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[ERROR] No.3746555 [Reply] [Original]

You meet super intelligent aliens and they offer you wormhole technology.

Not only will this knowledge enable mankind to engage in inter-galactic exploration it will also make terraforming planets easy, create a virtually infinite amount of available ressources and of course make you rich and one of the most important and admired figues in the history of humanity.

But the aliens are jerks and will only give the technology to you when you first do nasty stuff.

Would you:

- eat feces for an entire day?
- violently rape innocent toddlers and kids?
- buy a 3DS?
- murder you parents?

>> No.3746557

>You meet super intelligent aliens
I rape them.
-Wait, were you saying something else?

>> No.3746561

This is stupid, the choice is pretty simple. Eat the feces.

>> No.3746576
File: 18 KB, 379x214, 1275766732020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was planning on killing my parents anyway.

>> No.3746583
File: 59 KB, 687x373, 1304661322844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't do the first, but I would do..
2 Eh if I have to. Id rather be gentle.
3 Yes
4 Why not?

>> No.3746592
File: 8 KB, 138x181, wtfbbq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sick bastard.

>> No.3746596

that is one buy argument for a 3ds. but the only one that might convince me.

>> No.3746597

>- eat feces for an entire day?
Well, I'll probably be violently sick, but it's for humanity.
>- violently rape innocent toddlers and kids?
It's a terrible thing to do, but if it's the only way to save the human race from dying on this rock...
>- buy a 3DS?

>> No.3746610

I'm not going to dance to the tune of depraved xenomorphic scum. Humanity can find that shit out on our own and frankly if we can't then that means we were retarded from day one.

>> No.3746612

Not sure I could keep shit down. So no on 1
2 well they gotta learn someday
3 NO sick bastard
4 They drugged me, of course ill kill them

>> No.3746622

1. ok fine
2. I might even enjoy it
3. NO
4. Payback for mutilating my penis and cutting my foreskin without my consent.

>> No.3746626

I am a father. Im not sure I would consent to anything other then eating my own shit. Itll be a new experience... Ill give it that much

>> No.3746642

Can I take all? Or do I have to pick 1?

>> No.3746650

Buy a 3DS. Even if I won't play it.

What a fucking stupid question. OP should kill himself.

>> No.3746666

-eat feces for an entire day?
>Maybe, but slowly

- violently rape innocent toddlers and kids?
>Kids, yes, toddlers, yes but I'd hate it

- buy a 3DS?

- murder you parents?

>> No.3746668

>virtually infinite resources
>rich and wealthy

fucking free market - how does it works?

>> No.3746669
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Trick questions, the aliens are testing our morality to see if we are ready to enter the Galactic Federation.

>> No.3746671
File: 7 KB, 214x236, Hipster faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying a sexual relationship between a grown man and child is in any way damaging and the laws in place are arbitrary and based on false morality.