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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 76 KB, 800x1078, chemie_blaulicht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3758289 [Reply] [Original]

Hello friends, next week some children (6-8 yrs old) are coming to visit my college, so I've been instructed to show them some chemistry tricks.
I've already planned a couple of basic experiments BUT
I'd like /sci/ to give me some ideas!

Cool looking chemistry tricks

>> No.3758294 [DELETED] 

Mix Ammonia and Bleach

>> No.3758299



>> No.3758303
File: 254 KB, 458x358, 0126394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking knew someone would post that.

>> No.3758305


you could be prosecuted in court for that

if OP is ever stupid enough to follow your instructions and suffers personal loss as a result of it, he could sue you for it

>> No.3758306

OP here. Thank you.

I'm sure the kids are gonna fall for it.

>> No.3758311

Gas bubbles, ignite.

>> No.3758315

anything involving fire

>> No.3758317
File: 129 KB, 1212x712, chlorine gas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suffer personal loss
how about death?

>> No.3758333

Oh lord I lol'd.

>> No.3758335


thats probably a fictional story like most of the "real" stories on /b/

but anyway, /b/ has its own disclaimer:

"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."

/sci/ does not.

>> No.3758341


> are autistic works


>> No.3758347

Do that water to wine shit. What was it again ... Some acid titration chems I think... I've forgot what indicator it was.

Kids love that shit. Colours man. Colours.

>> No.3758355

the second one was posted a few days later, i dont think someone would wait so long to troll something that would seem so insignificant at the time, it wouldnt be worth a 2-day troll.

secondly, the majority of /b/tards are fucking retarded, and i am perfectly willing to believe that at least one of them would have fallen for that little chemistry experiment tutorial..

>> No.3758359


>home made crystal.jpg


same fag

he just forgot to download his own photo from his other thread, so had to manually change the file name

otherwise, it would be unlikely for anybody to change the filename of a pic downloaded from /b/, especially to something like "juweel"

>> No.3758377


Water to wine?

Kids dont want to look at silly experiments.

Kids want to find the percentage by mass of an impure substance using sodium thiosulphate and iodine in a back titration involving a dibasic equation.

>> No.3758378

What are you already planning to do?

The tollens test is always popular. You can even send the silver mirrored test tube home with a kid afterward.

Maybe "cook" an egg with acetone?

Show them the triple point of CO2? The equipment isn't anything too special.

Maybe make some nylon? It's kinda cool when you pull it out of the solution.

>> No.3758382

I saw the original several years ago. At the time I thought it sounded like a pretty cool experiment and might have tried it sometime in the future had I not continued reading the thread.

>> No.3758384

Build a hybrid rocket

>> No.3758391

but whether the story is true or not, it still highlights the important point of not taking chemistry advice from /b/tards, and it's still a powerful image.

>> No.3758392


Baking soda and vinegar.

Make a volcano.

Bitches love em volcanoes.

>> No.3758394

This, model rockets.
Demo then split kids into groups to build their own and have a competition outside to see whos gets the highest.

You have the chance to influence people here OP, don't fuck it up so they all end up working in mcdonalds.

>> No.3758397

you could pour water on NAOH mixed with aluminum.
kids love explosions.

>> No.3758401


>but whether the story is true or not, it still highlights the important point of not taking chemistry advice from /b/tards, and it's still a powerful image.

>>>/lit/ is that way

for christs sake this is /sci/

(this is why women shouldnt be allowed in the lab)

>> No.3758403


Fuck it then, lets get them to synthesise ferrocene and then determine its structure spectroscopically. Shits not even fun but they WILL learn.

>> No.3758407
File: 2 KB, 213x165, 1272292479450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, what?
i dont see how that is /lit/ related at all, and the image is about a CHEMISTRY experiment, so it is very much /sci/ related.

>> No.3758411


Dude, if you're not having fun, you're not doing organometallics right.

>> No.3758415


Not as exciting as it sounds.

Have seen those in action before.

Very little participation.

Also, the end result is not so spectacular.

Do something more chemistry related, things they cant see unless they step into a lab.

>> No.3758423

Show them luminol(easy to make in lab) reacting with iron ions and hydrogen peroxide.

>> No.3758429

Hmmm, ok then go with explosions and fire.

>> No.3758437


Attach a warhead.

>> No.3758444


>qualifying the importance of a fictional story
>qualifying how "powerful" the image is

this isnt the place for that kind of talk

>> No.3758467

Break a conical flask and wield it as a shiv, then re-enact a scene from hamlet.

>> No.3758469


Dude, you just sit around and watch shit stir in a RBF for an hour. Kids don't want to be invited to watch shit stirring in a glass flask for an hour. They want the visually nicer experiments like titrations (Vanadium oxidation states.)

SHIT actually mr teacher man ... show them the many coloured oxidations of vanadium. I'll try look for the details, but that shit is both super chemistry related and cool.

>> No.3758472

Baking soda volcano?

>> No.3758479

shit, op, one of my teachers showd me this and it was fucking awesome.

As it was the most normal shit in the world, my chem teacher just poured pure alcohol (forgot what it was exactly) right in front of him on his desk and just fucking started a motherfucking fire out of the fucking blue, and everyone in the class was just gazing in awe (all standing up and slowly crowding around). He let us touch the table soon after the fire died and it didn't even feel hot and there was nothing there (complete combustion).

>> No.3758485

i once saw a billard ball floating on a large cup of mercury

that was cool. show the kids that

>> No.3758498


I was joking, you didn't seriously mean to have them synthesize ferrocene, after all.

>> No.3758506
File: 27 KB, 640x480, dw-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make the kids sniff buffer 9

>> No.3758513


oh yah.

i remember that.

my teach used some sort of skin ointment and some sort of powder for dry skin

poured them together, and after awhile it caught fire

pretty cool

>> No.3758524

make the sugar and acid raising poop

>> No.3758525

Fish tank with heavy gas. Fkoating paper boat

Display of several steps of rock cand. Let kids eat completed crystals.

Pressurized air rocket. Only need a soda bottle and a bike pump. Kids love pumping rockets

run gas throigh a tube with little holes. Like on fire. Attach speaker and the flames will change to resemble a sound wave

>> No.3758531


Rubins Tube

>> No.3758548

buy some low quality soap bars and explain saponification

>> No.3758578

Cornstarch+wide straw+bunsen burner.

Blow the corn starch through the straw, over the burner.

Makes an impressive hollywood-style explosion.

Couple of drops of hydrochloric acid into a beaker full of sugar.

>> No.3758580


3/4 of those are really more physics demos than chemistry. Though certainly better than most of the suggestions in this thread.

>> No.3758594

heat water to 100 degrees Celsius

demonstrate boiling point of water and change of state from liquid to gas

take the chance to explain entropy and enthalpy change

>> No.3758598


Vanadium though. VANADEEEUM.

>> No.3758612

Plastic ziploc bags, fill with elmer's glue, color with food coloring.

Add small amount of borax+water solution.

Glue turns into rubbery, stretchy goop that's fun to play with.

Explain polymerization.

>> No.3758619

Whoops I saw the ! And assumed the preceding word said science.

Ummm, do that red colored solution into a blue colored solution that turns it clear thing. And would sodium acetate sculpting count aa chemistry? Kids love hot ice

>> No.3758621

iodine clock ,
burn chemicals to make a flame different colours ,
and my favourite is when you run methane gas through a bowl of washing up liquid and end up with a column of foam which you then ignite , is pretty impressive

>> No.3758640


Add a tray of ice overtop and you can make little rain clouds in the room.

>> No.3758650



It works that way?

Wait. Im being serious.

Wont the vapour just condense onto the ice and not form clouds?

>> No.3758651

Kids always like the experiment with metal oxides being burned to form different coloured flames. Maybe give them spectroscopes so they can see the spectrum of light produced, perhaps you could explain why transition metals have different colours due to different oxidation states.

>> No.3758657


>> No.3758659

Also if you have liquid nitrogen, do something with that. People are often impressed by freezing a banana or something and then shattering it.

>> No.3758687

fucking hot ice

bitches love hot ice.

Also create sulfur acid and make balloon bombs with it, let them throw it at each other.

Or just any acid that would eat through something

>> No.3758699

Anything with dry ice.

>> No.3758718



put some ice in boiling water and watch how it dosnt melt.

>> No.3758719

The ice is seperated by the tray. And although there will be condensation. The ideal is to get the air in the tray to be cold enougj that the steam gets cooled before touching. Also by ttay I should say upsidedown clear plastic tub.

>> No.3758725

Liquid nitrogen ice cream. The best way is to melt some phish food and mix it with the LN2. A word of warning, you'll never want normal ice cream again.

>> No.3758730
File: 431 KB, 896x3147, 1308759685141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do this to those little kids

>> No.3758740
File: 498 KB, 684x4635, 1312285102469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry wrong image

do this to those little kids

>> No.3758743

thermite is your extremely volatile friend. Mix about 500g up and stick it on a thin piece of metal (from an old car, or a piece of corrugated iron)

>> No.3758751

The kids cant have both rock candy and ice dream. It will ruin their lunch.

>> No.3758756

1. That near death story is almost certainly fake.
2. If you are stupid enough to actually fall for that pathetic shit I have no sympathy for you.

>> No.3758796


Those look god damned delicious.

>> No.3758819

I've done it before, it really didn't taste good.

>> No.3758825

second. They don't really taste of anything other than sugar, and you end up with gritty vodka.

Now ribena, on the other hand.

>> No.3758826


Did you try different Vodkas? I'm curious to try this, but I don't want to waste neither Vodka nor Skittles on something not worth it.

>> No.3758834

Why not just get food coloring and use that? No hassles with straining.

Also, use a plastic bottle if you freeze it. Glass bottles can shatter when water freezes inside them.

>> No.3758837

keep them separate. I only tried with smirnoff before giving up, but I wouldn't risk it.

>> No.3758841


Vodka =/= water
There's no need to worry about prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures.

>> No.3758846

No only smirmoff. I think the problem I had was I didn't filter the shit out so it kept getting a sugar crust on the top which tastes foul.

>> No.3758851


Hurm, I've found Svedka to be an outstanding mixing Vodka, but I'd rather not risk any of it going to waste, thanks for the heads up.

>> No.3758852 [DELETED] 

Make glow sticks from household ingredients.

You need yellow fluorescent marker pens, The Works (a limescale removing drain cleaner), glycerine, thin bleach, nail polish remover and washing up liquid.

Simply soak the highlighters in the nail polish remover to make a solution of fluorescein. Put this in the container you'll be making the glow stick out of and let the nail polish remover evaporate. Half fill it with bleach and add a drop of glycerine and a drop of washing up liquid. Stir to dissolve the fluorescein in the bleach.

Slowly and carefully add The Works. When it starts bubbling the bubbles should smell like a swimming pool. Keep slowly adding The Works until the smell changes to an alcohol like smell (the fumes are a little unpleasant but they're not harmful). The glow will start after about 30 seconds. It's important to keep sniffing the mixture as you add The Works because too much will stop it from glowing.

>> No.3758857

Vodka is approximately 50% water. If the freezer is cold enough, the water will freeze out, leaving a concentrate of alcohol behind. It's called freeze stilling.

And if you go "nuh-uh, no water in vodka", you're a troll.

>> No.3758862


Ive made skittles vodka. Very enjoyable. Also white pepper vodka is good. Next time I.will make bacon vodka.

>> No.3758868

what the fuck

>> No.3758893

Well I really enjoyed a smoked beer that tastes like ham. So I figured I would try bacon vodja

>> No.3758901
File: 4 KB, 126x121, 1266761416547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bacon vodka
..oh my god!
you fucking genius.

>> No.3758902

that sounds strangely pleasant. My experience with flavoured alcohol does not extend beyond "cherry" and "lemon", but savoury sound awesoem

>> No.3758913

Guy who didn't like skittles vodka here.

I fully support bacon vodka, you must fund it.

>> No.3758917

Set a hydrogen balloon on fire (with a long stick).
Diet coke + mentos
If you have Liquid Nitrogen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRby1Wilv-Q
Although if you have liquid nitrogen, you can just dip shit in it and break it... always cool. =)

>> No.3758920

other guy here, seconding this. Team up with Mad Sci and set up a sub aquatic production facility.

>> No.3758924

hydrogen + oxygen gas in little container + cattle prod = fun tiny relatively safe rocket

>> No.3758962


Alcohol in a way is all about the flavoring. Absinthe is served mixed wirh water. Rum and water make grog. Piquette is a thin wine made from water and the leftovers from a wine press.

This all serves to add flavor to water, and was a simple way to make water safer for consumption.

A flavored vodka can make very simple but enjoyable drinks.

>> No.3758974

So how do you propose to make bacon vodka?

>> No.3758977

I'd guess by frying it on a flat surface then pouring juices in, putting the bacon in for a few days, then pulling it out.

>> No.3758989

I wouldnt add the juices. That is mostly fat and not alcohol soliable.

But yes the cooked bacon would be soaked then strained. Perhaps if serving a vodka martini a piece of bacon could serve a garnish as well.

>> No.3759003

I think I'll try this.

You've opened up a whole new market, it's nevur been dun befow.

>> No.3759011

good point. I was pretty sure fat is alcohol soluble.

Now I think about it, would you get more flavour if you blended the bacon, then strained the vodka afterwards.

>> No.3759014

Do that shit where you turn pennies gold and silver.
I still have my gold penny from like 10th grade chem.

>> No.3759021

you don't think it's actual gold, right?

>> No.3759069

>I'm not a chemistry major or good with chemistry by any means
>anon talks about turning water into wine
>not sure if serious
Please tell me you are.

>> No.3759083

>Floating paper boat
Holy shit, OP. Do this.
If I had seen that as a kid, I'd be majoring in physics right now.

>> No.3759093

water and wine have essentially the same ingredients, Carbon/Hydrogen/Oxygen. That said, it's easier to turn water into octane than wine, so I'd say it's not going to happen.

this plus cannonballs on mercury are glorious. High powered electromagnets plus frogs are also entertaining.

>> No.3759110

It actually depends upon the fat and the alcohol. In this case not soliable.

Yes I was planning on crushing the vacon. More surface area is always good. For straining I luke to use a finnel with a coffee filter. It sometimes takes 2-3 strains to get everything. Also depending upon the filter it might need to be doubled up.

>> No.3759112

How would you go about turning it into wine?

>> No.3759140

try adding sugar and yeast. I think you can probably make it with carbon alone somehow, but have no idea how or how easy it would be.

For flavour you'll want a few esters, which are available here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ester

ctrl f for grape. All of them are made of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen, so again, not that difficult.

>> No.3759141



>> No.3759153

<span class="math">0-^{)}[/spoiler]

sorry, yes. You need some carbon in there somewhere. Starting with sugar would be easier.

>> No.3759160

What did 3758294 post? His post isn't here anymore

>> No.3759201

OP here, holy shit, I thought my thread had died
Thanks for all the contributions guys!


This is the reaction he was talking about :)

He told me to mix bleach and ammonia :), luckily I'm not an idiot 'though!

>> No.3759230

Also if anyone is interested here is what I am probably going to do:
The whine experiment

Disocyanate + polyol

Taking an aquarium + heavy gas and a paper boat, then taking the ink from different coloured highlighters to colour it, place it in a semi-dark room, adding a UV light source


Acetone + egg

Luminol reaction

Hot ice

>> No.3759263


2 of my ideas. Woooo I am winner.

Also take a jane gray tube to pass nitrogen gas through water

>> No.3759303
File: 111 KB, 210x640, bakon-vodka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fraid not.

This particular brand, at least, is disgusting.

Cake flavored vodka is wonderful.

>> No.3760012
File: 157 KB, 600x450, 1315999329587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, the coolest thing i can think of is the show Walter White did in Breaking Bad.
It's very easy (you can look it up), basically, you spray ethanol solutions of various salts into a bundsen burner which makes the flame change color.
The salts are:

red - strontium chloride
blue - copper chloride
green - copper sulfate
purple - potassium chloride
yellow - sodium chloride

When I did it, I put some Daft Punk in the background and basically made a flaming rave. DO IT