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[ERROR] No.3751358 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone seen this yet?
>Researchers developing new form of life that's made of metal

>> No.3751372
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But the real question is


>> No.3751379

Oh it's for the name of science, good thing.
Still, is it possible for this to backfire and mutate and be a new virus type and since it's so alien to our immune system we could be fucked?

>> No.3751381

I for one welcome our new metallic overlords.

>> No.3751392

No because viruses in order to cause infection have to have surface proteins that will attach to our cellulars membrane proteins. Also seeing as this is metallic it's DNA would be so alien that it couldn't be incorporated to ours. I'd be more worried about grey goo.

>> No.3751400

>click article

>> No.3751402

Yeah, I think poisoning would be more of a concern for us.

>> No.3751412

Technically this is engineering.

>> No.3751414

Is this a reliable source or what?

>> No.3751420

so metallic life dies out because it's all homosexual and can't reproduce?


>> No.3751423

grey goo destroying the world incoming

>> No.3751426

Grey goo?
Also, what if it latched on to our metallic compounds and kill us that way?

>> No.3751429

Have seen it before, but unfortunately, the paper is not available online for free. From the few, relatively short articles on this, it seems like they only made a metallic membrane that could be used for life? I'm not sure yet, but it appears like this might be overhyped by the press again. Interesting nonetheless, but I'm not quite sure what to make of it yet.

>> No.3751431

No but this is:

>> No.3751437

this isn't grey goo any more then regular bacteria is ... white goo.

grey goo specifically refers to selfreplicating nanomachines. this is just boring old life

>> No.3751440

>tv available for free
>movies available for free
>music available for free
>scientific papers aren't


>> No.3751444

Because those are actually worth something.

>> No.3751448

Yeah, they're getting the hype out early. Notice it says developING, not developed.

>> No.3751453
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To demonstrate that "life" is a potentially much broader category than "life as we know it".
>grey goo
The planet has already been destroyed by green goo, see pic.
Deal with it.

>> No.3751455

isn't science supposed to spread knowledge?

>> No.3751461

the cool thing about this is that by demostrating that metallic life is possible, it implies that it probably has already evolved somewhere in the universe.

>> No.3751462

>destroying anything

>> No.3751464
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If only...

>> No.3751469
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But if science was free how would scientist get paid?

>> No.3751471

Not really, science is a method. How you use it is up to you. Only half baked popsci articles confound science with the notion that it should be available to everyone. The majority , 99.99...%, will never have the cognitive ability to understand what was written and conducting research is expensive so there isn't really a benefit to giving out those papers since it takes away from the funding of projects.

>> No.3751475

most scientists are fucking money grubbing flithy jews

hitler should have killed them all

>> No.3751479
File: 33 KB, 411x514, reagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You kiddies must be too new to this planet to remember the words of Wise Old President Reagan, who verily declared:
>Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do.

>> No.3751484

the sad thing is it would be insanely cheap for the government to pay whatever little money these journals get and make it available to everyone. sure your average person won't use it but tons of small companies, independent scientists/engineers/etc would.

>> No.3751486
File: 9 KB, 120x160, wernher von braun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying Germany wasn't the focal point of scientific advancement during the 3rd Reich.

>> No.3751498

Holy shit that reaction image you're using
where did you find that?!

>> No.3751496
File: 44 KB, 366x339, 1303825396349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what he was <span class="math">[/spoiler]>implying<span class="math">[/spoiler] is that the reason why science isn't free is because scientists are jews, so if they had exterminated the jews then science would be free.
As to why we don't have scientists that aren't jews is beyond .enem. me

>> No.3751491

China, sure. But America can't afford a copy of a weekday newspaper.

>> No.3751493

>germans invent missles
>jews discover quantum mechanics
guess which one is more important

>> No.3751489

not true. bacteria can also get you sick by releasing toxins

>> No.3751500


>> No.3751501

>implying it was all Einstein.
Keep in mind the first fission reaction was produced by Germans in 1938.

>> No.3751511

It's always the Germans.
Is there something Germans didn't come up with?
I mean, fucking seriously guys.

>> No.3751515
File: 16 KB, 251x326, Erwin_Schrödinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quantum mechanics you say?

>> No.3751516

He was a Jew.
A german jew.

>> No.3751521

No he wasn't.

>His father was a Catholic and his mother was a Lutheran.

>> No.3751526

Okay, now why did we derail this thread into some kind of meta/new/ discussion?
Anyways, yeah interesting new life form OP, I mean, sub-life form if you could call it that.
At what point does a "living" (read: carbon based stuff) starts searching for "food" and what would be the equivalent to this metallic life form?

>> No.3751528

are religiouns
not ethnicitys

>> No.3751531
File: 90 KB, 900x1050, 1301433057675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3751558

We could use these as a medicine, programming them to enter our bodies and destroy pathogens.

We could use them as micro-constructors, building very tiny machines.

We could set some of them into an evolution cycle, and create complex metallic life.


>> No.3751566

aaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwww yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaah guuuuuuuuuuuuuurl

time to make robots out of this shit.

>> No.3751578

useful. therefore not physics. therefore not science

>> No.3751583

>anything that isn't physics isn't science

>> No.3751590

many of the QM founders were driven out of germany because of hitler.

>> No.3751593




>> No.3751597

Welcome to /sci/, where biology isn't a science and people can't believe you're an atheist without any evidence.

>> No.3751604

>mentioning Hitler for no reason
>if we're gonna dick it up, we're gonna dick it up all the way

>> No.3751610

">implying Germany wasn't the focal point of scientific advancement during the 3rd Reich."

yup, for no reason

>> No.3751623

Since we now define CO2 as pollution, quite true given the relative size of biomass vs cars.

>> No.3751655

Because morals were ditched and experimentation without the Man meddling allowed them (and us) to advance very quickly.
Too fucking bad they harmed a lot of people.

>> No.3751696

>implying the Third Reich didn't tout their own Deutsche Physik which was totally bullshit
>implying Germany didn't haet Nobel prize wieners during this time
>implying that the German Nuclear program did shit
>implying German achievements during the time weren't limited to purely military ventures

Yeah, Heil Hitler and all, but Germany wasn't some beacon of scientific achievement at the time. Most scientists left. They did give us a lot of cool guns though.

>> No.3751800

but trees turn the CO2 they emit back into O2 and they provide habitat, food etc. Cars move the world but they add more junk than they're worth

>> No.3751802


>Implying American scientific achievements weren't limited to military ventures at the time of discovery

>Implying radioactive waste dating back to the 3rd reich hasn't been found in the repository in Asse

>Implying this is of any importance to the OP

>> No.3751805


>implying CO2 is indeed a form of pollution

>> No.3751814

Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into a natural environment that causes instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the ecosystem i.e. physical systems or living organisms.[1] Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat, or light. Pollutants, the elements of pollution, can be foreign substances or energies, or naturally occurring; when naturally occurring, they are considered contaminants when they exceed natural levels.

>> No.3751824

>implying CO2 levels haven't been higher during other time periods and shit was fine
>implying we don't fill greenhouses with CO2 to increase tree/plant growth

>> No.3751832

Actually he didn't imply either of those things...

>> No.3751856


>the introduction of contaminants into a natural environment that causes instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the ecosystem i.e. physical systems or living organisms

>when naturally occurring, they are considered contaminants when they exceed natural levels.

Read again

>> No.3751870

Schrodinger was Austrian, and he was born Christian....

>> No.3752084


>> No.3752146

Although back then Germany did some great advancements - no questioning of that - but their progress was based on decently immoral exploitation of people that worked on their projects. Therefore it was unsustainable on the long term.

>> No.3752205
File: 319 KB, 1281x1524, SATURNV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't care about the Jew vs ex. Nazi point of discussions,
btw ROCKETS are not less important than quantum at all, just remember that today rockets are still the only way to reach space.