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[ERROR] No.3763449 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, I have a question.

How does one who grew up in relatively normal North American middle class society, with no physical, mental, or racial disadvantages write the essay teachers toss around all the time of "Describe a time of when you faced adversity and how you overcame it," Im honestly at a loss right now.

Pic unrelated, im on my netbook sitting in bed at 3:30 AM because I just remembered I have this shit due tomorrow.

Im in AP English btw, I thought I'd be done with this kind of shit after 9th grade.

>> No.3763457

Write about this essay

>> No.3763465

just tell some crappy story about some random success you had in your life and exaggerate to make it sound like an accomplishment.

examples would be overcoming the loss of a loved one, winning a tournament, getting an A even though halfway through the semester you only had a C.

especially if you're in high school, I mean seriously no one gives a shit underageb&

>> No.3763466


Funny idea, but in all seriousness I doubt it'd blow over well.

>> No.3763470
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>normal North American middle class society
>no mental disadvantages

LMFAO. Just by being American (from USA) you have a mental disadvatage.

>> No.3763477

lie like a motherfucker op

no one will catch you

>> No.3763479


The getting an A one might apply to me, since im usually a lazy shit who doesnt start working until my ass is under the fire.

For some reason theres nothing I hate more then writing about myself. Anyone else know that feel?

>> No.3763484

better start faking it, bro, because some version of that essay question will come up often in the rest of your life. Job interviews, job assessments, management competency testing, med school interviews and matchmaking agencies. just make some shit up and stop whining. Now write!

>> No.3763487


I wish I could disagree.


Im a great writer, but im nowhere near creative enough to bullshit a story like that.

>> No.3763489

describe a time you used great power to help people around you. The adversity was temptation to do the wrong thing for your benefit and you overcame it with compassion and respect for all living creatures.

>> No.3763500

>For some reason theres nothing I hate more then writing about myself. Anyone else know that feel?
You sure seem to have no problem hanging out in this thread and talking about yourself.

Go away and do your homework, adults are talking here now.

>> No.3763501

Find superman comic
Rewrite superman comic from 1st person perspective
Change the names


>> No.3763541


Thanks all for your advice, I have a basic idea what I'm going to do now. I find it funny that no other aspect of English bothers me like creative/personal writing, I can write a task 1-4 in my sleep and usually land a perfect score, but simple shit like this has always been difficult.

Anyways, any other ideas or discussion is still appreciated,

>> No.3763552

Idea creative writing teachers are mostly gender biased

>> No.3763568


Well the teachers male, pretty laid back and a decent guy to talk to. I dont think that'd be an issue.

>> No.3763675

the cool english teachers don't care what you write as long as the spelling and grammar are correct. Because content is a matter of opinion and unfortunately the bad english teachers turn the game into who can write stuff that please me.