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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3746606 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw when you first realized God was an invention

>> No.3746624
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I never believed in God, it was an instant "this doesn't feel right". So It never was right.

So pic is of me flying through the bullcrap before it even started.

>> No.3746652

Lots of sleepless nights, fretting and confusion. I still remember the time when I seriously considered that idea for the first time and it was like the ground opened up and something I wasn't supposed to think was crawler out. This also coincided with my realization of my own existence and how it is insignificant.

Either way sage for not science. This is why we need a /phil/ board.

>> No.3746662

it is science

the whole "not science" thing is a religious deference mechanism.

>> No.3746670

It isn't the 16th century anymore dumb ass. Get over it. Science is completely different than it used to be.

>> No.3746680

Atheism is science.

>> No.3746698

You know what I noticed, that many people think that atheism is the alternative of religion. It is not, the alternative of religion is another religion. In the battle between the two, both took their weapons, and atheism wrongfully chose science as his distinctive weapon, as if the religious soldier was banned from it. The truth is that religion and science are compatible inside one's mind except from some controversial biological facts. Both the atheist and the religious are legitimated to pursue the quest for knowledge using science, for one, the goal is to understand the universe, for the other to understand God, which are equivalent in the long run

>> No.3746706
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The first time I realized god was bullshit, I got sent to some lame church camp in like 7th grade and I remember going to one of the church services that they had every night and listening to some lame christian rock band. Everyone started to stand up and wave their arms in the air (monkey see, monkey do) and one guy asked me as I was still sitting down, "anon, don't you feel Him?"

Nope, never did, never will.

>> No.3746712
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>> No.3746727

I don't think I made a face. I suppose I always expected it, maybe since I saw that the gifts my family gave me at christmas were believed by some to come from a Santa Claus.

It didn't prevent me to pray to god on occasions (when I needed luck for something) when I was a little older. I was thinking that it was something mature to do. Then I realized it was lame and I stopped.

>> No.3746949
