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[ERROR] No.3772768 [Reply] [Original]

>be black
>2100 SAT, 2.8 GPA
>accepted to Harvard

>> No.3772782

college acceptance is a social construct

>> No.3772788

Seriously? Fuck. I'm black, had a 3.0, and a 2100. Fuck this shit, I should have applied to harvard

>> No.3772794

lol'd hard.

>> No.3772797


Same or lower standard of education compared to other places, but at 10X the cost. It's like Brand named education.

>> No.3772798

George W. Bush

>> No.3772799

>be the dumb asian
>play sports in high school
>34 ACT
>4.6 GPA

I got accepted into only handful of colleges. Ended up going to a really shitty in-state college for free.

>> No.3772831

all asians still get affirmative action status in the US

>> No.3772843

I don't normally live in the US, but affitmitive action makes sense, right? the black community had worked very hard and were very oppressed at one time, and the way to even the playing field for all communities would be to allow them access to educations a little better given their socioeconomic status than the mainstream populous.

>> No.3772855

Sure I guess, but it's been 50 years since segregation ended and such. Most would argue that it's time to end it

>> No.3772864

No, they don't, I don't know why you said that but it's massively untrue to the point of being fucking retarded and you should feel bad for making that post.

>> No.3772866

there are lots of studies that show black people with identical qualifications are less likely to be accepted by admissions than white people

that's the reason for affirmative action, white people start with an advantage in getting accepted

>> No.3772874


Asians don't get affirmative action, despite being just as poor as blacks.

We aren't equal. Deal with it.

>> No.3772875

well, how long do you think it should take their community to play "catch up"?

>> No.3772879
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>michael jackson
>he will have aged gracefully and have a handsome, more mature look

>> No.3772880


I'd like to see these studies right now.

>> No.3772882

yes they do.
all minorities in the US are eligible for affirmitive action status.

>> No.3772898

the median income for asians in the us is almost 50% higher than that of blacks

>> No.3772903

I admittedly don't know much about the issue, I was just trying to outline why people may object to affirmative action more than anything. Personally, I think it should be ended, but I have thought much about it.

Asians are the wealthiest race in america, on average. Affirmative action does screw you them over on college entrances and stem jobs because they're "over represented". But still, affirmative action helps asians in other areas, and to say that they are just as poor as blacks is simply false.

I'm black, for whatever that's worth

>> No.3772905


>> No.3772925

>Jews are the wealthiest race in america, on average.

>> No.3772950

The point of going to any college is to be able to say you went to college. You could learn all the same shit in a library if you're dedicated enough, probably in less time too. But you don't get a degree for it, and without a degree you can't get a job in the field.

The word "Harvard' impresses employers, and thus is worth going to. Your education is very much dependent on who you are as a student, not so much your school.

>> No.3772968

> Your education is very much dependent on where you were as a student, not so much your grades.

>The point of going to any college is to be able to say you went to college.
Si, senor.

>You could learn all the same shit in a library if you're dedicated enough, probably in less time too.
Only if you happen to be Eliezer Yudkowsky, but the principle remains true.

> without a degree you can't get a job.

>> No.3772981 [DELETED] 


>> No.3772993
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- Typical liberal

>> No.3773004
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>mfw the nigger in my calculus class tries to be super geeky and wears shirts with integral signs on them

>mfw he got a shit score in our first test which was just a precal refresher

>> No.3773006

I was white with a 4.2 gpa and 2300 and not accepted

fucking racists.

>> No.3773014
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>not passing IB and getting an 1800 on your SAT without ever studying once in your lifetime

>> No.3773042
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Blacks (and Australian Aboriginals) are known to overestimate their abilities, even academic ones. This is a well-published statistical phenomena. IIRC, East Asians actually rate their own abilities lower than blacks do, yet we all know who actually possesses more ability.

>> No.3773057

>I go to a shitty state school

>> No.3773060

If you're black and you can crack a 2200 on the SAT, you're going to the ivies. No question about it.

>> No.3773071

>2100 SAT, 2.8 GPA
... dude, what?

>> No.3773098
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