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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3761086 [Reply] [Original]

One thing I have noticed on /sci/ is the massive ignorance of the Bible demonstrated by the non-religious. I have seen Scripture misquoted, taken out of context, and in some cases fabricated. I suspect that most of the time this is the result of plagiarising and ripping off quotes from a random website, as no one who has read the Bible with an open heart would say such nonsense.

I've decided to create a thread in order to gauge the Biblical experience of those posters who feel qualified to criticise my religion.

Please be honest.

Finally, the Bible is the bestselling book of all time. You can pick up a Bible in many places, and if you approach your local church I'm sure they will happily give you one for free.

>> No.3761092

>on /sci/ is the massive ignorance of the Bible demonstrated by the non-religious [citation needed]

>> No.3761091

"God isn't real and the OP is a fag."
-The Bible

deal with it

>> No.3761098

please remember to put sage in the email field so this thread isn't bumped.

seriously, i'm tired of the debate.

>> No.3761099

I'm an atheist and simply attack the Bible not out of factual disagreement, but in a desperate attempt to improve my decrepit self esteem.

>> No.3761102

>a Bible
faggot doesn't know there are 66 books.

>> No.3761103

no I have never read the bible and i don't plan on it and i'm an aggressive atheist with power umad?

>> No.3761108


>> No.3761109

Have you read the Quran, the Vedas, Gita, Avesta?

>> No.3761111
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>I have seen Scripture misquoted, taken out of context, and in some cases fabricated.
really? how about this:

>> No.3761117

>implying religion and god isn't fundamental to metaphysics, which is a type of physics, which is science

>> No.3761118

>the Bible is the bestselling book of all time.
Just because it sells well, doesn't mean it's any good or contains any truth, see: Twilight, Harry Potter.
On a serious note, you probably criticize other religions like Taoism for their polytheism, and Buddhism for reincarnation, yet you've never read any of their holy texts, hypocrite. The lesson is simple: if you see something with an absurd premise, there's no need to read it's associated literature.

>> No.3761126
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/sci/ seems quite upset today.

>> No.3761132
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oh wow, quads.
and i think you just got told!
chapter and verse are cited, look them up if you don't believe me.

>> No.3761137
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i suspect op is a smart troll

>> No.3761140

Atheist here; I've read the bible all the way through twice. The New Testament several times in its entirety, and bits of the Old Testament too often to count.
I'm pretty well acquainted with it; far more so than most casual christians I've met.

>> No.3761139

The US Religious Knowledge Survey, from the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, found atheists and agnostics know more basic facts about the Bible than either Protestants or Catholics.

Atheists and agnostics average 20.9 correct answers. Jews and Mormons do about as well, averaging 20.5 and 20.3 correct answers, respectively. Protestants as a whole average 16 correct answers; Catholics as a whole, 14.7. Atheists and agnostics, Jews and Mormons perform better than other groups on the survey even after controlling for differing levels of education.

>Out of 8 belief systems surveyed Atheists know the bible better then any other.

Keep in mind the Pew Forum on Religious and Public Life is a well known and respected institution whose surveys meet the highest standards of quality.


The more you know, the more you realize "hey, this is fucking retarded". Humanity only thousands of years old? Talking snakes? 2 of every animal in one boat one dude made. These are clearly just stories.

>> No.3761136

>thinks anybody care about quads and dubs
Yes, you're cancer. You give me cancer all day long.

>> No.3761135

I can't believe this. I agree with EK.
I need a bath now.

>> No.3761147
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>> No.3761149

>checking quads

go back to >>>/b/

>> No.3761155
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>> No.3761156
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They all check out okay, that's some awesome quoting bro.

>> No.3761157
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>> No.3761167


You sir are an idiot there are many more books than just 66 I'm afraid, do some research.

>> No.3761171

fucking this

the average atheist knows the bible better then the average christian. and the most important thing atheists know about the bible: that its fiction written by man.

>> No.3761178
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btw, I have a question for OP.

Does Jesus approved the things posted in EK pic? And why Christians don't use his fish sign instead of the cross (that represents his death and an awful kind of death)?

>> No.3761184


I'll just leave this here

>> No.3761218

i have decided to become atheist. i've been thinking about it for a while now. i was very reluctant at first and tried hard to hold on to my faith. but i've read the arguments for and against religion. and i just have to be honest and rational with myself, religion just doesn't make any fucking sense.

>> No.3761234

You're late to the party but still welcome ^^

>> No.3761316

will there be cake?

>> No.3761330
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>anecdote that contradicts evidence


Prediction for response:
>ignore evidence
>repeat personal anecdote