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[ERROR] No.3766194 [Reply] [Original]

How are you planning to pay off your student loans, /sci/?

The odds are against you.

>> No.3766214

I'm a graduate student in a physics PhD program with no debt. You get paid to be a graduate student.

That said, I do have a fellowship to supplement my RA stipend, and also had a nice scholarship in undergrad that covered tuition.

>> No.3766216 [DELETED] 
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> mfw I already have a job, I'm 35, youngfags have to struggle just to pray they make what I'm making

>> No.3766245


So you have zero debt?

>> No.3766297 [DELETED] 
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>mfw my family isn't poor

>> No.3766298

I'm a graduate student in an engineering PhD program and I have $4500 in debt. My parents paid for my undergraduate, though I did get some scholarships which helped a little bit. I was also old enough to have Zero Coupons, which when matured, basically paid for my first 2 years (I'm 26 years old now).

As a graduate, I get paid both in stipend and from a fellowship.

>> No.3766303

Yes. Nothing but the rolling debt on my credit card, which I pay off in full every month.

>> No.3766322
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get lots of scholarships before college and not have to worry about a lot of student loans.
probably best solution...

>> No.3766337


As I am intelligent, I received scholarships.

>> No.3766367

>As I like to take government money, and then hate on them, I too love being babbied.

>> No.3766389


I have never received public money for any reason, ever.

>> No.3766404


>> No.3766427

a.k.a. coddled by mommy and daddy.

>inb4 you're a god damn liar

>> No.3766435

>not public money

>> No.3766448


> thinks scholarship means grants from gubbmint

I received "private" scholarships.

>> No.3766455

>taking money from "private" sources is OK, but "public" sources is not
Your logic is fascinating.

>> No.3766459

>implying I'm not going to kill myself to get out of it

>> No.3766466

So uh, define what you considered non-public?

Do you think scholarship money offered to the public is private?

>> No.3766467

Leverage chemistry degree to manufacture and sell drugs.
Leverage computer science to hack and steal credit card details.
Leverage mechanical engineering degree to manufacture and sell illicit firearms.
Leverage MD to steal and sell kidneys.
I think you get the general idea.

>> No.3766475


Receiving through consent of those giving ≠ money taken from masses without consent

You seem to have a small problem with logic, reason, and rationality.

>> No.3766481

I already have.


>> No.3766484


Stop responding to Liberty, dumbass.

>> No.3766488

Never paid for courses. Already paid back what I borrowed.

Pre-1998 Britfag master race.

>> No.3766493 [DELETED] 
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A public scholarship is money from the government to a person.


> mfw

>> No.3766497

Do these private scholarships pay taxes?

>> No.3766507


Are scholarships by private individuals tax deductible?

>> No.3766510

A public scholarship is any scholarship offered to the public.

They exist for tax purposes, so they ain't payin taxes on em.


>> No.3766520

I'd imagine so, seeing as they gain interest on their funds, which are generally taxed.

But i'd hjave to investigate.

>> No.3766522


The population of a school that are eligible for scholarships from private individuals are not "the public."

>> No.3766523

Fortunely I'm not studying in USA

sucks to be you guys

>> No.3766529


The student that receives a scholarship does have to declare said scholarships as income on their tax return.

>> No.3766533

>How are you planning to pay off your student loans, /sci/?

I have a moderate amount of loans incurred during undergrad years for living expenses as everything else was paid by scholarship and grant money.

As a grad student, I'm getting paid a good enough amount to continue paying the loans back and live comfortably.

>> No.3766542


Are you a eurofag? How much would it cost me to go to school in Europe?

>> No.3766549

If you're a European citizen, and depending upon your member country, $0 to $9000-ish a year.

If you're an American, probably a whole lot more.

>> No.3766555

Who are the public then?

>> No.3766556

less than 1000 euros a year

>> No.3766560

Government paid for my bachelors
Parents paid for my masters.

What loans, OP?

>> No.3766563


Do you have a rough estimate? I don't want to get $50,000 in debt, is it less than that?

>> No.3766575


Government run entities are public. Government grants are public. The person given a scholarship by a private individual for meeting requirements they support is not the "public."

>> No.3766577

>tfw you've never had student loans

Oh scholarships, you complete me.

>> No.3766580

I can only speak for Britain, but International students pay roughly, depending on the university, about $10,000 a year. So for a four-year course...

>> No.3766584


Undergrad student tuition for my in-state school for 30 credit hours (two semesters average) is $5700.

Granted it was one of the cheapest tuitions in the country and that's about to change because, with the size of the school, they can't really afford that anymore.

It is competitive with European schools though.

>State schools

Fuck off, if you work like you want it your undergrad means shit (unless you're only getting your BS).

>> No.3766591


Fuck that shit. I'll just stick to community college for 2 years and transfer. It's cheaper.

>> No.3766603

You should all remember this next time you walk into your college building. the foreigner is worth more to them than you will ever be. You are expendable

>> No.3766616


Not only will I be a foreigner, I would also be a minority. Your government (or Parliament) loves that shit.

>> No.3766630

English students now have to pay about £9,000 a year for the best universities, which can't be far off $10,000.

The university system in Britain is completely screwed anyway. The quality of intake is abysmal, the majority of courses are terrible, and the finished product - so say employers - is woeful.

Too many people think it's a right to go to uni, when, actually, they are to stupid for it.

>> No.3766638


It's better than not going to uni and having to work at WalMart. If I went to trade school I'd feel like another average joe electrician or some shit.

>> No.3766642

I wouldn't call paying 200 Euro a year "being in debt".

Ah, you Americans, how silly you are.

>> No.3766645

Honestly, that shits all just delusions and lolly pops.

How on earth do you even calculate whether the grad you're employing is above/below what is currently the state of education?

Anyways, people like liberty make me cry.

>> No.3766650


But as the growing numbers of graduates are forced into less well paid jobs, as there are too many of them, the Trade professions often earn more than graduates.

I'm a chemist, haven been for 15 years, my dad is an electrician - he earns more than I do.

>> No.3766662

That's so cheap....just $40,000 for undergraduate.

>> No.3766665

It's a well know phenomenon in Britain.

The employer hires a recent graduate from an average university. The employer expects that graduate to have excellent English, maths, and can manage their own time and such.

What he usually gets is a self-righteous clown who is semi-literate and has no work ethic.

So some of the high-flying companies here introduce exams for the companies, since every idiot now has a degree of some sort.

>> No.3766681

you can add to that renting a house/apartment, food, entertainment, etc.

You could easily double that figure.

London? Cambridge? Oxford? Multiply by about 2.5.


>> No.3766691

Dat $2000 AUD... Going to be hard pressed to pay that shit.

>> No.3766696

>graduating in December with 3K in loans
>feels good man

It would have been zero, but the state changed one of the scholarships and didn't grandfather anyone that was awarded with the older system.

And if I can't get a job within 5 months of graduation doing zookeeping, I'm going to apply for a teaching position.

Sounds like somewhere in Florida. I know it's pretty cheap here.

>> No.3766703

I just don't really think empolyers know how to hire anyone without a certification system.

The end is that employers should find a way to supplement the educational system if they want better workers.

Same thing happening in the US, and I imagine it's getting worse, since colleges are now gearing towards making income off their students, which just leads to total devaluation of the diploma.

>> No.3766711


Yeah, it was UF.

They changed Bright Futures my last year and it's only become worse.

I'm assuming you too huh?

>> No.3766717

Thank god my poor-ass country is at least smart enought to subside all of our education and actually PAYS ME to get my master's degree

Feels Brazilian bro

>> No.3766732

$100k in debt here. Going back to school soon just to escape payments. Going to delay repayment as long as I can, and then suicide.

>> No.3766736


>And if I can't get a job within 5 months of graduation doing zookeeping, I'm going to apply for a teaching position.

Fellow bio major here too.

My advice (although zoology wasn't really my thing), substitute teach.

Most zoos want at least a year's experience if not more in animal handling. This is going to require unpaid internships 9/10 times.

Substitute teaching allows you to hold an open schedule, requires little certification (if any), and pays well if you take jobs enough.

Also, be available to move around. There is a zoo in just about every major city. Don't get overly picky.

Please say you want to work with primates!

>> No.3766739

No worries, eventually socialism gets phased out when the rich are suddenly atleast 5x more wealthy than the plebs, and realize if they keep giving education away, they'll lose their arbitrary stranglehold.

>> No.3766740

$30k in loans when i graduate undergrad

i don't know, hopefully i'll get a decent job out of grad school (chemistry)

>> No.3766762


Yup. I thought it sounded like UF, to, the way you put
>that's about to change because, with the size of the school, they can't really afford that anymore.
Although tuition rising at UF has little to do with the size of the school. USF and UCF are just as large and not demanding block tuition at the 15 credit hour rate along with an illegal 30% increase in tuition per year.

This is another interesting phenomenon. I've heard many people that have a lot of loan debt saying that if they can't get a job before they have to start paying that they'll just go back to school for a masters. It will be interesting to see how that plays out, as then you will have a lot of young people under much higher debt (unless graduate programs REALLY subsidize your expenses) all with masters degrees trying to look for work.

Liberty's a giant troll. If you haven't figured that out by now, this is me telling you that.

>> No.3766760

I'll have been a PhD for some time then, and very much likely to be one of the rich guys

>> No.3766773

ok EK

>> No.3766785

another alternate personality?

Holy shit, Teacup must be on the verge of suicide. That poor Scottish bastard.

>> No.3766792

got over 100% scholarship for undergrad.

used military to pay for med school.

0 debt. anyone who takes on more than $10k with a non-STEM degree, or $50k with a STEM degree is retarded.

>> No.3766808


Not that I agree with the bullshit they're pulling but UCF and USF do have higher tuitions than UF.

>> No.3766809


>Most zoos want at least a year's experience if not more in animal handling. This is going to require unpaid internships 9/10 times.
Already have 500+ hours in internships. What do you think summers are for?

>Substitute teaching allows you to hold an open schedule, requires little certification (if any), and pays well if you take jobs enough.
Certification isn't an issue. I'm doing a 25 credit teaching minor specifically geared towards making STEM majors into awesome teachers, and when you're done, so long as you take the 2+ state certification tests (General knowledge, professional proficiency, and subject area tests) you're temporarily certified. And that certification lasts 3 years.

>Please say you want to work with primates!
I've heard a variety of things about working with primates. The amount of power they hold is a little scary, although a lot of non-primate keepers I have talked with think that primates are creepy because of how human they appear, for some reason. Had I been thinking father ahead, my required second language credits would have been in sign language and not French, but that's just the way it is. I'd be pretty much open to whatever position I could get, to be honest.

>> No.3766834


Awesome man, you really know what you're doing.

I never wanted to go into zookeeping, the idea sort of came to me and I decided to investigate after the fact just to see.

Careful with that teaching though. I have a friend teaching science now. Personally I'd rather deal with big cats than some of the students he tells me about.

>although a lot of non-primate keepers I have talked with think that primates are creepy because of how human they appear, for some reason.

This is THE reason I would work with them. That maybe some of my anthro. background talking though.

>> No.3766901 [DELETED] 

>Call yourself a zoologist
>Everyone pretends you're EK
>mfw there is actually only one zoologist in the entire world, and it's EK
>mfw Steve Irwin didn't actually die; it was an elaborate cover so that he could stop being so famous and continue to be every zoologist simultaneously

UCF: $186.13
USF: $191.06
UF: $188.55
(Why does it always take forever to find the actual cost per credit hour for UF, instead of an estimate?)

UCF is more expensive, but only slightly. However, had Bernie Machen been able to achieve his 30% tuition raise, UF would be the most expensive.
Still sucks, though.

>> No.3766942


Well crap, they lie through their teeth.

Or it maybe that they said "As compared to similarly ranked schools throughout the country."

And then they're using a useless metric because someone in Florida would pay way more to go to one of those schools.

Whatever, I'm glad I'm out of there although I miss how relaxed the city was.

>> No.3766971

I'm going to leave the country once I pay off the one my parent's cosigned ($22k). Fuck the banks.

Or I might try to start a business.

>> No.3766986

>Awesome man, you really know what you're doing.

>I have a friend teaching science now. Personally I'd rather deal with big cats than some of the students he tells me about.
Yeah, but at the same time, I'd like to not live at home forever, and currently those are my best two options.
Being a substitute, I think, would bring out more bad behavior than being the regular classroom teacher. I mean, students don't start out being out of control.
After getting experience teaching in several classrooms (I told you it was an awesome minor, right?), I think most of the time when students act out it's because they're bored, apathetic, or something non-school related is causing a problem. I've also determined the fact that I think middle schoolers are more fun. They're not as apathetic yet.

>Or it maybe that they said "As compared to similarly ranked schools throughout the country." And then they're using a useless metric because someone in Florida would pay way more to go to one of those schools.
Sounds like something UF admin would do.

>I'm glad I'm out of there although I miss how relaxed the city was.
>relaxed city
ARE YOU SERIOUS?! THERE ARE CRAZY PEOPLE EVERYWHERE! I HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH A HIGH CONCENTRATION OF CRAZY IN MY ENTIRE LIFE, not that that counts for much, but this has been my impression. Of course, it might be skewed because I don't go out drinking at bars.

>> No.3767078



I live in New Orleans now.

You want to take about crazy/sq. mile?

>> No.3768718

So, /sci/ is going to either have no debt because rich people payed their way for them or they're going to end up in debt forever with destroyed credit and nowhere to live.

What a world.

>> No.3768734
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my grandparents died with nearly 1 million dollars in assets.

They put a huge importance on education.

Guess how much i just have sitting in the bank, dedicated to paying for my university education.

>> No.3768764

I've been out of school for a few years because it became too difficult too support myself while going to school. Last week I found my father, whom I have never met. He is a citizen of Australia, so I am eligible for citizenship by descent. Australia has a program student loan program called HELP which attaches loan repayments to income taxes. So I'm going to get a HELP loan, go to school in Australia, then renounce my Australian citizenship and move back to the states. Practically free school.

>> No.3768865
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makes you feel for the liberal arts majors doesn't it?

>> No.3768886

why would I feel bad for stupid people?

>> No.3768903

you shouldn't
just make fun of them on failbook

>> No.3768915

I'd have to have friends to give a shit about failbook.

>> No.3770948


Are you kidding? Everyone is fucked except bankers.

>> No.3771016

>>3768734 Same here. I had people I didn't know, grandparents, relatives, parents, buying bonds, stock, and putting money in accounts as soon as I left the hospital in my Mom's arms. My family didn't have a new car, we didn't get new clothes, we clipped coupons & shit & my college was paid for by the time I turned 18. And I look around and none of these bitches having kids at 22 are starting savings accounts. Friends in High school had parents who raided their college accounts never went to school. Friends with 4.0s who refused handouts and loans went straight into the working world. This system is fucked. I got lucky. I don't even necessarily deserve it- I'm kind of a shit student. But thats life.