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File: 25 KB, 500x334, 1301770830003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3774690 [Reply] [Original]

>Tell someone my university is better than theirs
>I'm at cambridge, they're at Reading
>They get all defensive and say shit like "Well I don't care i'm not a nerd I don't wanna study all the time and I don't wanna study sciences shut up my university is better for my course"
>Point out to the that cambridge has shorter terms so I have longer holidays, so less time studying, not all the courses they offer are science, and that cambridges department in question is far better
>They just start spewing more shit

Why can't people just have some humility and accept they go to a shit university?

>> No.3774696

Going to a good university is like winning the special olympics. Unless you are a doctor or an architect, open a book and read it.

>> No.3774700

>Brag about your university

This is a shit-tier place to get your sense of self-worth. It's almost as bad as being proud of being an American or Canadian or Pakistani, and bragging about it to others.

Accomplish something yourself.

>> No.3774708

Is that lena?

You gave me a hard thing

>> No.3774720

Agreed OP.

Unless you go to either Oxbridge, Imperial, UCL or LSE just don't fucking bother. Redbrick universities are shit tier really.

>> No.3774729

>implying your choice of university matters if you're not in it just for lolcareer lolmoney lol300kstarting

I'll concede that hilariously expensive lab equipment may be nice if you're doing a PhD in experimental physics, for instance.

>> No.3774744
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Hey OP, I go South bank, is that a problem?
Are we gonna argue over who's uni is better?
Are you a faggot?

>All of the answers are yes.

>> No.3774759

What are you studying at cambridge?
Also the person you are talking to is full retard to suggest reading is better at any course than cambridge, unless they're doing a course like holistic medicine and homeopathy, which isn't studied at cambridge.

>> No.3774762

>op has anus pain because he's paying more for the same education
>tries to rationalize it

>> No.3774768
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>> No.3774772

Yeah Reading uni is pretty shit. I don't go to a top tier uni because I didn't want to be around smug arseholes like you though. The uni I'm at is fine and I get scholarship money for beating the required grades, so I think I'm winning.

>> No.3774775

why am i so autismal?

>> No.3774790


Cambridge is shit, I have a full scholarship at Harvard.

Now imagine we met and I started saying how shit your uni is and how your so dumb you couldn't even get a full paid ride.

Would you have humility? No you would go defensive.

>> No.3774795

Why all the hate for Reading? Fuck all you guys

>> No.3774799
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>this thread

>> No.3774800
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>mfw I attend an engineering school and belong on /g/ instead of /sci

>> No.3774801

Half of my University professors are from the Ivy League schools. One of my profs., specifically from Harvard, told our class that there is only one difference between any of us and his old Harvard students - they already know that they're the shit. The rest of us have just yet to figure that out.

>> No.3774804

>Why can't people just have some humility

You're a fine one to talk about humility....Oh I forgot being extremely rude is normal in England

>> No.3774805
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>mfw i turned down cambridge offer because it looked like a boring place compared to bristol

>> No.3774807

>pic unrelated, of course, unless it's a tranny

>> No.3774809

I do have a full paid ride at cambridge though, so you're wrong.

>> No.3774816

>dat anatomy

animu confirmed for shit-tier art

inb4 it's the style

>> No.3774817
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>mfw I've heard of people thinking their life is over and wanting to kill themselves because they didn't get a place in Oxbridge
>mfw people like you go there instead

>> No.3774819

>being extremely rude is normal in England
>Murrican spotted
>Got thrown out of a pub for being annoying little shite

>> No.3774821

>implying Cambridge stacks up to Harvard

I don't think so, Tim.

>> No.3774828

>implying I'm wrong in saying OP is an arrogant cunt and fulfills the British stereotype

u mad?

>> No.3774831
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>u mad

I bet you haven't even left high school.

>> No.3774832


>> No.3774833

>Why can't people just have some humility
Hahah oh wow.

Troll thread.

>> No.3774840

>doesnt refute argument
>assumes irrelevant things

yeah, you're mad

>> No.3774844

Doesn't University of Warwick get its place at the top? Facilities are top notch and you don't end up leaving as a smug posh cunt.

>"I'll have you know, I went to Cambridge"

>> No.3774848
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lol yh so mad bro XD

Really though, I'm here listening to Glee songs waiting for friends to come over so we can all go out and chill for a bit.

>> No.3774862
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>goes to the worst uni possible
>gets best grades
>is king of the Retards while you lick your profs boots

>> No.3774863
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So are you gonna continue the verbal diarrhea about shit nobody cares about, or are you actually going to refute my argument?


>> No.3774869

It's funny because Cambridge ranks better than Harvard.

>> No.3774870

Agreed. Doing a dual-degree BSE/BA at an Ivy League school and have to listen to all the tards from my high school bitch about whatever nonsense they take in community college/state schools.

No qq'ing allowed if your school sucks.

>> No.3774872

Ecole Normale,
Rank #33,
You don't pay fees, you actually get a (not great but kind of helpful) net pay of 1250 to 1300 euros per month for studying there. Also, the main reason why it's #33 and not better ranked is because it is by far smaller than all the other well-ranked institutions on the page, and the rankings are not averaged on the number of students / researchers.

You all jelly?

>> No.3774874

Go all fuck yourself

>> No.3774878
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No. I'm going to listen to glee's cover of don't stop believing.
You can tell yourself that you won an argument against anonymous if it makes you feel any better!

>> No.3774883
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Thanks. Now it's official that OP was being a rude fuck with no social skills. Enjoy your homosexual songs.

>> No.3774886

>University of Manchester
>shit teir
its probably the best institution in the world for radio astronomy.

jesus, you're an undergrad where you do it doesn't matter, afterwards if you choose to go further you go where your research interest is end of story.
every department has its strengths to believe otherwise is retarded.

>> No.3774891


I did not know that, and yes I am slightly jelly.

>> No.3774904

Getting buthurt about attending uni X instead of uni Y is probably a anglosaxon thing. So here my advice:

Study in Belgium, get relatively cheap education, use books written at Harvard/Cambridge/Oxford (get same info from different lecturer). Enjoy evenings drinking quality beers.Profit.

>> No.3774911

No one gives a shit what you learned but rather where you learned it.

Go to shit school with no research opportunities, huge employers looking for interns/employees, shitty libraries and facilities just to save a couple bucks makes no sense in the long run, especially if you want to be an academic.

>> No.3774917

just tell people about your aspergers op. conversations will go better in the future.

>> No.3774943

>deluded undergrad.

do you know what they actually look at when you get an interview for postgrad stuff? its the projects and reserch you did. if you did it in a lab full of fancy equipment and people who know what their doing that's fine, but if you can do some thing independently that's interesting and with very little resources its impressive.
going to a fancy university with snobs doesn't make you an attractive candidate doing better with less is impressive.

>> No.3775343

Sounds great, but what exactly is the deal with being a "civil servant"? Do you have to do anything?

>> No.3775441

No, not at all. There are at least 3 schools / groups of schools in France in which you are a "civil servant". Actually, it's not a very good translation: it only means that you get your pay from a ministry, not that you have to do anything really civil or to serve in the military.

The three schools I know on that system are:
- The Ecoles Normales, many fields (scientific, human sciences, literature, musicology, even sport) with only a few students per field (during my 3 years there, we've been between 5 and 9 students in my class), you get paid around 1300 from the ministry of education,
- The ENSAI and ENSAE schools, roughly the same idea, I think you get paid a bit more, roughly 1400, and I think it's from the ministry of industry, economy and finances. It forms to statistics, and you get recruited in statistics institutes that pay you extremely well for doing almost no work cause you're among the only experts,
- The Ecole Polytechnique (or "X"), which is an engineer school, and this one is, unlike the others, a military school. You have a uniform etc, I think there's a bit of military training. I'm sure there are some kind of mandatory sport sessions every week. The salary is lesser, but it's the highest ranked engineering school in France so you catch back with researchers from the Ecole Normale easily when you graduate, in terms of salary.

TL;DR, no, at the Ecole Normale, being a civil servant only meant I had to do a medical exam, to be French (not even so sure about this condition), to not suck too much at class (which didn't even mean we had to attend, and believe me we often didn't), and to pay my taxes.

>> No.3775830

>getting paid to study

omfg i was born in the wrong country

>> No.3775849


Cambridge student horribly bitter about their Oxford rejection detected.

>> No.3775860
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>My face when it turns out that OP is actually at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge.

>> No.3775866
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>he doesn't know that you aren't allowed to apply to both

>> No.3775879


>Implying a huge number of people going to Oxbridge didn't get in on the second or third round of applications.

>Implying I'm not going to Cambridge this year after being rejected before interviews last year.

>> No.3775882

Oxford is better than cambridge.

>> No.3775884

The competitive exam to enter Ecole Normale isn't easy though. I was among the only 36 to pass it in my domain, the year I did. Not that many...

>> No.3775886

lol fail
yeah we're really jelly of oxford's 20 nobel prizes or whatever piddling quantity it is.
also all of the slimebag politicians it spews out. we're really really jelly.

>> No.3775891


So fucking defensive.

>> No.3775894

>implying anyone gives a shit about a random stuck up loser on /sci/, no matter what university he attends


>> No.3775900

so fucking devastated rofl

>Implying a huge number of people going to Oxbridge didn't get in on the second or third round of applications.

confirmed for zero knowledge of oxbridge.


i don't know a single person who has done that.

>> No.3775904



Pick one. Your care is showing.

>> No.3775910


>i don't know a single person who has done that.

Then you clearly don't go to Oxbridge. Enjoy living vicariously.

>> No.3775913

Fields Medal:
Cambridge: 4
Ecole Normale: 7

Just saiyan.

Though, I love Cambridge. Obviously because it's a very good uni, but also, it's the best "campus" (or whatever you call the part of the city with the colleges) I've ever been to. The colleges are awesome.

>> No.3775915

actually ima edit that. i don't know anybody at cambridge who has done that; you either have enough talent to get in or you don't. i know a faggot at my school who did it to get into oxford though. this is because he only gives a shit about social climbing, not actual education, just like everybody else at that craphole.

>> No.3775919

Maybe you should stop being a jackass, OP

>> No.3775923

> you clearly don't go to Oxbridge
> I go to Oxbridge

rofl nice fail bro. you just admitted you haven't even been yet, so why the fuck you're still here i have no idea.

>> No.3775934


>Writes like a 12 year old
>Desperate for attention and acknowledgement and a feel of superiority
>Claims he goes to Oxbridge

Hahahahahahahahahaha. Of course you do.

>> No.3775941

ask me something only a cantabfag could know.

oh wait, you can't.

>> No.3775984

come on bro, i'm waiting. could be something about the application process, or the exams, or some idiom or other, or the town.

you don't mean to tell me that you don't have the required knowledge to be able to ask a question like this?

oh wow. how embarrassing for you.

>> No.3775998


Ask one such question to him, then?

>> No.3776018

i could ask him to tell the funny story about stephen hawking.

or i could ask him what rhymes with 'town'.

this doesn't mean anything to you either so it was pretty pointless.

>> No.3776026

and here i was quietly sulking to myself about how shitty my university is.


>> No.3776034

lol where are you bro? bournemouth?

>> No.3776035

>Be Swedish
>Free education
>Exchange year at Imperial
>Now doing M.Sc in EE there
>It all went better than expected.jpg

>> No.3776067 [DELETED] 
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i study at liverpool, it's mid-tier at best.

>> No.3776092

Yeah. Cambridge won't take exchange students even for a goddamn week without fees, but many great universities do, and I agree it's a nice way to visit different structures and be in good schools. Visiting EPFL was nice, for instance.

>> No.3776119

wai would we not charge for your education?

we seem to have good exchange relations with MIT, but the yanks are used to paying stupid amounts i guess.

>> No.3776143

"We" is EPFL? I don't really know, to be honest. I visited as a PhD so it's not really the same thing. I could attend roughly any course for free though. So do invited professors.

And btw, is EPFL expensive? I can't seem to asking anybody...

For a long stay (say, a semester or a year) as an undergrad, you probably won't dodge the fees in expensive universities.

>> No.3776161

sorry, 'we' is cambridge. i talked to a fourth year MIT person once but not much about her education... perhaps i vaguely recall her paying lots.

>> No.3776197

Oh, then as I said, Cambridge wants you to pay a partial fee even if you only stay for a small amount of time. Not if you come for a research group or something, but if you need an inscription as a student. At least that's what I understood. I certainly didn't pay when I visited it (and I was offered probably the most expensive diner in my life, with the group I was with).

>> No.3776218

huh, which college were you at?

standard formals are only £8 or so. uber posh formals are more like £30 but i've only ever had one. best meal ever though lulz.

and tbh charging you for your period of study seems fair enough. i'm surprised other unis don't.

>> No.3776273

Many unis don't charge people coming from other schools because exchange students are usually good students (not everybody gets the approval). Having a good student come by is a good thing for both the student and the uni.

I'm the guy from Ecole Normale.

The dinner was not at a restaurant, it was in one of the colleges' reception rooms. Can't remember the name of the college, I think it was a "St." something, on the road between king's cross and the university (right hand). One of the big and clearly rich ones.

Anyway, we were like maybe 15, and there were 6 or 7 waiters/waitresses, at least 8 different wines, several bottles of each, champaign, everything. I remember hearing that it had cost 4000£, so about 250£ per person. I certainly never pay that much to eat... I think I can count on with my fingers how many times I've eaten a meal at more than 50€.

>> No.3776294

Actually I'm even wondering if that's possible (the price). Don't trust me on that, I might be (unwillingly) amplifying. Or maybe the dining room was what made it cost that much... I know that when you have money left on a research project and the project is soon to end, you'd better spend everything or next year they'll say that you didn't need all the money, and they'll give you less...

Anyway, whatever the exact price, it was fucking expensive.

>> No.3776334

Sounds like you're describing St. Johns.

Which is no surprise, they are the standout arrogant, posh private-school socialite trash college.

I have been to every college bar in Cambridge and John's was the only one that was basically impossible to get into. Something about being more than twice removed from the Queen.

Also they had billiards instead of a pool table.

Ahrgh fuck them all.

I had heard before that their formals are insanely expensive.

>> No.3776362

>Tell someone my university is better than theirs
>Why can't people just have some humility

Oh god...

>> No.3776367

After checking it fast, from the photos I think it was St Catharine.

>> No.3776399

> Why can't people just have some humility and accept they go to a shit university?
Good question, OP! You should take a moment to ponder it!

>> No.3776406

I've formal'd at both, neither were expensive. It was probably one of those special dinners for particular groups. The type where they would ask for black tie instead of just suits etc.

>> No.3776421

I think it was supposed to be this kind of diner, but I think nobody in the group had really realized that. And they hadn't realized that you have to be explicit on that kind of things when you're dealing with scientists, industry scientists excluded. I had a geekish Tshirt, one guy had a flashy red shirt, the others were, at best, kind of neutral.

>> No.3776433

>mfw in 2001 the number of harvard graduates with jobs was less than that of portland community college graduates

>> No.3776450

>Why can't people just have some humility and accept they go to a shit university?

I live in Chile and this shit is serious business, retards defend their shitty universities to death.

>> No.3776467

>that feel when I'm starting at Cambridge on Sunday and know that, despite not wanting to, will inevitably end up like OP within weeks

>> No.3776470



>> No.3776471

That's cool. There's an Oxford graduate in law who lives in my village to me. He hasn't got a job, he's eating his parents out of house and home and they're all but forcing him to apply for a job at McDonalds. I'm a Reading graduate and I've got a stable, secure job with a non contributory 50% final salary pension.

Ultimately, it comes down to how well you can sell yourself and what your chosen field is. An Oxbridge diploma might be a nice thing but it doesn't guarantee a job any more than a red brick or polytechnic diploma prevents it.

Shame there's no drama involved, sorry fags.

>> No.3776476

>Why can't people just have some humility and accept they go to a shit university?

I don't know. Why can't you accept it?

>> No.3776483

Why are there faggots in this thread getting mad because other people go to good universities?


keep dreaming you dumb fucks, i'd rather take philosophy at cambridge than maths at a shitty welsh university.

Enjoy your 25k a year.

>> No.3776492

Enjoy your colossal surprise when you enter the real world.

>> No.3776493

I graduated at the University of Stalingrad at Leningrad State University in 1991, with a degree in Soil Studies.

>> No.3776495


Why are people in denial? Going to a university outside of the top 5 in the UK means you are an idiot. It means that the top paying employers wont come looking for you. Obviously you faggots didnt do well in school and are trying to convince yourselves that your lives aren't over because you are going to a university that no one has ever heard of. It's pathetic, if you go to a university in the UK outside of Oxbridge, Imperial, LSE or UCL then you are a moron.

>> No.3776502

Retards: Go to university to get a job and earn money.

Intelligent People: Go to university to learn about stuff they find interesting.

>Hurr durr I come from a shitty university but I have a job and I have a good salary

You think a physicist with a PhD would give a fuck about that? In case you didn't know, there are better ways to earn money than going to college, if that is your final goal then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.3776503

I went to a pretty average school, and I'm not very defensive or insecure about it; but a much better question would be, how could someone be so lacking in class that they try to get into pissing contests about the school they go to?

And the best question of all? Who the fuck cares? This is not science or math.

>> No.3776505
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>> No.3776513

>Arbitrarily picks top 5
>Probably went to UCL
>Desperate to play with the big boys

Face it, your shitty college is a joke.

>> No.3776522



>> No.3776524
File: 459 KB, 1000x682, 1261692018889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

problem, op? why are britfags so stupid?

>> No.3776530

You are either a bitter 15-year-old or a clueless
trust-fund baby. I find both options to be officially worse than AIDS. And you probably have AIDS too.

>> No.3776535




>> No.3776541



>> No.3776547


Why is this so horrific for you? The simple fact is, the world doesn't come to your door because you graduated from somewhere as opposed to somewhere else. At best, you get a moderate advantage when competing against other people with first class degrees but, even then, since those are mainly research positions the nature of your dissertation tends to matter more.

I faced stiff competition for my job but I can attribute my getting my current job to a gelling of personalities between the interviewer and myself, the relevance of my dissertation and modules and applying for a job that comes with a level of security as I could see the effects of the credit crunch on the job market, apparently before many other job seeking graduates did.

>> No.3776548


keep trying to convince yourself. its pathetic really. HURR I DO MATHS AT THE 80TH BEST UNIVERSITY IN THE COUNTRY, LOOK HOW GOOD I AM.

>> No.3776552

I don't give a shit OP, Reading is the nicest town I ever did go to so you lose anyway.

>> No.3776553

>cites wikipedia

smells ucl fag a long way here

>> No.3776555


>The simple fact is, the world doesn't come to your door because you graduated from somewhere as opposed to somewhere else

you're delusional if you think this

>> No.3776559


Wow, you can almost smell the desperation. How's the job hunt going?

>> No.3776560


>> No.3776561

>>Tell someone my university is better than theirs

Hmm yeah you're a faggot, OP.

>> No.3776564


I don't get it...

>> No.3776565

I went to Reading, beautiful campus.

Anyone else stay in Wantage? I fell out with the agri-yobs after they tried to make me pay JCR fees I couldn't afford because my parents weren't filthy fucking rich.

>> No.3776568

>US has 5,758 universities
>UK has 115 universities

>> No.3776571


What an interesting physics article, although I fail to see your point. Is this some sort of UCL rethoric trick?

>> No.3776577

Yeah. Not just free, you even get paid! (no more than six years though so that kinda sucks)

>> No.3776579

You wouldn't understand, if you were bright enough to you would have gone to a REAL university.

>> No.3776581

Not same for all subjects.
Doing maths at Warwick, I'm a moron?

>> No.3776584

you sound pretty mad about not having the uni with most nobel prizes in the universe.

also: you don't go to any of those universities rofl. nothing worse than a mediocrefag who thinks the achievements of people geographically close to him makes him a better person.

>> No.3776588

how long you been doing maths for?

>> No.3776591

Imperial College master race reporting in.

>> No.3776592

>University College of London
>University College
>Real University


>> No.3776593

Going into my 2nd year.

>> No.3776594

>nothing worse than a mediocrefag who thinks the achievements of people geographically close to him makes him a better person.


>> No.3776595

>cites wikipedia

>> No.3776596


No, as long as it's not philosophy at Cambridge, it's just a waste of time

>> No.3776597

>Doing maths at Warwick, I'm a moron?

Yep, you didn't get into Oxbridge.

>> No.3776599

Technically true, although I didn't apply to Oxbridge because I didn't like the atmosphere.

>> No.3776603


That's what they all say

>> No.3776604

can you explain the homomorphism theorems yet?

how about deducing the cardinality of P(N)?

>> No.3776605


Is that a euphemism for not being intelligent enough?

>> No.3776606

Who is "they"?

>> No.3776610



>> No.3776612

>Who is "they"?

No wonder you go to Warwick

>> No.3776613

not sure if trolling but you're basically correct. philosophy at cambridge is highly technical and not the bullshit they presumably cover at most unis.

i've seen people go into further education in science with it.

>> No.3776618


In other words you know full well that you wouldn't have attained sufficient grades and skills to attend the universities but will forever say 'it didn't feel right' in some sort of weird and worrying attempt to justify to yourself and others that you are smart enough for Oxbridge. Well in short, you're not.

>> No.3776621

Nothing worse than a mediocrebrit who thinks achievments of people from his history makes him a better person

>> No.3776623

No, I didn't like the amount of posh folk.
Wouldn't have fit in at all, got good STEP grades so I think I'm good enough at maths to have had a shot of getting in if I'd wanted to.

>> No.3776624


This. What makes you like the splendid atmosphere of Warwick too? I heard it's just a shithole industrial estate.

>> No.3776628

You do know that the entrance requirements for maths at Warwick are far higher than those for Oxford?

>> No.3776629


Clearly not good enough to get into Oxbridge. Why not Imperial? They are better than Warwick at Maths, but i guess you didn't like the atmosphere too eh?

>> No.3776630

I'm sorry to rain on your red-brick parade, but the university you attend does very much influence your earning power and starting salary upon entry into the jobs market.

Imperial graduates earn the highest in the country and compare this to say, a Cardiff university graduate and you're looking at a £7,000 difference in starting salary, a difference that will only increase as you age.

>> No.3776632

true. the difference is i'm at the best university in the world and you're a fucking nobody.

you should really stop being so mad about this.

what were your STEP grades ffs?

also you failed to answer my maths questions so i'm going to presume that warwick maths is shit tier.

>> No.3776633
File: 9 KB, 270x187, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Confirmed for retard.

>> No.3776638


Wow, look guys, someone taught me something so i must be smart.

Is this your definition of intelligence?

>> No.3776640

oh god

no no no. oxford draws from a wide pool of applicants and is then highly selective at interview.

warwick takes shitheads with a 2 in STEP I.

>> No.3776641

Maybe if you're working in a job that doesn't require any creativity or expertise.

>> No.3776643

In fairness he did say "you would not have achieved sufficient grades to get into Oxford or Cambridge"

1/1 in STEP I and II

Imperial isn't better I think, at least that's the general consensus

>> No.3776644

>at Harvard
I'm going to guess you meant you have a private scholarship and attend Harvard.

>> No.3776645

> knows nothing
> failed at education system


>> No.3776647


THIS. It's fucking obvious that the better the university, the better the job prospects. Jesus Christ it's like some of you are trying to say that less cloud means the sky is more obscured. Idiots.

>> No.3776648

>not getting an S in STEP I

>> No.3776651

so you didn't cover any basic group theory or number theory in your first year at warwick?

oh wow...

>> No.3776652
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I wasn't that guy from earlier.

It's not like your country has done anything worthwhile in the best decade for you to be proud of, bro. You gonna be okay?

>> No.3776654


So someone with an IQ of 70 who takes maths to degree level is more intelligent than someone with an IQ of 130 who doesn't?

>> No.3776656

I'm not Asian.
I admit there's no way I would have got into Cambridge, but might have had a shot at Oxford if I'd wanted to give it a go. My friend got into Oxford and ended up with AAAB + 3 in STEP I.

>> No.3776659

OP made this thread because he, being an all holy god from Cambridge, got butthurt over someone else defending their university. Thanks for proving that you're really nothing special.

>> No.3776661

coherent sentence fail

>> No.3776669

Abstract Algebra is covered in 1st year and Number Theory module can be taken in 1st or 2nd, although cardinality comes under the Foundations module I think.

I've not started yet, I said I'm just going into 1st year.

>> No.3776681

tbh bro you could have gotten into cambridge. there are plenty of people with a 2 here. you'd be mid tier.

the fact oxford takes mathematicians with a 3 in STEP I made me piss my pants though. what a ridiculous institution.

>> No.3776688

Why do you argue with people over your university?
My friends went to state schools and I'm going to one of the Ivies, but I don't rub it in their faces.
Do you gain personal satisfaction from feeling smarter than anyone else?
That's sad.

>> No.3776690


What letter does your first name begin with?

>> No.3776691

>That feel when asian universities will kick our asses in 5 years

>> No.3776697

Not really..

>> No.3776704


>Why do you argue with people over your university?

Because it is a measure of your personal achievements. I never understand why people are proud of the subject they are majoring in when anyone could do said subject, but not everyone could get into a top university.

>> No.3776706

S... why?

>> No.3776712


>> No.3776711

>go to top 15 engineering school in USA
>top 10 best value according to wall street journal
>pay public tuition, get top-notch education
>no insufferable elitist snobs like OP

>> No.3776714

>Yes, I gain a feeling of superiority by comparing myself to others.
Do you walk around with childhood trophies and medals from the science fair?

>> No.3776715

I got 1, 2 in II and III and Cambridge took me, and my college parent got 2, 2 and they accepted her. All that matters is doing better than the other people who got accepted by your college I guess.

>> No.3776718

.. U of I?

>> No.3776720

I'm sure that everyone is impressed that you wasted your youth doing busy work in high school.

>> No.3776731


As opposed to?

>Do you walk around with childhood trophies and medals from the science fair?

No, but what's the point in doing well if you can't rub it in someone's face?

>> No.3776732

Why not? Feels like a realistic situation IMO. They kind of deserve it after all their brain drain in UK/USA.

>> No.3776739

A friend of mine got 2,2 in II/III recently and got in.
fwiw, the 2 in STEP II was a mid 2, and the 2 in STEP III was exactly on the 2 boundary.

>> No.3776744

> implying the elite british universities base their admissions on extracurriculars


in britland we do this stupid thing where entry is based on academic merit.

>> No.3776750


All As and Bs master race reporting in

>> No.3776753

>this thread

>> No.3776754

>what's the point in doing well if you can't rub it in someone's face?
Happier life, personal satisfaction of reaching your goals, better pay, better living conditions, and contributing to society.
Only insecure assholes feel the need to compare themselves to others.

>> No.3776758

> not getting 5 A*s
> thinks he's part of a master race
> getting a fucking B in the derpfest that is A-levels
> how do you even do that

>> No.3776762

my friend is asian and he got A*A*A*A*A*A*A* in his A-levels
and got rejected from Oxford
moral of story: getting rejected from oxford doesn't mean shit

>> No.3776764


What did you take?

>> No.3776770
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Oh, nevermind.

>> No.3776777

> A-Levels don't mean shit
fix'd. This is the whole reason Oxbridge admissions are based on interviews.

Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology.

Got a 1/1 in STEP II and III which is far more important.

>> No.3776778

Warwick discrete maths fag reporting in... just interested to know which fresher is a /sci/entist? Post a stupid question in the fb group or something?

>> No.3776786
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>mfw I go to university none of you ever heard about and I already have greater scientific accomplishments than 99% of this board (including OP) and I don't even have my BSc. yet.

Also, it's free.

>> No.3776792


One of you has a name that begins with R

>> No.3776793


>> No.3776797


>> No.3776808

okay, i lol'd.
take pity on me though. i'm actually one of those mathematicians who goes into biology to sort the shit out for the useless fuckwits.

>> No.3776809

Those are good grades, but please come back when you have a 1st class degree.
A-levels and GCSEs don't really mean shit, just saying.
(for what it's worth in my experience the people who suffered most in 1st year were those who were used to coasting through on their "natural intelligence" and still getting A*s)

So I hope you have a decent work ethic.

>> No.3776811

why not? suit yourself...

>> No.3776823

Can't remember all of the Discrete people... could be JB.
That's the only person I can remember who's doing it, unless you joined the main Maths group recently, I can only remember up to the first 70 people or so then stopped keeping track.

>> No.3776826

oooh, do share :>

>> No.3776836


>> No.3776837

Not JB :)
I'm AB heh.

>> No.3776848

>Go to Strathclyde
>270th best in the world
Their physics department is ok. And if I ever turn gay there are many, many engineers on campus.

>> No.3776851


Let me guess, CCC at A-level?

>> No.3776855
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>mfw I go to Reading

It's still 30th nationally guys...

>> No.3776858

>Taking further maths


>> No.3776861

>Studying at best school in my country
>That feel when it's barely top 100


>> No.3776863


>> No.3776864


further maths is a good a-level.

you just buttmad because you failed or something?

>> No.3776868

No, actually, AAAA. But Glasgow is all about astrophysics, Strathclyde has a heavy focus on optronics research which is what I wanted to get into. In b4 move to England to study, no way lol.

>> No.3776872

Out of interest, why do people who have never visited either seem to put Oxford and Cambridge on a pedestal?
They're just universities guys, and FYI prestige doesn't mean shit for undergrad.

>> No.3776874

Why can't OP be humble?

>> No.3776876


why didn't you go to glasgow for physics?

>> No.3776877

inb4 oxbridge defence squad
inb4 anything similar to above 2 things

>> No.3776899

in after samefag
in after tortured denial

>> No.3776916

inafter typical example of what i meant

it's weird, I never see the same thing with Ivy league or harvard or anything like that
it's only ever oxford and cambridge

maybe us british are just dicks, or maybe it's americans that don't have a clue and think that they're the only 2 universities in the country.

>> No.3776918

>applying for maths in the UK
>not getting into trinity college cambridge


>> No.3776924


>> No.3776931

The fuck am I watching?

>> No.3776942
File: 8 KB, 200x240, larry-david (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could understand your argument if they were the one to say that their university is better than yours, but really, you're just setting yourself up to look like a prick.

>> No.3776957

Imagine if a Lawyer said a similar thing to his Windoe Cleaner friend, about how his job was so much superior.
That would be a really dickish thing to do wouldn't it?
It's no different to do it with universities.

>> No.3776959

e is right next to w, so shut up.

>> No.3776997

Except the lawyer is right, dick or not.

>> No.3777020

He might be right, but it's still a smug motherfucker who doesn't deserve praise of others due to that.

>> No.3777056

>more than 250 posts
>/sci/ getting butthurt about going to shit tier unis

Nothing to see here