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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 13 KB, 332x201, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3753895 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3753901
File: 15 KB, 561x553, 1309079688497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a fag.

also, niggers

>> No.3753939
File: 37 KB, 504x243, MachineCity_rev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like this

>> No.3753974

2050 will be after the singularity, so by definition it's impossible to predict what society would be like.

>> No.3753990

With the current state of Post-soviet nuclear proliferation and security combined with a vast new generation of terrorists created in the wake of 9/11; I foresee no way that the west survives another 40 years.

Within your lifetime you WILL see a nuclear terrorist attack.

>> No.3753991
File: 482 KB, 1000x1000, dgallis_nanogallery_16_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the machines that will bring us into the Diamond Age.

>> No.3753995
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>> No.3753998
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>> No.3754001


Excuse me, the singularity clocks in around 2086, if it occurs at all. You're silly.

>> No.3754002
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>> No.3754004

>>He thinks that technology will increase exponentially forever

I Seriously Hope you don't Do this.

Nothing in nature grows exponentially. Why should systems become infinitely more complex?

>> No.3754005
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>> No.3754007

dicks. dicks everywhere.

>> No.3754008
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>> No.3754009

Probably still cheaper and easier to use slave labor to mine them in Africa.

>> No.3754012

In 50 years we will probably have invented robots that can sit around on 4chan all day so I dont have to. That way Ill be able to relax more, perhaps by posting more on 4chon

>> No.3754013


>60 billion NEMS arms printing diamond
>a gram a minute
>in the comfort of your own home

Yep, definitely.

>> No.3754015

pick one

>> No.3754016


You're an idiot.

>> No.3754018
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>> No.3754023
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>> No.3754025
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>Nothing in nature grows exponentially

>> No.3754032
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>> No.3754033

Sorry, nothing in nature grows exponentially indefinitely. There's always a natural cap, and trying to go beyond it usually ends disasterously for the organism or organization

>> No.3754036
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>> No.3754041


Briefly, give me your explanation of the diamond age.

>> No.3754042
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>> No.3754051
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Brief: http://www.dse.nl/~hkl/e_nano1.htm

Not to brief: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Diamond_Age



>> No.3754055
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>> No.3754056


>> No.3754057


>Briefly, give me your explanation of the diamond age.
>your explanation of the diamond age
>your explanation

There's a reason I said 'your', I could easily google "diamond age". I want to hear YOUR viewpoint of what the diamond age is.

>> No.3754059

There are only limits within an isolated system.
If the system is not isolated, then, by definition, there are no bounds.

>> No.3754062

>asks for Col.'s Point of View
>gets it
>asks for Col.'s Point of View

>> No.3754070


>links to websites not authored by him
>his viewpoint

one of these is not like the other.

>> No.3754079

>wants to debate semantics of term "viewpoint"
>doesn't understand the concept of agreement


>> No.3754080
File: 1.54 MB, 2889x1878, nano timeline for sci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Within 80 years we will have the technology to manipulate matter atom by atom, with the ultimate precision the laws of physics allow.

The first step (In dry nanotechnology) will be the synthesis of diamond by depositing Carbon dimers. The process has been patented but has not yet been tried. A researcher at Nottingham has been given funding to test the feasibility of mechanosynthesis. We'll be able to print diamond, lonsdaleite, fullerenes, and use these to manufacture NEMS-scale manipulators for the tooltips, which we'll use to build other tooltips. Repeat ad infinitum. Add a nanomechanical conveyor and a sorting pump to allow only feedstock to enter the vacuum inside the assembler. Congratulations, you have a machine that can print macroscale amounts of Carbon allotropes or make nano-sized machine parts!

Now extend that to all the elements on the upper right corner of the periodic table, mix with biological or biologically-inspired nanotechnology (The first steps in this have already been taken because wet nano is, well, we are it. It's already evolved and worked out),

See this timeline for current progress.

>> No.3754088
File: 92 KB, 720x480, MoleMillTour0175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


By the way, it's OC.

>> No.3754097


Wow, your mom must've taken an extra dose of Vitamin Aspie when she had you...

Have you ever heard a teacher ask for something in your own words? They know what the book/dictionary says, they just want to know what your perspective is. Everyone has a unique interpretation of the facts, aspie.

lrn2be less egocentric.

>> No.3754109

He asked for your viewpoint, not an image of it. one of these is not like the other.

You seem to maintain that Colonel can't agree with people.

Lrn2 use Lrn2 and to distinguish between "egocentric" and "caps lock"

>> No.3754121


I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and guess that you have few or zero friends...

>> No.3754130

no, I have plenty. They're equally spiteful and dickish, however.

>> No.3754140
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>> No.3754142


Well, good luck with, what I'm sure will be, an inspiring and fulfilling life.

>> No.3754152




>> No.3754156

Fuck yeah, engineering.


>> No.3754167


Not very small. Preferably person sized.

>> No.3754171

Helpful to look 50 years in the past.

* Computing and networking will be even more ubiquitous. Most people don't have a personal computer we'd know it, instead using their personal communicators for communication and information retrieval. Applications are as hard to predict as they would have been 50 years ago.
* Artificial intelligence and robotics are commonplace but narrowly applied. People are employed mostly in cheap manual labor, service, and creative jobs. All factories are automated.
* Space exploration has plateaued. It will be about the same as today, replacing comsats and low earth observers. Same tempo of science missions. No human space programs; it was a financial and political dead end.
* Transit: gasoline engines only used by the military, hobbyists, and specialized long-haul applications. All other transit moved to electric. Air travel decimated, only used by the rich. People just don't travel as much as today, using telepresence instead.
* Energy: nuclear has replaced coal as the baseload provider in most nations. Solar and wind is still growing slowly, but now we are having to replace worn out infrastructure.
* Science research is still growing in biology, pharma, materials, and computing. Physics and mathematics has plateaued. All science areas are seeing significant AI contributions; day-to-day work of scientists is mostly programming and formatting results for AI consumption.
* Moot's grandson (a little girl), is keeping 42chan going strong, after adding olfactory and genital interfaces. There are five boards dedicated to AI contributors (one pornographic, but not in ways mere humans can understand).

>> No.3754177

but what if the people was smaller as too?`

also why don't you do heroin and hallucinogenics

>> No.3754202


you're awesome. thanks for insights and predictions.

>> No.3754209

that second question was serious. Why aren't you doing this.

>> No.3754229


>one pornographic, but not in ways mere humans can understand

Porn I can't understand? Where do I sign?

>> No.3754250


In short, you're predicting the end of the massive consumer economy, which pretty much sparks a lot more social upheaval than you've said.

Owned? You sure fucking ARE.

>> No.3754259
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problem scientists?

>> No.3754267

That's not how it works at all, what a dumb idea. The worst troll scien-OH SHIT

>> No.3754277


>> No.3754283

In 2050 we will have large iron crosses buried into the ground in every city that we pray to. That will provide everything we need in life.

>> No.3754284

Our civilization will collapse due to destroying the Earth.

>> No.3754316

Bemoaning the one hundred year anniversary of credit cards, and later in the year, celebrating the comic strip Peanuts.

>> No.3754334

It will be just like 1970, but in the other direction.

>> No.3754369

Freedom of thought and deed will belong only to the members of the world's least developed societies. Increasingly complex technologies and institutions will have provided incremental improvements to an ever-shrinking portion of the global population. Nearly all of the futurists' wet dreams will have become horrid nightmares.

>> No.3754400

Clean energy is widespread
Fusion power is nearing commercial availability
Tobacco has been largely eradicated
Nanotech robot swarms are the latest in military hi-tech
Floating hotels in the sky
Humans are becoming intimately merged with machines
Global food and water shortages
China transitions towards a democracy
Fully autonomous, intelligent military aircraft
Robots are a common feature of homes and workplaces

got these from www.futuretimeline.net it is pretty cool check it out

>> No.3754406

50 years from now:
-Faster computers.
-No fusion, expected to be viable by 2100
-More nuclear power
-More renewable energy sources
-Oil production capabilities on a clear decline
-China economy hitting major recession/depression due to the majority of it's work force reaching old age with no young workers to take their place
-Several Mars manned Mars missions sent to Mars, a lot of water found underground, no life
-Life indirectly discovered on an exoplanet via discovery of an oxygen rich atmosphere (inb4 ur crazy)
-Government subsidized private exploitation of NEO mineral deposits

>> No.3754408

mine eyes.

>> No.3754434

How it should be:
>Venus project .org

How it will be:
>2011 + lasers

>> No.3754441

>Moot's grandson (a little girl)

>> No.3754448


>> No.3754449


>Fully autonomous, intelligent military aircraft
>Fully autonomous


Why would you want uncontrollable killing machines with minds of their own?

>> No.3754454
File: 11 KB, 424x335, Overyourhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


see: >>3754448

pic related

>> No.3754458

>Fully autonomous computers
>Fully autonomous


Why would you want uncontrollable computing machines with code of their own?

>> No.3754469


Good question, call me when you find a FULLY AUTONOMOUS computer.

>> No.3754482

I have one where I put electrons in at a constant rate and it connects to a network of millions of others, sending and receiving information it tells itself to send and receive. I don't need to do anything other than give it homogenous electrons and it does everything/

>> No.3754484

I don't have to tell you that predictions of technological progress are often exaggerated. I think you may be being too optimistic. I usually try to restrain my predictions for the high potential technologies simply because there are so many unknowns.

>> No.3754487

>Physics and mathematics has plateaued

Implying those can ever plateau, especially math.

>> No.3754490

Physical PC keyboards will be a thing of the past.

Kinect style 3D contactless interfaces, everywhere. All tablet style, paper thin displays.

Hydrogen infrastructure is likely to be developed. Hydrogen-electic vehicles dominate.

Nanotechnology and nanoengineering is commonplace. DNA sequencing is cheaper than a bottle of discount wine and standard practice for medical diagnosis. Almost all produce is genetically engineered. Rural living spaces are only for the super-rich and 98% of the planet lives in large cities.

>> No.3754494


>I put electrons in at a constant rate
>I... ...give it homogenous electrons

I don't think you understand what FULLY AUTONOMOUS means.

>> No.3754498

ok. I unplug it, and it continues to operate.

>> No.3754503

You know, I guess I am. I haven't studied macro economics, so I can't really give you a good prediction of what would follow. However, given the advances in medicine, the Earth's population would be HUGE and underemployed; great conditions for a resurgence in... SLAVERY!

>> No.3754508

>day-to-day work of scientists is mostly programming and formatting results for AI consumption.
What do you mean? Are you talking about computer modeling, like chemists relying on computer programs to model chemical reactions or are you talking about programmers designing programs that create novel theories to explain phenomena?

>> No.3754509

*Indentured employment

>> No.3754511


So you don't interact with the computer in anyway other than observing its actions?

Not much of a computer...

>> No.3754516

I know, it's as if it's operating autonomously or something. Dickface.

>> No.3754526


Nigga ya must be full retard. The computer you currently own, isn't fully autonomous... it has autonomic functions, but they only occur because you are controlling it.

A fully autonomous computer would be pointless...

>> No.3754532

Hey everyone, it's bullshit redefinition time.

BROTIP: go to google, type define:autonomy

>> No.3754538

Yeah, there is probably a lot left to do in maths, especially with AI helping with the 20,000 page automated proofs (which only other AI can understand).

But won't we have figured out all the basic Physics (or reached experimental limits) in 50 years? Just look at what a massive economic load it took to construct and operate the CERN supercollider, and without firm results for a decade! I don't think future economies will be willing to invest in such projects.

(BTW, loled at fusion still being 50 years out! so true)

>> No.3754539


Ah, so your retardedness wasn't in the lack of understanding the word 'autonomy', it was in the lack of understanding the meaning of 'fully'.

>> No.3754563

Do you consider anything in the universe fully autonomous?

>> No.3754580


Pretty much anything in nature.

>> No.3754582


It's okay to be wrong man. Accept defeat and move on with your life.

>> No.3754583

>The process has been patented

Should double your nanotech ETA right there for that reason alone.

>> No.3754587

>implying everything isn't "in nature"

>> No.3754590

No, give me a specific thing. I contend that either my PC is fully autonomous, or nothing is.


>> No.3754599
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No. There exist an obvious distinction between a fully autonomous being and one that is partially autonomous. If you cannot figure that out it's a personal problem, I'm not going to hold your hand and walk you through the process.

>> No.3754613

There's also an obvious distinction between "Now" and "For all time". My computer is autonomous now, it won't be in 24 hours. A wheel spinning in a vacuum is autonomous now, but won't be when it inevitably gets sucked into something. If you're using "Fully" to include time, you're being remarkably annoying and making a potentially useful term lose all meaning.

>> No.3754623

Internet browsers are phased out in favour of Facebooknet.

In order to access any website at all you must login through your government certified Facebook (TM) account (Facebook accounts are identity checked in much the same way that passports were in the 20th Century).

In order to apply for a job or University, you must apply through Facebook where the institution will be granted access to your profile. If your profile and recent activity, number of friends etc are deemed adequate, you will move through to the interview stage (normally conducted via Facebook Video chat).

If you have not amassed more than active 500 friends by your 18th Birthday (Facebook accounts being issued by governments at birth in lieu of the outdated and obsolete practice of issueing a "Birth Certificate" which was common before and during the early 21st century) you are considered socially unstable and must attend mandatory adjustment and integration classes. These Friends must be actively interacted with at least once a month to be considered "Active" Friendships, and checks are in place to ensure people don't interact with people mindlessly to simply boost their number of Active Friends. This is done by monitoring a portion of users conversations to ensure they are genuine and not done to cheat the system (ActiveFriend Padding).

Physical currency is obsolete and no longer used in favour of FacebookDollars (F$). All stores and workplaces use F$ as means of payment and there is a 30% taxation on all money coming into a users account (from work or otherwise). When shopping in person there is a 15% FAT (Facebook Added Tax) on store items to facilitate the electronic payment method of F$. (When shopping is done online this is reduced to 5% as a handling and FacebookDollar upkeep costs).

>> No.3754626


I'm not using fully to include time YOU FUCKING IDIOT GODDAMN HOW RETARDED ARE YOU!!



>> No.3754630


Will we still ignore the fact google takes our information because they have a slightly more amiable marketing department.

no, this is where you provide an example of something fully autonomous.

>> No.3754642


No. Fuck you. You get nothing more from me. I'd have more success explaining entropy to a brick wall.

Please, for the good of mankind, note that I was note carrying a single note of sarcasm when I suggested you kill yourself.

>> No.3754647

And yet, you still think yourself right. You don't know why, and you can't justify it, but you do.

Enjoy knowing, for the rest of your existence, that you didn't think logically. You never managed it. You never could.

>> No.3754672

Everyone will have small and powerful as fuck computers integrated in their bodies, with microphones, speakers and display glasses/retina displays that works as augmentation devices, PC's and phones.

Public transportation in cities are greatly improved, nearly no one owns a car in dense areas anymore.

3D-printing is mainstream, many physical objects are sold digitally and printed at home.

Streaming services and clound computing is everything. No one except a few geeks stores data locally. Games, music, video are all based on streaming services. Fast as fuck wifi internet is available around the globe for nearly free.

Power is mostly made using renewable sources, primarily fusion.

Physicists have developed a theory of everything and are starting to understand how to make truly amazing technology, such as wormhole manipulation.

>> No.3754687

I would love to see the trade in printing material flourish.

>> No.3754699
File: 376 KB, 2688x2112, aquacultureinfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The resources necessary to continue enjoying our high standard of living will come from a source largely unexploited until now, the sea. With trawling and other easy but ecologically devastating methods of harvesting sea life outlawed, we will move to farming via more traditional means on the seafloor and in hovering automated fish enclosures (pic related).

>> No.3754705

>such as wormhole manipulation.


This is simply not possible and never will be.


>> No.3754707

Advanced computers make it possible to track every person on the planet simultaneously
No fossil fuels put an end to recreational travel for everyone but the super-rich and powerful. Everyone either lives on a farm-cooperative or in a crowded city.

>> No.3754708

motherfucking algae gone fuck your GM up

could we grow the tumors from some kind of nutritious animal and then eat them?

>> No.3754714
File: 268 KB, 650x472, deepseamining2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Present trends towards seafloor mining will continue as new deposits of unbelievably high grade ore including precious and rare earth metals are found on the seafloor. As we compete with China to eliminate dependence on oil, these seafloor sources of rare earths will become military targets, guarded by torpedo emplacements and eventually a modest manned presence.

>> No.3754731

>Majority of mammals eradicated by H5N1 induced cytokine storms
>Survivors all develop extreme agoraphobia
>North Korea triumphs because disease cannot touch their solidarity

>> No.3754737


>implying we don't already have the math to describe the creation of a perfectly stable wormhole

>> No.3754739


>North Korea
>Not Madagascar


>> No.3754741
File: 69 KB, 797x439, colonyview2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No large percentage will ever live as permanent residents of the sea, but a handful of subsea communities will bloom as the wealthy seek unspoiled natural beauty, the adventurous seek a new frontier, and those employed by nearby farms and mines move to where the work is. These will not be new nations but extensions of existing states, although there will one day be people born beneath the sea who feel no inclination to surface.

>> No.3754745


Just letting you know that both your arguments are so terrible I can't tell the two of you apart.

>> No.3754746

Shit stays the same, everything just plateaus. Computers continue to get smaller, but because of a programmer's side limitations, we cannot program human replicant AI until we learn to fully dismantle our own brains and re-assemble it logically in a computer.

New technology will take a long time (A VERY LONG TIME) to implement. Most "new" technologies will be based on uncapitalized engineering breakthroughs of the 20th century. That is the stuff that people have designed yet no one noticed. New technology, that is the discoveries, will be SO FUCKING EXPENSIVE, that they will never be implemented for a LONG TIME.

There will be extravagant breakthroughs too, as well. But they will be isolated and generally will be only available in labs and factories where no one will see or interact with them. The proletariat remains alienated from the means of production.

The trade deficit will start to balance out as southeast Asian countrys' economies grow.

With better cars than 20 years ago, odds are we'll be driving the same cars as well. We will still be drinking from cups and eating from plates.

>> No.3754749

9/11/01 was eclipsed in scope by 9/11/51, where most of the southwestern US was destroyed by a meteor redirected to collide with the San Andreas faultline.

>> No.3754750

I no longer need to drive my car and my computer starts when i wake up.

[spoiler]at least i would hope we have this type of feature

>> No.3754763 [DELETED] 
File: 493 KB, 765x426, 1316298909307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No large percentage will ever live as permanent residents of the sea, but a handful of subsea communities will bloom as the wealthy seek unspoiled natural beauty, the adventurous seek a new frontier, and those employed by nearby farms and mines move to where the work is. These will not be new nations but extensions of existing states, although there will one day be people born beneath the sea who feel little inclination to surface and spend most of their lives in the sea.

>> No.3754764

a tsunami briefly reduced heat in the area, but fallout from a nuclear war triggered by ice caps melting heated shit backup.

>> No.3754785
File: 368 KB, 1326x1600, ventbase_alpha_Ken_Brown_Mondolithic-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Aquarius will have long since been decommissioned and replaced with a next generation 1atm research station on the abyssal plain, 2.5 miles down, situated next to a cluster of hydrothermal vents. From this facility discoveries about unique vent ecosystems will generate advances in medicine, biotech and the study of life's origins.

>> No.3754820

*Diplomatic breakdown between Tribe of Grang and Tribe of Krong
*WWVI ensues
*9 dead including Krong
*Grang control of northern watering hole affirmed

>> No.3754830

18/09/2011 News website:
Government announces plans to put a man on mars by 2080.

>> No.3754835
File: 74 KB, 466x518, 1312796664964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there will be 3 WWs between 2011-2050

>> No.3754839

Crap, I put the wrong year in, Should say 18/09/2061

>> No.3754841

Why would anyone call their tribe Grang or Krong?

>> No.3754852


Large release of mutagen during WWIV.

>> No.3754870
File: 45 KB, 400x300, encampment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Efforts still underway 300 years after glorious revolution and campaign of cleansing to incinerate or bury remaining liberal, gay, atheist, muslim and feminist remains. Though most are rotted skeletons they continually attract scavenging animals to the perimeter of holy party encampments. Leading theological scholars assigned to reverse engineer pre-revolution technologies, ultimately fail and declare them innately Satanic. People return to agrarian way of life under church appointed king, women relegated to helpmeets as the Bible instructs. Literacy nonexistent, wars between neighboring kingdoms frequent, countless die from diseases that were once easily treated and infant mortality skyrockets. But at least abortion is illegal, gays can't get married, and evolution has been banished forever from the minds of the people. Never again will man defile God's moon by walking upon it, or tarnish his genome by tampering with it, but rather live for a time and then be extinguished when the end of days comes as foretold in scripture.

>> No.3754916

China doesn't give a fuck. If china starts using it, the rest of the world will be required to ignore the patent, or they will fall irrevocably behind to countries that dont give a flying fuck about IP law.

>> No.3754939

Several dozen of the microscopic explosives known as cookie-cutters detonated in his bloodstream.

>> No.3754950

sure sounds like the khmer rouge

>> No.3754998
File: 7 KB, 314x324, 0911download2..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3D-printing is mainstream

>> No.3755064

LOL, that ad looks pretty darn stupid now.

>> No.3755101

read the book called "feed"

seems rather a likely path to follow