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[ERROR] No.3755974 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/ how damaging will this be if buildings or people get hit by the remaining debris?

>> No.3755988
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Self bump also isnt 1 in 3,200 chance of getting hit pretty high?

>> No.3756003

Depends how much burns up during reentry. Might be the size of a golf ball or soft ball.

Ever get hit by giant hail?

>> No.3756008


Not a physics major, but: In space there is no air resistance to provide a terminal velocity (maximum speed). I know a geosync satellite typically sits at 3000 m/s. Handgun bullets typically go, what, 1500 m/s? A freefloating object could go much faster.

>> No.3756016
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Same fag bumping for answers is this anything to be concerned about?

>> No.3756017


>The odds of it hitting someone anywhere on the planet are 1 in 3,200

The population on the planet is 6.9 billion...
So, about 2 million people will be hit by 26 pieces?
That doesn't add up.

>For now, all continents except Antarctica could be hit by satellite debris.
Welp, guess we all know what to do.

>> No.3756021


Addendum: Also will increase exponentially with anti-sat weapons. Chinese tested a satellite-killing weapon a few months ago, and one report claimed it increased space junk (number of objects, not total mass) in space by 20-25%. Don't know if that number is verified, but it's quite plausible.

>> No.3756028


Of fucking course. Space craft typically don't carry armor plating. If you get hit you're read. Maybe in 20ish years we would have refined those vehicle-mounted anti-RPG interceptors to the point they could track space debris. But even then it would be no guarantee.

Not that this will stop anyone. Look at how many people died during the age of discovery.

>> No.3756031


dead, not read. derp.

>> No.3756035

I know but unfortunately all news stations so far have stated this 1 in 3,200 crap and all news sites i have checked out so far claim the same insane math :/

>> No.3756054


That doesn't make any sense. People only live on what, like 2% of the entire surface of Earth?

>> No.3756055

Also NASA has said it should break up into about 26 pieces heaviest is suppose to be weighing around 350 pounds

>> No.3756057


Ever see the show ''Dead Like Me''?

>> No.3756093

>26 pieces of debris
>likely no bigger than a queen size bed
>should you worry

Are you high? Do you know how much space you take up on Earth relative to its total surface area?

What the news is saying is that it's possible one piece will hit "something" or "someone" out of the million and billions of targets on Earth.

Your chances of getting hit are not 1/3200.