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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3747714 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3747736



>> No.3747745


r u rebardet

>> No.3747752

>did not even solve problem

>> No.3747762

<span class="math">
\pm\sqrt {y^{2}}-b^{2}}+a = x_1,2

>> No.3747765

\pm\sqrt{y^{2}-b^{2}}+a = x_1,2

>> No.3747766

Sorry, I miss an a^2.

It's boring because it's a second degree ecuation. Use the regular shit to solve them

>> No.3747769

<span class="math">
\pm\sqrt{y^{2}-b^{2}}+a = x_1,2

>> No.3747772

<span class="math">
\pm\sqrt{y^{2}-b^{2}}+a = x_{1,2}

>> No.3747775

Let us note a few things (assuming we're dealing with reals)

clearly, y>=0, since we have the positive square root, and hence, y>=b, thus y^2>=b^2

Then y^2-b^2=(x-a)^2

then x=a+/-sqrt(y^2-b^2)

>> No.3747794


>> No.3747805 [DELETED] 
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>mfw when people put +/- infront of a root because they dont realise a root naturally have 2 results

>> No.3747812

but it doesn't you retard.

The square root function is defined to be the positive result.

Otherwise, it isn't even technically a function.

Learn to not be an idiot

>> No.3747814 [DELETED] 
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>mfw people don't put +/- in front of a root because they aren't aware it's a function and functions only return one value

>> No.3747818
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>> No.3747819 [DELETED] 


>Mfw you use symbols and facial expressions to communicate and think
>Mfw you dont deserve a face you autistic and elitistic idiot

>> No.3747825

The +/- it's courtesy

>> No.3747821

The square root symbol only refer to the non-negative root. People like to work with functions with real arguments and real values. If you want your functions to work on sets, I don't mind, it's helpful at least for the "converse" operation, but that's not what the sqrt symbol does.

>> No.3747837


No, a function can only return one value faggot.

A square root will never return a negative number, so you can't take the fucking negative root niglet.

>> No.3747843

This answer is the only answer to >>3747805 that is aware of the fact that a function can return several reals if it is a function from P(R) to P(R) (or from R to P(R)), where P(R) is the set of subsets of R. It is COMMON to do that, for instance when you define, for a function f from R to R, the function <span class="math">f^{-1}[/spoiler] from P(R) to P(R) such that <span class="math">x\in f^{-1}(S)\Leftrightarrow \exists y\in S;y=f(x)[/spoiler]

>> No.3747859

fuck off assburgers

the +/- is calculator friendly

>> No.3747873


nigga please stop mashing your keyboard you are not impressing anyone

>> No.3747877

I'm trying to educate, I don't care about anonymously impressing people. When I want to impress people, I try to use a recognizable identity.

>> No.3747898

a function can return more than one value. don't be confused with one-to-one function.

>> No.3747902

x = y-b+a

>> No.3747910

>definition of a function: an ordered triple of sets, written (X, Y, F), where X is the domain, Y is the codomain, and F is a set of ordered pairs (a, b). In each of the ordered pairs, the first element a is from the domain, the second element b is from the codomain, and a necessary condition is that every element in the domain is the first element in exactly one ordered pair.

>every element in the domain is the first element in exactly one ordered pair
>exactly one

>> No.3747916

kids today are just used to calculators and excel. They dont know fundamentals

>> No.3747937

Maybe you could answer my second question in this thread

>> No.3748002

Done: >>3747998

>> No.3748026

There are different wordings. What you define here, some people call "application" or "1 to 1 function". Some people call "applications" or "functions" the generalized case where you forget about the uniqueness of these pairs. Another possible path to functions with several values is to use 1 to 1 functions, keep the domain X, but change the codomain Y to the set of subsets of Y. You then obtain 1 to 1 functions that return, for each element of the domain, exactly 1 element, but that element is a set and can therefore contain several elements of Y.

>> No.3748099

Thank you so much you really helped

>> No.3750549
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>> No.3750583

He's just being a total assburger, I know what he's actually saying. He's saying that it's easy to construct a single valued function in set theory which can act, in a way, as a function which returns multiple values. You make the outputs of the function sets of values, instead of just single values, and that whole set is the output of the function.

In practice nobody does anything like this for analytic purposes, so that poster is 99% talking out his ass.