becomes murders

>> No.3780403

>Justice is revenge
This is why we can't have nice things.
Justice isn't revenge, or at least, it shouldn't be. "Oh that man killed my wife, but now the state will kill him, then it's OK I guess."
It doesn't work that way. Justice is there to keep people responsible for their actions. Justice is to prevent people in the following way: "I want to kill his wife, but society decided that it's a bad thing. So if I kill her, they will spend a lot of time tracking me down, and try to punish me. Too bad, I like my freedom more then I hate that bitch, guess I won't kill her."

>> No.3780404

we only have to be 100% sure that they were there and didn't report it, and in this case we are.

knowing of a murder and not saying anything makes you a murderer even if you didn't pull the trigger.

>> No.3780407

Meh, I do that too, this thread just happened to be about the DP so.

>> No.3780411
File: 97 KB, 399x720, swedenthennow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one would think with how important being 'civilized' and not having capital punishment is to the swede's, they wouldn't be importing thousands of people who will one day vote in sharia law, which has (gasp!) capital punishment for more things than just first degree murder.

>> No.3780412



>> No.3780414

Justice are several things, part of it is revenge for the victims who suffered. You cant completly ignore the victims perspective when you judge someone. This has been established in several studies.

But that doesnt mean you should kill someone though.

>> No.3780417

I sort of felt bad about it until I read more and discovered this guy WAS in fact a gangbanger previously already
convicted of gun violence

somehow my empathy for him evaporated at that point

>> No.3780418

because these conflicting testimonies were not conflicted until the MSM picked up the story and ran with it.

>> No.3780420

Part of being civilized is that you want to help people, even if those people wouldn't return the favor, and even if those people have a retarded ideology.

>> No.3780424

>post a picture of "vikings" (you dont know shit son) and a picture of kids peacocking
>expect me to be offended

We all have youths who go through different phases, I bet you were a werewolf. You know, one of those with a tail and shit? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q77sJT8O56E

>> No.3780427
File: 96 KB, 550x600, 1187603479665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's called being naive.

>> No.3780428

>implying amerifats like it this way
>implying we're not just being assraped by lawyers and the legal system.
"oh man i'm gonna die in 20 years, this is torture"
bull shit

>> No.3780434


blame moot

this should have been on new but alas we dont have it anymore

>> No.3780437

>You cant completly ignore the victims perspective when you judge someone.
>This has been established in several studies.
What the hell does that mean? Why can't you ignore the victims perspective, what will happen? What did they study?
Revenge is not a good motive to do anything. What good does revenge do society?

>> No.3780448 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 808x514, crimemultiples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone actually think this nigger wasn't guilty?

Libtards always protest for obviously guilty niggers. The existence of protests means nothing.

>> No.3780450

>conspiracy much?

Sweden will have Sharia laws, yea, thats what extreme rightwing tards like Breivik thinks. He thinks that in 2046 (or w/e) that the people of Norway will thank him for slaughtering children.

Also, I have plenty of co-workers who are from Iran/Iraq, they're secular though, the tiny minority of fundamentalist muslims we have here are too dumb to be able to change our political system.

Why they too dumb I say? Cos you have to be mentally challanged if you believe in the thing we call god.

>> No.3780452

What's with Americans and wanting to kill people all the time?

>> No.3780453

You can be naive and civilized. I'd rather be a bit naive but civilized, then a barbarian who watches nascar and executions with his buddies.

>> No.3780475

It is so that the people who are vicitmized doesnt go out and seek revenge themselves. This happens alot even when the court takes the vicims perspective into account.

The fact of the matter is, there are prolly several people who plot to kill Breivik just as we speak here. If those people werent appeased by the strongest possible sentence (in Norway which is 21 years) there is a high propability that they will take justice in their own hand and thus creating a downward spiral of peolpe acting outside the justicesystem.

Im not saying revenge is right, Im just saying that those who are vicimized FEEL they deserve revenge and there is pretty much nothing we can do about those feelings but to listen and understand, show that we care, and punish the perpetratior

>> No.3780481
File: 214 KB, 1439x1000, 1312032495209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean, there are really only 2 options for europe-

1. continue to allow african and arabic muslim immigration, and eventually demographic trends will continue to a point where they can vote whatever the fuck they want.

2. change immigration policy, preventing 1.

the problem is that doing #2 wouldn't be 'civilized', but that continuing #1 would eventually lead to an 'uncivilized' society.

>> No.3780487
File: 20 KB, 540x540, liberalbible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's not so much difference between yourself and people who believe in God as you would like to think.

Retarded, illogical, faith-based beliefs are common. Like egalitarianism, for example. It is founded on the religious belief that everyone is "created" equal.

>> No.3780490

Although I agree that Breivik should've been put away for life, I don't think the fact the I feel this way should influence the judge.
What should influence the judge are the following two things:
1) Make sure Breivik doesn't do this again, for example by rehabilitations, psychiatric treatment, and/or incarcenation for life.
2) Make sure other people don't do shit like that in the future. A short sentence might encourage others to follow Breiviks example.

>> No.3780499
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>> No.3780504

I'm not sure how they extrapolate the growth figures, but even linear extrapolation doesn't yield those results. It's absurd. In the last 40 years, the muslim population went from 0% to under 10%, and is growing less then it was, and now it's supposed to go from under 10% to over 50% in 50 years? Go back to /new/

>> No.3780507

I agree we have to do something about immigration but not on the bullshit notion that Sweden will have sharia laws one day. My opinion is that we should halt immigration and do immigration reforms because having too many people come here we we already have problems with supporting our old, our schools and the healthcare is just plain stupid. Also think of the unemployment statistics, even though its one of the lowest in Europe atm, having more people coming here and living on welfare for the first 2 years (so they can learn the language and assimilate to our culture) is just dumb economically.

Also, arabs != muslilms. The majority of the arabs coming here are secular. Who flee their own country for atheism, for democratic values and human values. Generally the fundamentalist muslim doesnt come here, because why? He's happy where he is.

>> No.3780521

Well I agree, the revenge thing is a feeling and shouldnt take part within the justicesystem. However thats how it is in most of the world (I think), Im just citing the reality

>> No.3780522

>knows nothing about the norwegian legal system

He can't be sentenced for life, but he can be sentenced to be incarcerated for five more years at the end of each sentence if the judges think he's too dangerous for society. That's practically the same as a life sentence. Breivik will never get out of prison.


>> No.3780524

That's how it is in 'murica. Doesn't make it rite.

>> No.3780532

>people have known he was innocent for years
>media doesn't pay attention to the case until a week before the execution
>4chan doesnt care until after he's executed

everyone is guilty here

>> No.3780536

Even if Breivik behaves and becomes a modelcitizen who repents for all his crimes? What you say is correct, we have a similar system here in Sweden, but generally noone sits their whole life in prison unless they deem psyciatricy unstable.

>> No.3780547


>> No.3780553

People, as a Norwegian and somone who have had two years of pre-law in Norway, I just have to say this, with all due respect,

please, please, please, please stop thinking you know FUCK ALL about how Breivik will be dealt with. You guys are talking out of your asses and presume knowledge that you don't even have.

Stop it. At least have the decency to read up on stuff before you comment presumptuous things like "lol they can only keep him for 21 years anyway lolz".

>> No.3780557

>slaughtering children
The people he killed were all adults. Some were middle aged adults, even.

I think the fact that people have to try and claim those shot were "children" reveals that what Breivik did was not wrong at all. If what he did was wrong then you wouldn't need to falsely portray those killed as "children" in order to give it a negative spin.

>> No.3780563 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 363x480, 1185144710915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nigger was obviously guilty.

>> No.3780561


Are 13-17 year old people adults?


>> No.3780562

>>>"Mark MacPhail was shot dead in 1989 as he tried to defend a homeless man"
>>Mark MacPhail was shot dead in
>Mark MacPhaill
fucking macFAIL shot himself lol

>> No.3780565

its called exaggerating. it doesnt mean the thing wasnt negative to begin with, even after the spin.

"hitler killed 6 million jews, oh noes! so bad"
"technically closer to blah blah blah..."
"oh, thats absolutely fine then"


>> No.3780570

>Adolescents murdered
>Technically theyre children under the law
>Thinks its the liberal media trying to put a negative spin

>76 people murdered
>needs a spin for people to react

You must be troll, but since you made me reply I give you 5/10

>> No.3780583
File: 170 KB, 758x746, map-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. At age 13 you are a man.

You can call them "young adults" if you really want to be dramatic about their ages. But that discounts all the middle aged adults he killed. Does nobody care about them?

Really the "think of the children" hysteria proves that Breivik was morally justified in what he did. If he was wrong you wouldn't have to constantly mention CHILDREN (teenagers at the youngest) to try and spin his actions in a negative light.

>> No.3780597 [DELETED] 

Oh we have a rightwinger in the thread

Did some somalie fuck your sister? Did you get robbed of your 4 year old mobile by some pakis? Jelly that niggers attract women who will never ever sleep with you? Or just plain WHITE POWER bullshit?

>> No.3780596


Really? Morally justified?

Are you fucking retarded or something?

>> No.3780616

>an unborn or recently born person
>a young person especially between infancy and youth

>the time of life when one is young; especially : the period between childhood and maturity
>a young person; especially : a young male between adolescence and maturity

Breivik killed some youths, but he certainly didn't kill any children.

When people deliberately mischaracterize those shot as "children", what exactly is going through their minds? Do they feel that a logical analysis of Breivik's actions would show he was justified? That only appeals to emotion will cause people to condemn him?

>> No.3780619

> At age 13 you are a man

No you're not, dummy. Teenager =/= adult. You are dumb.

>> No.3780644

If he was not morally justified then why is there such a pressing need to call the 40+ year olds and teenagers killed "children"?

If it was morally wrong it would be morally wrong regardless of their ages. And yet nobody who opposes him will ever mention him without claiming CHILDREN (OMG CHILDREN?! THATS HORRIBLE!) were killed.

Why is that? Think about it. Why do they have to pretend people who were adults were actually children in order to make an argument against Breivik?

>> No.3780653

Teenager != child. You are hysterical.

>> No.3780668

I didn't say teenagers were children. YOU said they were adults, which is wrong. Try and keep up.

>> No.3780685


Maybe he is jewish

>> No.3780710

It's not wrong and it doesn't really have any impact on the argument at hand anyways. Call them "youths" if you want. Nobody will stop you.

The issue is with calling people who were sexually mature and able to have children of their own "children". Which is utterly retarded and quite blatant emotional propaganda, no matter how you would like to defend it.

>> No.3780729


No the fact that he killed 70 something innocent people is cause enough to say that he was NOT morally just.

>> No.3780747

>It's not wrong

Yes it is. Teenagers aren't adults.

>> No.3780772


I you're going to quote dictionaries, quote the entire entry:
1 a : an unborn or recently born person
b dialect : a female infant

2 a : a young person especially between infancy and youth
b : a childlike or childish person
c : a person not yet of age

Clearly there were people not yet of age, thus under definition 2c children.

>> No.3780799

while i despise terrorism no matter who the perpetrator is, there is a certain amount of irony in the fact that a pro-palestinian/pro-hamas camp was the site of a terrorist attack.

>> No.3780803

Of age meaning 13.

>> No.3780826


According to you maybe

Being of age is determined by the laws of a country, it's usually set at 18.

>> No.3780889

In what country are 17 year olds children legally? For example children are exempt from criminal charges and can't be employed due to child labor laws.

In most countries you are no longer a child at age 12-13.

>> No.3780898 [DELETED] 
File: 192 KB, 1660x1896, 1290476492956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many niggers have dealt death sentences to white people.

Fuck him...

>> No.3780936


Legally, you are still considered a child in Norway until you are 18, there is no way around this.

It might be misleading according to you, but calling them children is not lying, legally they were still children

>> No.3780949


> Children are exempt of criminal charges

Can be circumvented, but until it is, you are legally still considered a child.

> Children can't work under child-labor laws

Not really sure about Norway, but entering a binding contract if you are underage and without the consent of your parents is illegal.

>> No.3780950

In Norway the age of responsibility is fifteen years.


>> No.3780971


Two different things, but even if we take the lower limit of fifteen, that means he still killed children.

>> No.3781004


There were two witnesses? Open and shut case.