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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3769696 [Reply] [Original]

that's what that anon said:
>I'm an actual scientist (protein engineer) and I wouldn't touch /sci/ with a 10-kilometer long pole. I feel like an Olympic athlete at a kid's playground there. Plus, it's roughly half high school science club and half religious people/trolls. As a molecular biologist I especially can't stand the occasional anti-evolution / anti-bio faggotry in there. It's not even worth my time to explain to such simpletons because 4chan just doesn't lend itself as a good platform for lecturing people on.
>Also, I find it funny how it seems that most who don't hail from these parts think that the waifu thing is some kind of super-serious pathological obsession, when in reality 90% of the people here casually claim one just to fit in or have something to talk about; it takes all of <1 second to claim any random character, and no one to stop you from actually caring about it or changing your mind. It's more of a way of identifying with each others' tastes and confirming with each other which characters we like on a long-term basis, in a fashion that does not directly pit each other head-to-head. By just posting who we think is awesome and nothing more, we can share our thoughts and tastes without engaging in open combat with each other over our differences. Some people are much more confident in their choices than others, and some people treat the whole thing like a pissing contest to see who can prove that their choice is best.

Are you going to defend your honorable name from these revolting accusations, /sci/?

>> No.3769751

no, I'm a post-doc neuroscientist and for the most part I feel the same way. the only reason I come here is to solve problems in an avuncular way, it can sometimes make me feel good. Though that's hardly surprising given the average age / qualification of Anon

>> No.3769774


No. This board is shit with retarded mods.

>> No.3769780 [DELETED] 

>Implying biology is a science.
Biologist takes their pseudo-science to /a/ improving the average IQ of both boards.

>> No.3769782

That guy is pathetic. Can you imagine standing face-to-face with this clown as he tries to justify, "waifus"? This place is a magnet for sad characters.

>> No.3769792

All I can say is:

>implying biology is a science

>> No.3769795


install gentoo

>> No.3769798

>all of <1 second
>calls us idiots
>can't into math

>> No.3769809

An /a/non is more mature and has a higher vocabulary than this entire board combined.


Stay classy /sci/

>> No.3769813

You're comparing the height of /a/ to a troll threat that no reasonable /sci/entist would post in?

... oh shit...

>> No.3769817

seems like quite the upstanding guy.

He can stand the /a/ trolls but not the /sci/ trolls.
There's nothing to defend if there's no one to convince.

>> No.3769822

And he still faps to animated underage Japanese girls.

>> No.3769825

I think anyone who's gotten as far as two years into an undergraduate degree in any scientific field feels exactly this way. This board is 40% highschoolers and college freshman who think because they know a lot because they have no idea how much there is to know, 20% /new/, and 39% trolls. /sci used to be SLIGHTLY better last year, but the combination of the closing of /new/ and summer brought in a whole new wave of morons.

>> No.3769826

>conflating 3dpd with animu
>implying fapping to animu is bad
I'm sorry sir, but you seem to have a problem with your post.

>> No.3769851


yeah, i feel this way too. i dont know why i come here. maybe i like to get trolled soemhow.

>> No.3769865

and me. it feels good to have some solidarity. hang in there /sci/s, if it wasn't for us we'd be on an equivalent /b/, with playground equations, what is matter, and retards complaining that evolution doesn't explain anything.

>> No.3769870

real science! oh how /sci/ misses thee

>> No.3769872

True enough, but there're quite a few people here who're actually moderately well learned. Certainly there're a few decent mathematicians kicking about, though they seem to spend all their time responding to troll threads.

>> No.3769874
File: 321 KB, 960x960, 368831798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i think the problem is that about 90% of anons in here are the ones in the left upper corner. and most of them will probably stay there forever.

>> No.3769881


>> No.3769885

im a regular poster on /sci/ and i dropped out of high scholl 11th grade

>> No.3769888


oh god, i am not alone in the dark. thank you! ♥

>> No.3769892


with regular, you dont mean making endless bio isnt a science threads, right?

>> No.3769894


Very little real science has ever been discussed on this board, but I would be happy if /sci/ could revert to being filled with popsci. That was at least on topic, if still mostly people with fundamentally flawed understandings of what they were discussing yelling at one another over the internet.

Though I realize your comment was most likely meant ironically to point out that for all of our complaining we aren't actually making threads on real science. However, I've made a particular science thread a few times and here's how it's gone:

>Hey guys, what's everyone researching

>Hey guys, what's everyone researching
>Extremely vague mention of field, clearly no one has any idea what they're talking about
>Call them on this
>Childish name calling and claims of trolling ensue

>Why guys, what're you researching?
>constanza pic with idiotic phrase

>> No.3769895

I'm a humanities dropout and I'm just here for the trolling and flaming.

I'm smarter than your average joe, though.

>> No.3769897

Bullshit. There used to be even more religion trolling year ago. I'd rather have /new/ content than that.

>> No.3769898

In my off time, I'm researching build systems. The current state of the art sucks so hard that I'm writing my own from scratch in my spare time for fun.

Also, Maven is the devil. Make isn't that much better.

>> No.3769904

no, im not a retard. i know biology is a hard science, on par with the rest of them.

my skills lay elsewhere, but that doesnt mean im stupid. i like to learn, but more practical, usefull things that will actually be useful, no offense.

>> No.3769902
File: 87 KB, 450x470, stock-photo-group-of-happy-pretty-laughing-girls-45660820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> likes popsci
hahahahah faggot

>> No.3769907


Perhaps no in the fact that they are actually undergraduates, but yes, I agree.

The worst part is, I posted >>3769825 and I'd be willing to bet that at least half of the people who have responded to it are actually part of the problems mentioned and in particular the one you so rightly pointed out in this post.

The Dunning-Kruger Effect could appropriately be renamed the /sci/ Effect.

>> No.3769910


Excuse me, I meant "aren't undergraduates"

>> No.3769911

He's right.

>> No.3769912



He sounds like he regularly visits /sci/.

If I were in the presence of my college lecturers, and if asked, I would slander /sci/ in just about the same way to make myself seem beyond the petty nonsensical rivalries here.

You cant impress anybody if you acknowledge that you frequent /sci/.

Dont worry about it OP.

Guy is just being sensible.

>> No.3769914


Impressive grasp of the meaning of that post.

>> No.3770077

Impressive raspberries on this toast.

>> No.3770403

>Are you going to defend your honorable name from these revolting accusations, /sci/?
Why would I? He's completely right.
/sci/ is, for the most part, unscientific (save for a few occasional threads that are actually thought provoking).

>defend your honorable name
What, are you joking?

>> No.3770408

> Are you going to defend your honorable name from these revolting accusations, /sci/?
I'll do anything for you, Chloe.