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[ERROR] No.3770879 [Reply] [Original]

how do I rid myself of internal monologue??

Whenever I'm thinking of something, I know what I'm going to think before I think it but still I can't get off the thought until I 'verbalise' inside my head to complete the sentence.

does this make me a retard?

>> No.3770886

Man is free to do what he wills, but he cannot will what he wills.

>> No.3770888


>> No.3770893

go get assessed for OCD.

>> No.3770894


However your inclination to think with no language does render you and idiot.

>> No.3770896

Try "verbalizing" something else in the background. Something inane, like 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 etc. It will prevent you from verbalizing other thoughts.

>> No.3770897

Consider this: "Who" is doing the observing when you're monitoring your thoughts?

The mind is like a nervous monkey. The solution is to monitor, observe, but don't react. Don't confuse (you) with the monkey.

>> No.3770908

>your inclination to think with no language

my problem is I can't help thinking with language. is the fact I want to avoid this bad?

>> No.3770912
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You wot

>> No.3770921

This exact problem fucks me constantly.

I do find that I can get into a maths-trance when I'm doing maths. I suddenly realise that I haven't thought words for about forty minutes. Or when reading, and you just let the comprehension slide into your awareness rather than verbalise every word as you scan it with your eye.

>> No.3770970

>Or when reading, and you just let the comprehension slide into your awareness rather than verbalise every word as you scan it with your eye.


>> No.3770978


>This exact problem fucks me constantly.


Yours is the exact opposite of Ops.

>> No.3771002

i dunno. maybe.

>> No.3771008

Your brain is programmed to behave a certain, unique way. In general, it should perform similarly to the general public, but there are quirks specific to every individual.

Answer: train your brain to work the way you want it to.

It's all about practice. The problem is, how do you reprogram the brain you're using to effect that reprogramming.

It's odd but very doable. You just have to find the right practice set. Then practice every day until you're satisfied with your progress.

phd in birdwatching here btw

>> No.3771029

Read with your brain not with your lips

>> No.3771037

Different guy here.

It's like each word doesn't register consciously, but the meaning does.

>> No.3771064
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>each word doesn't register consciously, but the meaning does.

>> No.3771102


Different guy again, but why are people acting like they've never heard of doing this before? I do it when I read for more than 20 minutes, it often happens on 4chan. I thought everyone did it...

>> No.3771115


No. If you have trouble focusing, then u might have A.D.D or A.D.H.D.. consult your physician.

>> No.3771123


When someone talks to you, do you you always imagine text floating in your head that matches the spoken words? No? Then why the reverse?

>> No.3771130

The visually rather than with words.

>> No.3771133

Because I don't do it and the only place that this world of spoken words exists is in my head, so there's absolutely no reason why I would know any different.

That's just made no sense.

>> No.3771229


No, no. The problem is that I understand the experience, and I have attained it, I just have no method to get myself into that state when I want to.

I have spent hours puzzling maths problems and not getting into a math-trance. Or reading papers or articles or novels and not slipping into the zone so it goes fast.

That's what's maddening about it. And I have attempted meditation, but I think I need a spotter or someone to keep me on target, it doesn't really work for me.

>> No.3771255

>how do I rid myself of internal monologue??

You're all wrong. The answer is drugs. This is why I stay high on opiates and weed at almost all times.

>> No.3771289

OP, in my case when I read the first 20 or 30 minutes I get a lot of distraction verbalizing. But after some time of reading I focus and can go on hours. I think its just practice and mental health

>> No.3772211
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The internal monologue is a product of the self sense, or ego. To get rid of the monologue you must get rid of the ego. Don't build up mental images of yourself in the future. That voice that keeps telling you about all the cool things you are going to do and be? Stop it. Don't mentally reference yourself in the past either.

At the moment your mind is a tube with a blockage called the ego, or sense of self. You need to eliminate the blockage so that sensory information can flow through the brain without impedance. That way the mind merely becomes a tube through which sensory information flows on the way to manifesting as the actions of your body.

You will never know when you succeed because there will be no self recognition. No one said it was going to be easy.

>> No.3772221
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agreed meditation

we evolved most of our brains without language, so it should be fairly doable to be conscious without language and experience consciousness as an animal might.

vipassana meditation is one good way of achieving this

>> No.3772225

just stop

>> No.3772227

suddenly new age shit everywhere

>> No.3772228

this is nonsense

language is not necessary for awareness. language simply takes note of awareness.

>> No.3772230

So you want to eliminate your conscious and act completely based on the will of your subconscious?

Why would you want to do such a thing?!
There is a reason we dream, to experience that side of life, I don't think you would be able to function in society if you were like that 100% of the time.

>> No.3772232


no need for new age or mystical bullshit, it's just a technique that can be learned.

>> No.3772238

you are confusing consciousness with internal monologue

pre language babies aren't unconscious. nor are great apes

>> No.3772237

lol this happens to me all the time and I don't want to read all the posts

>> No.3772247

I wish I could do that with reading. I don't think its even possible to do with real (non-mechanical) math. Language is so necessary for highly abstract and complex ideas that I can't imagine thinking about stuff like that without it.

>> No.3772254


Protip: taking notice of awareness IS awareness.

Have you ever been so involved in a task you completely lose yourself? I think you'll find that "you" is gone and the "awareness" is just an illusion you have when you play the memory back afterwards.

You still have much to learn padawan. Oh wait, our getting mad right now. See that? Thats your ego reacting to an unexpected challenge to a solidified reality.

>> No.3772270

>taking notice of awareness is awareness.

yes, but the usual notice is linguistic notice, the internal monologue. this isn't the only way to do this.

>> No.3772273

>pre language babies aren't unconscious. nor are great apes

Prove it. Prove that they arn't just on the same level as robot automatons. Consciousness as a concept makes no sense unless there is self awareness. Unless you mean something generic like "brain activity."

>> No.3772274

You know, this happens to me a lot and ir really bothers me, is like I can't control my own thoughts.

>> No.3772282

Any non-native english speakers think in english instead of their native language? I do it all the time especially when I think about conversations with people but when I try to understand some scientific text for example I think in my native language.

>> No.3772287

you need to prove that self-awareness requires linguistic thinking, as that is your implicit claim.

>> No.3772295

Prove that they i am not just on the same level as robot automatons.

>> No.3772297

yeah, I can never shut my brain off either. It's kind of frustrating, actually.

How do you rid yourself of internal monologue?
A fifth of some hard liquor is the easiest way I know.

>> No.3772301

practice mediation and learn how to still the mind

>> No.3772308

Language IS however, necessary for complex thought. Not in the verbal form, strictly, but in some form.

'thinking in words' makes it possible for us to construct complex ideas from other ideas contained in the words we use. It is a critical aspect of thought.

We build the basis of how we think on the framework of our thoughts. this can be shown when you compare the thought-processes of people with different languages.

For example, some language do not distinguish between green and blue ( they only have on word for both ). Others do the same for black and blue.

this leads to very conflicting oppinions on the similarity, or dissimilarity of shades of color from one another ( the same shades ) among people who speak different languages

Our language is the basis of our higher thought. Trying to think strictly without using 'words' ( ie, concepts ) is like trying to walk without using your kneecaps. You handicap yourself.

>> No.3772313

it is pretty odd that some cultures know how to pause the internal monologue and others don't

>> No.3772323

just RELAX

>> No.3772330

should be the slogan for gays

>> No.3772333

yeah but so what. this isn't what we are debating.

we are not debating higher thinking without words, we are debating awareness including self-awareness without words.

>> No.3772342


Exactly. Thats the whole point of the line of thinking. We ARE just automatons, the self being an illusionary evolutionary by-product if you will.

To have self awareness at all requires some internal description of that self. Otherwise what what exactly are you aware of? You can't have description without some form of language.

>> No.3772352

I have the same thing, OP, but it's never really bothered me.

>> No.3772361

take dissociatives.

DXM, PCP, Ketamine, Nitrous Oxide, etc.

This will sever that connection, albeit temporarily.

>> No.3772367

NEVER take pills or any kind of medicine

>> No.3772381

>awareness requires description
linguistic description comes later, an echo of awareness.

i imagine some kind of description is going on immediately, as the brain models its senses. but the later linguistic description is actually unnecessary. you'll probably have to experience it though, to be convinced.

like i say

>> No.3772387

>You can't have description without some form of language

a picture is a description without language

>> No.3772394

people who mediate do speak of some kind of annihilation of the self, but that in another sense their self remains

>> No.3772414

download a set of talks known as "the turning point"

he can show you how to do it better than any other being on this planet.

"you think the world is so and so because you keep telling yourself it is, your internal monologues maintains your version of reality. when you can stop the internal monologues the world will cease to be so and so, and you will see the world for what it truly is... a great mystery"

- the teachings of don juan

>> No.3772426
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>read it
and then follow up with the new earth

You can do all the science you want but to achieve true wisdom you need to free yourself from the limiting thoughts of your mind.

This single book has deleted procrastination and fear in me and left me with the things I want to achieve and clarity in how to achieve them

>> No.3772427


Pictures are language and vice-versa, or more accurately they have overlapping functions at the very least.

>> No.3772440

>pictures are language

now you are talking shit

>> No.3772494


a picture can not describe something

you however, can describe a picture.

>> No.3772516

I think the problem is most people's thoughts arn't limited.