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[ERROR] No.3750588 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /sci/.
Why are smart men so hard to find? I know there are many, but they're hard to find, and to keep. The smartest one I found was gay. And if they are smart, they are shy as hell, or not good looking at all. Why!? I guess this is kind of science related.

Pic related, it's MFW smart men are hard to find. And yes, by smart I mean other characteristics too.

>> No.3750595

>troll thread
>on a troll board
>within a troll website

Average day on /sci/.

I at least have to commend you, OP, for reversing the gender roles in this one.

>> No.3750599

I wish it was a troll thread, but it's legit.

You guys think we are hard to understand, but so are you, and I'd rather discuss that here than on /b/, or any other board for that matter. I do visit /sci/ regularly, too.

>> No.3750608


>you guys
>assuming you are the only female.

I have no trouble finding smart, funny, good looking males.
Maybe, just like with the guys that complain about this kind of thing, the problem lies with you.

>> No.3750605
File: 208 KB, 988x725, womanlogic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel to be the inferior gender?

==Men are More Intelligent than Women:==

Males have greater g: Sex differences in general mental ability from 100,000 17- to 18-year-olds on the Scholastic Assessment Test
Intelligence; Volume 34, Issue 5, September-October 2006, Pages 479-486

Sex differences in intelligence and brain size: a developmental theory
Intelligence; Volume 27, Issue 1, February 1999, Pages 1-12

Brain size and cognitive ability: Correlations with age, sex, social class, and race
(Brain size is correlated with cognitive ability by about .44 using MRI. Women have smaller brain sizes than men.)
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review; Volume 3, Number 1, 21-36, DOI: 10.3758/BF03210739

Sex differences in intelligence and brain size: A paradox resolved
(Women have smaller brains than men. Women have lower IQs than men.)
Personality and Individual Differences; Volume 17, Issue 2, August 1994, Pages 257-271

>> No.3750611

Dumb men can't think of anything good to do so they aimlessly walk down the sidewalk to be met by your beautiful eyes.

>> No.3750612


Whether this is true or not, how does that have to do with what I asked? Also, it makes no sense as a response, precisely to what I asked. Try again.

>> No.3750613


>applying averages to individuals
>implying there is no overlap
>herpin while derpin

>> No.3750620

"guys", as far as I know, can refer to a group composed of males and females.

>> No.3750624
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I don't like your gender. That's how it's related.

>> No.3750627

You are only one, so we might as well disregard you. Thanks.

>> No.3750631


No I agree with him as well. Your gender is inferior and should be despised. It does nothing but bring men down. You are the bane of human existence.

>> No.3750637

Even if you were half the men on sci, assuming you're not samefagging, the majority does not agree.

>> No.3750643
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>mfw I am a male with a 98th percentile IQ, am universally considered good looking, and
>am gay

I am a bit shy though, so you've got me on that.

>> No.3750644


Despisal of women is pretty wide spread actually. Men only have relationships because they are programmed to desire sex. We would be better off with a realistic sex robot for every male.

>> No.3750645

Argumentum ad populum. It doesn't matter what the majority thinks. It has no bearing on the validity of an idea.

>> No.3750647


>> No.3750650

>You guys think we are hard to understand

women aren't hard to understand. we've had them figured out of centuries. don't be so arrogant.

>> No.3750652

That picture is totally, 100%, wrong. You are retarded.

Hey, I'm as misogynistic as anyone else on this board, but sexual arousal has nothing to do with rape in the sense you are referring to. Obviously a rapist would rather assault a slim woman than a land whale, but that is because he has an easier time. If you took 2 identical women, dressed one like a slut, and dressed the other in business attire, it would still be a 50/50 chance to guess who would be raped.

Sure, rapists say that "she was asking for it", but who would trust a rapist?

Anyway, while I recognize that OP is trolling, perhaps OP would benefit from living in a neighborhood that isn't composed of negroid retards and/or white trash cousinfuckin' rednecks.

>> No.3750654



Despisal of women is pretty wide spread actually. Men only have relationships because they are programmed to desire sex. We would be better off with a realistic sex robot for every male.

>> No.3750660


When women bend over to pray to Allah it makes me horny looking at all there asses pointed up. Makes me want to fuck them

>> No.3750663


she's right

>> No.3750667
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>asking /sci/ about how to get smart men

>> No.3750669

the quick answer is that average to mildly smart men vastly outnumber actual "smart" guys (over 120, just to be arbitrary).

In terms of numbers, depending on what study you use, what social group you're looking at, etc.; what we find is that smart people are just flat outnumbered by roughly 220 to 800 to 1.

The odds, as they say, are against you.

>> No.3750671

Yes they do. Most won't admit it, but the only reason men put up with you annoying cunts is because of the gash between your legs. That's all you and your idiotic gender are good for. Don't try to pretend you're worth anything more, enjoy what little use you have while it lasts, because as soon as full immersion virtual reality becomes available, we'll have no reason at all to put up with your shit.

Captcha related, it's what you'll be: ancient ragedoe

>> No.3750665

In that case, eliminate all women. See what happens to the human species.

>> No.3750672


Well, too bad your non-female-liking genes wont get passed down. =D

>You guys think we are hard to understand, but so are you
>You think we
>implying separation between genders

Full on derp.
Seriously, the only good that can ever come from admitting being a female on /sci/ is de-railing troll threads. Just let people assume what people assume.
I don't know how many times I have wanted to create a discussion with a group of intellectually inclined people about the science of menstruation. But I have not done so here, because I don't want my thread to immediately swerve off topic and devolve into a bunch of posts like >>3750605, cries of get back to the kitchen, whining about blood, etc.

Seriously, the advice to girls having problems meeting guys is the same as it is to guys having problems meeting girls.
Go outside.
Get involved in clubs/groups with interests that you share.
Don't treat the opposite sex as something mystical and nonsensical.
Don't assume that there is an overall trick to attraction with the opposite sex. Everyone has different tastes.

>> No.3750674

If you guys are so smart, why don't you invent a better gender?

>> No.3750682
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>yfw i'm 98th % of intelligence also
>probably an 8 on the 1-10 scale, looks wise
>no social issues, as long as i've had a few drinks (when i don't know the people)
>100% straight
>but i'm selfish and kind of a dick

>> No.3750681

one reason is that you are pretty. this causes pig disgusting guidos and morons to surround you (their only justification in life is to reproduce) and shut out the more tactful and strategic intelligent males.

>> No.3750679


If rapes were rarer in countries where women were forced to dress more modestly, then maybe.

In fact, we know that rape is based on many factors. As correctly noted, rape IS about sex almost all of the time. Dennis Reynolds is the essential rapist of this type. It's also present in stunted serial killer types, where it really is about power more than sex. And gang rape seems to be a kind of fucked up form of male bonding, so not really power or sex.

If all women dressed just like that, we'd just have Dennis Reynolds style rapists selecting for something else. And if our society blamed women for all rapes, as dumbfuckistan does, then we'd see far more Dennis Reynolds types, as we do.

tl;dr - in the west, where men and women are generally mature, responsible adults, steps can be taken to avoid rape. In dumbfuckistan, where men are blameless and women are objects, the steps that must be taken to avoid rape make life very difficult in other ways

>> No.3750685

*over 120 IQ (Stanford Binet)

>> No.3750696
File: 84 KB, 682x450, dealwithitcumdumpsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you guys are so smart, why don't you invent a better gender?

Protip: We are. It's in the works as we speak.

>> No.3750721

Define smart, smartass.

>> No.3750734

You have trouble because you actually like idiots, but our PC culture has made you ashamed of this preference.

>> No.3750735


ding ding this is the correct answer

>> No.3750739
File: 613 KB, 1024x640, Screen-shot-2010-10-05-at-3.09.37-PM1-1024x640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people mad because they can't understand women

>mfw the technical challenge of hacking into the brain of another human being, one that uses different architecture and operating systems, and that rewards you with fucks and cakes if you're successful, ISN'T THE MOST APPEALING THING YOU CAN THINK OF

>> No.3750756

I believe you're right. I'll keep this answer, thanks everybody.

>> No.3750785

If two smart people fuck and have a kid it'll have a huge, deformed head, massive autistic brain, develop PTSD in the womb, and shake all the time like a chihuahua. Truth.

>> No.3750940


Mfw then people don't intelligently; relative to you.

>> No.3750980

155 IQ, socially awkward as fuck.
Damn it.

>> No.3750989

Why are smart men shy? I do not know. I am shy. If you live near san fran and are cute, ~26, single, female, then you should date me.

>> No.3750996

Hi OP.
For what it's worth I last scored a 160 on the Stanford Binet, I have a BSc geology, I'm a Marine veteran, a multimillionaire, and I've dated something like 90 women. I'm social as fuck most of the time, and generally considered extremely cute.

on the downside I'm 40, married, have two kids, and I'm bipolar in ways most people couldn't tolerate. I'm also a bit of an asshole just because I know I can get away with it.

>> No.3750999

I'm smart and good looking.
Some girl smiled intensely at me, in that way and my heart got all fluttered but I just kept walking and didn't say anything. What should I do?

>> No.3751001
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>> No.3751020

>itt: nerds describing their over exaggerated mental image of themselves

>> No.3751030

Don't complain OP

Even if you can't find quality ones at least they are THERE!

Try being a male physics major.. By our terms, "smart females" are practically non-existent.

Then add in to the equation a factor of about 1/100 to figure out how many any of us would actually have a shot with and we are approaching the limit of zero here...

So you have it pretty good...

>> No.3751036

Smart men realize spend all their energy thinking and not...trying to find ways to get laid....?

>> No.3751055

you're looking for the top fraction of a percentage of males, of course they're hard to find. by definition 99% of people don't fall in the top 1% of whatever metric you use.

your failure to grasp this simple concept strongly indicates that a smart man would have little use for you if you found one.

>> No.3751059
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> Not good looking

Good looking kids have social lives, intelligent kids have books.

>> No.3751100
File: 5 KB, 220x165, question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is being shy unattractive to girls?

Shy people are more humble, more likely to admit when they've made a mistake. In lot's of cases the shyness is almost intentional as a sign of respect.
All good qualities for a scientist.

On the other hand, people who are very social, outgoing, and confident tend to be less likely to admit their errors. They tend to choose their words less carefully and sometimes come across in a bad way.

Really it's more logical to take on a shy attitude.

Also, I find people who talk less to be FAR more attractive.
I see a girl with a pretty face but honestly it's a turn off when they just talk and talk and laugh and smile way too much, they just seem fake.

shy girls are the best!!!

>> No.3751123

It feels great to have already found a smart attractive girl. Shes a Spec ed teacher, her heart is as big as her brain. i got so tired of dating Dumb women.
Seriously, why are women so dumb? Every time i hear girls talking or talk to them at a party they have nothing to say. Its all fashonable ideas or superficiality.

>> No.3751133

because women dont know what smart is,

they dont really want smar men, they just want some superficial douchebag who learned the name of a few constellations and points them out at parties.

Admit that you don't know what you want and we can begin to help you.

>> No.3751153

>shy girl
Enjoy your hand, fellow scientist permavirgin with no purpose.

>> No.3751174

I'm sorry... Permavirgin: maybe

but "without a purpose" I think not sir!!

There is no higher purpose than science. If you don't agree than you don't belong here, enjoy your ignorance.