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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3756719 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good /sci/ documentarys? No ancient aliens or cosmos please, already seen them.

Pic semi related, my arsenal.

>> No.3756735


>> No.3756739

Planet Earth
Blue Planet
Stuff with David Attenborough

>> No.3756743

>David Attenborough

I cannot stand that old fat. Sure he is a talented man, but his voice makes me angry.

Any other suggestions?

>> No.3756747 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 145x130, 1309104420914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP thinks he's a badass
>doesn't realize his entire arsenal can be rendered useless via a spray bottle full of salt water
>mfw guns

>> No.3756755

duracoat, everywhere

>> No.3756760

I know i am a badass, and it has nothing to do with my firearms, it has to do with how i act. Also you r ignorance is showing, firearms wont rust within a few seconds, takes months of exposure.

Anyway, more documentarys.

>> No.3756767

Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman

Henry Kissinger's recent documentary with that British dude

How OP was Discovered to be A Fag by Anonymous

All good choices.

>> No.3756770


>> No.3756780

somebody fucked a monkey?

>> No.3756781

>How OP was Discovered to be A Fag by Anonymous

Are you jelous? No need to be silly boy.

>Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman
Yea... about Morgan Freeman... not an option.

>Henry Kissinger's recent documentary with that British dude
What is it called?

>> No.3756782

PBS Empires Series

Not really science but it has guns and fighting and stuff so you'll like it OP.

>> No.3756783

Why are you jealous, do you see me as a threat? Dont be scared kid.

>> No.3756790

You assume i am a mindless retard because i enjoy collecting and using firearms?

Stop stereotyping, nerd. ( I can do it to )

>> No.3756809
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It's a really good series though, I'd recommend the ones about Islam and Japan. Both Fascinating.

>> No.3756812

The Eyes of Nye

>> No.3756807


Less jealously and intimidated replys, more documentarys!

>> No.3756822

Alright, ill check it out. Thanks.

>Bill Nye


>> No.3756825

No. Someone gave an infected polio vaccine to over a million people in the then Belgium Congo.

>> No.3756827 [DELETED] 

And how do you know this? I know for a fact that someone fucked a monkey (nigger) and spread it that way.

>> No.3756834

what is wrong with bill nye?

>> No.3756835

The amazingly high correlation between the vaccination sites and the first confirmed cases of HIV, temporally and spatially. The lack of a plausible alternative.

>> No.3756846

He is a pedophile. I dont watch pedophiles on tv pretend they know something about science. Plus he is an engineer.

You are wrong. It was a virus that prevalent in chimpanzees, which then transferred the gap between ape and human through sexual intercourse. All this other bullshit your are spouting is from people that dont like the idea that it started this way and decide to make up a bunch of shit.

>> No.3756853

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wonders_of_the_Solar_System And then wonders of the universe.

>> No.3756856

Someone promotes the education of children in science and math, obvious pedophile amirite?

>> No.3756860

You obviously to young for the court case, do some research kid.

Thanks i will check it out.

>> No.3756862

Mother fucker.

Nova ScienceNow


Just a clip of one awesome episode. Amazing shit.

>> No.3756865

>You are wrong. It was a virus that prevalent in chimpanzees, which then transferred the gap between ape and human through sexual intercourse. All this other bullshit your are spouting is from people that dont like the idea that it started this way and decide to make up a bunch of shit.

I suggest you do some research. It's not bullshit.

>> No.3756877

If you go out of your way to prove something just because you dont like the already proven answer, it makes you a jealous asshole. Please do some research before you make it seem like you know what you are talking about.

I asked for documentarys not syfy shows.

>> No.3756884

>If you go out of your way to prove something just because you dont like the already proven answer, it makes you a jealous asshole. Please do some research before you make it seem like you know what you are talking about.

I have done the research. The OPV hypothesis is quite compelling.

>> No.3756886

you're one dumb mother fucker.

>> No.3756889
File: 38 KB, 507x600, 507px-Bill_Nye_BSC_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hater gonna hate.

>> No.3756897

Yet not compelling enough to be proven as fact? Its just theroys, like string theory.

How about you stop being an asshole and start posting documentarys?

Im smarter than you kid.

>> No.3756902

i'm smarter than you moron.

>> No.3756908

No you are not. You have already displayed that you are not by the way you act. Grow up and stop being a /b/tard kid.

More documentarys.

>> No.3756913

You're a fucking moron. Seriously bro.

Please go hang yourself.


>> No.3756915

Why is that? Because i called you out on being some pseudo intellectual spewing bullshit?

Grow up and stop acting like a kid.

>> No.3756919
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No sure if OP is high level troll or just stupid.

>> No.3756920

You called me out on what, moron? Please, explain. You claim to be more intelligent than me, so, explain how you know that?

You're a fucking moron. But keep trying!

>> No.3756923

lol the both of you are obviously children

>> No.3756924
File: 15 KB, 290x311, batman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) YOUR making the claim YOU bring the sited evidence
2) The only court case he was in was his divorce.

>> No.3756928

Dont agree with someones opinion =/= troll, kid.

Keep spewing insults like you know what you are doing.

You are obviously mad and butthurt about something, how about you stop shitting up my thread with your anger and jealously and start growing up and not acting like a /b/tard. Thanks! :)

>> No.3756931

How about no. I already stated all i need to state, how about you stop acting angry and autisit?

Now lets get back to docoumentarys.

>> No.3756932

You're obviously mad and butthurt, since you keep addressing me.

You're also obviously a moron.

Keep trying, kid.

>> No.3756940

How original, just parrot what i say back to me.

Now if your done acting childish i would like to get this thread back on track.


>> No.3756943

you're a fucking moron. please go die.

>> No.3756948

Make bold claim about whether or not someone molests children, ITS A FACT BECUZE I SAI ITS A FACT UND IF ANEONE DUSAGREES TEY ARE AWETISTIC!

>> No.3756947

Why are you upset and mad?

Stop acting childish.


>> No.3756956

he's a fucking moron.

>> No.3756955

I'm not OP, but I'm also looking for suggestions.
>ancient aliens
>planet earth
>blue earth
>Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman

To watch:
>Stuff with David Attenborough

Anyone have any more suggestions?

>> No.3756953

Holy shit suck Bill Nyes dick some more kid.

Are you really having an autismal fit over this?

Grow the fuck up kid.

Now, lets talk documentarys!

>> No.3756952

OP we already told you about NOVA and you think it's science fiction. What are you even looking for?

>> No.3756960

Documentarys, and i watched a few seconds of that youtube clip and it reminded me of syfy shows. So excuse me for stating the obvious.

>> No.3756959

>How about you stop being an asshole and start posting documentarys?
But I did post a documentary already.

>> No.3756958

>blah blah blah
>derp derp derp

How about everyone stop attacking each other and suggest documentaries?
If you want something rage-worthy, I suggest watching Jesus Camp. It's about evangelical Christianity in the US.
"Chimps are people too" gives some interesting perspectives regarding our other ape cousins.

>> No.3756967

Thats all you can say, kid.
Mature, white trash.

>> No.3756968

Why are you upset kid?

This, stop acting like autist little fucks and suggest some documentarys.

Post some more, posting one is not an excuse to act like some autistic little kid getting mad.

>> No.3756963

its 12 minutes long you dumb mother fucker.

skip the first 20 seconds, moron.

>> No.3756971

please shut the fuck up idiot.

>> No.3756975

Stop being a mad kid autist and suggest some docoumentarys please :)

>> No.3756972

No, i dont feel like it. My downloads are precious to me. Stop acting childish.

Im not even white kid, stop getting upset over WORDS. Fucking autists... No wonder you will never get laid.

>> No.3756974

this is what makes you an idiot. please die.

>> No.3756973

>be very pick about who can host a documentary and how its presented
>call everyone else autistic

>> No.3756981

Look at how op spells...he is trolling you

>> No.3756982

Having tastes is not the same as getting angry at words on the internet then acting like a spoilt little brat when someone has a different opinion than you. Please grow up.

Stop autisting kid.

>> No.3756983



Here is a full length one. It's some hard science, super interesting.

Also stop calling everybody "kid".

>> No.3756987

I may not have the best spelling, but i dont give a fuck unless its not readable, which it is. Stop being autistic and suggest some documentary please.

>> No.3756989

he's 14 and dumber than a fucking rock. he thinks calling someone a kid means he's more intelligent than they are. because, he called them a kid.

>> No.3756990



>> No.3756995

Obvious dumbfuck is obvious.

>> No.3756991

Thanks. Ill stop calling people kid when they stop acting like one.

>> No.3756996

No, im calling them that because they act like it. Im also 34, hence the thousands of dollars spent on my hobby, collecting firearms.

>> No.3757002

you really are an idiot

>> No.3757006

Im dumb because you kids are getting mad and throwing insults at me?

The way you are acting is NOT how you would in real life. Unless you are a child that is.

So please stop acting childish and grow up?

>> No.3757011

Why Is that? For calling people out on how they act? Autistic kids really need to stop acting like this.

>> No.3757013

as soon as you kill your entire family and then yourself.

>> No.3757015

Autistic kids don't speak, asshole.

>> No.3757019

So how about those documentarys /sci/?

Please ignore the autistic kids getting mad in my thread, nothing you can do about them.

So, suggest me some docoumentarys please! :D

>> No.3757021

Holy crap you are one fucked up hillbilly

>> No.3757025

Im from Canada, not the south of the United States.

>> No.3757026

even worse

>> No.3757029

If you have nothing constructive to say, dont speak at all.

This is a documentary thread, not act like an autistic child thread.

Documetarys :D

>> No.3757052

Alrighty, now that the kids have gone, lets discuss some documentarys /sci/!

Anything at all, i need some more suggestions please.

>> No.3757073

Some suggestions please, or have you all run away due to the kids:(?

>> No.3757093


Another thread ruined by the lack of social skills prevalent in the people who use this board.

Feel proud, /sci/?

All i wanted was some documentarys, instead i got autism.

>> No.3757094


I'm out of ideas.
I don't tend to watch documentaries.

>> No.3757100

Thanks anyway :(

Im off to clean my firearms, not in a good mood now.

>> No.3757131

>he owns a glock
Hope you like it when things explode in your hand.

>> No.3757151

No matter if you are a troll or an asshat, please leave /sci/.

>> No.3757219

Nice meme kid, thats only with over pressured loads chambered in .40

How about you stop acting autistic and childish?

>> No.3757244

Well im back

Anyone want to contribute some documentarys?

>> No.3757265
File: 30 KB, 590x300, mini14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a shit ton of tacticool going on in that pic, but there's nothing there that is of any use. pic related motherfucker.

>> No.3757276

So is having a fancy car, so is looking good, so is being stylish.

Its all about what makes you feel good, and these make me feel good. I like them and enjoy using them the way they are.

>> No.3757317
File: 2.30 MB, 1600x2416, _DSC0255small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
