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[ERROR] No.3766175 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Hurr durr times at school

>in government/politics class
>discussing social security
>suggest the idea of opening up camps where we can send the lesser fortunate to get some work
>use as many concentration camp references as possible
>like 3 people catch on
>30 other people agree that it's a good idea
>mfw my teacher has to spend an hour of class time to explain why it would be bad to those retards

I go to school with people who think it's okay to send the lesser people to concentration camps and practice eugenics.

>> No.3766193

not science

>> No.3766195

>teacher tries to convince me Reaganomics will work right

Haha wow.

>> No.3766198

you also go to board with people who think like that

>> No.3766202

>I go to school with people who think it's okay to send the lesser people to concentration camps and practice eugenics.

Where do you think you're posting lol

>> No.3766212


Where do you think you're posting?

>implying eugenics isn't the dumbest fucking idea ever
>implying eugenics won't cause the extinction of the human race

>> No.3766218

not science
>political science
not science

biology and political science

>> No.3766225

>go to private school
>teacher tells us evolution isn't real and there is no evidence to back it
>the world is only 3000 years old

My teenage years were a bunch of lies.

>> No.3766232

>he thinks that if it's bad for them it's necessarily also bad for everyone else
>thinks he understand anything about politics

And this is why the world is going to shit.

>> No.3766243

We tried isolating niggers and letting them to their own thing during Reagan years.

Crime. Crime everywhere.

>> No.3766268


Stanley Jordan can play two independent melody lines on a guitar simultaneously. Your argument is Invalid.

>> No.3766272

Yeah that's such bullshit. Everyone knows the world is 6000 years old. Praise Christ!

>> No.3766285


> remove those unable to adapt to society to camps
> bad idea

Pick one

>> No.3766305


Where do we draw the line between the fit and the unfit?

>> No.3766308

say what you want about how shitty public schools are, but they would never get away with that shit.

>> No.3766313


Humans are essentially animals that can see far into the future. If after 65 years alive you cannot pay your own way, you are unfit.

Keep in mind that I in no way support any state regulation ever, but if a state has to exist this is the only logical following.

>> No.3766317
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>For civil engineering project, do a visualization of a modernized concentration camp
>Label the exercise area "volleyball court", label the incinerator "spa and bath house"
>Call it "Interfaith relaxation therapy center for scientologists, mormons and muslims"
>Get a B
>"Excellent vision, I can certainly see centers of cultural understanding like these becoming important additions to cities in the near future"

>> No.3766323
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>> No.3766326


>> No.3766327

>looking at my thumbs
"Evolution is awesome" I say
>mormon comes up
"There's no evidence for evolution"
>stare at her
"what about fossils?"
>she replies

Yeah, she actually thought every hominid fossil was some retard and that somehow means evolution doesn't real.

>> No.3766328


Public schools lie about actual important things; I agree.

Best captcha yet: squeal analtip

>> No.3766330

Those people have families who would be very hurt if you decided to lock up their relatives. So yes it would be fucking bad for everyone else!!!

fucking idiots who dont think before they speak and just like being controversial since they can't be intellectual

>> No.3766339

Plenty of mentally and physically handicapped people actually do work and earn a living. But how would you know that if you killed them all off before you gave them the chance.

>> No.3766342


Oh wow. So much implying. We can't simply just label people under certain unfortunate situations as being unfit. I mean there are so many fucking factors.

I mean the only "group isolation" that seems reasonable is some sort of extreme work camp for the criminals.

>> No.3766346

>actual important things
Evolution isn't important? Well, I understand that there's no predictive theory of Evolution, but I still think it's important that humankind has some idea of what its origins are. I'm kind of sentimental like that, though.

>> No.3766349


>getting prisoners to do work

Welp make unemployment even worse. Any sort of concentration camps will never work.

>> No.3766356

like what?

(oh right, you're an arsehole)

>> No.3766378

It doesn't stop a supposedly intelligent board like /sci/ from being trolled, why would it stop normal people.

Sage for IRL Troll.

>> No.3766379


Do you feel a mentally handicap person is the responsibility of the parents?


The factors you are implying are based upon emotional wants from phrases not meant for human consumption.


Thinking evolution is not real (stupid though it may be) has no importance, means nothing, and generally helps you dismiss others easily. There is no cost to think it. In contrast, there is a cost to thinking people must give up a portion of their labor to the state though. One is irrelevant, one shakes the very requirement for life.

>> No.3766414

>in physics class ~2 years ago
>teacher (with a phd) claims we don't know the shape of the universe
>I start to teach the class about background radiation, redshifts and candlelights (as measurement)
>teacher never claims anything in class, without asking me first, again
>get partnered up with the hottest girl

>> No.3766416

>Be 16
>Teacher shows a documentary on the Mars Rover landings.
>As it lands it switches back to the control room.
>Everyone cheering, flailing, hugging...
>One of the men begins to cry cheers of joy.
>Guy behind me "Oh my fucking god what a fucking faggot".

Heard it here first /sci/. There are people in the world who actually consider showing the smallest amount of humanity in a situation such as that a 'faggotity thing to do.

>> No.3766425


He was talking about you, not the guy in the movie. You heard it here first.

>> No.3766428

>ethics class
>my entire class would kill a man for his organs to save 5 other people
>fight valiantly and everyone thinks I'm an asshole, just cause my teacher was like "cool leather elbow patch 24 year old hipster" and he would not give both sides to the argument.
>next week get in a fight with him about paid vacations being a universal human right.
i guess this is why obama won
this is why obama won

>> No.3766429


Eh, men don't cry. Only time a man cries is when his child is born, or dies, or his wife dies.

Anything else means he's a faggot.

>> No.3766449

>There are people
I think you mean children who age but never mature.

>> No.3766452

>my entire class would kill a man for his organs to save 5 other people

How can people be that stupid? they're just sociopath potencial murderers, killing for greater good is bullshit.

>> No.3766463


I had an ethics class that wanted to have a lottery system for vaccine rationing. Everyone in the country gets a number and those who win get a vaccine.

So afraid to get blood on their hands.

Also I had a chemistry teacher..
>there is only 4 states of matter
>gas liquid solid plasma
>what about einsteinium condensate bose
>she's never heard of it, demands I bring her proof when she could just google it

>> No.3766464

>not thinking eugenics is possible
>knee-jerk moralism defense

>in political philosophy class discussing human rights and their basis
>no attempt made to refute claims
>only discussion to emerge is people arguing why hobbes didn't reference god in his treatise
>which is historical speculation entirely irrelevant to the discussion
derp. Politics is a field of study with massive practical potential shackled to ideology and rhetoric.

>> No.3766469

>Teacher seems to suggest that Communism and Socialism can be economic models rather than hurr durr government dictatoriship.
>Fucking finally someone understands there's a reason we can be both a republic and a capitalism, they are two different things.
>Goes on to explain the difference between socialism and communism
>Says communism is never voted in, socialism is

>> No.3766498

I kinda had the same chemistry teacher.
I just asked about supersolids instead.
Bitches and whores.

>> No.3766504


He should have asked them if they would kill one American to save 5 Pakistanis

>> No.3766505

You forgot electron-degenerate matter and neutronium.

>> No.3766525

>Designated femanon prodigy of elementary school.
>3rd grade
>Femanon Teacher openly comes to work drunk/hung over.
>Teacher decides to make it a crafts day out of drunken stupidity.
>Paper flowers
Teacher: You kids just follow these instructions on this paper. *She leaves the class room*
(Ensue shenanigans)
Me: *sitting quietly following the pictures instead of the paragraphs of instructions*
OtherKidFromClass: Hey! How are you reading these instructions?
Me: I'm not, I'm following the pictures.
(Class Realization that there are pictures as well as text)

>> No.3766552

Firstly, it's called the Bose-Einstein Condensate. SO you were wrong!

Secondly, the Bose-Einstein Condensate has NOTHING to do with high school chemistry and as such has no relevance to anything you were learning or she was going to talk about!

You were that faggot in school that corrected the teacher and asked questions to show off pointless "superior" knowledge weren't you? I gave a guy like that a smiley once in school. It was fun!

>> No.3766582

>Teacher claims something which is wrong
You probably were that faggot at school.

>> No.3766587
File: 19 KB, 300x309, epic-rage-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A conversation overheard in the campus cafe:

>So I guess socialism really doesn't work after all.
>All of these European countries. They're all failing. They're system is going to shit.
>It could work if they stopped letting all the niggers in.
>Yeah. I can't believe how much they fucked Britain. Just look at the riots.

>mfw he thought that the European crisis consisted of individual domestic problems for each nation
>mfw he thought that the European crisis was because of the design of socialism
>mfw he thought that Europe cannot be saved
>mfw he blamed the London riots on the black population

I was just baffled by how flat out wrong every last thing he said was.

>> No.3766593

Actually it was middle school. I will acknowledge I got it wrong, though.
But I thought it was a state of matter and just asked. After that I figured she hated me so I stayed quiet the rest of the semester like a scared little worm. I wasn't trying to show off, I was just confused.

>> No.3766594

Asking the answer to a question when you already know the answer and it has nothing to do with the lesson or even the course and is only said to make you be smart is a pretty big faggot thing to do.

>be grade 5
>teacher goes c^2 = a^2 + b^2

>> No.3766595


By the way. This was at Okinawa University in Japan.

>> No.3766602


What the fuck is a smiley?

>> No.3766620

>Some English course, mandatory
>Talking about United States martyrs
>Mention Susan B. Anthony
>No one knows who she is
>Not even teacher
>Have to explain, feel super embarrassed like a know it all

Years later I realize the only reason I remember her is because of that Powerpuff Girls episode

>Later that same teacher asks me what a shank is, since it was in a reading
>Awkwardly explain
>She's this blonde innocent suburban thing
>I'm not a delinquent sob

>> No.3766627
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>einsteinium condensate bose

>> No.3766655

>Chemistry lab
>Girl is dumping excess chemical in the waste disposal under the fume hood
>Fume hood is up, alarm is going off
>She's just slowly dumping test tubes, one by one, oblivious
>No one does anything

Finally I went up to her and told her, when it goes off like that, vapors and gases are coming into the room and can sort of, you know, kill someone.

I felt like I was bullying her but fuck five minutes of that annoying beeping

>> No.3766657

Wow, you are one sad western average joe.
Reading comprehension and illogical discussion methods; must be hard to have if you want to teach. Or, it may be easy, if you are a bad enough teacher.

>> No.3767075

>witness an idiot being idiotic with chemicals
>let her be an idiot for 5 minutes

You're just as bad.

>> No.3767115

what about when your dad dies?

>> No.3767119

just made this thread, but is also relevant to this thread.

>be in school
>teacher asks, "who knows the answer to this question"
>raise hand immediately
>"anyone besides anon know the answer?"
>nobody raises hand
>teacher explains answer and completely ignores you
>everybody else looks at you like you're crazy

>> No.3767128

>Do you feel a mentally handicap person is the responsibility of the parents?

Yes since the parents decided to have a child.

how is this relevant to what we were talking about

>> No.3767141


>state absolute
>list countless exceptions

>> No.3767153

internship has been going on for years, you dolt.

>> No.3767155

>>knee-jerk moralism defense


>> No.3767160

>In general chemistry
>Teacher is talking about empty spaces in Mendelev's periodic table
>Teacher asks "Where in the earth would people look for this missing element 31."
>Girl immediately answers "In the core!"

>> No.3767165

I quite often think bentham must have been a child when he came up with it

it's like the kind of moral compromise a teenager might reach

>> No.3767193

1. Do you think every human life is as valuable as the next human life?
2. How would you calculate the value of human life?

>> No.3767231

it's not that bad. greatest good for the greatest number is more or less a sound moral doctrine. it's the basis for democracy. Although I do find difficulty keeping it consistent when it comes to dilemmas like 'kill 1 to save 5', but these situations are contrived to say the least so I think it is possible to stick to utilitarianism. In truth, we have all sorts of ways to rationalise moral dilemmas like using the age of the victim, chances of success etc. You will never keep to a single firmly defined ethical code no matter how hard you try, but we cans till appreciate the merits of one in general even if we acknowledge this.

>> No.3767261


>it's the basis for democracy.

No. No it isn't.

Also, it's rather disturbing to see what people can justify with "the greater good". Such an ambiguous term as a moral imperative is rather horrifying.

>> No.3767277

I think the kill 1 save 5 also depends on the value of the people you kill/save. For instance, if the person you killed was Carl Sagan, and the other 5 were homeless people, I would rather keep Sagan.

>> No.3767285

Actually utilitarians don't ever refer to the greater good. I don't know where you're getting that from. probably some tv show or film with some indifferent alien species decided on the fate of the planet.

also, what is democracy if not the will of the majority?

>> No.3767296
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>that feel

>> No.3767336


The post I was referencing actually says "greatest good for the greatest number". Honestly...

Also, pure democracy is mob rule. Constitutional democracies or republics are the unification of large groups of people towards a larger goal (protection being the most notable but also including many others, like providing education, contract enforcement, etc.), while still respecting the rights of the individual.

Pure democracy isn't for the greater good, it's just anarchy, pure and simple. It has no tenets beyond the will of the people at any given moment and whatever threat said people can bring to bear against those who disagree.

>> No.3767394

It is indeed mob rule, but I feel more secure in letting the people decide instead of a bunch of bought-and-paid for aristocratic politicians.
Once the politicians deserve our trust I'll put it back in their hands.

>> No.3767397

>The post I was referencing actually says "greatest good for the greatest number". Honestly...

Well that's a false account of the moral philosophy

utilitarians generally determine what is right by what constitutes the best possible state of affairs all round. There is no need for compromise because utilitarianism already accounts for that compromise.

Democracy present in most countries - as in representational democracy - is more akin to preference utilitarianism than anything else where the will of some can supersede the will of others.

>> No.3767553

You people should all line up in hospitals to donate your hearts, lungs, kidneys, livers, pancreases and eyes.

>> No.3768199


u furst bro

>> No.3768229
File: 65 KB, 181x172, 1315990036932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>senior year
>community service and economics class
>it's required for all seniors if we want to graduate
>not like anyone takes it seriously or anything
>first lecture on economics, teacher tells us:
>"america's economic system is a democracy"
>"the ultimate goal of any economic system is to evenly distribute resources to all individuals"
>im in the back losing my shit from a mixture of laughter and rage
>raise my hand
>"isnt our economic system based on capitalism, while our political system is a democracy?"
>"they're the same thing anon."
>"for your 'ultimate goal of an economic system,' isnt that just a description of socialism, which is a specific economic system, and doesnt apply to all economic systems?"
>"let me teach the class anon"
>mfw the teacher actually believes these things
>mfw the whole class was like this
>mfw im sure a number of my classmates believe that to this day

>> No.3768253

>first AP chemistry lab
>herp derp identify 11 mystery powders
>easy stuff
>finish first
>clean up
>hour left in class
>get to fucking around with the teacher
>he's a bro
>plug the sink
>pour in a number of salts, sulfates and iodide compounds
>dump silver nitrate in that bad boy

>> No.3768263

>Polisci teacher horribly against our government
>Teaching about how awesome multi-party systems are and how much our two party system sucks
>Girl pipes up that she's from some European country that had a multi-party system and how it made it horribly hard to get anything passed
>My teacher tells this girl to be quiet and that Hitler didn't like multi-party systems either

>> No.3768296
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>I go to school with people who think it's okay to send the lesser people to concentration camps and practice eugenics.

I, for one, find no problem with their argument. There is more than enough scientific justification for eugenics, seeing as it has recently been shown unequivocally that IQ is based highly on genetics.


OP is a bleeding heart liberal who denies science.

>> No.3768322

I'm pretty sure a good amount of those people were trolling you OP.

>> No.3768323

But that girl was right.

>> No.3768326

>he doesnt know the difference between classical states and alternate states

>> No.3768353

We already have concentration camps. We call them "prisons."

>> No.3768356

But we don't use 1st order eugenics to place people there.

>> No.3768358

Yeah, the Hurr durr was the Godwinning teacher, not the girl with first hand experience on the subject being told to shut up and compared to Hitler.

>> No.3768682


Everyone is that annoying kid who tries to correct the teacher, assuming that they don't know what they are talking about, when in fact they have merely simplified so that everyone else can understand it. They never do it correctly, either.


We don't, you stupid fuck. We know the shape of the observable universe and that's it.


You mean Bose–Einstein condensate, which nothing to with Einsteinium, right? Fucking retard.


Of all the ones you could have picked you chose a hypothetical one. Nice going.


One of which isn't a state of matter, and the other of which has not been observed. Right.

Fucking idiots. Grow up.

>> No.3768695

Recent observations suggest that expansion is anisotopic, which means the observable universe isn't even spherical.

>> No.3768703

>We don't, you stupid fuck. We know the shape of the observable universe and that's it.

Actually, I don't even think we know the shape/topology of the observable universe. It isn't necessarily spherical, at least it hasn't been proven for sure it is.

besides that you are entirely right.

>> No.3768708


Exactly my point. Arrogant kids in high-school and armchair neckbeard "scientists" are the only ones who actually think science talks about facts rather than likelihoods. They're also the most outspoken proponents of things they know almost nothing about, too.

>> No.3768713


Fair enough. I knew there was an issue with the universe as a whole, but I guess I just assumed that the observable universe was spherical. I expect the acceleration of the expansion of the universe fucks everything up, though.

>> No.3768733

It's because they're all still fascists waiting to burst inside.

>> No.3768753

Then you're putting a value on human life, and what makes you qualified to do so? At least in our society, the correct answer would be to let the 5 people die because it is wrong to kill someone. I also agree with this view, no matter what subjective value I may think a particular human being has.

Defending eugenics on the basis of IQ also puts value on human life. Is IQ so important that others should be sterilized? Do low-IQ people have no function in society? Should we at least try to improve the knowledge and intelligence of the lowest common denominator before resorting to something so extreme?

>> No.3768763

I recently read that the uneven expansion of the universe led to the collapse of an unimaginably large amount of mass that is now pulling superclusters of galaxies towards it at hundreds of miles per hours. This mass may also lie outside of the universe. It terrifies me to imagine the scale of such a thing.

>> No.3768765

*hundreds of millions

>> No.3768770

>what makes you qualified to do so
Nothing. But if I was placed in a situation where I had to make such a decision, I'd compare their relative value from my perspective. You think that's wrong? Cool. I agree with the original poster. Carl Sagan>5 homeless people.

I also think eugenics is retarded especially based on something like IQ which has no evidence of being a proper measurement of intelligence.

>> No.3768794

I read that as well. They call it "Dark Flow".

>> No.3768824

I wish that I had the capacity to understand something that massive, and the sanity to handle it. Reminds me of:


>> No.3768835

Eugenics seems like an idea doomed to fail to civil war. Selective breeding doesn't though. Wonder why that never caught on.

Seems to me the proponents of eugenics would be willing to pay to have a child with somebody with a useful phenotype.

I would pay for a smart girl from a family with above average intellect to bear my kid to term. I wouldn't even demand to fuck her, its a sound genetic investment.

>> No.3768839

>grade three
>we hand in our reports, I forget the exact assignment but mine was about ants.
>I wrote it somewhat hastily on the schoolbus
>the teacher quotes part of my report to the class about how some ants can shoot acid
>says that it is nonsense
>asks the class if anybody can tell her what a few words mean, I only remember a few of them, formic, and abdomen, but all were words from my report
>I say nothing as I recieve severe beatings at home if a teacher even mentions me speaking out in class ect
>she rants about plagarism
>she called me a liar and a plagarist at the same time
>over a stupid little fluff report that was in fact %100 factual and not copied at all

And as it turned out I got the shit kicked out of me that night anyways, I really should have said something in class.

I took her off of my list but she was on the first few drafts.

>> No.3768930
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>be an astronomy grad student
>TAing for an intro level astro class
>talking about basic speed of light principles
>professor: "And that's why it would be difficult to have a conversation with someone on Mars. It would take at least 11 minutes to get a response.
>random girl: "But what about texting?"
>the class's and my face when

>> No.3768940

>3 catch on
>30 get that its' a good idea

>> No.3769025

OP, were you suggesting that welfare programs are somehow linked to genocide and death camps? I don't understand what your point was, you sound like an idiot.

>> No.3769034


>I don't understand what your point was, you sound like an idiot.

Look, I agree with you and all, but just so you know, that was some dumb shit you just said.

>> No.3769048


I was anticipating that response...probably should have rephrased that.

OP is begging the question, and you are a homosexual.

>> No.3769060

Eugenics in practice would infringe on personal liberty. Any governmental body that could forcibly sterilize, "cleanse the gene pool" or remove undesirables would obviously be tyrannical. Such a means to an end is not acceptable. Especially when such an end can be solved by voluntary education/gene therapy/augmentation.

>> No.3769110

Even the nicest pool has to be skimmed on a regular basis.

Parasites don't have personal liberty because they're infringing on everyone else.

>> No.3769117
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>Be bad at math, freshman at Pitt
>Take summer math course at local community college and have it transfer for much less effort
>Everyone else in there is a retard, trying their damndest just to pass while I coast
>Teacher during lesson: "Ok.... now does anyone have any questions? Anything about the lesson or just general?"
>Kid in front: : "Yeah, what's the biggest number?"
>Teacher confused
>Kid: "Like, if I were to sit and count, what's the highest I can go? Is there more than like a trillion?"

This kid was like 20 or 21. Isn't that a question you ask when you're fucking 7?

>> No.3769126



your only duty, before you graduate, is to make sure somehow this man is eliminated from the gene pool.

>> No.3769134

It's funny how the biggest libertarians turn out to be the biggest fascists.

>> No.3769141

They're not libertarians,
They're neo-conservatives pretending to be libertarians since its cool to be a libertarian now.

>> No.3769172
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Why are you in Russia Cameron?

>> No.3769628

Of course there is. You can predict the existence of animals, and predict the very rapid evolution of bacteria and such (just as some examples).

>> No.3769734

Wouldn't the practice of giving black offenders harsher sentences than white ones, which leads to them spending decades in prison as free labor for corporations and when they are finally released don't have the economic position to start a family, technically be a mild form of eugenics?

>> No.3769776

>Be in middle school
>Teacher asks us what spurred World War one to start
>I put my hand up and say Franz Ferdinand
>It was a sort of popular band back then, so everyone laughed (including the teacher) and just shrugged it off
>I was serious and argued that the assassination of Franz Ferdinand was one of the major causes
>Oh anon, that band didn't exist back then
>A few weeks later, doing a report on World War 1
>Say the same thing again in the intro to my speech
>Teacher gives me a detention for continuing a "joke"
>Argue with teacher for most of the period, don't go to detention
>Have a meeting with my parents and Principal about my disruptive behavior
>I tell him to go to multiple sites
>Turns out i'm right
>I'm let off the hook, rest of the year the teacher doesn't question my shit again

>> No.3769866


How could a teacher be that fucking retarded?

>> No.3769944

When I was 7 a question at the top of one of those kiddy IQ tests asked what the biggest number we knew was.
I didn't have space to write 'there is no biggest number', so I put 'a googol'. Looking back on it, I wish I'd given a real explanation.

>> No.3769968
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>go into class
>notes left on the board from previous class
>one of them says "there is no gravity in space"

>> No.3769976
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>> No.3770007
File: 48 KB, 300x300, chrisfarleyisagent47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in highschool, junior
>School is considered safest in the state, has the highest standardized test scores, is actually part of a college, and 1/3 of all state calculus bc ap exams with a score of 5.
>next year get in trouble because of a lack of minoritys(only 2 asians)
>school is public but still uses a standardized testing and grades to get accepted
>forced to get blacks and hispanics
>they all flunk out

>> No.3770008

He was right, you filthy nigger.

Has anything good ever come out of Africa or Detroit? No.

>> No.3770046

Isn't eugenics are comp out?

It's basically a sign your country fucking sucks at education and all your citizens watch 2 1.5 Men and work at Wendies flipping burgers?

Conservatives want them killed or put into swet shops.
Liberals want them to work at farms.

How about none of the above. If your stay out of trouble do what you will. However to off set this liberalism, if you are charged with multiple felonies, we will harvest your organs and use your corpse for anatomy class or medical testing.

>> No.3770296


Another tripfrag added to the filter