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[ERROR] No.3762402 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, i've got a great idea for the economy!

Why don't we just make minimum wage $20 an hour, but instead of forcing employers to pay for it we'll just print out money and give it to the employees?

that way, everyone makes a whole lot more while the employers don't have to cover the costs! everybody wins!

>> No.3762419

This is a troll post, right?

>> No.3762432

No because inflation.

>> No.3762435
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a sarcastic post, actually

>> No.3762434
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>> No.3762445

pay them $3200 per hour and let them work just one hour a month, that way, we can have full employment as well! Yaaaaay!

>> No.3762471

good idea!
here's a better one, because noone need to have too much money we'll just have everyone in america work an hour a month for $3200
that way, there'll be no income gap!
classes as we know it will cease to exist!

>> No.3762475

fund it

>> No.3762484
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>> No.3762486


Robert Mugabe, is that you?

>> No.3762506

way paying them money, if they are going to spend it in stupid bullshit. Just give them rice, and cover their basic needs. No one needs material possessions in order to be happy.

>> No.3762530
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good point. why pay them at all?

what we need to do is provide everyone equal rations and a place to live in exchange for labor. this will further break down class division, and everyone will be much happier when there are no more classes dividing us

when the world is unified under this, everyone will celebrate our unity as a species, and work towards the collective good of humanity!

>> No.3762534

diabetics do

>> No.3762556

Why don't people have an income cap? I mean after a certain amount of money it becomes pointless for that person to make any more.

>> No.3762563

Why don't people have a cap on the amount of property they can own? I mean after a certain amount of property it becomes pointless for them to have any more

>> No.3762571

just make a genetic scanning so we would be able to tell whats its potential and what type of education and training he/she requires.

Let the state take over and take the child to a education center were he will also live for his first 18 years. Bury himself with tasks, and create competition among their peers. They wont get paid more, but they would get the high social status given with a high status level job, and that would be their drive.

There you go, perfect society

>> No.3762586

Picturing a homeless guy on the side of the road with a crudely lettered cardboard sign: "Will work for status"

>> No.3762601

OP the guy in the other thread was talking about wage redistribution

(which makes sense when what like 1/6 are in poverty now or something and like 30million on food stamps or something)

>> No.3762625

yeah, im not too concerned with "higher social status" which is kind of hard to guarantee anyway, im motivated a little bit more by my desire for a yacht large enough to hold my antique car collection and equipped to carry a small harem of hookers and several shipping containers full of cocaine

>> No.3762643

Why don't people have a cap on the amount of sex they can have? I mean after a certain amount of sex it becomes pointless for them to have any more

>> No.3762650

why don't we just split the entire economy evenly among everybody. that way the homeless people who don't look for work get as much money as the CEOs who will die young from the stress they put themselves through everyday on the job.

this way everybody will win!

>> No.3762658

"You ever suck dick for status?" Oh wait, lots of women do that.

>> No.3762666

They do that in France, and it doesn't work so well.

>> No.3762669

Why don't people have an intelligence cap? I mean after a certain amount of intelligence it becomes pointless for that person to have any more. Lobotomies and depressants for all /sci/entists. then we'd live in a fair equal society where nobody makes fun of retards.

>> No.3762677

Why don't people have an children cap? I mean after a certain amount of children it becomes pointless for that person to make any more.

>> No.3762688

>small harem of hookers
sounds modest
libtards would tell you you are excess

>> No.3762692


Why don't we have a redundant post cap? I mean after a certain amount of redundant posts it becomes pointless for that person to make any more.

>> No.3762702

consider this: Money is valuable because it's a scarce resource (albeit an artificial resource). If one artificially gets rid of its scarcity, it becomes worthless (printing money = rampant inflation). if money were to be evenly distributed among everybody, what value would it have? Yes, the average person might be sitting on a million or two, but the "value" of that million would be surprisingly low because everybody else would also have a million or two. food would become priced in the thousands of dollars (because that's what you could charge for it) and stuff that's at higher value (cars/homes/education/etc...) would have to be priced higher still. You'd have people forgoing food/healthcare to be able to afford other amenities (similar to poverty now). I'd expect that if wealth were evenly distributed, everyone would be equally poor. If large sums of money become commonplace, they become worthless.

Yes, the current system sucks for the bottom 1/5 of the population, but I don't really see a better way to do things. We live in a world where there isn't enough resources to go around. Not everybody can own a private jet, but with the current system those who do own a private jet are usually the ones who would benefit society most by owning one (ceos, politicians, etc...). That isn't to say that there isn't corruption / cheating the system (enron, ponzi scheme runners, price gouging monopolies), but those are likely few and far between in actuality. In most cases a free market will distribute wealth appropriately, and in a manner which will benefit everybody the most. I'm a grad student that's not super well off, but the more I think about this, the more sense this viewpoint makes. There are too many times in recent history where trying to improve the condition for those at the bottom has ended up hurting more people than it helps.

>> No.3762739


> I'd expect that if wealth were evenly distributed, everyone would be equally poor.

GDP per capita is about $45,000

Is that so bad?

>> No.3762747

>i have no idea about what an economy is.

Thats exactly how you sound. Sue your high school for making you so retarded.

>> No.3762754

money would be meaningless if everyone had the same amount.

>> No.3762757


Why would be it worthless?

>> No.3762765

Agreed. CEOs have more stress than your average worker.

>> No.3762770

there's a huge amount of room between "everyone has exactly the same amount of money" and our current situation
value is based on scarcity

>> No.3762772


Well its still scarce, regardless of how even the distribution is.

>> No.3762776

Because scarcity causes value

Damn, you're stupid

>> No.3762778

equal pay for work of equal value

>> No.3762781

If the money that each individual owns is held constant and equal, then it implies that no business transactions will ever take place.

>> No.3762788

Most people just want more money for the poor and less for the rich.
Only crazies want equal wealth for everyone.
When unemployment is ridiculously high people get resentful of the people doing better.
It is especially bad when the people doing better buy the government so they can keep doing better.
The capitalist world works on competition.
So why not liquidate peoples' businesses when they make too much? We can stop them from making a new business in the same market. They can keep the money they made, but now there is enough sunlight for the little trees to grow.

>> No.3762790


Thats right that it wouldnt stay equal. But couldnt everyone make a transaction with one person for the same amount?

As long as everyone is spending and gaining a relatively equal amount those people will stay relatively equal.


>> No.3762799

people just want same wages. They don't want "held constant".
Congrats thread, you used the strawman proof succesfully.

>> No.3762830


Nigger genetics (IQ below 100, 20% of the population) would be in charge of very low demanding jobs, and their necessities would be covered. Higher cognitive humans (100-120, 60% of the pop) would be in charge of maintenance the current economic system, which is 100% dependent on machine learning algorithms, and artificial intelligence in order to take decisions, They just learn how to use this technology, but they barely have any idea of how it works. Then the cognitive elite (150+, 20% of the population), they are the artists, they are in charge of the government decisions, and they are engineers and scientists as well. They pretty much built every single piece of technology that is around.
The population of this groups including the elite, is controlled by the state, in order to respond to the market influx cycles required to supply the need for this labor. The cognitive elite population never fluctuates, the only one that does is the low and mid tier.

If we have a very comprehensive understanding of genetics, the niggers could be per-programed to love the job they are working etc, and release hormones and drugs that are synthesized by the brain when they are doing their job. Mid tier will also require drugs, but also some higher level of entertainment (arts, hobbies, etc). The cognitive elite are allowed anything.

Physical/mental abuse of any one this individuals is punished by dead

>> No.3762841

>36 replies
... What the fuck, /sci/?

>> No.3762853

so basically, brave new world?

>> No.3762915

is either that or reduce the population to a tinny elite and robots

>> No.3764257
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this was great to wake up to, /sci/
>they think they understand anything about economics