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[ERROR] No.3775561 [Reply] [Original]

To those of you who let yourself get behind and then cram everything into your brain right before exams, how far behind do you usually let yourself go before you study?

I do it, usually every 4-5 weeks I have to fuck my life for an entire weekend and just cram all the information into my head.

Am I the only one who is this self-abusive?

This is worst by far when you're dealing with math.

>> No.3775572

this is why drugs

>> No.3775580

I'm probably worse; I cram in September to get ahead and take any and all exams available.

>> No.3775579


>> No.3775597

sounds like the opposite of what I'm doing.

>> No.3775635

ur dumb

>> No.3775735

yeah, I pretty much admit that in my first post

>> No.3775772

I am always late on everything. Cannot work on stuff I HAVE to do until I'm late. I can work on stuff I don't have to do, though. Notice how it's not related to whether I want to do thing or not: I might want to do something very hard, but if I have to do it and still have time, I'll procrastinate instead.

>> No.3775785

I usually put everything off until 2 days before each exam, when I realise that shit is getting real.
The worst part is I managed to get into a top 3 university this way, I need to sort myself out or I'm gonna fuck it up bigtime.

>> No.3775797

I used to do that. But now I need to actually retain the information that I'm tested on.

You're squandering your education if you just go to classes to past the tests rather than to learn.

>> No.3775803
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>dat cloudy, cloggy feeling you get in your head when you're studying math 24/7

>> No.3775804 [DELETED] 

Also I'll be studying math, so your last comment didn't really fill be with confidence.

>> No.3775845

I am guilty of this. I fuck around for the majority of study time and then start panicing when i realise how close a deadline is. trying to stop this year though. the stress levels are bad for my health or hygiene. my finger nails are destroyed thanks to this and will never be the same.

>> No.3776210

>cramming for math
>not studying and then putting shorthand notes/formulas in notefolio or similar program

>> No.3776285

I used to pull that shit.

And I still do.

Fuck me.

>> No.3776321

i usually study all of my subjects evenly in the first few weeks of classes. 2hrs here, 2hrs there, etc.

after a while, though, i taper off since i check my calendar and there are no instant exams coming up. i start back up again a few days before the exam, or 1wk before it.

example: i have a PDE exam tomorrow morning at 9:00am, and i didn't study PDEs for like 4 or 5 days straight last week. however, monday/tuesday i was reviewing it over, and i was able to do ALL of the problems in about 1.5 hrs because i had the information ingrained in my head from the time i did study. today, i'm dedicating all of my time to studying PDEs.

i remember everything; just a bit fuzzy on the theory since the theoretical side of PDEs is quite difficult(curve C, 1st/2nd integrals, surfaces, etc).

>> No.3777049
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Depends: do you have ritalin available? If yes, then 3 days for a major exam and 1 day for a minor exam. Otherwise, triple.
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