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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 10 KB, 400x263, iqcb354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3753659 [Reply] [Original]

Any good IQ tests that can be found online?
Not necessarily free, I'd pay for one if it's more accurate.

>> No.3753666

> good
> IQ tests
Pick one

>> No.3753669

>IQ test
Pick one

>> No.3753675
File: 105 KB, 244x248, 1314483488001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Picking one

>> No.3753678

>Iq test
>Intellect analysis

Elect exclusively one.

>> No.3753680

>Average 34.1%
>Above Average 34.1%


>> No.3753688
File: 5 KB, 211x239, prue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's one: http://www.jimmyr.com/blog/IQ_tests_100_2006.php

>> No.3753690

>Mad at their low IQs
Pick two

>> No.3753712

When I discovered my IQ was only 122, I lost all motivation. I knew I'd never be more than a number cruncher.

When I discovered my friend who plays video games all day has an IQ of 180, I wanted to kill her and steal her brain :(

>> No.3753721


> low IQ
> I'm physics undergraduate (soon a bachelor)
> wut?
Also I've done MENSA test a couple of years ago and get 148. According to them, this would mean I'm a genius, whom I'm not. IQ tests are bullshit, period.

>> No.3753733

IQ is like processor speed. Some computer with a 2 GHz processor might solve problems faster than one from the late 90s, but they ultimately do the same thing

>> No.3753749

Cant play crisis with a 90ses machine

>> No.3753759


>thinking a BCL is worth something without a masters

pick none

>> No.3753762

>160 IQ
Thou shalt pick one.

>> No.3753815

>still thinks IQ is a rather optimal measure of intelligence
137 IQfag, applied mathematics M.Sc. student here and I don't give a fuck. IQ != success.
IQ score means nothing past 130, you don't need a 180 IQ to be a good scientist (physicist, mathematician, whatever) the world doesn't work that way, you're just an isolated, delusional faggot who thinks having the highest IQ is our primal imperative, it isn't. Go out for once and get a life.

>> No.3753852

Can't spell Crysis with a IQ of 55

>> No.3753871

I honestly have never had the motivation to take an IQ test.. I have no idea what they're even like. I would like to think mine's at least above average though..

>> No.3753888

Most of the people around me say they have an IQ thats higher than average. Makes me wonder where the retards are.

>> No.3753904

If you are in a university why does strike you as strange for your peers to have above average IQ?

>> No.3753906

>Most of the people around me say they have an IQ thats higher than average. Makes me wonder where the retards are.


>> No.3753907

Why do you assume i am?

>> No.3753931

>paying for an IQ test
>implying IQ means anything

>> No.3753932

And /sci/

>> No.3753970
File: 39 KB, 500x375, 1311902834618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid Ashkenazi reporting in with my 117. >:|

>> No.3754127

>שנת התשסע"א
>עדיין מאמין במנת משכל

>> No.3754225

20 posts and not a single constructive one.
Fuck you /sci/

>> No.3754237

If it makes you feel better, I heard somewhere that the actual arithmetic mean of Ashkenazi's is about 110. So now you're slightly smarter than average.

>> No.3754251

try this: http://www.etienne.se/cfnse/

>> No.3754361
File: 13 KB, 250x336, Alan_Greenspan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3754237 :D

>>3754127 >:|

>> No.3754464
