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[ERROR] No.3773281 [Reply] [Original]

Do weeaboos have a mental disorder? I was browsing /a/ and /jp/ and some of the threads there scared me.

>> No.3773289

yep, it's called assburgers

>> No.3773298
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Social segregation leads them to find people like minded.

They find other weeaboo fags. They take their hobbies and continue integrating them into every facet of their lives to make up for their inadequecies, then before you know it, anime everywhere. Anime DVD's taking up their income, anime shirts, anime games, anime themed bedrooms. Then they marry their anime girlfriends and it's like "dude, what?" but then you're like "poor guy... it's all he has."

That and aspburger's.

>> No.3773302

Dont forget autism.

But im talking about watching cartoons and thinking that you are better than what they call "normalfag" because they watch them.

That they have to invent their own love in the form of a waifu.

That they think real people are "3DPG" or third dimensional pig disgusting.

>> No.3773310

So basically they find their niche and then continue to shape their life around it until they have forgotten how to be normal?

>> No.3773313


>Not autism

Are you like... a fucking retard?

>> No.3773321

They are not the same thing, kid.

>> No.3773325


I think it's more that they take a niche interest and then apply it to every facet of their lives.

As you can guess that's probably not the best thing for one's own well-being.

>> No.3773331


Asperger's is an autism spectrum disorder. Am I being trolled?

>> No.3773338

You are correct, but that doesn't make them the same thing. If they were the same thing they would share the same name. Its like calling a chimpanzee and a human the same thing. Which they are not.

>> No.3773344


3DPG on /a/ is used in a facetious way sometimes, not sure about /jp/. Same with referring to waifus, sometimes! /a/nons are pretty aware that flaunting their anime watching like they've partook of the highest is retarded.

There are, of course, the more stereotypical kawaii desu ne weeaboo type, as well.

>> No.3773346

What, no. It's on the spectrum.

It's like calling a chimp and a human the same thing, which they are not.

>> No.3773353


Oh, I get it. You are a fucking retard.

Autism is a spectrum disorder. Aspergers is a type of autism. Your analogy is flawed in a similiar. A human is a type of primate, as is a chimpanzee.

>> No.3773362

Why are you getting emotional and abusing me because i proved you wrong? Assburgers and Autism are not the same thing.

>> No.3773369

It's not particularly weird to have a fascination with a fictional character. In a good story, they're a representation of some real aspect of human characteristics, in some way.

Consider how many teenage girls want to marry fictional Twilight characters, and they're terribly written characters.

I think it's within the normal realm of human experiences, it's just not in the realm of common experiences.

>> No.3773380

Some /sci/duck lost his jo today messing with /a/

>> No.3773389


To be fair, it doesn't even make sense for you to include autism. Full-on weeaboos don't tend to have any cognitive problems, it's just social retardation. Which doesn't fit all of autism, but it does fit Assburgers.

>> No.3773383


>> No.3773388

/a/'s actually pretty uptight about not revealing the fact that they watch anime.

Besides that, most of what you see is a board identity built up around their shared pastime and social isolation.

>> No.3773395


You're wrong, sorry. Autism and the Autism Spectrum are two separate things.

Autism is a part of the spectrum, but isn't Asperger's Syndrom. Asperger's is a part of the spectrum but isn't autism. Neither IS the spectrum.

To go back to the analogy.

Humans and chimps are both primates, but humans and chimps are different things.
Asperger's and Autism are both part of the Autism Spectrum, but are different things.

>> No.3773402


>> No.3773426

>A science

>> No.3773435

At least it's not biology.

>> No.3773446

He was mocking /a/ and shit (like now) and they got him to look at cp at work. Everyone saw him, laughing thinking he was a gay pedophile, his boss has his computer scanned by maintenance guys. Got fired for it.

>> No.3773453

it's a slippery slope

>> No.3773469

Last i heard was that he was put on probation and that he is having his computer use monitored, no word on him being fired yet.

>> No.3773476


>> No.3773485

Browse any board, yes including this one, and you'll find shitty people with threads that would scare others.

>> No.3773492

>this one


>> No.3773502

Pseudo intellectuals. No one likes them. Pretty much makes up 9 in 10 browsers here.

>> No.3773518

With you being the exception, am i right? Get the fuck out of here kid.

>> No.3773566
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>> No.3773586

I dont get emotional or upset over posts made on hte internet. Unlike a lot of people on this site. Take /a/ for example, what happened last night. Its sad.

Take your memes back to /b/.

>> No.3773589

9/10 is not even close, and even then, pseudo-intellectuals are not
A) Shitty people that would scare others, they're just arrogant
B) So far from the norm that they deserve mention in a thread about white boys marrying fictional characters.

>> No.3773595

Can someone post the proof please, or I'm just going to assume it's troll.

>> No.3773607

Do 'normal' people have electrodes stuck in their skulls?

I was browsing in the real world and they are interested in politics and football (where they endless chase balls and then kick them back, chase it again ad infinitum)
And sometime they think that their partners would stay loyal. I mean, how deluded do you need to be to reach this conclusion?!