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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3755893 [Reply] [Original]

Post you're schedules for the fall semester:
microeconomic theory,
mechanics of solids,
numerical methods,
sedimentary rocks,
tech writing,
trasnport phenomena

>> No.3755898

23 hrs of classes

>> No.3755899

how can people take like 10 classes at a time?

I'm only taking 12 credits (3 classes) and i'm fucking swamped

>> No.3755903

multithreaded programming + operating systems;
signal analysis;
semiconductor materials;
engineering statistics;

>> No.3755913

Are you really swamped by 9 hours of class a week + 9 hours of reading + 18 hours of homework/assignments/studying?

>> No.3755941

yea, problem?

i have a life

>> No.3755948
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Senior year of hs:
ap calc
drama IIII
ap government/politics
computer graphics
ap english
accelerated oceanography

does this fit /sci/'s standards?

>> No.3755950


it's more like 12 hours of class + 12 hours of homework + 6 hours of reading/studying.

But yes it really does take a lot out of me. I don't even remember how I used to go to school 7 hours a day back in high school

>> No.3755956

>12 credits


>> No.3755959

Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
Advanced Stress Analysis
Heat Transfer

>> No.3755962

Freshman year of college
Compressed Composition I & II (yay for finishing both in a semester
Calculus I
World Civ I (to 1500)
General Psychology (shitty gen ed requirements)

>> No.3755973

Intermediate Macroeconomics
Economics of the European Union
Management and organization
Applied Ethics
Business writing
Business Forum

17 credits almost entirely of joke classes.

>> No.3755975

wat school for eco?

>> No.3755980


WP Carey school of Business at Arizona State University.

Its a good business school. Weve got a few nobel prize winners on staff.

>> No.3755982

lol wtf JAva instead of C?

what kind of shit school is that

>> No.3755976

Phys 2
Calc 2
Programming 2 (Java)
Technical Writing
Engineering (Intro to digital circuits)

EE major here

>> No.3755979

phys 2 is ridiculously hard lol

>> No.3755984

>Post you're schedules

You shouldn't be allowed to study, OP.

>> No.3755986


You're serious?

>> No.3755987


Should have went into liberal arts.

>> No.3755995

A lot of schools are doing intro to programming in Java now. It might even be a majority.
I learned about this while doing hiring for my company. I'm still somewhat amazed.

>> No.3755997

Just out of interest we should post our age/year also.

>>3755959 Here

21, First senior year (due to internships).

>> No.3756001

freshman in correge here

physics 1
random history
random math bullshit, might switch it to econ

>> No.3756007

20 year old Junior 5/8 semesters

9 semesters if I get the double major I applied for
A semester early if I keep up the good work.

>> No.3756013

are you shitting me?

C is like the most important language in the world.

If you master C you can fucking do anything.

>> No.3756023

It's babby's first programming language and it's filled with errors.
Any person who has taken Data Structures 101 can tell you that.

>> No.3756024

Calc I
Sociology 110
Comp 110
Fire Science Technology 110

Yay for gen ed.

>> No.3756027

Meh. I might add that a functional language does some good rounding you out, like Haskell. Like one class on an actual assembly language is useful too.

>> No.3756029

>filled with errors
Why yes, yes it is. It's also the best abstraction for hardware that we have. There's a reason it's so popular, and it's not because "it was there first". It is so popular because it's so useful.

>> No.3756030

First year...

Screen Acting I
Voice and Movement I
Hist-Modern Art (19th Century)
Women and Art

second term I think this but maybe one less course. I'm having trouble with the workload so far ;)

Human Biology
Film Crafts for Actors
The Influence of Music I
Introduction to Psychology

>> No.3756034

Experimental Physics I
Foundations of Modern Physics
Calculus 3
Main Currents in French Literature
Intro to Critical Reading & Writing in French Lit

I am going to be so royally fucked when it comes to my core requirements... I wish I could be taking more math classes but with a French and Physics major, I'm already full the fuck up - not to mention all of the core shit I'm going to have to catch up on.

>> No.3756037

12 credits of EE/CE labs will swamp you.

>> No.3756041

Third Year, (specific to AI) :
Stochastic Processes
Cognitive Science
Statistical Learning Systems
Decision Theory
-The rest are : Programming IV and Probability and Statistics

>> No.3756043
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post you're schedule
post you're

>> No.3756045


The hell it will. I've done 16 credits per term for 3 years (it's the max you can take without obscene credit prices). It's been hard work but totally doable. Sure, you may have to sacrifice a party here and there but I'm here for education, not bitches.

>> No.3756046

Pharmacology and Drug Design
Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Neurobiology
Elementary German
Modern German History

Fun semester.

>> No.3756048

>not a single class on calculus or differential equations

your fluids degree isn't going to get you anywhere if you don't know your way around objects in motion.

>> No.3756051

It does depend heavily on the school and the specific classes. I've taken semesters of 12 credits which were ridiculously harder than 16 credits.

>> No.3756056


I'll agree with this.
Number of credit hours is a fucking stupid metric of difficulty. My first semester of college was only 15 credits and yet due to a single three credit hour English class, it was my hardest semester yet.

>> No.3756058

ive already taken linear algebra, calc 1-3, and diffeq ? lmao im not a freshman like u silly girly

>> No.3756061

I consistantly take 16 to 18 credits. 18 has often been too much.

This semester is 17 and its not enough.

>> No.3756062

I fucking hate out of major credit hours.


And the only class in major is logic.

>> No.3756067


I know that feel. I paid thousands of dollars for a year's worth of bullshit.

>> No.3756072

thermodynamics II
heat transfer
fluid mechanics
analytical chemistry

also chemical engineering versions of these classes >>> other major's versions of these classes.

>> No.3756073


Sometimes I think the only reason some classes are offered is general requirements. I agree with making people well rounded, but having them take stupid classes is just inane. This is coming from a philosophy major.

>> No.3756074

vascular plant biology LOL
cell biology LMFAO
introduction to microbiology
integrated calculus ROFL
organic chemistry


>> No.3756075
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Electricity and Magnetism
Computer Architecture
Discrete Mathematics
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis
Digital Logic Design

>> No.3756079

>integral calculus*


>> No.3756085
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>> No.3756099

-Sociology (Indigenous)

>> No.3756101

Linear Algebra
Abstract Algebra
Real Analysis
grading homeworks part time

>> No.3756102

Drawing 1
us history 2

>> No.3756115

philosophy 101
college algebra
english 101


I hope this semester wont be tough cuz i gotta lotta peoplez to talk too!!!!!!!!

>> No.3756126

Anal Pentration 4060
Chains and Whip 2050
Modern American Literature 4003
The Art of Fingering 3004
Critique and Study of Porn

>> No.3756129

Please don't submit papers like the philosophy classes I TA. Please, please don't say ''Socrates was going before the archon to press charges against his father''.

And, Descartes DID NOT say ''God is Dead''.

>> No.3756141
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>Socrates was going before the archon

>> No.3756144

cool story brah!

heres is mines

double penetration 3202
fecal fascination 81001
fisting 101 (im a noob)
rectum destruction 89404
kawnalingus 9001

>> No.3756138

I'd like you guys to remember that these types consider Biology to be the holy grail of difficulty in bachelor degrees you can get in college.

>> No.3756139
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>> No.3756147

general chem
first year neuroscience major, its fucking retarded

>> No.3756148
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>Drawing 1

I'm in drawing 1 as well, did you get into it to learn, or to refine?

>> No.3756155

Composition 102
General Psychology
Into to Math Ideas
Spanish 101

Yeah, first semester. Pretty much all classes you could Ace without ever showing up if it wasn't for attendance policies.

To put the math class into perspective, we have spent the entire first three weeks going over different voting methods (Borda count, pair wise comparison) and have only had 1 ten problem homework set.

>> No.3756165

haha bro I actually failed bio so you cant not even say its holy grail its hardcore science!!!!

>> No.3756173

Sorry, Heliology is the holy grail of science. Fuck the haters.

>> No.3756186

Fucking hell, is everyone taking Neuroscience now?

>> No.3756231
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>implying neuroscience isn't the most useful field ever
>implying the biggest future breakthroughs aren't going to be in neuroscience
>implying physics kiddies aren't raging buttmad at the obvious superiority of neuroscience

>> No.3756246

uh huh, yeah

>> No.3756268
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U mad at neuroscience being so much goddamn better than whatever you're studying?

>> No.3756301

First year at university, doing Bioscience.

Skills for Bioscience
Introduction to the Genome
Cell Biology and Biochemistry
Human Physiology and Biomeasurement

12 hours p/w lecture time clustered into Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. Seems like a really chilled out timetable, I'm really looking forward to it.

>> No.3756313


Useful, in what regard? Will it make me a better person? Will it help me get the job I want? How about will it fuck my wife when she's so old and her vagina smells like all the fish in the world washed up on shore a week ago and have been baking in the Sun since?

>> No.3756321
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>Post you're schedules for the fall semester

>Post you're schedules


And you claim to be studying a college/university degree? I don't think so Tim.

>> No.3756346
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>Will it make me a better person?


>Will it help me get the job I want?

Yes, or better.

>How about will it fuck my wife when she's so old and her vagina smells like all the fish in the world washed up on shore a week ago and have been baking in the Sun since?

Uhhh, I suppose it could make you find those things to be the most attractive qualities ever... If you really wanted... So... yes, but all of my why?

>> No.3756388

General Chemistry I
Differential Calculus
Elementary Linear Algebra
Engineering Exploration
Software Design and Data Structures
Introduction to the Air Force
Air Force Fitness
Air Force Leadership Lab
Corps Leadership Lab
Highty Tighties Ensemble

College of Engineering at Virginia Tech
I'm also in the Corps of Cadets, AFROTC, and the Regimental band, which explains the last five classes

>> No.3756394
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>Virginia Tech

>> No.3756418 [DELETED] 

Mfw I'm lurking this thread, and thought the same thing.
Mfw I'm studying neuroscience.

>> No.3756475

Art requirement for transfer degree to 4 year school. Drawing fit my schedule

>> No.3756484
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Do you have any nude pics?

>> No.3756502

Not that I know of.

>> No.3756508

just transferred to uni from community college. having to take a lot of basic courses that I couldn't get at cc. shit sucks.

-Cal 3
-Linear Algebra
-Intro to ECE
-Digital Devices
-Engineering Entrepreneurship

>> No.3756507 [DELETED] 
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>mfw I thought you genuinely cared about art and were a well-rounded /sci/duck

>> No.3756516

Molecular biology
Microbiology III
Mechanisms of microbial disease
Genes and development
Honors project

>> No.3756540

first semester of college and starting out with 18 hours already, so i'm trying to get as much gen ed out of the way as soon as i can.

chemistry 1 and lab
fundamental issues in philosophy (i know what you're thinking, but i needed a "humanities" class)
literary heritage (not taking freshman comp, so that's nice)

>> No.3756544


Honors physics
Integral calculus
"The Creative Process in Contemporary Art Practice"
Seminar for honors program

>> No.3756593

Well, I believe art has an important place next to science. I'm hoping to eventually get a doctorate in education.

But I work full time, and try to take classes, so I can't be picky about my learnings. Instead I must choose the path that advances me the fastest.

>> No.3756616

Molecular Cell Biology
Research Methods
Responsible Conduct and Research

>> No.3756644

For all intent and purposes let's just say I'm a freshman and I don't care about getting a degree as of yet.
I'm thinking:
Does this sound good?

>> No.3756646

Respiratory system
Molecular biopathology

>> No.3756651

Inorganic Chemistry and Modelling
Chemical and Biochemical Analysis
Genes and Gene Expression
Protein Struct & Function

>> No.3756652




>> No.3756672


>Learning the language of one of the worlds largest economies

Nah, but he probably is just a weeaboo. Still kinda mean to assume.

>> No.3756700

>Specialized Tools and Fixtures
>Advanced Machining
>Shop Safety and Procedures(lol)
>Precalculus and Trigonometry

Start engineering next semester.

>> No.3756708

>largest economies
>been in a massive recession for the last 20 years

>> No.3756711

Not Weeaboo.
I need 2 years of foreign language for degree (that I was previously going for). I read a lot back in middle school about the atom bomb. The book "Hiroshima" stuck with me for awhile. This made Japanese the only language that I had any interest in.

>> No.3757512

Second year, first term (4 months/each):
Probability and Statistics
Operating Systems
Computer Interfacing
Data Structures and Algorithmics

>> No.3757553
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>Procrastination II
>Advanced Masturbation
>Drug Ingestion Methodology
>Gaming III
>Introduction to Cooking / Water boiling techniques.

>> No.3757734

First quarter at this uni and I'm looking to take it easy and get a running start with a high GPA.

Intermediate Japanese (easy)
Intro to Computer Organization (easy)
Discrete Math (hahahaHAHhahahaha)
15 credits, but I expect this to feel more like 8.

I thought about adding a numerical methods class, but shit's getting expensive at this point.

>> No.3757761

Models of Computation
Principles of Programming Languages
Group Theory
First Order Logic and Computation
Chaos and Fractals
Intro to Cognitive Science

>> No.3757768

Mathematical analysis
Group theory and mathematical logic
Algebra and geometry
Elementary mathematics( can't translate this one better)

>> No.3757785

physics, and next years physics as well just since i needed to take at least two classes.
feels pretty good.
i figure, if i flop out, I'll just become a teacher.

>> No.3757788

Aerospace technology
Classical Mechanics
Complex analysis

>> No.3757807

>Post you're schedules for the fall semester
none, i already have my master degree for over a fucking dekade

stupid kids

>> No.3757821

Mathematical Research Tools
Microeconomics (Master level)
Empirical Econometrics (Research Master)
Financial Markets

Taking two courses at the time over 8 week periods. Gotta say, the top two are incredibly difficult, since they're purely about proving mathematical theorems. I'm surrounded by PhD students who often don't know what's going on...

>> No.3757853

Programmable logic controllers
Design + Project
Pneumatics + Hydraulics

Herpaderpaderp, in my spare time I'll be focusing on PDEs and linear algebra so I'm ready for thermo and fluid dynamics next year.

>> No.3759609

well congrats.

Obviously we haven't.

Well this is fucking awkward!

>> No.3759634

Not working on doctorate

>> No.3759657


>> No.3759721

Fluid Mechanics
Chaos Theory
Molecular Biophysics
Atomic Physics
Molecular Physics

>> No.3759726

Carnegie Mellon
Applied Math

>Modern Biology
>Intro to Modern Chem I
>Undergrad Colloquium
>Multidimensional Calculus
>Philosophy of Mind
>Parallel and Sequential Data Structures and Algorithms

>> No.3759732

Orgo I
Modern Physics
Diff Eq

ChemE bro here.

>> No.3759737

>CMU confirmed for shit tier

>> No.3759785
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Philosophy, freshman year:

- Logic
- Metaphysics
- Ethics
- Ancient Philosophy
- History of Modern Philosophy
- Cultural Philosophy
- research seminar
- Tutorial Logic
- Tutorial Ethics
- Tutorial Ancient Philosophy

>Darn y'all freshman students who only have to attend like 3 classes a week, having 4 days off in total.
>I prefer the intuitive-ethical approach (sarcastically called 'irrational' for some reason) for whatever I experience in life; I wonder if there's a future for me.

>> No.3759807

Pharmacology II
Pharmaceutical Analysis II
Pharmaceutical Technology
Veterinary Drugs
Clinical Pharmacy
Social Pharmacy
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

oh boy

>> No.3759905

Alex the pharmacist.

>> No.3759930

ITT: Scrubs from shit-tier schools, who think that taking 15+ credits of their shit-tier classes is hard.

>> No.3759932

-introduction to logic and set theory
-mathematical analysis
-linear algebra with geometry

>> No.3759945
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>> No.3759958

Fall Semester
Plate Tectonic Theory, Environment and Products
Mineral Systems, Crystallography and Optics
Environmental and Exploration Geophysics
Stratigraphy and Sedimentology
Paleobiology and Paleoecology

>> No.3759965

Differential Geometry
Functional Analysis
Numerical Analysis
Introduction to Optimization
Probability Theory
Theoretical Physics 1

>> No.3759977

circuits i
circuit analysis lab
engineering physics i
differential equations
discrete mathematics
data structures

>> No.3760228
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Molecular biology and genetics, Fall semester:

System and evolution of plants
Cellular biology
Histology and organology
General genetics
Advanced calculations in chemistry
General and Inorganic Chemistry
Military chemistry, toxicology and protection from biological and chemical weapons.

>> No.3760487
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Abstract Algebra
Putnam Preparation Seminar
Soccer (lol)

>> No.3760511

advanced calculus
thermal physics
modern physics
classical mechanics
experimental methods

ordinary differential equations
applied linear algebra
complex variables
signal processing
experimental methods

>> No.3760523

adv. Biochem 1
adv. Biochem 2
Physical Biochem 1
Physical Biochem 2
Soft Matter chemistry (introduction course to inflate my gpa)
Evolutionary Genetics

>> No.3760546


Analysis I
Mathematical Finance I
MAthematical Econ I
Intermediate Macroecon II
Econometrics I


Analysis II
Mathematical Econ II
Advanced Microecon
Advanced Macoecon
International Econ II

In my third year right now... next year gonna take grad micro so i can has any phd program

>> No.3760600

October - December:
Abstract Algebra
Classical Mechanics and Relativity
Discrete Mathematics II
Differential Equations
Introduction to Geometry

January - March:
Geometry and Motion
Logic I: Introduction to Propositional Logic
Linear Algebra
Mathematics by Computer
Number Theory
Probability A
Probability B
Programming for Scientists

the module names are vague as shit but cba putting a more detailed description

>> No.3760621
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I am 20, will work about 60 hours/week night shifts because I got refused in CEGEP for Computer and Mathematical sciences. I fucking hate myself.

I will finish University at about 25/26. Feels batman.

>> No.3760646

Compulsory modules for Autumn:
Chemical Calculations 1
Chemistry Study Skills
Foundation Chemistry 1
Foundation Laboratory Work

Then three optional modules, so I'll probably pick:
Reactivity of Organic Molecules and Coordination Chemistry (Spring only)
Molecules that Changed the World

And then for my third module, I'm not sure if I'll have to do Mathematics for Chemistry, if not then I'll opt for Frontiers in Chemistry. I would like to do a language, but they require a lot of time learning it yourself. I have 20-25 hours of study a week in the Autumn semester, not taking into account self study, and I'm working 8 hours a weekend. Not sure if I'll have time for study+fun+work+language.

>> No.3760672

First semester of cognitive science (inb4 what am I doing on /sci/):

Foundations of Logic
Computer Science I: Algorithms
Statistics I and (Computer Aided) Data Analysis
Introduction to Neurobiology
Foundations of Cognitive Science
Either Calculus I, Linear Algebra I or Mathematics for Natural Scientists I

not sure if the last translation is correct but who cares