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File: 11 KB, 620x398, serotonin-and-dopamine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3770513 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /sci/,

Can any biologist confirm pic related?

Is it really scientific to say that technically the only things we enjoy are dopamine and serotonine?

What about norepinephrine?


>inb4 costanza

>> No.3770520

Technically, although brain chemistry is more complex than that and needs others to facilitate serotonin and dopamine (such as endorphins).

>> No.3770532

nope, other hormons too

ever heard about leptin?

>> No.3770535
File: 247 KB, 1600x1200, scarlett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's suprisingly accurate but there's a lot more behind this stuff.

>> No.3770537

there are plenty of neurotransmitters, neurosteroids and elements and ions in different brain regions that can contribute to "pleasure". The most well known might be endorphins, but certainly other chemicals (eg ethanol, working by the benzodiazepine system to increase GABA release in reward pathways) can have pleasureable effects without dopamine or serotonergig interaction. psychopharmacologist here

>> No.3770538
File: 97 KB, 991x485, octopuselephantheart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i dont know much about biology, but have a related picture instead

>> No.3770542

I've fapped to dat ass four or five times already

>> No.3770546

No, there are other activities associated with pleasure, happiness, fulfilment, you also have to be a conscious being to truly enjoy them as opposed to a dolphin or a chimp which has no soul.

>> No.3770552


religious / cultural fag detected

>> No.3770554

please ignore troll. we almost got sensible for a minute there.
ps animals fap for pleasure

>> No.3770557
File: 896 KB, 150x98, 1316486972956.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3770569


Um youre missing the point.

Ultimately, the end linkage in the electrical endocrine system that results in euphoria end with the reception of either Serotonine or Dopamine.

The facilitators or potential difference applied across synapses are not directly responsible for euphoria.

You need to have Serotonine or Dopamine at the end (or another molecule of similar conformation) to bind to the end receptors that reward the brain.

>> No.3770584

you can't simplify like that. The reward pathways are ridiculously long and complex. Serotonin and Dopamine are just as essential as all the other components. Where would you be without the D2 receptor, for example?
suggesting that one chemical = pleasure is unbelievably stupid reductionism. The circuitry is immense and very poorly understood, and it's "pleasureable" effect on conscious interpretation of the world is more of a matter for philosophers.

>> No.3770585
File: 11 KB, 400x267, fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually its teenage atheist activists like you who throw a hissy fit just because someone said "soul" who fuck up threads like this.

1: There are other processes involved with pleasure/happiness than just 2 neurochemicals. If you simply poured dopamine into a bucket of brain cells in vitro you wouldn't be providing pleasure for a conscious being, there has to be an active neural network and certain nerve impulses involved.
2: There are philosophical issues about consciousness and what happiness actually is.

These are 2 valid points and you would rather split hairs over someone's liberal and innocent use of the word "soul".

>> No.3770599


I got what you're going for here, but this is the most absolutely horrifyingly idiotic way to word it. period.. Do any spiritual person a favor, and learn how to intelligently formulate a statement that not only you understand.

>> No.3770598

I know right, there wouldn't be any troll threads about creationism if this board wasn't full of dawkins worshippers, then we focus on discussing actual science.

>> No.3770601

although you just repeated what I said >>3770584, i disagree with your defence of the word soul. The brains of animals may be simpler, but the idea that they don't experience emotions due to their lack of an undefined esoteric nonsense-word is idiotic, and I do think that it's introduction into this discussion was an attempt to subvert and derail.

>> No.3770607


>and learn how to intelligently formulate a statement that not only you understand.
>that not only you understand.
>not only you understand.
>not only

Confirmed for a retard.

>> No.3770613


Shit man.

You dont have to prove the stereotype of pharmacists being complete retards you know.

There are a thousand and one ways that serotonine and dopamine can get to their receptors, whatever, but they are the only natural molecules that your neuroreceptors can receive to bring you to a state of euphoria.

Fucks sake.

You dont enjoy the electrical endocrine process, you only enjoy the response of your brain to the uptake of serotonine and dopamine by your receptors.

Its like saying that you dont enjoy watching a movie, instead you enjoy the transmission of information from your dvd player to the light emitting diodes in your television to display a picture that changes at a frame rate fast enough to simulate movement.

Fuck. I know not all pharmacists are as stupid as this. But damn.

>> No.3770616

Thread summarized:
>"ships" aren't what sail on water, it's just wood
>so you're going to cross the atlantic on a log?

You're both right and you're both wrong depending on context.

The end result is that the activating factors are serotonin and dopamine, it doesn't mean the rest of the very complex brain can be ignored, but it's still the end of the line.

>> No.3770617


Not samefaggin, but whats wrong with the wording dickweed.

>> No.3770621



>psychotic pharmacist


>> No.3770624

You don't enjoy serotonin and dopamine.
Rather, they are your enjoyment of things.

>> No.3770628

firstly, not a pharmacist. pharmacists are old people who smile when you buy condoms
secondly, explain this:
dopamine binds to receptor -> this means pleasure.
Rubbish, the response in one small region of one cell can produce a powerful emotion? No. As I said, the reward pathway is complex, poorly understood, and the "enjoyment" of its activity is a philosophical issue.

>> No.3770662

That's deep, man. That is enjoyment. Those chemicals are enjoyment and pleasure.

All we are can be reduced to chemicals and electrical impulses.

>> No.3770684

Add : Nicotine and Ethanol.

>> No.3770696

Repeated what you said? You're accusing me of plagiarism and throwing a hissy fit over the use of the word "soul", which incidentally you have just admitted having a subjective opinion over. If this is how you treat someone who is like-minded you must be a douche of enormous magnitude.

>> No.3770714

Jesus, don't be so sensitive! I didn't accuse you of plagiarism, you posted a matter of seconds after me, so we were writing at the same time! Calm down!
Second, though we may agree on some things, I will not back down from my dislike of the word "soul". The idea that animals are not gifted with a "soul" when humans are is a religious one, and both completely irrelevant to discussions of brain function and entirely useless in discussions of any kind. Therefore I cannot recede - the anon was trying to subvert the discussion.
Ironically, my original post was to try to stop further discussion on this topic, hence I am hoisted by my own petard.

>> No.3770723

Nah, I like to enrich my brain with other tryptamines like psilocin too.